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SCARS BLEED GOLDEN / JOINING + INJURED - ( character graveyard ) - 07-12-2018

"ah... shit."

eyelids heavy he awakes to the sound of water crashing into him, pushing him further into the strange land he had been washed onto. his hazy gaze lifts and he's barely able to focus on his surroundings but he can tell he was nowhere near home. the sun is too bright, blinding almost, and this causes for the kishu inu to groan in distaste. he feels pain searing across his body, white hot and relentless. it takes the breath out of his already strangled lungs and so ryuusaki turns to look at the damage his relatively frail body had been dealt. the injuries... were not the worse thing he's seen. as a doctor who had tended to criminals that got themselves involved with gory knife-fights all too often, he considered himself lucky that his innards were still in their respective places. he shakes the water and sand from his eyes, realizing with a start that... something was missing. his first-aid kit. hell. with his injuries the way they were, ryuusaki knew he would bleed out on this deserted island (or so he believed it to be deserted) if he didn't find some way to improvise. and so, he begins looking.

his injuries consisted of mostly cuts and bruises, small and insignificant. he wouldn't waste his time with those if he managed to find anything. he had two sizable gashes; one on his side and the other... in a less than fortunate place right between his eyes. he imagined he probably hit rock when he fell or at least the coral seabed when he was thrown off that cliff. he was very sure he had a couple of bruised ribs which were, once again, not a problem to handle but he was also sure that one of those ribs happened to be broken. he wasn't sure which one yet, but given that if he could manage to pull himself together, he'd be able to discern what he could do by then. ryuusaki huffs as he pulls himself to stand. the action is forced and he's uncaring if his sides are screaming at him to return to a relaxed position, to not walk, but he has to. he is driven by the desire to live, a frantic desire that all held deep within themselves. although it hurts, he had to keep pressing on if there was any relative chance that he was going to survive this.

with shaking paws he steps forth and the first step is practically hell. he nearly crumples here but he pulls a strong face. i know it hurts but you have to... he feels faint here, but you have to live. just... i just have to. keeping unshed tears of pain from rolling over, ryuusaki continues along the edge of this beach, practically dragging himself as he went, until he trips across something in the sand. he lands face first in the wet sand and his body twists in agony at the jarring halt of his movements. he trains his focus on whatever it was that he tripped over and the white case with the trademark red cross atop is unmistakable. what a fucking convenient thing this was, huh? he doesn't care, he's found his first aid kit, he could do this now. "fifty percent." he mutters to himself as he pushes away the golden sand around the box and he opens it, peering into its contents. mostly... everything is there. before he'd been thrown over he had been out attempting to restock and so not everything he would usually have in there was there. it's fine... he only needs the alcohol, towelette, and bandages anyway.

removing the contents from his first-aid kit, ryuusaki gets straight to working on himself the best he could. he takes the alcohol and he rips off its top with sharp canine teeth, applying it to the towelette he had with him before pressing it to his forehead. the wound burns, it sears, but it means the alcohol is doing its job. he wraps the bandages tightly around the side of his head to keep it where it is before he moves on. he does the same process with the gash in his side though he carefully sets his broken rib in the process to where it could rest and start its long journey to healing. "sixty-five, no... seventy-two percent." the japanese kishu inu shifts again now, wrapping himself in bandages. this was.. all he could do for now. this was all he could do until he could find out exactly where the hell he was and then he'd go from there. he packs up his equipment and slides it onto his body before he gathers himself up and begins trudging in another direction.

with a few minutes of walking he sees something in the distance. it seems like... he was approaching some sort of strip of land? it leads into something humongous, something great, something breathtaking. ryuu's in awe as he stumbles forth, kicking up sand in his ungraceful descent. this place? this place couldn't be abandoned. it was too plentiful, too big, it had... it had to have people living here, somewhere. he just hoped he hadn't washed up on some island where the tribespeople were cannibals or some sick shit like that. oh, he could only hope. he's hesitant in calling out, and he has a seventy-two percent chance of actually surviving out here now, but he wants that percent higher. he wants to ensure his survival. it's a gamble, but its a risk he's willing to take and so he snatches it up. although his lungs groaned in protest, ryuusaki called out in the loudest voice possible, "hello out there!"

/ tl;dr: ryuusaki got washed up on one of the typhoon's outer beaches, patched himself up to some degree after stumbling across his formerly lost first-aid kit and somehow managed to carry himself around to the entrance of the place. now he's lying in the sand, still bleeding pretty badly, and he's called out for the attention of a passerby.

hello, this may be trash but i wanted to get this up ; w ;


It seemed people had quite the habit of getting washed up on the island. Or, so given that Solveig had done practically the same thing not so long ago, it was perhaps ironic that yet another shared her fate. Injuries, getting washed up on the shore, not knowing exactly where you might have been or what was going on. Of course, she had been lucky that she hadn't simply died- it was one thing to get washed up, it was another to fall off a short cliffside into the water and float for most of the day. Regardless, the fate was unfortunate, leaving even her with a bandaged shoulder and an annoying limp that grated her more for her gait to be ruined by the limp than any actual pain of it itself.

Still, even she couldn't ignore the call of the passerby as she made her way around the island, three steps smooth, one step labored. Solveig had yet to find another headscarf to cover her soft brown patches of fur around her face, where cocoabrown circled the area of her eyes and cheeks and softened in color towards her neck. A line of black surrounded a pair of sharp violet eyes, an unnatural color, but stunning nonetheless, if not for the calm, considerate look that often shone there. 'Hello out there!' It  was a simple enough call, simple enough that one might not consider the possibility that anything was wrong. Still, the pretty snowshoe made her way, turning her path as she began to follow and trail off towards the voice. It wasn't long until she found Ryuu- not by the shore, but in the town. He, soaking and patched up, look hardly like he belonged, her violet eyes snapping onto him and holding like he were a target. "You look like you need help?" her honey-sweet voice echoed softly, not aloud, but reaching out to touch his mind and his thoughts instead. She wasted no time while speaking, of course, stepping forward and looking him over again to see if there were any further injuries that were pressing. She herself was still tired from her own recent near-drowning, but it did not mean that she could not also offer up her own medical skills if such were pressing. "I can help you with any other injuries you may possess," she offered up, regardless. Still, the snowshoe's chest gently rose with an intake of breath, then fell slowly as she exhaled, "Though you do seem to have that managed... Welcome to the Typhoon, sir." She poised herself, her chin still slightly high as if she had more to say, but nothing came, her words lingering off into silence as her head ever so slightly canted towards one side, questioning his presence with no more than a glance, waiting for him to elaborate himself.



It did seem that others appeared at The Typhoon injuries, and Caesar was honestly getting tired of it. Usually because he was the one running off to get Rosemary or somebody with medical knowledge. Caesar was, of course, drawn over at Ryuusaki’s call, but as the demon got closer, he noted the tang of blood in the air. Oh, wonderful. Caesar grunted to himself as he came up beside Solveig, looking at the stranger who was laying in their territory. ”You have any other reason than being here other than being injured, pal?” He asked in a rude tone, his tail tip flicking. He knew what he said was rude, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to get business done and over with. And, like Solveig said, the guy seemed to patch himself up for the most part.


Re: SCARS BLEED GOLDEN / JOINING + INJURED - ( character graveyard ) - 07-12-2018

ryuusaki could see from a little ways off that he managed to garner the attention of a stranger. as the appeared closer over the horizon, the japanese canine squinted to get a better look (not that it really helped, anyways) and decided that he was looking at some type of feline. he could tell from her uneven gait and the way she held herself that something was troubling her leg- and injury most obviously, and he watches her quietly as she comes closer. a snowshoe, a pretty little thing she was too. he was gathering himself to speak when the stranger, solveig, spoke first. however, her lips didn't move and yet he heard her voice in his head- smooth, honeyed and sugary sweet like plums. it's a nice voice to hear, soft and careful as it entered his mind. ryuu usually would have been offended at the intrusion of his mind, but he doesn't really care at this point. the relief is rolling off him in waves by now but he's still on guard, as told by the tautness in his shoulders and the fact that he never once moved his gaze from solveig's. "help..." comes his own voice, softer, withdrawn, "yes, i suppose i do need help." he remarks with an afterthought, head inclining just faintly to the side at her offer.

the doctor scrunches up his nose, not in offense, but rather in sheepishness and a smile graces his maw (even though he doesn't know why he smiled here) and he shook his head. he'd rather not let anyone touch him and if given the materials, he could patch himself up. he simply didn't have enough in the small white and red box he had strapped to his side. those scratches and bruises were small and insignificant, but he does admit it'd be best to get them washed and dressed as soon as possible. later, if this person was nice enough to let him stay. the woman welcomes him. the typhoon, this place was called then? he echoes it in wonderment, "the typhoon..." this was the odd place he had washed up on then. surely, there was more people- more people living on this island than this hurt woman here, right? yes, of course, here came another person now.

ryuu can know just from sparing a glance at the guy that he seemed bothered by his sudden appearance. he doesn't care about the other's feelings towards him, not really at least, until he speaks up with that blunt tone in his voice. the doctor narrows his eyes slightly in caesar's direction but he doesn't shoot back a retort but, instead, offers a quiet sigh. "does it look like i have a reason for being here? i didn't choose to wash up on this island, yūjin." he says idly, there isn't a tone of aggression in his voice and he just seemed tired. he falters for a moment after he speaks, shoulders quivering with his loss of blood. he looks to the nicer stranger, mumbling his name, "i'm ryuusaki... ryuusaki ikurusaba. i washed up here, and i don't remember anything as to how i ended up in the water in the first place. ma'am, could you help me?" he inquires and his expression is hopeful, if not pleading. if he played his cards right, maybe these people wouldn't try to sacrifice him to their gods or something. that'd be a nice change for once...


Caesar held back a sigh as Ryuusaki admitted that he did, in fact, need help. The demon's tail flicked once more, however, showing is irritability. "We can find somebody to help you." The Officer responded, his voice still showing he didn't like this entire situation. He didn't know if Solveig had any medical knowledge, but it still wouldn't hurt to fetch somebody he actually knew who did. "Solveig, make sure he doesn't move too much." And with that, the demon went off, probably to fetch Rosemary.

[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member]


Solveig gathered herself to step closer to the stranger at his softly spoken words, her eyes lifting towards his own before she dipped her head softly in some form of greeting as she quietly surveyed his bruises and the injuries littering his body. Even at his sheepishness, and his smile, of which she did little to return at the present moment, too occupied with other matters, she kept his personal space to himself. He was tense, even despite his relative friendliness, and Solveig knew enough not to intrude on the silent distance he had walled between them. She gathered herself in a breath inwards, her gaze flickering over him as if she were drawing in every detail of his person within that glance; the way he held himself, the bruises, of course, down to his breathing and the way he spoke. Her paws shifted as she gathered herself to sit, poising herself as if to continue the conversation as her chin tilted up ever so slightly, but her head instead slowly turned at Caeser's approach.

And silence she kept to. Ceaser's rude introduction was met with little more than an exhale from the girl, but she would not be one to challenge his words, as much as she smothered the little flickering smile of amusement on her face at Ryuu's retort. Quiet, and still through the exchange, the only signs she had not turned into a statue, aside from her slight flickering of emotions across her face, was the steady rise and fall of her chest with her breathing. Their stranger, Ryuu as it was, wasn't exactly faring so well, was he? But his tongue had certainly lost no edge.

Her smirk only grew as Ryuu turned from Caesar to her, asking her alone for help instead of them. Subtle, but amusing. Even if being called 'Ma'am' made her ear flick, not from an insult, but an uncomfortableness to be addressed with a fond title that was often given out of respect.  She was quick to turn that smirk of hers into a gentle, soft smile upon her face, her gaze lifting back up towards Ryuu's as her violet hues traced over his calmly. "The Typhoon will certainly welcome you until you have recovered. You have given us no transgressions to cast you out otherwise- and unless Captain Pincher-" She cut short as Caeser intervened, exhaling slowly in a sigh as she was cast aside. Of course, she was used to it and provided no more reaction than that. And since Caeser was willing to believe she had no knowledge, she grit her teeth as he ran off. "It seems it has been assumed I cannot assist you. But he is right, you should rest. Whomever he fetches and deems more capable of assisting you will treat you well. Those bruises don't look too bad off. A bit of cleaning, and a bit of rest for you and I imagine you will be just fine, mister Ikurusaba..

There was a long pause as her gaze shifted to where Caeser had run off, her paws shifting ever so slightly before she put a small smile back on her face, softening her features despite whatever sharp irritation she felt. "I am Solveig. It is a pleasure to meet one such as you."



[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus appeared just as the demon was walking away, dull red eyes watching the scene unfold from afar- only just appearing now out of curiosity. The Quartermaster at least caught onto the conversation. No memories but his name and a... penchant for japanese from what she can hear. Which was good, at least on a subconscious level he knew a language- more than one even. So he had a past closely aligned with humans or animals that knew the language itself.

"As it stands We do't have a stand-in medic. It is not Caesar's role to say you can't use what you know to help a crewmate." Argus spoke up, her voice mellow beside it's rather horse tone. Of course, she could be wrong- most of the last meeting she bleeped out out of her own tired mind beside the rather surprising promotion. But she didn't see a reason someone else couldn't help their clanmates- hell Argus had taken up the reigns for helping crewmates when no one else was around. What was someone to do in a situation it was dire- let them bleed until someone authorized could help?

"Watashitachi zen'in ga kanashi-sō ni kangei shite iru wakede wa arimasen." She knew this from experience- watching the Officer for a while- just one of his... "quirks" one would say. Defensive and agressive at the same time- but she knew how to read all manners of people from a young age. Living with a few like him when she was little even- made it more fun to mess with now. She could at least warn the newcommer about it. "But welcome to the typhoon, Name's argus."

Re: SCARS BLEED GOLDEN / JOINING + INJURED - ( character graveyard ) - 07-12-2018

he seems to be grateful towards solveig's hospitality as told as much from the way his smile remained on his rosy pink lips. she welcomed him warmly, her voice reaching into the depths of his mind once more, and it brings him to an awareness, quite prominently, of where he was located. a new group, something he's never heard of before. the typhoon. he must still be reeling. he was terrible with names, he remembers and red flushes under his cheeks. he couldn't believe he'd forgotten about the name of the group already. he certainly wasn't getting old, he was only thirty-six months of age. three years old on the dot. how embarrassing... he blinks twice when solveig is interrupted, a name falling from her lips, by caesar as he announces that he'd get him help and for the girl before him to make sure he doesn't move. ryuusaki isn't dumb. he's a doctor from where he's from or, well, was a doctor.

ryuusaki quietly stares after caesar as he leaves, feeling somewhat relived and then immediately feeling bad for such relief to blow over him. the guy was rude at best, but he's dealt with brash people before and so, at most, he's still rather comfortable even if he does know that caesar thought of him currently as an nuisance. the white kishu inu slides his glasses from his muzzle, staring hard at the wet lenses before attempting to rub them into his tattered lab coat. by the time he's placed his glasses back in their respective place upon his muzzle, his attention is moving back to solveig as she garners it once more with her voice caressing his mind. he feels bad that the nicer stranger had been cast aside, it seemed like it had irritated her to some degree to be assumed of. he knows of that feeling all too well. in any case, the canine nods his head slowly in response before an introduction leaves solveig. ah, yes, that was the name caesar had mentioned before he left. it made sense... "it is a pleasure meeting you as well," he bows the upper half of his body carefully in a traditional bow, "thank you." he says as he lifts himself from his bow. soon enough, however, another figure came into view and it definitely wasn't caesar returning.

ryuusaki looks upon argus with intrigue lying in his oceanic gaze, eyes roaming up to her face to dedicate her appearance to memory. she seems nice too, or at least, from she's said so far in regards to solveig and then, a bit later, himself. he is actually surprised argus could speak japanese from the way his ears seemed to flutter forth upon his cranium. a fluttering smile graces his gently bruised features once more and he responds comfortably, "ah, daijoubu desu..." he would have wavered a paw here if it weren't for the fact he had to put all paws on the ground to ensure he remained upright. he's grateful for the warning anyhow. "thank you, argus, and it's nice meeting you too." like with what he did with solveig, he bows slightly towards argus. when he lifts himself, his blue eyes are shifting once more towards the direction caesar had disappeared to. oh, he hopes someone would come along quickly to help him to his feet.


Strangely, Rosemary found the fact Caesar continuously fetched her for medical matters as highly flattering. Despite the small flux of members with healing knowledge, he seemed to believe in her abilities - or, at least, in his ability to find her more easily, given that she always stayed in her treehouse these days. The officer seemed impossible to impress or deal with; she liked knowing that she held a nugget of respect over him. Especially since she doubted he respected Pincher, given his near mutinous attitude when her half-brother disappeared.

As she came closer, her main pair of eyes appraised the bandaged wound - difficult, without a direct sight to it. As far as she could tell, the injury wanted to bleed out of its bandages, but the stranger's wrap seemed to imply he held some proficiency in medicine. Unless someone else did; though, by its dirty mess and Solveig's lack of fussing over it, she doubted that. "I have fresh bandages in my satchel with me, if you want to change the bandages. I'd have to open up your work to see how bad you're off - would you like me to do that?" she asked, unaware of the conversation that occurred before she wandered over. She did find it odd that neither of the the two women here seemed inclined to fix it - she remembered Argus explaining a concussion as though Rosemary herself were panicking with inexperience; she also knew Solveig seemed to get involved in some of the herb-based chores and tasks around the group. "Because you can simply do it yourself once we get back to the main hub - you seem to know a bit about healing, I'm assuming," Rosemary added, assuming that for this sort of low-priority wound he might want to deal with it on his own. The witch happened to think that way about her own wounds, so she extended those underlying presumptions to other doctors.

"Ah, I'm Rosemary Roux, if I forgot to say that already," she added with a flick of her forked tail, supposing she forgot all about that. Introductions and first meetings always flowed so awkwardly; she felt like she ranked particularly bad at such things, compared to others. Naturally, her standoffish and aloof tone usually contributed to this - even in this encounter, where she genuinely wanted to help, she seemed to express the most minimum of interest.