Beasts of Beyond
I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - Printable Version

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I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 07-12-2018

Fate had stranded him upon an island, gripping onto a piece of long driftwood as if his life depended on it (truthfully, without it he probably would've been whale food) and sending him ashore a tropical 'paradise'. The feline's black fur seemed to stick to his legs like plaster from the sodden treatment he'd got from the ocean, and for the first time in a while he realised that he was free. Claws sunk into the rotting wood, refusing to dislodge themselves from the rotting thing even as the tide pushed his accidental ship onto the shore, breathing in a breath of fresh air. At least, it should've been fresh. A smile formed upon a rounded face as he shut his eyes in a near-silent gag, the scent of the sea still sending a rancid aroma up his nostrils. Cats and water were like elephants and mice, fear may not have been a factor anymore in his disapproval, but it didn't mean that he had to tolerate water as if it were his equal.

Feeling the driftwood move again, O'Riley quickly hopped off before he became a castaway again, an outstretched hindleg working together with the H2O's force to get his boat back into the sea for some other poor soul to use. Several questions could be asked. What was he doing on that thing? Why did he send it away? Who was he? What was with that confident glare and smirk filled with youthful attitude? Answers best left unknown unless he wanted to shout his motives out to the jungle's wonderful critters, the feline would walk several steps deeper into foreign lands, settling down in a place where soaked legs did not have to fear getting even more damp. "I hate to be a bother and all, but I'm wetter than a fish and I need a place to stay!". Nevermind, perhaps he was going to shout his motives to the jungle's critters. Lions, tigers bears, they were bound to come running at the sound of lost prey but Riley trusted his talking powers too much to be coy.

"Name's O'Riley. It's the Typhoon isn't it? Got room for another free-spirit?" he called, voice masqueraded with innocence. Goodness he must've looked like a fucking monkey spilling his beans out to the trees. Perhaps they'd get a kick out of it, whisper his name in the winds and give him mystical powers. Or, more likely, days of paddling like a chump had sent his brain in circles. The numb ache in the feline's limbs were worth it, he had a chance now to survive away from the vicious mainlands. Sitting down, drawing crude patterns in the sand with a dripping tail, O'Riley would await his audience with baited breath.

Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - SOLVEIG - 07-12-2018

Well, O'Riley was not the first, nor the last soul to wash up on the idle sands of the Typhoon, no more drawn to it than the tide that seemed to carry so many lost souls together, like the beach and island itself was some sort of beacon. Even herself had been carried on that same tide, though she had not been so lucky as O'Riley to have a boat to carry him to safety- even if said boat was no more than a trust piece of driftwood. Her shoulder had paid the price, still bandaged, though healing under the care of the Typhoon and the supplies that they had that she could use.

Regardless of the common nature of the tide to drag people in, it was seldom, at least in Solveig's time, that they knew exactly where they were and wanted to join. Truly, had this creature tried to make it to the Typhoon on an actual boat and simply befell a terrible fate on the way there, yet got so lucky enough as to be carried in the tide anyway? In any case, the call of O'Riley and his energetic nature sent Solveig stepping carefully across the territory, the pale snowshoe's steps careful and drifting, near silent against the ground as she made her way forth. She held herself tall, despite the faint limp in her step from her shoulder, as she carried herself to survey O'Riely momentarily from a brief distance, her violet gaze flickering over his form, taking in each little detail of his person as quickly as a glance.

"I see another has been washed up in the tide," Solveig contemplated, though her voice did not come from her lips, instead cast by her mind and her telepathic link, soft and honey-sweet as her words drifted towards O'Riley. Only then did she step out from her cover carefully and step slowly, paw by paw to be in front of the soaking-wet creature in front of her. Her violet eyes traced over his form still, a soft smile dancing across her face as she slowly gathered her paws beneath her to sit, every action careful, and distinctly beautiful in their own way. "Greetings, mister O'Riley. I am known as Solveig here. The Typhoon welcomes many, so long as you have no malicious intent... Though I am curious as to just how and why you ended up here, sir..." Her smile rose a little higher, innocent. "Perhaps you would indulge me...?"


Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 07-13-2018

The sight of a figure in the distance caused him to straighten his neck, as if being approached by some sort of formal figure or leader. Several blinks later and it became clear that his emerald eyes were acting studious, watching the feline's movements for any signs of aggression or weakness. A slight limp sent his gaze downwards momentarily, but upon realising that the fellow feline was of the opposite gender, he ceased watching her as keenly, not wanting his caution and curiosity to be mistaken for anything more. Ease could come from a loyalist in his bed and backpocket, but with no knowledge of the creatures that inhabited his lands, he didn't want to stretch his resources and attach to somebody who may not have been worth the time. A smirk appeared on a white tipped maw, though it was an expression that carried no malice, for there was nothing inherently vexing about the snowshoe that approached him so smoothly.

A telepathic voice caused his ears to flick, holding back a curse or two from surprise as someone was so easily able to enter his head. He'd have to be so, so careful of that. If thoughts seeped out into the open world, and emotions chose to flood the environment, then O'Riley would have some explaining to do. Smirk growing static as he tried not to let his concern show, the tuxedo tom would continue. "No malicious intent from me ma'am, I just wanna be a pirate,". Believing that 15 months was young enough to make such aspirations seem cute, O'Riley would dip his cranium in a mock bow, invisible eyebrows flashing as she asked him of his journey and intentions. So many things could be said, so many half-truths and jaded comments about passion and loyalty and whatever other drivel joiners spouted. Truthfully? He didn't know what made him chose this place over others.

Was it the trees? The liberties? A random gesture? Only the male knew for sure, and he wasn't so keen on sharing all of the gossip with a stranger, no matter how laidback she seemed. One moment they were your friend, the next, there was a knife digging into your kidneys and a chaotic laugh ringing in your ears. O'Riley didn't want to take the chance, at least not until he had settled down. "I'm not an animal with powers. I can't fly, I can't transform, I'm just a regular old cat. I figured out that certain things float on water, so I decided to go on a journey away from my boring life as a loner to fight for a cause. I like the Typhoon's, so I figured you guys were the best ones to reach,". Saying so much without saying nothing, after a brief moment of silence he let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm sorry it's nothing special, but I didn't want to lie to you. Don't suppose you can tell me a bit more about the group, can you?". Feeling more comfortable with the dialogue moving away from himself, O'Riley would await an answer patiently.

Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-13-2018

Caesar happened to come upon the scene as O'Riley rambled on about how he didn't have powers, and the demon let out a snort as he halted beside Solveig. "So what you don't have powers?" He asked, his tone harsh. "That doesn't mean anything." Hell, when he first came to Earth, he was powerless as well. Difference between he and O'Riley, though, was that he had powers, they were just stripped from him currently. He only just recently got the ability to control fire again. "What's there to say about us other than we're a bunch of pirates?" Caesar shrugged. "That's just who we are: a bunch of pirates. Though a lot of our shit was taken away by the tsunami that recently happened." They were just now returning to camp. It sucked living away from camp and being so damn close to the others, so he was definitely ready to get back to his own quarters in the ship. "I take it you're joining then, right? Name's Officer Caesar Cipher." The demon decided to introduce himself after a pause, his tail tip flicking.

Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 07-13-2018

His gaze whipped around like a rocket as a more impatient voice cursed his eyes, nostrils flared and a 'hmph' of feigned amusement emerging between a closed maw. Someone was touchy, he'd have to watch out for that, he was a lover after all, not a fighter. "Take it easy friend, never said I wanted it to mean anything," his voice was sent more higher pitched with surprise and innocence, though impatience began to show on a settled frown. His ancestors were fighters, fighting ran through his blood and though he tried to avoid it there was no shying away from instincts. The tension in his muscles disappearing as things appeared to calm down again, a small sigh would escape him out of exasperation. Just pirates... nothing special, at least modesty was a trait that hadn't been lost to the aforementioned tsunami, and O'Riley's eyes seemed to widen as such horrific news. "You get many of these tropical storms often then?" he questioned, curiosity not killing the cat quite yet. "Sorry, forgot my manners" the male laughed. "It's nice to meet you Caeser, yeah I am joining,".

Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - PINCHER - 07-14-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Despite living his life majorly in ships that sailed across the multiple seas that stretched to the horizon, Pincher had never stumbled out ot the sea as a drifter or a strander. He supposed it was due to how experienced his old crew had been when under the iron fist leadership of his father. Pincher was a rigid leader but not as tight up as his father, god just the thought of him caused Pincher's body temperature to rise and small sparks of electricity danced off his muzzle as he thought about the past. However, he simply decided to go focus on what mattered which was trying to see if any bodies had been found after the tsunami strike. Luckily, as he trudged through the vibrant vegetation that was of the jungle, Pincher could not find any victims of Mother Nature's wrath upon the island. The tension still remained locked inside his chest where his heart had once been as the broad-shouldered figure of the charcoal black canine grew closer to the call he had heard a few moments ago. It seemed someone was wanting into their ranks and their insane "family" of a crew. He wouldn't exactly call his crew family but they did certainly all act like other, either with affection or annoyance for each other. The concept of them actually being some big ass family did cause a toothy light grin to trace his muzzle as he was rather amused by the idea but decided to not dwell into it since he was near the voices that spoke.

As he stepped out of the shadows of large elephant ears, brushing softly against the plant as he stepped into the clearing where the others were, his attention now locked on who was who. First one he noticed was the stranger, a feline that appeared to be rather drenched so must have meant the male had either been spat out by the ocean or had just gone for a swim for fun. It was summer after all and they did live on the beachside. His large pointed ears swiveled towards the male, a microexpression of surprise and confusion flickering on his facial features before dying as his glacier blue eyes fluttered towards Solveig and Caesar, glad to see that they were on their toes in checking out the territory for any strangers that may have wandered in. "So, you don't mind joining a group of thievin buccaneers?" Pincher allowed the question to roll out of his salmon pink tongue before halting beside Solveig, leaning back onto his haunches in a relaxed sitting position as he stared down at the male with half-lidded glowing eyes. "Actually it was a first. But we do get storms every now in then. We're called the Typhoon for a reason. But welcome to the crew, O'Riley. Name's Pincher Roux. Got any questions? If so say them now cause I am a busy bitch and I've got shit to do." drawled the captain with his bloodshot eyes rolling for a moment on the part of being a "busy bitch". Despite living in a place perfect for a vacation, Pincher was always working. Not that he minded really, it allowed there to be distractions from the shrill cries that popped inside his head.
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Re: I LOST MY LEG | o, joining - purgatory - 07-14-2018