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thoughts on tangle?? - Printable Version

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thoughts on tangle?? - tricky - 07-12-2018

    phew alright, recently tanglewood has been in a bit of an activity slump, and since i love the swamp family to death, i wanted to ask what i could do to improve the clan. like, what are your honest opinions, whats wrong with everything, what would attract people to join, and how i can try to fix it, those types of things. mostly im just concerned about raising activity, but anything would be helpful to me!! ive just been somewhat concerned and insecure about tangle's reputation for a while, and now im asking for outside help :'')

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - astre - 07-12-2018

Personally, Tricks, I think Tanglewood is just fine. You've done a fantastic job with world building and setting up the atmosphere for the clan. I don't think the clan itself has any troubles, I just think it's been kind of slow lately in terms of finding muse. Surely it'll pick back up again, but many of us — including myself — have become really busy lately and just come home really tired without much to write about. I'd love to start posting again soon.

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - madster - 07-13-2018

on mobile so excuse typos

I think tangles main issue is it’s not really... unique I guess? it’s a warbound but doesn’t really interact with other clans that much and doesn’t have much to make it stand out from the other clans

additionally I think biweekly meetings slow the clan down as a lot of people look forward to meetings and theres not a lot of opportunity for promotion

there should also be more events there’s not really a lot going on so that probably contributes to the slowness

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - MysteriouslyMaple - 07-13-2018

Definitely agreeing with Madster about the warbound group thing. I think it’d be pretty interesting if Tanglewood started something with The Typhoon or Snowbound.

In addition to the biweekly meetings, seeing Beck around more often would be cool, too. I believe you’re in band camp right now, but maybe once that’s done/whenever you had more time, maybe bring Beck around a lot more. He’s the leader of the place and I barely know anything about him.

Other than those two things, I think Tanglewood is a great place to be! It’s actually one of my favorites just because of how close everyone is with each other ICly.

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - rakue - 07-14-2018

i find the ooc community to be daunting to hop in to, the discord even more so, and with it having turned into the heart of tanglewood's ooc community, it can be difficult to integrate. the ic community is also extremely close knit, but i'd say theyre actually pretty welcoming!

weekly meetings instead of biweekly would also be a huge bonus! it helps pick things up and give members more to look forward to, it honestly does help with activity

i'd also like to see more plots! you guys had considered the possibility of a drought plot not too long ago, right? i think that'd be a great way to kick off a more "minor" event since most of tanglewood's water is toxic anyways and with the drinkable stuff gone, they'd have to interact with other clans more - possibly warring over water sources at a border or smth to give more merit to the warbound thing like madster was saying?

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - Orion - 07-14-2018

I, for one, have only been within Tanglewood once! Even so, it was with a meme character for April Fools day that went way too far(Dog). So, I have very little opinion besides what I have seen outside of the clan and during my little experience with Dog.

I'm going to agree with Susitna. More frequent meetings, a welcoming OOC community with less cliques, and interesting plots will help out the clan a ton. Also, at the mention of the drought plot, I say go for it! <3 That'd be absolutely amazing imo.

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - tricky - 07-14-2018

well i set up an event last night that's getting no replies that, as time goes on, should stir things up with the other clans, and i plan on starting weekly meetings today (and i'm sorry i'm not around enough aaaa)

regarding the drought plot,,,,, it kinda was shut down due to logic,,, but if the majority wants it, then we can still roll with it, but after this first event finishes

as for the ooc clique, i've spoken to my hps about it, and we agree that one would feel excluded because they don't actively talk or participate, basically excluding themselves. i know i try my darndest to include everyone, but if people feel that way, then i'll just try harder. but you can't expect to just be invited to a conversation, you gotta put yourself out there. "a two way street" as one of them put it.

thank y'all for your feedback tho!! i hope all this works hhh

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - rakue - 07-14-2018

snowbound also has an issue with events not getting replies. honestly, that's not tanglewood exclusive, and i wouldn't fret about it too much compared to the other things. the best thing to do is make the events engaging and let the community know the importance of actually participating in them. they'll pick up steam as they draw newer members in, as well

mind me asking what logic? heavy rain wouldn't work, as it could be polluted from the toxic materials being more exposed due to the drought and gathering in clouds, similar to acid rain. tanglewood's swamp is saltwater, correct? so no freshwater to be had there. and water elementals wouldn't be able to water an entire group, especially without a source of clean water to take from - it can also just be roleplayed around, if someone wants to be a spoilsport about it then they should step back and let the rest of the community have fun with the concept. nobody has to participate in that event, or any event, if they don't want to

as for cliques and exclusiveness, you can't blame people feeling unwelcomed/unwanted/chased out of a group on the people themselves- especially if it's a complaint that comes up from more than one or two people. members should never have to go out of their way to feel like they fit in. honestly, tricky, you put in a lot of effort welcoming people into tanglewood and you do a really good job of that! your community does not match that work and that is inevitably what ends up making the community as a whole feel unwelcoming. there shouldn't be a need to "invite" people to talk, correct, but even a simple ping and a welcome go a long way in making someone feel at home instead of the feeling they're invading. a lot of people first look at the ooc community on site to gauge a community, and tanglewood's chat thread or even ooc board as a whole isn't lively. i think breathing life into that would help open the community up instead of relying solely on discord for ooc communication.

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - tricky - 07-14-2018

i'll be sure to do that then

most of tangle is freshwater, but a small portion is in fact an estuary drought plot is back on then, once lunar festival burns over

well we were already planning on setting up multiple icebreakers for the ooc board, but i don't know how to detach discord from it considering the entirety of bob runs on it. although, in the server, i've created an introduction channel and double main chats for people to jump into, and next newcomer we get, they're gonna get a big ol welcome. i assume some have the server muted tho,,,, and most ooc boards are dead tho from what i've seen. maybe i can set up a plot thread and revive the chats

one concern that keeps bugging me though is if people will actually participate in these efforts, but i'm just a worrywort

Re: thoughts on tangle?? - Orion - 07-14-2018

(07-14-2018, 04:13 PM)susitna link Wrote: as for cliques and exclusiveness, you can't blame people feeling unwelcomed/unwanted/chased out of a group on the people themselves- especially if it's a complaint that comes up from more than one or two people. members should never have to go out of their way to feel like they fit in. honestly, tricky, you put in a lot of effort welcoming people into tanglewood and you do a really good job of that! your community does not match that work and that is inevitably what ends up making the community as a whole feel unwelcoming. there shouldn't be a need to "invite" people to talk, correct, but even a simple ping and a welcome go a long way in making someone feel at home instead of the feeling they're invading. a lot of people first look at the ooc community on site to gauge a community, and tanglewood's chat thread or even ooc board as a whole isn't lively. i think breathing life into that would help open the community up instead of relying solely on discord for ooc communication.