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HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - Printable Version

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HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - arcy - 07-12-2018

Needless to say, Izuku hadn't been having the greatest few days, especially regarding this illness of his. Not that he was coherent enough to be aware of this. It was probably for the better, anyways. The poor feline had clearly been in a lot of pain throughout, sometimes writhing on the ground. He slept when he could, of course, but that wasn't often, inbetween the frequent vomit breaks and the flashes of pain. So a lot of the time, Izuku would just sort of .. stare blankly at the wall. He wasn't really put together to do much else, though sometimes he'd get up to do something, only to end up collapsing like .. five steps later. Falling always hurt a lot, though, so he stopped doing it after a while. Though that might partly be because he didn't really have the strength to. He hadn't been able to keep down any food that he'd managed to eat, which, considering it'd almost been a week since the whole thing started, wasn't .. ideal. Especially since it was pretty obviously starting to add up. It hadn't taken long for the weight loss to kick in, and it was going downhill .. pretty quickly. Uncomfortable quickly, honestly. Like .. if Izuku had been light before, it was like ... two times as worse now.
Anyways, the whole thing had been a downward spiral. And as of now, he was probably at a potential rock bottom. Unless you want to count his possible death as the real rock bottom, but Izuku, personally, would've considered that just clipping through the ends of the earth. Not that he was awake to know that. As it was, he .. wasn't waking up, right now. If one were to find Izuku, curled up in the extra room of home(maybe the medical building would've been better but better to wake up somewhere he knows, really), he'd look kind of .. dead, at first glance. He wasn't really moving aside from occasional, rare twitches. On closer inspection, though, he is breathing, though it's labored. Basically, things don't look too great.

//haha callout for myself. i really thought i was gonna be absent throughout driving huh. cause i was wrong. im here Always im too invested in bob to give it up for even a week
ok!! so we're on stage 2 of illness ig. he's in a coma-like state rn, and honestly appears to be on like,, death's doors or whatever. itll be like this for a few days, except Worse, then i'll post another update thread and its just uphill from there.
what was i worth

Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - guts - 07-12-2018

Aizawa had a protective nature, one that wasn't often seen. He wasn't the typical kind, and instead of being soft and kind towards those he cared about, he was as gruff as he usually was. He was more likely to give you advice than to console you, but it was just how he was, especially being a teacher for so long. Under his care, his students were a force to be reckoned with. Anyone messed with them, and they'd get a taste of his own fury. Even now that was still a fact.

About right then, he had been doing his usual hobby--napping. He was curled in his hammock, wrapped in a blanket. When he was awake, he was keeping an eye on Izuku, who was just getting sicker and sicker. Might as well repay the favor and look after him to the best of his abilities. But of course he needed a break every now and then, and this was one of those instances. When he awoke and headed downstairs, though, he quickly regretted leaving his side for just a moment.

He quickly steps over to the form of the maine coon, bending down and nudging him with his nose. "Midoriya" he says, almost sternly, like he's demanding that he wake up from his comatose state. He isn't sure what to do, but he's relieved slightly by the simple fact that he was still breathing. Deciding he wasn't about to wake up any time soon, he picked him up by the scruff and carried him up to the bedroom, planning on asking his clanmates if they could help in some way.


Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-14-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had been quite concerned over Izuku's health lately, but leader duties prevented her from visiting him often. Luckily she found the time today to visit, but just as she reached the door to his cabin, she immediately regretted not finding the time to help him out more. The she-cat tensed up as she heard Aizawa's stern voice come from inside the cabin, and she quickly invited herself in (she was sure Izuku wouldn't mind anyway, even if he wasn't sick), and looked up to see Aizawa dragging Izuku up towards his bed. "Is-is he okay? What's wrong?" She asked the Snowseeker quickly, concern edging her voice.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - guts - 07-14-2018

Aizawa turns at the voice, spotting the concerned face of Atbash. He gives a soft shrug, unsure what was happening. He wasn't a medic--luckily for them, their only medic seemed to be out of commission for now. Wonderful. "I'm not sure, but he might be comatose," he explains, not attempting to soften the blow whatsoever. He looks down at the sleeping form of the feline. "We'll have to wait and see if he wakes up," with that, he sits back, curling his tail around his paws. Did he plan on actually waiting there? Possibly.


Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-14-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Comatose? The word echoed in Atbash's mind, her heart lurching as she realized what Aizawa meant by that. "B-but what if he doesn't?" She asked, alarm in her voice now. Seriously, what would they do if he didn't wake up? She didn't know anything about herbs, just a little bit of the basics, and she was pretty sure nobody else did. Would they just have to pray nobody got hurt until he woke up?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - guts - 07-15-2018

Aizawa knew that she was easily startled, so he was expecting a scared reaction from her. He turns back to face her and shakes his head softly. He was the calculating type, and he wasn't about to get all worked up over a situation like this when he might not even have to waste his energy. They were better things he could do than fret. Instead, he could be productive and actually try to make the situation better, if he could. "Calm yourself. We'll figure it out once we get there, don't get so worked up," he says, trying to reassure. "Don't waste your energy,"


Re: HOT SWEET STRANGE ☀ sickness update - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"That's easier said than done," Atbash responded, though she still seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation. What Aizawa said truly was easier said than done; he didn't have the entire group to look after. Sure, he did look after the entirety of Snowbound, but he didn't lead them. But then again, he was more of a leader than her, so maybe what he said was true. Maybe she should just relax and let things go. "I don't know anybody else here with the knowledge that Izuku has. We don't even know where Jacob is!" He just... disappeared.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi