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BLUE MOON / VISITOR - Printable Version

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The tuxedo tom couldn't stand to stay cooped up in that cave for any longer. Darkness? His paws being numb twenty-four/seven? Yeah, no. Jerseyboy could stand a cold environment — he had grown up on the upper east coast, for Christ's sake — but he didn't want his paws to get frostbite. Sometimes he felt like just chopping them off since they were constantly frozen, anyways. Then, an idea dawned upon him: get out of there. Why stick around in a place where he felt miserable and cold? While he wanted to be there for Jacob, he was certain that the guy could manage to handle himself. He hadn't heard from his little brother since he had left months ago, but he supposed that he should visit him soon. He was still doing this whole traveling gig, though, since Jerseyboy had no duties to tie him down to a certain clan. He had even rejected a promotion to a stepping-stone rank, simply because he didn't want the responsibilities that came with the package. The title and authority was cool and all, he supposed, but it really wasn't worth it to him. He wanted to be able to wander around and stay in other places at his own leisure. So, he had left Snowbound early that day. Where had he ended up? No goddamn clue.

He had no idea where he was. He had been to the Typhoon before, but other than that, he really had no knowledge on where the other groups were located. Jerseyboy had just walked in a random direction, hoping that it would just take him somewhere. He was open to staying anywhere, as long as it gave him something to do. He wanted to explore and expand his horizons. He hadn't left home just to stay cooped up in a cave for the rest of his life, right? As his small form weaved through the trees of the canopy, he lifted his olivine gaze to the treetops and began to sing. He wasn't belting to the heavens, but he was mostly just singing to himself, "Blue moon... you saw me standin' alone..." He felt as if there were no one else in the world. It felt great to sing again; it was hard to do it somewhere where you were always too fucking cold to do anything. "... without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own."

Jerseyboy trailed off, coming to a stop when an unfamiliar scent filled his nostrils. Yeesh, someone lived here, alright. But who? He blinked and walked along the area where the scent was the strongest, knowing better not to cross it. He was thinking of following it until he came across another person, so that was exactly what he decided to do. One paw after the other, he hummed something lowly as he shouldered past the greenery and stalked along the border.

// we're just,,, gonna pretend that his last visiting thread never happened

Re: BLUE MOON / VISITOR - imperia - 07-12-2018

A brilliant golden sun shines warmly upon the rolling hills and all who reside down below. the gentle sunlight warms the argentine fur upon a slender creature's back, her monochromatic color scheme causing her to stand out amidst the hues of amber and gold. "Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair. With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green..." hums the creature as she begins the short trek home. Her leather satchel seems about to burst; absolutely overflowing with a myriad of wildflowers and other things which caught her interest during her morning walks. Some of the items she will keep to herself, but most she plans on using to make little presents to gift around the clan. If anything, a couple of vases full of flowers will help brighten up the place. She is thoughtful that way--always thinking of ways to make other people's lives better. No ulterior motives, no hidden intentions. Simply a genuine desire to make people happy. She continues humming to herself when another voice is carried along with the wind--deep and soulful. Intrigued, she follows the sound all the way to the border, having already forgotten about her intentions to drop off this morning's collection of herbs and flowers. "You have a wonderful voice," compliments the girl as she approaches on silent paws, a gentle smile dancing upon thin black lips. Sagacious steel colored eyes observe the unfamiliar tomcat with interest. "Can I help you? My name is Imperia Arceneau. It is a pleasure to meet you."


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Expression wasn't something that was completely allowed when someone joined the military. Everything that you once knew about yourself was stripped and shipped away because there was no need to think about the good times when everything mattered right now was to win the War. He was only allowed to bring a couple positions when he was first accepted into the military, but the majority of the time he wasn't allowed to really contact someone outside of the base that he was in. Everything that he wore was basically regulated, and they regulated what he ate, drank, what he was allowed to watch, and how much he was supposed to sleep. Washington didn't think he could really count himself surprised because he knew that once someone joined the war that they were basically signing their life away to do so.

There was so reason to allow individuality to get in the way of missions, and they had a made a statement saying that it could also get them killed if they didn't work as a team. Some of the newer soldiers didn't get that memo, having too much of an ego that was too good for them. At the end of a couple mission, those certain soldiers had nothing left but their dog tags to give back to their family to remember them by. Their bodies usually left on the battlefield because they didn't have enough resources to send the corpses back to give an official burial. It had been certainly something that Washington found difficult to understand because he knew that if he died, his mother and his sisters were just going to get a plating of metal to remember him by. He didn't have any intention of dying, and following the orders of his commanding officers were certainly being one of the things that actually kept him alive. He was able to keep a couple images of his family, but he mostly bothered himself with working constantly.

Whether that meant cleaning his gun ten times a day, or running drills just so that he wouldn't be bored out of his mind when they weren't going on any missions and waiting for a response from the platoon that had gotten sent out on the mission. It was only when he had joined Project Freelancer that he was allowed to keep more of his stuff and even customize his room and the locker that was provided for him. They at least gave him that choice, because he wasn't allowed to make any more decisions after that. What he had brought with them was the picture of the house cats that he had when he was little, a rubber duck that his sisters had given him one time for his birthday when money was low, his skateboard, and a couple other things as well. It was difficult to find mementos that he had wanted to take with him since there wasn't really anything that was left for him to decorate. His room had been plain until he was allowed access to his bank account to buy things that he thought was interesting.

Washington wasn't one to shy away from something that was fluffy and cut, such as more cat images. Other than that his life had been kept fairly simple, as he didn't have any sort of hobby. He wasn't a painter. He wasn't a singer. He didn't knit. He was pretty sure that one wasn't capable of getting such supplies while they were in space anyway. They weren't that spoiled considering that they were soldiers and everything. Washington did know of a couple people that may sing a tune to them. If he could remember correctly, there had been a karaoke night that had been put on. He couldn't remember if it was funny, thanks to how all of his memories had gotten muddled with the memories that weren't even his own. The Freelancer remembered that CT did like to hum to herself from time to time. She had a nice voice, and he didn't expect someone like Carolina to be a singer. He was pretty sure that knock-knock jokes weren't a form of a hobby because if they were that meant Agent Wyoming was going to have a hobby and that guy didn't really do all that much.

Or it might have just been the fact that Washington didn't know the other Freelancer's like he thought he did. Even now that he technically had more freedom to do whatever he wanted, he really didn't think that he was capable of finding something that he enjoyed. If he wanted to relax, he usually would have grabbed his rifle and gone to do some target practice. Now though? He didn't have that option and no one would even dare catch him hunting when he hated the taste of raw food anyway. The Freelancer instead kept himself busy like he always did. He had a concrete schedule that he followed, and that meant few were able to tell what he was doing half of the time. Since he wore a helmet constantly on his face, it meant that he couldn't rely on scents to help him with anything, the vents preventing any sort of scents getting inside of his helmets anyway. He usually relied on his hearing, which wasn't that bad but also not that great either. The armored smilodon was making his usual patrols to see if he could find any clues that pertained to him and his comrade when he heard voices that were coming not too far from where he was at right now.

The lion-sized animal began to make his way over, which wasn't exactly hard to hear considering that he wore armor across his body and it made noise with every step that he did take. His face was hidden behind the helmet that he constantly wore, the visor basically a one-way mirror so that he could see out and no one could see in. He recognized a familiar voice though, Imperia. One of the few animals that he actually got along with and weren't yelling at him to constantly do something. The former human made his way over where Imperia was, his gaze landing on a domestic cat. Another one. Washington didn't say anything though as he kept his distance from the two. There was always potential that this could be someone that he knew and didn't know it yet. As Carolina had arrived without her armor, so one of them could be turned into a cat. If he could guess the guy may even be Wyoming with the black and white but that was doubtful. At least he hoped it wasn't because then he was probably going to have to kill the guy. The dark grey smilodon sat himself down, saying nothing, but offered a small nod of his head toward Imperia before looking back at Jersey. His size certainly daunting as he towered over all of them. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:


There was a saying, that everybody has the power to make someone happy. Some did it by entering the room, and some did it by leaving. As for Jerseyboy? It was likely the latter. In all seriousness, he didn't exactly aim to make others happy. It wasn't his life goal. His goal was to make himself happy, which could also probably be defined as "selfishness". But hey, if you were Jerseyboy's friend? He was incredibly loyal, and odds are, he'd try to be the best pal there ever was. He just.. didn't live to make people. The world was so incredibly fucked, so what did he owe to everyone else? Nothing. A lot of people in the world were assholes, so why not just deal them the same treatment? Call it pessimistic if you will, but Jerseyboy was smarter than the giddy idiots who went into world, thinking everything was all daisies and rainbows.

A maiden approached, her entire being seeming to be a palette of silvers and grays. A lot of people thought of those colors of being dull or boring, but so far, this fae was proving to be quite the opposite. Soft-spoken, she seemed, but naturally kind and fair. Jerseyboy knew a pretty girl when he saw one, and this damned height-disadvantage wouldn't stop him from expressing his thoughts. "Say, thanks Dollface." The tuxedo tom chirped in response to her comment. Had he heard her singing voice as well, he would have returned the favor. The lupine had introduced herself as something pretty foreign-sounding: Imperia Arceneau. What was that... British or something? Then again, she didn't sound British. She sounded posh and fancy, so probably one of the more classier countries like France. Jersey couldn't say that he had met a lot of French in his lifetime. Sporting his signature smirk, he slightly cocked his cranium and asked, "Think you can tell me where I am, Imperia?" He had put emphasis on her name, as he wanted to see how it rolled off of his tongue. It was different, elegant. He could dig it, even if it wasn't exactly what he was used to.

Rumbling, almost thunderous steps happened upon the area, and it was impossible to ignore. He had to tear his attention from Imperia to focus on the — fucking Christ, what was that thing? It appeared to be a big animal of sorts, except it was stacked with armor and even a helmet. It kind of looked like the one that humans wore when they rode their bikes around the city. Why would an animal need to wear one, though? There was a possibility that its face was fucked up and it wanted to stay hidden, which he supposed he could understand. Still, the blunt tom would look up at the stranger and snort, "Ey, buddy, what's wit' the costume? It ain't Halloween." Or shit, he hoped it wasn't. Jerseyboy was certain that it was summer, and he'd be pretty shocked if he was told that he had assumed wrong this whole time.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Relationships weren't exactly common when it came to the aspects of the military. He knew of someone that did find their true love while being in the military, although he hadn't been cut out for the military in the first place. Now that he basically had all of the Director's memories, he knew exactly what the Director had gone through over the years that he had been training and learning about the different way one could use with AI's. The man was a genius. He could have done amazing things in order to help with the war. But instead, he went down a different path when his wife was called into action during the time of the war and she didn't return back. It was awful, but there was nothing that the Director or Carolina could have done to keep her going. She was a soldier after all. Ready to answer the call to protect the human race from extinction from another galactic threat that had fallen on Earth. However, the Director ended up becoming obsessive. Obsessive on trying to get his wife back and if there was potential to bring her back through his memories. Neglecting his daughter for the majority of his life go through with the mission that he had envisioned. Which had turned into the program that Washington had ended up joining.

Washington had been one of the 49 that joined said program, signing their life away in hopes that it would help the human race survive thanks to the experimentation of what the program actually wanted to end up achieving. Everyone had their doubts about whether or not it was going to work, but Washington had faith that this was the next best bet. His entire life he had kept everything mostly professional. He didn't bother to flirt with others because he probably would have been punished for doing so. Besides, females that joined the army weren't exactly pushovers. And he wasn't the greatest soldier that had ever lived either. When he had joined Project Freelancer, he had been regarded as the worst of the best. He was still better than the majority of the Freelancer's that were in the program, but he couldn't really compete against the likes of Carolina or Texas when it came to hand to hand combat and strength. Of course, he couldn't go against the likes of Agent Texas considering that she was an AI and wasn't exactly a fair fight with just a regular human mind against that of a computer program. She was just a shadow though of who she was supposed to represent. The only one he was fairly certain that was capable of establishing a relationship was Agent Carolina and Agent York.

He wasn't even sure what they had been before the explosion, his naive mind just considering them to be close friends and not being capable of reading in between the lines. When it came to those that loved each other, Washington didn't honestly know what most of that even meant. He had been a soldier for so long, that he didn't know how not to be a soldier in the end. It was difficult, yes, but he didn't want to give up being a soldier. When he turned back to being human, Washington planned on continuing to serve the military or offer his services in some shape or form. The Freelancer listened to the voice of the male that was in front of him, and he frowned behind his helmet. He definitely didn't know this guy that was for certain. The only one that was capable of really flirting was Agent York, and this guy was definitely not him. Usually, the bodies that they had gotten so far reminded others of the color scheme that they had of their armor before coming here. A black and white cat would represent black and white armor. Washington didn't know this guy and that meant he was thinking about leaving fairly quickly. The guy was flirting with Imperia from the looks of it. Not like Washington really cared all that much as it wasn't really his business.

Washington didn't bother to answer the question that had been directed toward Imperia directly. There was no reason to be. His golden eyes did narrow behind his helmet though toward the male. He certainly didn't like the others comment about his armor. His armor wasn't some sort of toy. It was armor that could survive an impact from space. "No. It's regulation Mark 6 armor. If you even know what armor is." Washington would say in a stern tone. He knew that most of the animals in the Ascendants knew what armor was, but he didn't know about the intelligence that other animals were capable of. The armor that Washington wore was a mixture of titanium and other chemicals, creating titanium alloy in the process. It could endure extreme heat without melting, and concussive impacts. While at the same time almost remaining essentially bulletproof with regular rounds, but something like a sniper round would be able to pierce said armor. With the way that the soldier talked, it didn't seem like he was the one for jokes. Taking almost everything that was being said seriously given the tone that was talked to him. Washington wasn't sure if he liked this guy, not like it mattered though since it wasn't his job to interact with everyone that was in this outpost. The Freelancer only had one job and that was getting back to the Mother of Invention. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: BLUE MOON / VISITOR - guts - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The only place Church knew in this new world was the Ascendants. He had heard talk of other groups like them, and had even seen a few people from them, but otherwise he had never gone past the border of their territory. As expected, the other clans or whatever had names that were just as weird as this one. Though Snowbound was pretty fair, considering what their home must be like, the others were just...odd to him. Tanglewood? What the fuck did that even mean? He didn't really linger on them long, since they were so focused on returning to their own places. After they left, it wouldn't matter much.

The canine comes across them while he's out doing whatever, trying to find something to actually do, probably. When he had caught wind of their scents, though, his plans changed. This counted as something to do, right? He pads up beside Washington, though he keeps his distance, still far from trusting the guy. He snickers at the stranger's comment, despite wearing his own helmet, similar to the Freelancer's. He wasn't even really sure why he still wore it.

"You're on Ascendants territory, buddy," he says with a motion towards the area around them. He still wasn't sure about how clans worked, or if he even really liked it, but nevertheless he stuck around because everyone else was there. It was better than being out on his own--or alone with Caboose.



The bigger animal had immediately responded to his inquiry on the outfit, and he had responded, "Regulation Mark 6 armor," if he knew what that was. No, he didn't fucking know what it was. Was this common knowledge or something? Did this guy take him for an idiot? Stubbornly, Jerseyboy would retort, "No shit, I know what armor is." Just... not this specific brand, he supposed. "Just neva' seen someone wearin' any before." Someone besides a human, that is. It was quite strange to see an animal wearing armor. Why would they need armor, anyways? They had their claws and their teeth, and if this guy was lucky, he'd have those fancy-shmancy powers to defend himself. Jersey was still quite weirded out by the people who had powers, as a city boy who had grown up around normal humans. Back where he came from, nobody had powers. If they got hit, they hit back with their bare paws. It was all fair play; well, at least some of it was.

Like Church, Jerseyboy had only been apart of one clan before deciding to take up traveling again, and that group had been Snowbound. All of his shit was still over there, and he figured that he had to go back again to retrieve the items. But, for now, he was going to kick back and see what was happening in these parts. His olivine eyes darted over to the other who had approached, this time a canine of sorts. And... they had a helmet on as well. This caused his eyebrows to furrow in slight surprise, and the tuxedo cat scoffed, "What — does everybody 'round here wear this shit or somethin'? 'Cause I ain't puttin' one a' those on my head." If it was some sort of rite of passage or something, then he'd get out of here as soon as possible. These guys already seemed like a load of freaks (save for Imperia). Nonetheless, he had learned where he was currently standing. The Ascendants, huh? That sounded familiar, but he had never heard much other than its name. "I'd like ta' crash here for howeva' long, if yous are alright wid' it." The New Jerseyan said, his thick accent present in his words.

Re: BLUE MOON / VISITOR - imperia - 07-14-2018

Compliments are not something which Imperia is accustomed to receiving. Criticisms on her hunting ability or her meek nature are more familiar. Although she was named Imperia at birth, she spent a majority of her young life responding to names such as "Stupid Girl" and "crybaby" and a number of other horrible titles she chooses not to think about. Peri has always been the quiet girl with a kind heart and zero expectation of receiving even half of the goodness she puts out into the world. She blushes when people thank her for accomplishing a menial task, so flirting? Suffice to say her brain might as well have short-circuited. Dollface. Is that a good thing? A compliment? Is this stranger saying she's pretty? Her?? Pretty??!! Poor bumbling Peri stares wide-eyed at Jerseyboy, unable to form actual words for several moments. By the time she comes to her senses, Church has arrived and already answered the question directed towards her. "Um, not everyone wears armors. Just the soldiers--er, agents," she replies awkwardly, finding it hard to make eye contact with Jersey. So she glances up at Washington instead as if seeking out assistance before gluing her eyes to her paws. She isn't sure what war the Agents are fighting, but it isn't hard to surmise they're very concerned with returning somewhere, even if they keep it all under wraps. Peri just wishes they would allow themselves to befriend the residents here rather than keep everyone at a distance. "You are welcome to stay here for as long as you please," Imperia says, daring to meet the tomcat's brilliant green gaze for only a moment. "You are from Snowbound, I assume?"