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your shaking shoulders . joining - Printable Version

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your shaking shoulders . joining - CLOVE. - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — /yikes this was messily written but I have no other ideas of how to transfer her from the FF universe so WHELP here we go

The alabaster kitsune felt disorientated. When she had awoken in the center of a thick pine forest, the dryness of her tongue and the intensity of the aches in her body had been so severe it suggested she had been unconscious for at least a day, and her sodden fur and wings told her it had been heavily raining. However it was not her physical condition that terrified her; it was her mental.

Every memory had been obliterated; who she was, where she was, what she had been was all gone. All she knew was that she was utterly isolated, with only the faint whisper of wind to comfort her.

Clove remained sprawled on the ground where she had awoken, slowly summoning the strength to flex her claws; then roll her ankles, then stretch her legs...before finally easing herself into a sitting position, almost collapsing back onto the ground at the impulses of pain that rippled across her shoulders and spine. Eventually, as the discomfort passed, Clove stood up and took a deep breath of the rain-heavy air; then took a step forwards, her body screaming at the effort. Then another. And on the kitsune walked, listless and confused and too exhausted to lift herself into the sky with her tired wings.

As the hours passed, fragments of her mind began to knit together. Clove. Her name was Clove. She was...she...
A grimace flashed across the femme's face as she reached for the memories, mentally clawing at what felt like small silver fish darting downwards into water she dared not enter. There was a sense that she was missing something vitally important, and that she needed to remember what it was urgently - but nothing surfaced. Her golden eyes were void, windows to the utter loss she held inside.

As the moon rose, Clove found shelter at the base of an aged pine tree which overlooked a plain dotted with wildflowers - curling her sore body tightly beside the thick, crumbling bark.
It felt like five minutes had passed when she opened her eyes into the weak sunshine of an early dawn, the world around her now sparkling with dew and mist. As Clove's solar eyes gazed out across the wildflower meadow, her breathing slowed as she concentrated on the feeling she knew what she was looking at. She knew. She knew what-

With a start of surprise, Clove realised she remembered how to heal. Images of setting bones and dividing up medications flashed through her head, and she was on her paws instantly. It was only then that the crackling need for water made her go light-headed and dizzy, so she quelled her excitement and forced herself to find the source of water she had heard the night before.

As she waded through the grass to reach a small stream that bubbled nearby, she was able to recognize numerous plants she passed by; and was able to recall each of their uses.

"Watermint." Belly ache.
"Poppy." Pain relief.
"Chamomile." Basically everything.

The fact she could remember so much about plants but not herself was unnerving. And it made her incredibly frustrated - or frustrated enough to want to strike the reflection with eyes she did not recognise that gazed up at her from the stream once she made it to the bank.

Clove took her time taking a drink, allowing herself to focus on nothing but the cold water for a long few seconds. As she drank, relief sagged through her body; she had been really, really thirsty. Dangerously so.

Raising her head, the kitsune looked from left to right; her twin tails trailing in the mud behind her as she leaped deftly across the water onto a stepping stone, nostrils flaring as the scent of something demanded her attention. The scent of other animals. People. A...
A Clan.
The word came unbidden in her mind, both screamingly familiar and completely foreign. Something told Clove that she had been in a clan, once. She could almost see...she could almost see her clanmates, but their faces blurred in her mind. Names, it seemed, still escaped her.

A stinging in her paw shifted her focus, and as she raised it to lick at the stone that had cut the sensitive flesh, the sense of something wrong seized Clove once more. Her autumnal eyes were wide, frantic, blinking furiously to make sure they were not misinterpreting what they saw.
The blood oozing from her skin was red. Red. But her blood wasn't was....

A yowl of frustration loosed itself from Clove's mouth as she stood on the stepping stone, shaking and wracked with a sense of grief. Of that something had been lost.

/tldr Clove is on a stepping stone in one of the streams of the flower field, can't remember anything about her FF identity and basically will just join when she learns she's on clan territory (:

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - Suiteheart - 07-12-2018


The call from Clove broke through the silence of her patrol. Suiteheart had been taking a peaceful stroll through the territory. All aspects of her life were going wild at the moment. She needed a second to catch her breath and think. Even so, it seemed her respite would not last long. The sound the kitsune had made caused her ears to perk. More so, the scream caused her to pad in that direction with haste.

It hadn't taken long for the Admiral to find Clove. A perplexed look crossed Suiteheart's face, but she was distracted by the scent of blood. Baby blue eyes flashed molten amber for a handful of seconds, but she quelled her desire to feed. Besides, Clove wasn't a feline.

"What're you doing on the Ascendants territory?" she asked, arching a fictional eyebrow. Her tone was friendly, warm, and welcoming as always. Her eyes did glance to the blood on the rock Clove was standing on. "We can get you help for that foot injury. What's your name? I'm Suiteheart."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - Cosmic - 07-12-2018

Kitsunes were very intriguing creatures, there was no doubt about that. The multiple tails, the myths and legends surrounding them, and even the rare times I actually got to meet a few... it was all so fascinating. I was honestly hoping to meet one in this universe, and today would apparently be my lucky day. However unfortunate it was for the alabaster kitsune that was now in our territory.

Suite was the first one to say something to the newcomer, and I let her ask her questions before I would greet them myself. "I'm Playerone. Uh... Suite, can I try my hand at taking care of wounds?" I tilted my head. I had been studying a while and wanted to show off a bit of my prowess and take my knowledge to the real world.

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-13-2018

Wandering souls were starting to be a commonality around here, it would seem. They consistently got little bursts of joiners but this... Well, this was something else. Bastille should probably be pleased about the sudden influx, but he was tired and his head hurt just thinking about more bodies to account for and make sure were breathing. It could be... a challenge, at times. Not to lose his cool when he was shaking with renewed withdrawals and trying not to focus on how much better Starry would have been at greeting this wave.

"You seem lost," he provided, stopping to the side of Play, keeping her between him and Suiteheart. Avoiding her had gotten unconscious at this point. He didn't speak to her unless necessary and generally kept his distance. It almost felt natural to act like she didn't exist, these days. His pale blue stare swept over the girl as he assessed her distressed aura, before he added, "I'm Bast, by the way."

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - JERSEYBOY - 07-13-2018


Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - Warringkingdoms - 07-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sound of pained yowling, combined with the growing scent of blood, elicited a long sigh from Rin as she abandoned the poppy plant she’d been picking seed pods from and made her way over to the source of the noise. The voice wasn’t one she recognized, so it was probably an injured joiner. They seemed to have a lot of those, lately; better injured than dead, though. She could recover more herbs, but she could not recover a life.

  As Rin approached, she overheard Playerone asking to try and take care of the wounds. Truthfully, there was no better training than hands-on experience, and if one of the Halo hopefuls wanted to take advantage of that, who was Rin to stop her? ”Most of the time, if you think you can help, there’s no harm in trying,” Rin remarked, removing the bag from around her shoulders and setting it in front of Playerone. ”Give it a shot.” She would watch, stop Play from doing anything that might kill the newcomer, and offer help if Play asked for it.

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - Cosmic - 07-14-2018

I really did appreciate that Rin was allowing me to treat the stranger's wound, as it was a rather small one that could be healed. It didn't appear to have broken her paw, or done extensive damage, but the risk of an infection was always present with any wound big or small. With that thought in mind I gave a grateful nod to Rin and set to work.

Thankfully I had a bit of water with me in a tiny water bottle I had found and rinsed thoroughly, opened it up and attempted to gently clean the wound out with the kitsune's permission with the pure water.

I opened up the bag and scavenged in it for a split moment before seeing the needed horsetail. I picked up an adequate amount for the wound and set to chewing it into a polutice. Once it was into a fine paste, I attempted to carefully apply it to the wound liberally, looking up at my patient to make sure she was okay.

When I was done with that, if that was successful, I would then try to seal the wound with cobwebs.

I sincerely hoped I did this correctly. I could never be too confident.

Re: your shaking shoulders . joining - MirrorEdge - 07-14-2018

"Wow, what happened?" Thea made her way over, the Arabian leopard offering Clove her best attempt at a reassuring smile, but probably wasn't too successful, and Thea's tail wrapped neatly around her front paws, watching quietly as Playerone worked, and the stranger, who seemed quite confused, which the cub didn't understand. Did she come here by accident? Was she unsure what Playerone was doing? Her head tilted, and she opened her mouth, about to ask, but realized she shouldn't. The rest seemed quite quiet, not bombarding her with questions like Thea had been planning to.