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catch up — o, return - Printable Version

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catch up — o, return - guts - 07-12-2018

//r u happy now arcy smh

Aizawa had been gone for...a while. He had suddenly disappeared, and none had seen him around the village, not even just outside the cabin he and Izuku shared. Where was he, then? That was simple. He wasn't in the camp, nor even in the territory. He was a ways away, back in the field he had come to with the healer. It was a good distance from the original camp, and even further away from their current one. Once he had recovered from his sickness, he had jumped at the opportunity to go back. It was getting warmer, but it was still somewhat chilly out, and he hated it. That's why he had returned--with his sleeping bag in tow, mind you.

He had dragged it all the way to the open field and settled there for a while, though it ended up being longer than he had intended. He wasn't too worried, considering Jacob was there to lead everyone. Besides, what use did they need him for? He was there to keep an eye on Izuku, but really, he was getting older and learning and he didn't need someone breathing down his back. He was just as tired of watching him as he was of being watched.

When Aizawa finally decided to return, it took a while for him to get back. The temperature change was evident, and he breathed out in relief, thankful it was now summer. Now he wouldn't be freezing his ass off all the time. Once winter rolled back around, though, he could try and dig up that old sweater Jacob gave him. He didn't quite feel like making such an adventure again. Nearing the border, he paused and glanced around, waiting to see if anyone would come across him. When none came, he simply strolled on, already planning on napping in his hammock.


Re: catch up — o, return - arcy - 07-12-2018

//slams first mission SUCCESSFUL
There was something really stressful about Aizawa being gone. Sure, Izuku was older, didn't need to lean back on Aizawa for everything, but Izuku was a worrywart, as some would put it. Maybe not by nature, or maybe yes by nature, but worrying Izuku was regardless. And Izuku had .. a lot on his shoulders right now, the absence of so many clanmates wasn't something he needed too. Much less Aizawa's.
Which is why, when Izuku sees that figure in the distance, he nearly bursts into tears then and there. His vision may be the worst, but he's gotten a lot better at telling apart colors, even if they hurt sometimes. Aizawa was okay. There was no strange movements to the figure, either, nothing saying that the lion was injured, though Izuku wouldn't know 'till he got closer. Assuming that he wasn't fucking hallucinating or something. He hasn't slept in days. The only thing keeping him alive was tea and, unfortunately, coffee. He looks pretty awful, honesty. "Aizawa!!" Izuku calls, moving as quickly as he could with his injured leg and all. God, Aizawa had missed so much. And sure, Izuku could tell him right now, but he was mostly glad that he was back. Y'know. Even if he arrived at a bad time. Oh well. Luckily, the figure doesn't fade out as he approaches like many of his other sleep deprivation-fueled hallucinations, and Izuku beams up at the much larger figure, shuffling his paws kind of sort of. He doesn't really know what to say, 'cause he's not good with words in general. Oh well. Izuku gently attempts to butt his head against Aizawa's leg in greeting, since that's all he knows how to do at all anymore, honestly. Whoops.
what was i worth

Re: catch up — o, return - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
It wasn't hard to notice that Aizawa was gone, although Atbash was kind of worried about how he would feel about her jumping the ranks like she did. He was the Snowseeker, he was supposed to be the Chief - er, Hailcaller - but Jacob had went to her instead. She prayed that if Aizawa did come back, that he wouldn't be too upset over her being the leader now.

Hearing Izuku's call, Atbash poked her head out of her own cabin, ears pricked as she scanned the area for the grey lion. Upon seeing him, the she-cat rushed over, her expression both showing relief and happiness. "Aizawa! Are you feeling any better?" She asked, tilting her head at him. They weren't close friends by any means, but she still cared for him.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: catch up — o, return - guts - 07-12-2018

To be honest, he would be lying if he said he wasn't glad to see Izuku. In one piece, even. That was always good. Not that he didn't have any faith in him, but he had half expected him to be injured yet again. It was either a sign of progress or good luck that he wasn't. "Midoriya," he says blankly, a grin on his face. Really, whenever he smiled, it was easy for others to consider it creepy. Upon being head-butted, he huffs out through his nose, placing a paw on the smaller feline's head stiffly. An awkward reunion indeed, since neither of them were very good at emotional things, it would seem.

The lion turns to Atbash as she approaches, offering a simple nod. "Yes. I'm fine now," he replies simply. Then he glances around, realizing how quiet and almost deserted it is. That wasn't good, how much had changed since he was away? "Hm. Things seem different, what's happened?" he looks back at Izuku, then to Atbash. Hopefully nothing too bad or damaging had occurred.


Re: catch up — o, return - arcy - 07-12-2018

Izuku was usually at least a smidgen better at showing emotions. Not today, though. Cause he's not even really sure what's real anymore and what's not? Stuff hurts and everything feels bad. Oh well. Even if everything had been really dead lately and it'd just been him and Atbash, things were picking up again! None of their old members besides Cry and Aizawa, but new people were good. Uh. Right!! The reunion was stiff, but Izuku was happy enough, tail still wagging as Aizawa places a paw on his head. Maybe if Aizawa stepped on him he'd die and become an Izuku pancake. ... Izuku has no idea where that thought came from, he's never thinking anything again.
"Um .. a lot of people just .. vanished, for one," Izuku decides to explain. Left, really. Without a word. But Izuku wasn't going to say this out loud till the day he dies. Let him think they didn't leave willingly, please. That's all he asks. "J -- Jacob stepped down and left. Atbash is leader now, I'm. Um. Frosthealer." Izuku's ears flatten saying this. He didn't want to be Frosthealer yet. He's not ready. He's semi-caught up on regular Frosthealer stuff 'cause of his furious reading but. Not good enough. .. And Izuku won't lie, he's a little .. bitter. About the whole thing. Jacob just left them without a second thought. He might've thought they were ready, but Izuku definitely wasn't. oh. Right. Some other things changed too. Rank stuff mostly, though. Not important. Aizawa can figure that out himself.
what was i worth

Re: catch up — o, return - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
It was really good and reassuring to hear Aizawa was feeling better. Atbash's smile grew warmer as he responded, though whenever he asked about the changes, she frowned. "I swear I wasn't trying to steal the position from you, or anything," She said quickly after Izuku, trying to defend herself in case Aizawa got upset. "Jacob just approached me and told me how stressed he was, and then he just left. I-I accepted because he just looked so tired, I swear it wasn't anything against you," She just didn't want the guy to hold any ill will against her, was all. But just like Izuku, she was kind of upset for Jacob just leaving like that, but at the same time, she kind of understood why.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: catch up — o, return - guts - 07-13-2018

Aizawa was a bit surprised at the news, even a little disappointed. While he and Jacob hadn't exactly been close, he had grown fond of the husky, and his sudden departure would strike him as odd. He hadn't seemed like the type to just up and leave like that. Nevertheless, he trusted Atbash would be a good leader in his place, and that he had done what he needed to. Being in charge of people was tiring, he knew that first-hand--especially if they were just young teens learning how to handle powers. But that was besides the point.

"Frosthealer? Quite early, hm," he says, mostly to himself. It didn't seem like it would be good for Izuku, considering he wasn't really finished with his training. But, since the former chief and healer had left, the maine coon had no other choice. He felt a sting of pity for him. "I'm sorry to hear that. But I hope you will do well," yeah, very encouraging.

Turning to Atbash, he tilts his head, slightly confused by her concern. If he was honest, he was glad she had been chosen. He had no ambition towards being leader, and the idea of being responsible for others again definitely wasn't appealing. "Don't sound so apologetic. If Jacob picked you, then he probably had a good reason to. With that said, I expect you to do a good job," it was probably a bit pressuring, but he saw no reason to filter himself or his expectations. Everyone probably had them of her.


Re: catch up — o, return - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-13-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash looked almost relieved to hear that Aizawa held nothing against her, and she visibly relaxed, returning to her old cheerful self. "Thank you," She purred, before looking at Izuku and frowning. "I think it's a bit early, too, but... he's been doing great so far." She tried to give him a reassuring smile now.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: catch up — o, return - Dimitri - 07-13-2018

The lion was certainly intimidating and there was something about the way he looked at people that made him.... Anxious.... a pressure built up in his head and he gasped, fur raising and lowering.

Fucking lovely. He had to talk to people and be active in the community. Why did Dimitri even care? Didn’t Dimitri know it was just best for them to keep to themselves? It was safer that way. The alter shook his head, looking out from the shrubbery, keeping himself hidden. The lion was definitely big but he was not in the mood to give one fuck. Fuck if he was big? Claw his damn eyes out.

Deciding to keep their facade, he moved out of the bushes, keeping the tail close to the body. A glance at Atbash, then at the lion. There was a deep fakeness to the eyes and posture- he hated hiding and certainly hated pretending. That meant he had to be nice to people.

"Hey- hey there. I’m Dimitri. I joined recently, um, nice to meet you?." What a fucking joke.

Re: catch up — o, return - guts - 07-14-2018

Aizawa notices her quick return to her usual self and is pleased to see that she doesn't feel burdened. She was probably feeling a little stressed with her new duties, but he couldn't quite say either way. Turning his head to look down at Izuku, he nods at her words. "Good. He's been trained for this, after all. He'll just have to do some things on his own now," it was harsh, yes, but it was reality. Jacob's sudden leave had left a lot of things in shambles, it would seem. Still, he couldn't hold anything against him, even though he definitely could have done a few things differently.

At the sound of approaching steps, his ear flicks and he looks over to the stranger, uninterested eyes looking him up and down. Something about him But he just shrugged it off and nodded. "Aizawa Shota," he offers his name and not much else, as he still wasn't sure of his rank now.
