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Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - Printable Version

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Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - vellichor - 07-12-2018

IT GROWS AND GROWS — Cerasus hurt, like she always did. She had tried nearly ever since she was born but the invisibility wouldn't stop. She wasn't sure why it hurt when her entire body seemed to flicker but it did and she had no control over it. Still, she got used to the little pains that came with simple existing and now only the big tremors bothered her, like when she would simply disappear for several moments and then reappear with tears running down her face. It was too much to handle. Still, these little, momentary flickers didn't hurt her and she thought it was about time she met the people outside of her family in this place. So, the little kitten made her way into camp, her steps still a bit wobbly. Walking had been difficult for her at first, given that each one was also accompanied by some pain as she would disappear momentarily before reappearing. She didn't look unhappy, though. By looking at her, someone might not even know she was in any pain at all. In fact, a wide smile was spread across her maw at the thought of meeting some more people. She wouldn't let a little thing like not always being visible ruin her life.

If she couldn't bring herself to say hi to anyone, she may as well not even live anywhere. It sounded boring and lonely. No, she wouldn't be like that. She would make herself get used to this (which shouldn't be that hard given she'd always lived with it) and she'd live a happy, fulfilling life.  "Hi everyone! My name's Cerasus and I wanted to come and meet everyone because I thought it'd be fun!" she called, sounding just as happy as she looked. She wasn't completely happy, of course, but that wasn't really important. What did it matter if people couldn't always see her or if she felt some pain? All that mattered was that everyone else thought everything was relatively okay. And, by her standards, it was. This was her life. This pain and the somewhat blurred figures that now approached. If she couldn't see as well as everyone and if she couldn't move like everyone, that was okay. She'd be okay. Everything was fine.  — OUR HOME SWEET HOME


Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He wasn't good with kids. At least he wasn't good with kids anymore. Growing up he had two sisters, and being the older brother meant that he was going to have to take care of them when his mother wasn't looking. That wasn't exactly all that much of a task as children seemed to understand to a certain degree the danger that they were in when it came to extinction of the entire planet that they were on. Bullying hadn't really been a huge issue for his sisters like he thought it was going to be, as they didn't have a father anymore and bullies could use that as fuel to hurt them. Instead, Washington had a bully of his own when he was younger, and he didn't exactly have the nicest temper when he was a kid either. The bullying to Washington happened for a couple of weeks before he had finally had enough of it and snapped. He didn't remember how old he was when it really happened, and besides his own memory was fuzzy about the entire scenario.

Washington remembered grabbing the bully's head and smashing his face into a curb, breaking the other's nose and a significant amount of his face. He had to be stopped from actually killing the kid, and he didn't even remember what the other had said to him that snapped. The only reason he had remembered that instance was because the Counselor had brought it up when he was talking about joining Project Freelancer. He could become an angry guy and be prone to violence but he also knew how to follow orders and knew when he would end up giving his life eventually. Washington had been confused when the other had brought it up and what it had to do with him now when that had happened when he was a kid. The Counselor simply said that he was asking the questions and that he was due to answer them no question's asked. Washington shut himself up from that moment, and it was from there that his application was accepted into Project Freelancer.

Only if it hadn't. Even now, dealing with those that acted like children such as Theta, Washington had no remorse toward those that he came across. He treated the AI as such. An AI and nothing else, a computer program that was supposed to serve them and was their responsibility to recover when they went missing. He wasn't one to offer any kind words anymore like he once offered his sisters when they were upset. He barely even remembered what his sister's even looked like. That had been because of the memories that were replaced with those that weren't his own. Hence why it was so difficult to remember what his childhood actually was about as there were fuzzy pieces that didn't seem to fit all that well together. Washington didn't know why this had to happen to him specifically, but it was also happening to Carolina. Sure, his AI had nearly tried to kill him along with it, but Carolina once had two of them that were inside of her head before she said that Agent Maine had ripped them out.

She was probably suffering the same issues that he was going through, which he had seen first hand recently and wasn't sure how to deal with such a situation. He wasn't a comforting guy anymore. He was bitter, sarcastic, and prone to violence with those that pissed him off enough. As a soldier, he was supposed to keep all the feelings and pain inside of him as not to express any sort of weakness. Just like an animal did when it was injured in the wild, it would hide the effects of its injury and try to hide itself completely. Washington did that every single day he decided to leave the observatory, as there was almost always a constant pounding in his head, and only giving himself 2 hours of sleep meant that he wasn't exactly in the healthiest of schedule. It worked for him though. He wasn't hallucinating as much because he constantly kept himself busy, and at the same time, the Freelancer always had something that he was doing.

He had a schedule that he constantly modified in case Carolina gave him orders, but most of the time the schedule remained the same. At this time of day, there were points where he may return to the Observatory so that he could eat before going on his daily patrols after his morning run. The armored smilodon didn't really have any friends here, he had those that he could trust slightly but he would never regard them as friends either. So far since he had arrived here, he didn't really have to interact with any children. Considering this place was filled with civilians he knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before it actually did happen, and he wasn't looking forward to it. He wasn't a friendly guy. Washington had just finished stuffing some jerky that he had gotten from Imperia into the chest plate of his suit when he was going to start making his way out of the Observatory.

His helmet hid any facial features that he had, and while he was walking toward the entrance, a young animal started to run through said entrance and make an announcement. The Freelancer knew that there was no way he was going to get passed the kitten, which meant that he would have no choice but to interact with her. Washington stopped a good distance away to debate about the options that he did have. What the hell was he thinking? It was like ripping off a band-aid so he was just going to do it. He walked forward, easily dwarfing the domestic cat, something that he could just easily kill with the swipe of his paw. He didn't get close to her though, enjoying his personal space just like the next person. "Uhh hi there. I'm Agent Washington." The Freelancer would introduce himself slightly awkwardly. He hadn't interacted with children since he was a teenager. That was all the armored smilodon ended up saying while he stood there. Great, make it awkward by not striking any casual conversation. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - arcy - 07-12-2018

Caboose didn't remember his home life very well. He didn't remember a lot of things very well. That was just .. how things were. Caboose didn't mind! He remembered enough! He had a lot of sisters, seventeen! Caboose was the youngest. He hadn't ever interacted with kids younger than him, though. He doesn't remember the reason, but that's fine with Caboose. Kids are nice though. They are very small!! Caboose worries about squishing them sometimes. Caboose was very big and he broke a lot of things. He doesn't mean to break them. They just .. do. Oh, no, wait! It was .. not his fault! It was ... Tucker's! Of course. Everything was Tucker's fault. Caboose nods to himself a little smugly, until he realizes something is happening. Oh!! A voice!! Voices!! People!! Caboose perks up, tail wagging.
"Hello!!!" Come's Caboose's loud greeting as he trots over. The Retriever's tail wags as he, for a long few moments, just stands there. His brain is just catching up with the situation, see. A little blankly, he looks between the big, big armor cat, um, um, umum, Washingtub?? Washingtub!! And the little one.  Meeting people .. oh! "Meeting people is very fun!" Caboose offers wisely, nodding his helmeted head rather wildly. He liked meeting people! Potential friends! Caboose liked making friends! He also liked all of the star people in this place, even though he still doesn't remember their name. So he tried to go out sometimes. To mi .. mingle!! Caboose sometimes forgot to come back sometimes, though. He got lost. That was okay with him. He always managed to come back! Wasn't that neat! Caboose usually got lost a lot longer. "I .. am .. Caboose!!" Prompted by Washington's own introduction, Caboose works out his own a little dramatically. He'd forgotten his name for just a second. But that was normal. He always remembered it really soon afterwards! Unlike a lot of things Caboose forgets. Oh well!!

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - Margaery - 07-13-2018

[b]"Hello, my sweet!" Margaery greeted cheerfully upon arrival, a wide smile dancing across her own features. To say that she was pleased to see one of her children out and about would be a terrible understatement. She often times worried that her clanmates would be too overwhelming for her babies, frightening even. She didn't know why exactly she worried as she did, just that her motherly instincts told her to. No matter, everything appeared to be going smoothly right now and she released a sigh of relief.

A quick glance would be stolen in Caboose and Washington's direction before she took a seat, roses blooming at her paws. "How are you, dulcis?" She inquired lightly, a metaphorical brow rising. Admittedly, Margaery did not know much about her daughter's chronic pain. She saw her often flicker in and out of visibility, and while that was concerning, she had no idea that it hurt her daughter so. If she did, she'd do everything in her power to find a solution, hardly handling the fact that Cece was exposed to pain constantly. But looking at her, seeing that smile that reminded her so much of her own and her mother's before her, she couldn't tell a thing. And so she sat back in blissful ignorance.

"Have you made any friends? Explored any new places recently?"

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - BASTILLEPAW - 07-13-2018

"Hey, Cece," he yawned as he joined them, shaking off the slight chill that was eating at his flesh. Gods. He hated himself a little more every time he remembered that he'd let himself relapse, and it was fucking awful, the withdrawal symptoms renewed. He supposed he deserved that, but damn. Things were slightly better at the moment, however, and he plopped down beside the little girl with a crooked smile, rueful. "Guess I don't have to introduce myself again."

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - Suiteheart - 07-13-2018

Suite was late. Surprise, surprise.

The white feline scurried forward after she spotted the group gathered around her daughter. She had been patrolling for most of the day, and now, she was happy to finally be getting some rest and relaxation (at least for an hour or two). Donning a large, lopsided grin, she settled in beside her wife before nodding a hello to Washington, Caboose, and Bastille. Baby blue eyes then settled upon Cerasus, concern flickering in her gaze momentarily.

She had witnessed her daughter flicker in and out of view time and time again. She had seen the contorted expression of pain on Cece's face, the tears that pooled in her sweet eyes before it all overflowed. It broke her heart - especially because she couldn't figure out how to fix it.

"You look so happy today, mon petit cœur." Suite's little heart. She adored that nickname for her children, and she knew it was about time she gave each of her kids a special nickname of their own. [b]"I'm glad to see you meeting new people!"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - vellichor - 07-19-2018

IT GROWS AND GROWS — Cece didn't recognize the first person that came up to her. She thought he looked a little funny but she wouldn't say that because that was mean and she wasn't supposed to be mean. Instead, she just gave him a big smile and answered, "Hi Mr. Agent! It's really nice to meet you! You can all me Cece if you want 'cause I know my name's a little long. I like it but it's long. Did you wanna play a game or something?" she asked. Then another weird man took her attention, but he seemed a little bit more comfortable than the other one. Why did he have a funny head too? She shouldn't ask. She knew she shouldn't ask. It was like if someone were to ask her why they couldn't see her all the time. It would just be rude. But why were they like that. "Hi Mr. Caboose! I like meeting people too! And you're right, it is very fun!" she agreed.

Then came those that she was familiar with, like her Mama and Mommy and Ellie. When her Mama asked if she had made any new friends, she quickly nodded. "Yeah! Mr. Caboose and Mr. Agent are my friends now! I haven't really gone anywhere today, though. Maybe I'll try looking around tomorrow," she answered before Bastille made his way over. At this point, a more mischievous look came to her eyes and she suddenly pounced forward, attempting to surprise hug him. "Nope! I know your name Ellie!" she giggled before rolling off of him and looking towards her Mommy. "I'm happy I'm meeting people too! It's really fun! You should do it sometime too Mommy!"  — OUR HOME SWEET HOME


Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]The concept of invisibility, or really any power, was a mystery to Beverly. She had no special abilities or qualities, though she remembered briefly meeting some outcasted loners with a jumble of powers. They had been kind enough to show them to her during her brief stay in their compound, but she never really found herself wishing she had any of her own. Frankly, she was content just being a plain Jane.

As the short girl approached the small group that had formed, she listened to everyone's introductions. It would seem that only two of them needed an introduction - using context clues and what little knowledge she had about the couple, she assumed that Cece was Margaery and Suiteheart's daughter. When it was her turn, she spoke, "Hey, kid. I don't think we've met before - I'm Beverly, but you can call me Bev."

Re: Like this perfect, // open+intro // happy, sunny, shiny day - Simon F.M. - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Quietly, one foot in front of the other. Don't trip, watch where you're going. Keep your balance with your tail. Keep your eyes on your target and keep as low to the ground as possible. These were tips she'd heard in passing and was doing her best to follow. Was her hunter's crouch lopsided as hell? Yes, yes it was. Butwas she able to stay mostly silent and stealthy? Yeah, kinda.

As she crept up on her sister, the white kitten would smile to herself. She launched herself at the other kitten with a 'roar, though it was more like a fierce mew, aiming to land on top of her sister and topple over the other kitten. "Hi cece!"