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in my tax bracket - open, joining - Printable Version

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in my tax bracket - open, joining - chicken - 07-12-2018

'cold? pffft. this thick skin was built to see seals across antarctica,' chicken had asserted to a friendly chap who had pointed him in the direction of the nearest civilisation, apparently called 'snowbound'. the guy had warned him it was so cold in that direction that his 'nipples had fallen off', at first the tiger had scoffed, but now chicken was a little concerned he was going to lose his nipples to hypothermia too. which was a shame, because he was rather fond of them.

this territory had definitely crossed the line of 'cold' to 'too cold', as when the tiger just wanted to take a fucking piss behind one of the pine trees, his piss had frozen as soon as it had been expelled from his body. chicken's eyes had just widened before he waddled forwards. just when chicken was about to start listing everything he hated about the tundra out loud or either succumb to the cold and let the pine trees feed on his decomposing corpse (he couldn't decide which), chicken was sure he spotted some form of smoke expelling from a gap in the trees. he didn't know whether this was some strange ice-desert like mirage that his stupid brain had conjured up, as he was beginning to lose any hope of seeing any intelligent life.

just when he was sure he was about to start hallucinating palm trees instead of pine trees, a wooden cabin appeared in his sight. "what the hell?" chicken spat out, sounding as if he was a little offended. "damn, they live like this?" drawing his tail over his side as if he was trying to comfort himself, convince himself that this wasn't the godforsaken place he would be forced to stay until he could bear the journey back to warmer places. wailing to himself like a sulking puppy, batterychicken bared his teeth and sank his ass into the snow behind him.

Re: in my tax bracket - open, joining - arcy - 07-12-2018

It was awfully cold in Snowbound. It'd taken Izuku a while to get used to it -- he kept on nearly getting frostbite for a while, honestly. He'd gotten used to it pretty quickly, though. Maine Coons were pretty good in the cold. It helped that his fur was .. very long and thick. Very useful for the cold, see? Then again, it was summer. It was a ... shockingly cold day for a summer day. The weather wasn't very stable lately. He worried about what creatures were out there on days like these, honestly. Just because Izuku could handle it doesn't mean other people couldn't. Like this stranger. Izuku should be more concerned about the fact they were this deep in the territory, but Izuku doesn't mind. It's not like many people were probably out to intercept them or something.
"Hi?" Izuku chirps, sounding mildly puzzled as he considers the tiger. He doesn't like how much bigger they are, but he doesn't let it bother him too much. Instead, the Maine Coon just fluffs up his fur. It was cold, yeah, but the instant Izuku put on a sweater he was going to die. "I'm Izuku. What're you doing here -- in Snowbound?" He asks, tilting his head. He hopes his clanmates show up soon. Izuku doesn't like talking to people by himself. It's .. tiring. And kind of scary. Never know what these people could be up to. Though, a good half of them end up being joiners, which was honestly why Izuku tended to approach instead of leaving it to somebody else. Joiners were good. Couldn't leave them hanging, y'know?
what was i worth

Re: in my tax bracket - open, joining - chicken - 07-13-2018

batterychicken was a little miserable that the biting cold was the only thing that he could note about snowbound. it really consumed all of your senses froze your mind. as a siberian tiger, he was meant to be adapted to the cold but the last thing chicken wanted right now was to be used to this way of life. no thanks.

turning towards the stranger who had interrupted his sulking with a much too bright 'hi?', batterychicken grumbled at the smaller feline and wondered why they sounded so goddamn cheerful. it just pushed chicken into a deeper sulk. he wanted to hate this place and the people here, but this little fellow seemed to be rather friendly. at the question of what he was doing here, his ears immediately flattened and a scowl a branded his features.

"you think i want to be here?" chicken seethed, flicking his tail in izuku's direction. "seeing as i am obviously stuck here for the foreseeable future, why don't you make yourself useful and show me into the warmth before my tits really do freeze off." knowing he had sounded rather rude, chicken sunk his front-half into the snow as if he were an ostrich burying its head in the sand, wishing he could just disappear or be transported somewhere else. preferably a nice warm, tropical island.

Re: in my tax bracket - open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-14-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Snowbound was indeed a cold place, but despite having short fur, Atbash was used to it. She wasn't immune to frostbite or anything, of course, her soul was just used to staying in colder climates. It was why she was drawn to Snowbound in the first place. "There's no need to be rude to him," The Hailcaller said as she came up to stand beside Izuku, having been close by and heard the young feline's young. "But we'll lead you to camp. In the meantime, why don't you try warming up with this?" Promptly, the she-cat conjured up a cup of hot cocoa, hoping that Batterychicken would accept the offer. "My name's Atbash Cipher, by the way." She quickly added, turning to face camp. Batterychicken did mention he was going to be here for 'the foreseeable future', so she assumed he was joining. She was hoping the guy would give his own name, since both she and Izuku already introduced themselves, so she didn't outright ask him for his name.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi