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THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - Printable Version

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THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - MARKO ! - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — tick. just moments away from the sun dipping entirely under the horizon. tick. marko lifted a gloved hand to his face, anticipating the moment he could leave the minimart and get on with the party that was san creado at night. tick. the clock seemed to be elongating time, something that marko couldn't attribute to his own eagerness or to the clock itself failing. tick. the sun was only a sliver of light peaking out over the hills. tick. he moved a hand to the doorknob. tick. any remaining fraction of the sun disappeared from view.

marko pushed open the door, taking a long breath of the fresh air as he hopped on his motorcycle—stripped down to the frame—and drove off to the boardwalk to have some fun. sure, he was leader of the general populus, undead or not, but that didn't mean he was any better than the rest of them. okay, maybe he was, but that wasn't the point. the real point was that he enjoyed the boardwalk, the area it gave him to ride his bike without anyone stopping him, the salty air, everything. maybe it was the community he loved more, the small crowds of those just as supernatural as him.

he parked his bike just outside of the rollercoaster, a wish drifting through his head over whether or not it'd be possible to fix the thing up and make it work. it didn't last long, though, his focus moving to pulling his helmet off and deciding what the best way to climb up the thing would be. still, it was rather easy to scale it, and within only a few minutes he'd reached the highest hump. he sat himself down, brushing off his patch-covered jacket as he did so.

it was a brilliant view of the waterfront, sparse lights from still-standing buildings. he could see people walking around the boardwalk, likely having only just gotten up. "hey, boys!!" he hollered as loudly as he possibly could, a laugh bubbling up around his words. "wonderful night today, ain't it!?"

hopefully that would grab just enough attention from the locals, his locals, that he'd get to have a nice little conversation. or something. he forced himself to not question why he just scaled the coaster, seeing as there was literally no reason as to why he did so.

//yeah, the rebuild stuff isnt done yet, but i got too much muse to not rp :0 feel free to just jump in!!

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - Character Graveyard. - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kallisto was a night-owl. She was often only seen out at night- though she went out during the day as well. She had been sitting at the boardwalk, watching the sun disappear beyond the distant horizon. It was a beautiful sight indeed. She was wearing a long, black gown that revealed one of her legs and both of her shoulders were revealed and she was wearing heels. She had been talking to a few NPCs before her attention had been caught by Marko. She would offer a small grin in the Underboss's direction before she decided to head in his direction.

She wasn't a mutant or supernatural being like most of the group. Instead- she had two horns that rose out from the top of her head and large, feathery black wings. Kal had a strong liking for her mutations, though her wings did happen to irk her sometimes.

Blue eyes would blink as Kallisto let both of her wings outstretch and she flapped them, lifting her skinny-body into the air. She would let out a soft-chuckle and fly over to Marko, a smile replacing the grin on her delicate facial features. "Hello, sir." She would said, her tone formal.

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - EZRA! - 07-12-2018

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - Rialto - 07-13-2018

The border between night and day for most was imperceptible; there was one or there was the other. Nothing could precisely measure at what degree the sky would be deemed exactly in between, nor was it immediately recognisable when one span ended and the other began, because time was nothing more than a nasty human construct that happened to estimate peak adrenaline hours quite well. As it happened, when it came to counting the seconds for when he mustered up the strength to stretch his legs out of his carriage, when it would be unquestionably, thoroughly night - he didn't do maths that required more than his fingers, but - Rialto could be crowned king.

The vampire kicked open the door of his low-hanging Ferris wheel carriage with a BANG, still lying down, and swung his legs out of the door, right on the dot and yet entire form sloppy beyond utter imagination. Good spooky vampire. Fantastically composed, heartless vampire. Legend has it he has the capacity to hibernate for up to a week, and not in the same worrying way that summoned visits to Ezra's doorstep. His mouth opened so wide with his yawn there was an audible click as he dragged himself up to stand, hand braced on the side of icy metal, and in the middle of it he vaguely processed the building hum of ambient sound as others around the town rose in much the same manner, a distant crescendo of murmurs, buzzes, hums, a little voice resounding from - oh, he knew that one.

"I've had better," Rialto demurred, strolling up to the foot of the roller coaster and disagreeing just to disagree with one of the laziest, perhaps most awe-inspiringly irritating smiles of all time. Adding insult to injury was his not even bothering to raise his voice, dropping an elbow on Ezra's shoulder to hold his weight without a moment's hesitation. He had a knack for it. (You know, annoying people.) Years and years of training; at this point it was almost an art form. Rialto waved to catch Marko's attention, craning his neck up and running pleasantly disenchanted eyes up at the two figures. Pretty bird girl was there, too. "Get down here and give me a leg up, heathen."

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - CATHERYN - 07-13-2018

In order to will away the hours of dusk, that meager time between day and night, where evening reigned and the sky shone with pink and yellow hues, Catheryn had been, rather uncharacteristically, taking a nap. She doesn't usually have a problem with waiting, patience comes easily to her, after so many years of watching everything go by while she'd remained, blessedly (or, rather the opposite, considering everything) unchanging in the face of a world that seemed desperate to leave her behind. Mortals stay the same, this she's always known, but there are always those who strive to be better, to be more than they are. She finds them interesting, if not to talk to, then at least to observe.

As it is, she's stretching up into a yawn when she vacates one of the other carriages, located a little higher than the one Rialto had chosen to camp out in. Catheryn vaults herself toward the ground smoothly, landing with her knees bent to absorb the sudden impact before glancing around the boardwalk in an attempt to locate the voices that had disturbed her from her rest. Vampires don't really sleep, they have no need to, though Catheryn usually lets herself fall into a dormant mode when she has nothing else to do, to conserve energy, if nothing else.

She steps silently forward, appearing suddenly at Rialto's side as if she'd been there the entire time and lifting her head to survey Marko at the top of the roller-coaster, accompanied by a familiar winged figure. Not even ten minutes into the night and already the shenanigans have ensued, not that Catheryn had expected anything less, what with the people she constantly finds herself in the company of. "You're going to break something," she intones, blue gaze sliding over to stare at Rialto. At least Ezra is here, he seems a good deal more logical than other two boys. Catheryn doesn't really understand him, but she does respect the dedication he shows towards his plants. She values loyalty, of course, above all else.

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - MARKO ! - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko grinned, seeing all of his friends around. he loved them all, frankly, and couldn't help but feel a familiar rush of happiness upon having their attention. raising a hand into a nearly salute-like wave, he yelled a rather simple, "hi!!" at the three below. rialto and cat were being their usual selves, either an apathetic breed of lazy or an apathetic breed of concern, and while he loved them to death (hah), their usual comments were incredibly easy for him to ignore.

he wasn't about to help rialto climb up a rollercoaster where one could practically walk up the track to the peak, although marko happened to not take such an easy route in favor of properly climbing up it, and he wasn't about to give into a rather baseless warning. sure, he'd certainly fallen off the coaster before, but that was a rather rare occurrence, and the worst he'd ever gotten was a twisted ankle, not even sprained. maybe that was luck, but he highly doubted that. as for ezra? well, ezra was a bit more normal, so he didn't have any qualms. not like the guy even really did much that marko could find particularly to ignore, seeing as a "hi" was all that was really said. and, besides, marko did reply, so that was good. or... something.

it was nice to see them all, but that really wasn't his focus, seeing as there was a certain someone who perched right next to him to say hi.

the problem with himself, really, was that he was much too soft to keep up with how edgy san creado tried to portray themselves; at least, the supernatural portion of the population. sure, his leather jacket was covered in so many patches that he couldn't even zip it up, he had a whole biker look to him, but he wasn't the tough dude that one might think of upon seeing someone who was, well, a biker.

feeling nearly intimidated by the serious tone of her voice, marko couldn't help but chuckle slightly (er, slightly chuckling for him meant nearly uncontrollable laughter for just about everyone else). "hey, kal!" he said, fidgeting in place. as comfortable as he was around people, he wasn't necessarily good at being around... person. if that made sense. "i was thinkin' about this bad boy's fusebox," he said, patting the coaster with a hand. "wanna get this thing working again, y'know?"

he really did want that, seeing as there was still at least one train-car around, and at least a few decent engineers (be they npc's or not) that could probably fix it. besides, even marko could help out with repairing the rickety thing as a whole.

maybe he just wanted some better thrillseeking that climbing on things.

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - Character Graveyard. - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Unlike the others, Kallisto had been up since the first rays from the sun kissed the Earth's ground- despite being a night owl. She could be a very serious woman at times, but she was loyal to everyone in San Credo, even if she didn't know anyone on a personal level yet. The winged woman would turn her attention to those who just arrived, greeting them with a smile. She recognized Erza and Rialto but she hadn't noticed Catheryn around that much.

Oops. Did she happen to startle Marko with her rather-serious tone? Kallisto would offer him a apologetic smile before she heard his sentence about the roller coaster. Sounded fun, to be honest. The skinny-woman would nod her head and spoke. "That sounds nice. Perhaps I can help with that?"

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - XENIA - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 70%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"] For a creature that doesn't benefit much from sleeping, she's awfully tired. Completely beat. Even more exhausted than she ever was before she was turned. She could use a death sleep right now, but, y'know....yeah. It's hard to get some rest when all you can think about is your insatiable thirst for blood. Having tens of thousands of dollars worth of stolen artifacts in your basement ("weaponry") doesn't really help either.

So yeah, she's got some yucky stuff on her plate, but that won't stop her from having a good time with her friends! Maybe.

Equipped with two daggers at her waist and probably many more in other places, the vampiric woman seemingly appears. She dresses in dark, lightweight clothing (other than the long, thick overcoat she wears to not only conceal more daggers but also to keep warm) on this particular night, which isn't out of the ordinary. No more preppy pantsuits for this ex-curator. She needs something quiet. Swift. Something conducive to activities such as hunting humans to feast off of. When you don't trust blood from any source but the vein, it can get a little rough.

"Is this what we're doing now?" she questions the group, finding a sturdy place at the base of the coaster to plant her heeled boot and pulling her way up one step at a time. "Humans could be watching us." Everything about her reeks of suspicion. The woman is a cautious tactician whose eyes flit around the ground now so far below and scan the skyline with urgency. Her voice is cold and scratchy (the thick coat also conceals a bag of cherry coughdrops) and her tone is equally unfriendly. She speaks as if she's been dead for a thousand years, not just five. "I don't like it."

Her name is Xenia, and she wasn't always like this. Not everyone is born edgy. Some just grow into it; others have scars on their necks.

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - Rialto - 07-17-2018

"If something's going to break, it's because the roller coaster smells betrayal." Rialto didn't even blink at Marko's casual disregard, returning his salute with all the gravity of a soldier trudging to the front lines and as though he hadn't sniped him with all his cynical verbal might. He wouldn't die upon climbing the roller coaster by himself, at least not on the head of his own ability to ascend its crooked slope. Rather, if he was going to die, it would probably because flip flops had bad friction, and the world laughed at people trying to climb broken roller coasters while wearing flip flops.

Oh, Cat and dramatic entrances. She probably didn't even mean to do it. That sly dog.

Rialto only rolled his head to appraise their favourite headhunter, elbow otherwise totally motionless on Ezra's shoulder; a perch nice and stiff, just ripe for hanging off. "Precisely," he agreed, "it's good target practise." Which, if Marko was the garnish to their supernatural salad, would end up being the opposite of pretty, because Marko being sniped by any means physical (allowing his own intangible snipery) would consequently be - as the mortals said - wack. His toppling off the roller coaster? Wack. The crumbling stones of his leadership as the town rioted in uncoordinated anarchy? Wack. Keeping Marko alive? Tight. As fuck.

He cupped his mouth to be better heard and fairly yodelled, "Large child, please alight from the roller coaster. If you want spare parts, I can dismantle my phone-sized toolbox, but it'll cost you."

Re: THUNDERSTRUCK ;; open, san creado - CATHERYN - 07-19-2018

Things break very often in San Creado, whether it's an aftereffect of the tsunami that had swept through, or the fact that its citizens just leave things already dilapidated things to rot even further, Catheryn wouldn't be surprised if the roller-coaster just broke underneath Marko, effectively sending him plummeting to, not his death, but at least some sort of serious injury. Contrary to popular belief, this is not something that Catheryn wants, so she figures fixing up the old death-trap isn't that bad an idea.

"It can also sense the rate at which you are annoying me, and that is steadily increasing," she says to Rialto, almost as a throwaway sentence, something she doesn't really mean but says anyway because she's used to it by now. He isn't wrong, Marko is truly a large child, though Catheryn would've used a different phrase to describe their youngest vampire, but the sentiment is carried across well enough. Large child, indeed.

She crosses her arms, canting her head to the side and leans back to observe the large, rusty metal structure. It'll surely take some time, even to make sure it's safe to sit on, much less get the cars up and working again. Though, Catheryn supposes, they don't really have much else to do here, except stomp around and be annoying, as everyone she knows is wont to do. "Don't pay him," she calls up to Marko, sounding almost bored, "we can just knock down an old building and use the scrap."