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(my starters are usually really long but my posts usually shorten themselves as things go along xD)

Making friends was something that was quite difficult for the likes of him to even remotely accomplish. Since he was a kitten, he had been brainwashed to think that he never would need anything the likes of a friend to be able to be happy in the world that he had been born into. What his family didn't take into consideration when they told him this though, was that he was going to get bored extremely quickly and have nothing to do once he was done training with his older brother. Mostly everyone ended up pissing him off, he didn't keep track of the number of butlers that he ended up killing or threatening in his childhood if they caught him in a bad mood. It was up to this point that Killua had been out on the mountain that his family actually owned, they even had a castle in the side of the mountain. Some could say the house would be impressive but he mostly considered it to be a prison. Either way, he was traveling around the area trying to figure out what he could end up doing. It was during this time that he heard movement in the grass, and being a serval with amazing hearing meant that he was able to hear that it was coming directly toward him. A husky puppy. One that was obviously feral and the parents nowhere to be found. At first the animal was afraid of him, which was understandable since Killua was older than the pup at the time and seemed to have a cold demeanor to him and everything. The young male wasn't quite sure what to do, but a little bit after that happened the pup seemed to relax around him. And for once in a while, Killua actually started to have FUN. An unfamiliar feeling because he was always supposed to be serious as he was an assassin. He didn't have the right of being a child and having fun for a good amount of time. He brought the pup with him back to the castle, and he even ended up naming the husky pup. The animal wasn't capable of speech, but teaching the other to understand English would give him something to do. Something other than getting poisoned poured down his throat. He entered his father's chambers and asked if the pup could stay with him for a little while. His father agreed as long as Killua was tasked with just taking care of the animal and not giving others the responsibility. Almost like a mission he had taken on, Killua was extremely serious when it came to his tasks of taking care of the husky. The assassin kept the pup in his room for most of the mornings and afternoons while he was training, and when he could come back sick and exhausted the pup would immediately greet him with a mixture of concern and happiness. The assassin was glad to have at least someone that cared about him. Sure his mother cared about him, but she smothered him a little bit too much. She would practically scream in protest of letting him outside of the castle and letting him explore the mountain. The hell was going to end up happening to him? Of course nothing, but she needed to make a big fuss out of everything.

Eventually he was actually able to get the husky puppy to say his name. That was a huge achievement for the kitten back during that time, and he was almost done with his poison training. Which meant that he would be able to spend more time with the husky. Killua had never understood the concept of friends at this point as his family had never brought up the term with him. Happiness didn't last long when it came to the Zoldyck family though, and it was about to be ripped away from him and make him into what he was today. The kitten had been called into his fathers quarters, and of course the husky pup had followed him as they were almost always seen together. The husky was getting a little bit bigger than he was, but it wasn't like it mattered because he believed himself to grow just as fast as everyone else. His father was sitting on the couch in his chambers, but what had confused Killua at the time was why his older brother was there as well. It was practically impossible to read Illumi's facial features as his brother had practically made it so that no one could tell what his emotions were, his tone practically monotone the entire time. Killua sat down in front of his father who was in the form of a white dragon, and waited to hear what his father had to say. He held his father with high respect when it came to the rest of his family. His father then asked him how he was enjoying his time with the husky puppy that he had found almost a month ago. Killua seemed to always be excited when it came to talking to the other. His father nodded with interest, and seemed to shit in his chair a little bit. It was slight, but Killua could practically feel a shifting in the atmosphere of the room. It put him on edge. What was the feeling he was having? He was confused. He was young after all. Then the dragon gave him an instruction that he would never end up forgetting. He was commanded to kill the husky puppy. Killua was confused at first and didn't seem to react at all except with shock. Wait, was the other being serious? Of course he was. His father wouldn't give him a command without expect him to follow. He had been programmed almost exactly like a weapon, and usually did whatever his family told him to do. He trusted them to a degree after all. This led to the albino serval kitten to begging his father to not make him have to do that. The entire time that him and his father were arguing, the husky pup was confused by the sudden panic of his friend, and started to whine. Then his father brought up the fact that if he didn't do it, Illumi would. Killua had quickly turned his gaze to look at his older brother, and knew immediately that if he wasn't the one to kill it, Illumi would surely torture the puppy to death in front of him. Long and slow. Killua could at least give the other a quick death. There had only been one instance he had ever cried when he was with his family. He approached his one and only friend and the confused look the puppy was giving him. He remembered vividly the sound and the feeling of his claws cutting through arteries and his esophagus. The last thing the puppy had said, had been his name. He was allowed to be with the corpse of his friend for hours. And when he walked out of those doors, the happiness that had been there when he walked in had completely vanished. Replaced with a cold barrier.

Making friends with difficult. Especially after the dissappearance of Gon and Amorette. The only two animals that he really cared about. Circusclown was already dead so he didn't have anyone that was really waiting for him in these lands. It would be impossible to probably find them in a place like this anyway. The albino serval had been keeping a low profile since he had entered the clan just in case his brother was actually still tracking him down. A more than likely strategy the tiger would be following. He walked silently thanks to the fact that he had his air elemntals on the entire time. He was born with the power, meaning it was extremely easy for him to control. The serval didn't make any noise when he stepped on the ground because he would create a small air barrier that he would step on right before stepping on the ground. He had no scent attached to him despite being in Snowbound for around a day now. Using his air elementals to keep air close to his body so that it was impossible for his scent to escape. He didn't need anything to really be able to hear considering he was a serval, having one of the largest ears to body ratio out there. Being able to hear something that was underground. A cold demeanor radiated off of him the entire time and nasty, pink, fresh scars covered his body. Scars formed around his shoulder, side, and a piece of flesh missing from his right ear. All of which looked like it was made by a creature that was a lot larger than he was. His brother was a tiger after all. Killua hadn't bothered to ask others where the camp was considering camps were usually easy for him to find in the first place. The former clan deputy made his way through the cave, his sapphire blue optics calculating and looking at those that he past. He was pretty sure he ended up scarring a kitten back to its mother, like he could really care at the moment. Stitches covered his two front paws, around his sheathes more specifically, as the tips of his metal claws peaked out from his slightly long fur. While he was walking around, he noticed that someone was sitting outside of a den. He flicked one of his ears as he noticed that the other was canine in origin. He had yet to meet a canine in the group, and it was obviously a hybrid of sorts because he couldn't recognize the species. What was the other doing though? Still an apprentice, he was somewhat curious as he made his way over completely silent and no scent coming off of him whatsoever. Killua was used to freaking and scaring others with his presence. Sometimes it could be quite entertaining. "What's that you're doing?" The albino serval questioned the other that was knitting not too far away from where he was. The assassin kept at least five feet apart from the canine. Killua wasn't about to sit next to him after all.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: GIVE IT UP UNLESS YOU WANT MORE | {P, JACOB} - jacob w.c. - 03-23-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob's upbringing had been a confusing and convoluted manner. He'd first began with Vito, his baboo. He'd always known the business he ran was something not entirely traditional but he didn't have a clue as to what it was specifically. All he knew was his baboo was the best person in the whole wide world. But then the bad people had come. He'd always been taught to be careful, to guard his name and information about his family with great caution and he'd done just that but it didn't seem to be enough. He'd been on his way home from some sort of event that he couldn't even remember anymore when some strange creatures had approached him. They'd been nice to him and he assumed they were people that worked for his father. They told him they'd be taking him home because there was some sort of emergency. He'd been so young then and he hadn't thought twice about going with them. That was when he'd been trapped in a dark, damp place. He was given little food or water and the would occasionally take swings at the tiny pup. He wasn't sure what was going on and they asked a lot of questions about things he had no clue about. He wasn't sure how long he'd stayed there but eventually his baboo arrived and saved him from that awful place.

From there, he was sent to be with Harrison Wickliff, an old family friend that he was told would be his Pa. Harrison didn't have any other children and looked after Jacob as he would a son. He had minor crime operations and by then Jacob was starting to get a better idea of all that his family was involved in. Then there came the fire. Just thinking about it made him want to curl into a ball, to hide his face and pretend he didn't constantly smell smoke. He didn't tell anyone about the things he still smelled or saw or heard, things that he knew weren't really there. The fire haunted him and he was sure it would for the rest of his life. Harrison died and Jacob barely pulled himself away, at which point Jersey's family took him in.

He'd dragged himself to Jersey's house and they hadn't hesitated to accept him into their little family. Things were chaotic but he had some semblance of stability again. But then... Well, then the events of the last few months happened and Jacob was left with his limp on top of the damage the extensive burns had already done. That was the last straw. It was obvious he needed to leave the city entirely. He and Jersey packed up as soon as he was well enough to move and made their way here, to Snowbound.

All of that pain weighed heavily on the boy and he'd taken up many habits throughout his time to distract himself. One such habit was knitting, which he'd learned from Harrison. The man had taught him all sorts of patterns and styles and garments and now it seemed it'd come in handy, given where he now lived. Jacob focused on the way the fabric moved beneath his paws, humming a tune softly beneath his breath. He wasn't sure if it was one he'd truly heard before or just another figment of his imagination. Smoke stung the air but he did his best to ignore it. He always smelled it these days and, unless someone else was reacting, he did his best to ignore it. No, his attention wouldn't be pulled away from the intricate patterns of cloth until he heard a voice coming in his direction. The husky wolf perked his ears and gave a wide smile to the stranger. "Uh, jus' knitting. I can show ya' how, if ya'd like. 'M Jacob. I don' think I've seen ya' around before," he greeted.


Death never really was a huge issue for Killua to deal with when he was growing up. He was quickly introduced by his parents what the world was and what they did for a living. It seemed logical to him at the time just to accept it as they were his family after all. There was no need to question them when he was just a kitten and didn't know any better. Killua wasn't sure how he was going to react when it came to making his first kill because it was bound to happen. Before that could happen he had to go through the training that the rest of his family had gone through at the same time. Which was sometimes interesting, while other times it was extremely boring for him. Not only was Killua tortured physically, he also had simple tasks such as memorizing the anatomy of certian animals. Constantly reading textbook after textbook and looking at diagrams of where all the important organs and arteries were inside of the body of the larger animals. Memorizing didn't take him all that long considering that most organs in regular animals were usually found in similar places. As long as they weren't aquatic then he wouldn't have to worry about where he was going to end up striking them down. All the different parts of his training did end up coming together when it came to taking on his first mission. Like his family though, he wasn't allowed to go by himself and was forced to have Illumi come along. It had been in an abandoned building in a town that the mission was going to take place in. A criminal group had a bounty on their head and the Zoldyck's were tasked with killing them. Or at least their leader for that matter, any grunts that were killed was somewhat of a bonus. Killua was almost allowed to really do whatever he wanted, but when he came down to his first kill he hesitated enough that he missed the artery in the animals' neck at his first strike. This caused the other animal a large amount of pain thanks to how long and sharp his claws were, immediately ripping through the flesh in the side of his neck. Of course, there was a chance that if no one helped the animal in a good amount of time that he would just end up bleeding out. But their clients demanded proof always, meaning that they had to make it a swift and quiet kill, getting out of the situation before anyone else in the building could know that they were there. Killua wasn't afraid the entire time that the larger animal was beneath him. He certainly had an advantage when it came to fear factor on the account that no one would think a child would be capable of doing such extreme actions. Killua almost acted childlike due to his mistake, apologizing to his victim that the other had moved a little bit too quickly and made him miss his mark. Giggling while he adjusted himself and held the animals head down so this time he was certain that wouldn't miss this time. He ended up being covered in blood and didn't end up cleaning off the substance until it had been caked up against his skin. Due to him missing his mark though, it didn't take very long for everyone in the building to realize that something was wrong. It made the scene, even more, messier in the end as Killua hid in the shadows and took them out as they rounded the corner. During this time his older brother had been looking at him with increased disappointment as he expected a little bit more from his younger brother with all the training they had ended up doing. While Killua didn't really seem to care because he was ENJOYING himself. Just like every Zoldyck did when it came to taking the lives of others that didn't matter to them at all. Besides, it wasn't anything personal that the Zoldyck's had to deal with. It was just business.

Jacob wasn't the only one capable of having moments where he put himself into a slight panic. Anything that even remotely reminded him of his family was quick to put him on edge and think twice about his next move. Even though he had just joined this place, he wasn't about to trust everyone that he came across. No matter how nice they seemed to be. It wasn't exactly hard to fake a smile, which had confused Killua when he first joined the clans because it didn't seem to come to the minds of the groups that others were capable of easily concealing their true motives until finally showing them at the end. He was an expert liar, and he could most certainly tell when someone was lying to him. Even if they had done it for a very long time, there would be some sign. Increase in heart rate, lack of eye contact, shuffing, muscles tensing, all of the factors that could easily trigger Killua to realize that someone was lying to him. He was an assassin. Being truthful wasn't in his quota. Although, he was trying a little bit better to clean up his act, but old habits die hard. The albino serval wasn't about to trust anyone his age either. The clans usually taught those around his age how to fight, only just starting to fight of course. Killua had several months ahead of those that were being trained in the clans, and he was trained to kill. He wasn't trained to fight. Usually, when he fought against others, he made sure to attempt to kill them. Unless he just wanted to mess with them, then he would injure them in areas where it would give them a slow death, especially if they deserved it. He had killed clan leaders before, this group didn't seem to be all that different in his minds. There were openings literally everywhere. The male he was looking at now was definitely larger than he was. Killua wasn't quite sure how he felt about that, as long as the other didn't call him short then they probably wouldn't have any issues with one another. There was another smile though. Why were animals here so damn happy all the time? He didn't understand it. At the others reaction toward him, he ran his tongue over his lips in thought. When he first entered the clans he would usually question why they were always so happy, but now he didn't really bother to do that right now as it would be a waste of time. Their answers were always the same. Killua kept himself from sighing as Circusclown's words echoed in his head. The assassin moved himself into a sitting position, but didn't move himself closer to the hybrid. His sapphire blue eyes looking at the piece of cloth that he was 'knitting' from what the other said. Killua did shake his head at the other's offer though. "Not really my style. What's the point of knitting anyway?" As usual, he seemed to question everything that came with the clans. They always did confuse him, as he had only known his psychotic family his entire life. Not like he was entirely sane himself. "Killua." The albino serval would introduce himself after the other stated his name. Jacob. A fairly easy name from the sound of it. The wildcat wouldn't have a hard time memorizing the others name. While he was sitting there, Killua would occasionally take in a small breath, inhaling the others scent, so that when he saw him next him he would be able to identify him, but it would be fairly hard for the other to catch if he wasn't paying close enough attention.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:


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