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A FREE MAN | o, joining - Printable Version

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A FREE MAN | o, joining - COSMIIX - 03-22-2018


That's all he recalled was that he had went unconscious and he was caked in mud, he glanced up with his head slowly rising to survey his surroundings unsure of where he was to begin with and it made him absolutely frustrated. The place smelled of shit and his nose wrinkled with absolute distaste as the tiger rose to his shaky paws with his curved ears angling back in a bit of frustration. The mud covered big cat would shake himself off with a huff escaping his slightly parted jaws beginning to wonder if his mistress or his sister, Hestia, was around for him to actually follow. The piebald tiger sauntered out of the territory occasionally lifting his hind legs up to shake off any of the access mud only to mutter bitterly under his breath "Stinkin' shithole." His mistress would have corrected him for such language but she wasn't around to keep him from using such vulgarities and well, if he wanted to then he could tell everyone that they could fuck off yet he decided against it. He snorted as he reached the end of the territory's border seeing a toad with porcupine-like quills and he'd flick his ears back as he gritted his teeth to growl "What are ya lookin' at, fugly?" The toad seemed to just stare at him only to let out a shrill scream when the cub would dart after it, Vasil pinned it underneath his large paws not caring if the quills started prodding at the already raw flesh of his pawpads "Bugger off." He finally scowled letting the toad escape and hop away like a cowardly dog with its tail tucked between it's legs, he shook his head causing the chains around his throat to rattle a bit.

"Freakish damn frog."

His nose twitched smelling a water source nearby did his steps take him further along only to find himself faced with a vast territory, it sent chills down his spine as he stumbled towards the border and wrinkling his nose at the strong scent of urine that he supposed was the marker of where he shouldn't pass. He supposed that he'd be a good little boy and not cross the border so he wouldn't get in any trouble, he was hungry, thirsty, and pissed off at the world. He used to be something more but now he was a lousy cub, he just hoped the same had occurred to Hestia since he didn't think he'd be able to bare it if he was the punier one. The five month old's ears pinned against his head as he wore the grumpiest expression a child could muster before finally saying with a soft sigh escaping his maw "Anybody home?" This was much better than any dirty, stinky swamp was what he decided and well, once he was accepted or whatnot then he'd definitely take a well deserved bath. He was certain that the damn toad had peed on him out of pure fear. He inwardly winced thinking of that and muttered something in a different language shaking his head lightly.


Re: A FREE MAN | o, joining - georgie - 03-24-2018

[color=#d4af37]Aw, a baby...” Georgie crooned in a tone that was dripping in adoration. She had been out and about - no real reason for it besides curiosity about the land, frankly - when the scent of a newcomer had enticed her to draw near. And what a cute little baby newcomer he was, at that! Granted, it appeared as though everything was cute to Georgie, so this wasn’t anything new.

[color=#d4af37]Didja lose your mommy, little man? You’re in the Typhoon now, do you need a place to rest your precious wittle head?” Boy was she laying it on thick. She knew it, too. All the babbling and cooing was punctuated by a cool, knowing look that contrasted with how gooey the serval seemed to have gotten over a baby kitty. “[color=#d4af37]Lookit you though you’re so sweet I could just eat you up!” Georgie squealed.

Re: A FREE MAN | o, joining - COSMIIX - 03-24-2018

He hadn't been expecting for someone to arrive but he was happy that there was although, that happiness immediately died once the servalline decided to talk to him like he was some damn baby. Sure, he was five months old but he was the size of a medium dog though his curved ears seemed to angle themselves backwards as he stared at Geogie with an annoyed lash of his stumpy tail. Baby. Little man. Precious wittle head. It was irritating him slowly but he found his face growing warm with embarrassment already imagining Hestia laughing at him because he was being treated like some sort of helpless infant, ugh, he wanted to scream in frustration but decided to keep his calm. The tiger twitched his whiskers blushing even more at the last bit that Georgie seemed to squeal out and he finally blurted out "Y-YES PLEASE!" He wished he had something to hide behind like the mistress' cloak but he had none of that just chains. Ugh. His whiskers twitched once more as he added in a soft huff "I'm. . . Vasilios."


Re: A FREE MAN | o, joining - Guru - 03-25-2018

Oh lord. What was this ruckus? She did not hear the previous slurs, but she did her the small male's scream, which initially caught her attention and caused the female to wander over. In the end, she showed up. Guru strolled over with her small tail swaying to and fro to show her particular interest in the situation presented before them. It seemed had Georgie had already beat her to the stranger. "Well, well, look what the Georgie dragged in," she teased with a small smile that spread across her muzzle. "It's quite the pleasure to have you, Vailios. Welcome to the Typhoon." Their territory was a beauty, really. The members too. One in particular, but they didn't need to know about her meddling affairs.

"Well, moving onto mwah." A paw lightly moved across her chest dramatically and her eyes closed with a flutter beforehand. "My name is Guru, dear." Her eyes reopened as she said that. Afterwards, a sigh left her. All this focus on others was rather tiring.

Re: A FREE MAN | o, joining - georgie - 03-25-2018

[color=#d4af37]Vasilios? about Silly?” She asked, tipping her head to one side. Georgie let out a sharp gasp as Guru approached, shuffling her feet eagerly. “[color=#d4af37]Guru! Hello! Isn’t he so sweet? He looks like a sunset.”’She fawned, looking at Vasilios as if he had come from her own womb.

Definitely laying it on thick.

[color=#d4af37]Well sweetpea, I’m Georgie, and you can rest here as long as you like. Everyone here is very nice. Are you hungry?

Re: A FREE MAN | o, joining - PINCHER - 03-28-2018

the devil's backbone
kids. goddamn kids. though he was not a full year yet, he was close enough to have the small prick of irritation when he saw kids. others usually fawned over the little whiny shitheads but not pincher. the captain wanted only members that were not going to waste his resources and his time. he knew that there would always be the future generation to worry but the male did not have any time or ability to take care of the youth that were just going to do nothing. so when he heard all the commotion that only an "adorable" child would be able to create, the scarred doberman followed in shortly after guru, following her scent and gently brushing against her before stepping aside to inspect the brightly colored wildcat that appeared to call himself "vasilios". well at least he had a good cool name, something that pincher tended to enjoy because there was no way he would enjoy meeting someone named "gary" or some shit like that. he let out a small snort escape his jaws as the broad shouldered dog took a step forward to eye the weird color that slightly tainted one of the piebald tiger's front paws. "alright kid, i suppose you're in the typhoon. do you know who we are or is this some shit in the dark for you?" was this kid just jumping into a group full of complete strangers that could possibly be a threat. they were pirates after all, not pacifists. and though pincher knew how to keep order between such dynamic members of the nautical mile and the voodoo house, pinch was not able to be everywhere at once. if the kid did a wrong move on the wrong crewmates, there was no telling what would happen.