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I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - Printable Version

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I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - MALKYN. - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]She doesn't like the idea of going to Blackfall, of going to a settlement- a city.

She likes the wilderness, she likes the wide open spaces, she likes being able to turn and not see a massive wall towering over her, she likes being able to pull herself up on her horse and be able to see where she's going. Not trapped inside walls meant to 'protect' them from the outside world. From.. them. She preferred to use the term.. outsiders, nomads- but the others? The tall blonde specifically, called them mutants the first time they came across her. The term made her skin crawl, her arms itching with an old feeling she couldn't place of discomfort and fear, rejection to the word without knowing why.

The tall redhead hums faintly, brushing fingers through the rough wire-y mane beneath her and into soft, thick fur of the stallion beneath her. She shifts in her seat, glancing backwards slightly and towards the tall blonde on her left, a pack mule tied to the other's own horse. The woman offers a tense smile, one that's uneasy with their current trajectory and path. She isn't even sure where exactly they are anymore, except that the sea air is getting closer, almost to where she can taste it and something in her stomach twists at the thought of arriving where they were headed.

She hears a faint laugh from her right side and glances behind her at the short enby and redheaded teenager. He brings his horse too close to the enby and the dog strapped on the back of the horse loses its mind trying to get to him, snapping its teeth and snarling at him. Malkyn leads her horse further, following the smell of the sea air and her gut twisting violently until little arms squeeze a little tighter around her midsection to hang on at the downward slope, burying her face into the woman's back.

[ please wait until everyone posts! [member=1278]TALIA[/member] [member=1289]FINN —[/member] [member=1298]VALOR ![/member] ]

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - goodsprings - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] travelling over the barren wasteland had been exhausting for the young man, though he is positive it was just as tiring for everyone else. he isn't as adapted to this life as they were; older and more experienced. in comparison to his companions it could be obvious. malkyn always had an observant gaze; looking for dangers, food, shelter all at once. taking every minuscule detail in front of her and analyzing it over. the way she approached and simply moved seemed primal. the intense look in her eye that burned with an uncovered hunger. if looks could kill.

his mentor, though, practically raising him from the time he was eight year old, had tried to teach him how to survive the barren world. "you'll live if you do this." was a common phrase that repeated over in his head whenever he acted on his own. every decision had to be made with every different outcome in mind, and that in itself was overwhelming for a young boy, just rounding his next year.

thankfully they had found malkyn and talia. valor was never sure how he and finn had survived with it being just the two of them and their... dog. the mutated canine was much more monstrous than any other ghoulish thing he'd seen in the pits of radiation. as their little ragtag group began to grow and reconnect, it seemed like their chances of survival grew. even if it seemed bleak at times.

the motion to pull the coyote pelt around his neck further up toward his face had caused the reins on his horse to swerve, and in doing so had irritated his guardians lovely little monster, and a series of teeth gnashing and aggressive snarls as it fights seemingly with its life to bite off valor's head. he holds his horse back and sticks his tongue out at the maltipoo, (or what it used to be before becoming what it is now) and glances up to momentarily make eye contact with malkyn. she turned away before he could make any snide remark, and lets himself lean forward on his mounts neck.

"are we there yet?" he asks, voice muffled through the thick mane of the horse. his eyes just slightly peering around its neck to gouge a reaction from any of them in front of him, fingers curling around the coyote pelt. he lost count of the days since they began the trip. one he didn't even know where to as he hadn't really bothered to ask. it was normally to a new location after prey went scarce. off to another forest to haunt and feed on and move to the next. this one was taking entirely too long, though, and that was a risk he knew malkyn wouldn't take unless it was truly important.

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - lexasperated - 07-12-2018

The prospect of being back in any kind of city, or even the smallest of settlements, is a little daunting to Talia. Maybe a few years back, she would've been all for the idea - but, but she's spent so long living in the wilds that she's no longer sure of her stance on the matter. Walls, they would keep them safe from outside threats, but what about monsters that lie within, hiding in streets and palaces, hiding in plain sight? They would be like rats, trapped in a maze of rundown houses and market stalls, pushed into corners with nowhere to go, and she shudders at the thought before breathing in the crisp, salty air. There are benefits, no matter how much she might try to deny it - like resources they can't normally find in the wild, trade and barter. She relaxes a bit at that, but not by much, her nerves continue to buzz with intimidation.

Her gaze swivels from the blurred horizon and towards Malkyn, catching the taller redhead's gaze and sending a soft, crinkling smile her way - Talia's lips tremble like a leaf, unsure, but she holds the expression anyway until her leader's gaze is shifting somewhere else. She follows Malkyn's gaze to Finn and Valor, her own horse stumbling a bit at the sound of the maltipoo going for someone's throat. Talia coos softly, clicks her tongue before sinking her fingers into Winter's mane, scratching the coarse, stand-up thing softly in reassurance. Her gaze never leaves them, though, smile still encouraging towards the other packmembers - she loves them all to bits, truly, as dysfunctional a group they might seem to a stranger's curious eyes.

Valor's question lingers in her head. How far away are they from the first signs of civilization? They've all been devoid of it for such a long time that she no longer recognizes the signs that might indicate their distance from it; she used to be pretty good at it but no longer. "I have no idea," comes the blonde's murmured response, shivering gently underneath her own deerskins, tongue wetting her chapped lips. She wishes she has an answer to give but she hasn't a clue where they are anymore, only that they're close to the ocean. Still, it must be a good sign. Talia turns her turquoise gaze back towards the horizon line. "I have a good feeling that we're on the right track though."

/mobile and also oh wow i'm ruzty

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - jabberwocky - 07-12-2018

They weren't sure if they were the only one who thought this was an absolutely garbage idea, but they didn't think it was worth the energy to voice their complaints. After all, they had traveled this far - it wouldn't hurt to check the place out? If it was as bad as they thought it was going to be, the group would have no problem disappearing at a moment's notice.

Still, Finn couldn't help but feeling a sinking feeling as they grew closer to civilization, watching the back of their leader's head as she drew them closer to Blackfall. There was millions of ways this could all go wrong - the group could attack without thinking, or they could be a lot less accepting of outsiders than they thought. The group was supposedly "mutant friendly" - they hated that word, but it was the best term - but how friendly? The pack had seen few as far gone as them in their travels.

And as much as they didn't want to say it, they worried for the safety of their rag tag family, particularly Valor. They had grown attached to the boy after the last eight years, and leading him into a potentially dangerous situation didn't sit very well. They reached back absentmindedly to curl their fingers into the fur of the dog also seated on the horse, trying to keep the mutated creature in place as it snapped and snarled at Valor. The dog had never been terribly friendly with the boy, and Finn did little to change that, but it's angry attitude was prone to spooking the horses. "Don't you think you would know if we were there yet?" The dark haired individual huffed, their sudden annoyance blatant on their face. "Stay focused, Valor. We don't know how they're going to react to us yet." Their hunting knife was stowed on their person, as per usual, and they would have no hesitation in using it on Blackfallen if it came down to foreigners or their family.

Still, they needed to remain calm, try to stop assuming the worst, so they did their best to focus on keeping pace with the two ahead of them and not on the millions of things that could go wrong at any time.

/blagh writing is rusty.....also to anyone reading we've now all posted so feel free to respond!


Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - ANIMA B. - 07-12-2018

It seems that she's the first one to come across the strange group. She's not even really a true member of Blackfall, merely hanging around whilst she gets the necessary resource to repair her gear and move on to go back to the wilds. She's out of the settlement letting her hawk fly for a while though, keeping scraps of meat in her pouch to make sure Seven returns at least. Seven, for all that she loves him so, is still a bird. She raised him, the two working as a pair, but Seven always wants to leave and spread his wings.

Seven spots them before Anima does, and as he tends to do around large groups of strangers, lands back on Anima's hand. The talons dig into her arm that's held out for him to land on as she turns to look at the rag-tag group. Without her fur hood and bow, she doesn't quite make the first impression that she'd like to. The mutated dog catches her off-guard more than anything, watching it warily as they come closer.

That thing could snap and kill anyone. Annie has always been wary of mutated creatures, they're not natural and of the land. They were usually bad to hunt too, being unsafe for consumption and she'd heard that their blood was toxic. Pelts were mangled and marred. But yet these four, three adults and a child, have it with them as if it's a pet or a companion, similar to how she keeps her hawk.

Still, she picks her bow from where it's left against a tree, letting Seven hop onto her shoulders before she walks towards the group. Anima refrains from nocking an arrow for now, admittedly she only has two on her person at the moment. One for the mutated dog for sure, should it decide to go for her or her bird. She has no idea how to approach these people either - feeling very uncomfortable between the fact that she's outnumbered, that they have horses and that bloody mutated dog.

Still. Someone greeted her when she arrived.

"Can I help all of you? There's a civilisation nearby, Blackfall?" She sounds very unsure of what she's saying, but sounds confident enough that she doesn't seem too putoff by the circumstances. 

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - purgatory - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]Jeong knew he could survive out in the wild. He knew this for a fact. However, compared to the approaching group and Anima, he was the least experienced in it. He had grown up in a wealthy family, though they did not share any blood relation, they raised him like their own. He trained hard in order to protect their heir, Leopold, and was succumbed to many scenarios that he had to figure a way to get out of. He knew there were more better and capable individuals out there to protect Leo but he was here. He has kept him safe thus far. That was worth something, right? However, when it comes to survive out in the wilderness, Jeong was not sure how long he'd last. He preferred to live within the walls where he knew of places to hide and ambush. To be able to sneak around and watch without being noticed. Doing such things out in the wild seemed a lot harder and required skill the man simply doesn't possess. It was a humbling thought, surviving out in the wild. It made him realize there was always room for improvement. This improvement, however, was going to take time. A long time. He was willing to learn though. Who knows when it may come in handy.

He saw the large figures of horses before he saw the individuals riding them. Stopping in his tracks, he pressed his lips together as his head tilted slightly in curiosity. Friends? Enemies? Both? Both was always more interesting and fun. Hoping it is both, Jeong turned himself and walked over to greet them. As he got closer, he noticed Anima was already there speaking to them. Smiling at the huntress, he briefly placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance as he stopped at her side. Auburn coloured luminaries glanced from face to face - humans and creatures alike. "Hello there." He greeted them with a lopsided grin. Anima had already asked the important question so the man decided to wait for their reply.

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - CAIN - 07-15-2018

CAIN PENDRAGON — For days, something had been itching at the back of his thoughts.

He couldn't say with any sort of certainty what it was or what was going on. The realm was restless, shifting in the night, curling tightly around his ankles as he walked through the city during the day; it nagged at him, pulling, withering in a way that he hadn't felt since he was a teenager and inexperienced with his abilities. It was making him restless in return, seeking something to sink his teeth into, to unleash chaotic energy on. It seemed to get worse and worse with each passing day, and he was having to fight harder to keep it under his heel, to remind it of who its master was.

He knew it was her the second she crossed his parameters, that long-lost but familiar aura pinging on his radar as something dark erupted in his chest. Malkyn. He had never really understood what it was that tied them together, had no words for the strange connection he felt to her, the pulsating energy in her presence -- he had never known what it was, and for years he'd been convinced she was dead. Dead, just like all the others. But there it was, live, screaming in his head, and he was moving before he knew it, wispy shadows rising up around his legs and twining around his body as he vanished from his meeting room.

He came striding out of frothing darkness with the same sort of set determination, his sea-green stare locked on the alpha. There was something else there, something pulling at his attention, something screaming at him to look to the left, but there was a louder voice demanding that he stare this girl down. He stepped right in front of her horse, heedless to those who had gathered, and stared up at her with darkness on his tongue as he said lowly, "Malkyn."

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - MALKYN. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 50%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"][ hEWWO MUSE??? ]

A huntress she can deal with, she doesn't feel so.. threatened, alienated. Someone who knew the outside and knew that walls could be restricting, intimidating. The horse underneath her shifts slightly, and she's tightening her grip on the reins previously held slack in her hands at the second figure to approach their ragtag group. She hesitates just slightly, not wanting to completely commit to living within the.. confines of Blackfall. But they needed the numbers and the safety it offered.

"Seems my navigation skills aren't as rusty as I thought they were." She murmurs, mostly to herself and her packmates, rather than the two strangers in front of them. "Mhm, yea, Blackfall. Not all that keen on going to Griffingate." She doesn't give details but considering they have the mutated dog with them and half of Malkyn's face is covered with a thick fur hood and material wrapped around her neck to hide the more obvious mutations. "We're here to.. join."

Years of a dulled and almost nonexistent bond and her skin had been feeling.. prickly as of late, the closer she and the others had gotten to Blackfall. She pushed it off as just being nervous, anxious at getting closer and closer to a place she hadn't been anywhere near for 11 years, but it's getting worse. Just standing still in front of them, like her skin's on fire and every- every piece of clothing clinging to her stings and burns, itching, a foreign and uncomfortable feeling curling in her throat at the sensations.

Part of her wants to turn away and get the fuck out of here, get as far from the feeling as possible. Another is curious, frozen almost, waiting, holding her breath for.. something. There's a split second where she feels the stallion beneath her tense up, ears pressing forward in high alert, going from relaxed to tense within the span of seconds. It's then that a man materializes from dark, angry shadows in front of her and the group, pushing past the two others who'd approach them and heading straight for--


She goes to pull on the reins, pulling them backwards, not liking his gaze stuck on her like glue, or that he fucking- poofed from the shadows in front of her. She feels, rightfully so, incredibly threatened and didn't help her uneasiness surrounding going to Blackfall in the first place. Malkyn is distantly aware that the previous burning sensation all over her body has turned pleasant almost, a hum of something previously torn and faded being mended. But before she can get her horse to react, he's reacting himself, yanking his head up, stepping backwards a couple steps at Cain's sudden and unnatural entrance.

He turns to the side, all intentions of positioning himself to defend, until Malkyn's pulling the reins, forcing him to stop as the (un)familiar stranger says her name, not as a question, not a nervous lilt- confident, completely sure. Understandably, she's immediately defensive, one hand instinctively moving to brush her fingers against the weapon hanging at her side, narrowing her eyes at him. Aggression quickly jumps in her throat, in her chest, protective of the ones behind her but stupidly curious of those on foot.

Her head hurts as she looks over the dark-haired man, a faint press of her lips, and her jaw clenching slightly, trying, trying to put a name to the face. It isn't until she hears a faint name from her left, that it clicks, Talia breathlessly saying his name in.. shock? Disbelief? Relief? Her previously guarded, nervous, defensive expression gives way to a faint smile, and then to a grin. "Well damn, I'd say puberty looks good on you." The redheaded woman makes a vague point to look him up and down before shifting and looking away for a split second, laughing a little.

Her grin falters slightly, looking down at her hands that are still gripping the reins and back at Cain, at the pleasant, familiar hum that's settled over her skin, wrapping her in a warm embrace she hadn't known she was missing. She doesn't.. really know what to say to him, not after 11 years, not after-- She quickly dismisses the thoughts and focuses back on Cain, relaxing her hands. "I gather we're not being turned away." Mal settles on talking about the present, humming a little bit to shake her initial shock and stupor about the way he'd approach them.

When the hell did he start doing that?

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - lexasperated - 07-16-2018

At the first sign of lifeforms outside of their own, Talia can't help but let her fingers wander to the hilt of her bastard sword, gripping tightly from where it's still sheathed into its scabbard - her jaws are set, teeth ground together, eyes honing in on the Blackfallen - cautious, curious, but rightfully so. The way they hold themselves up is so different from their own that it's a little unnerving and unfamiliar. Her tongue pushes against the back of her teeth but she holds her calmed expression, the noncommittal line of her lips. She's quiet as her Alpha speaks, head knocking down, and that's when she sees him manifesting out of the shadows.

It's happening too quickly and suddenly Talia is uncomfortable, unsure, her fingers tightening shakily against the reigns of her horse - it feels like she's intruding something, and it doesn't help that he's giving her Alpha that damned look. A part of her starts to seethe, writhing just under her skin, prickling and growing defensive as the few seconds tick by around her. Her eyes never leave him, his face - a small spark of familiarity, an ember but it's enough to catch onto the kindling of her consciousness, slowly spreading and lighting up parts of her memories she never thought she would have to revisit.

A cry, a shaken voice, latching onto his hands with her own as she's led away from what they once called home - a gentle voice, reassuring and strong and soft at the same time, whispering in her ear, It'll be alright, I'm here, Talia, I won't let anything happen to you. Talia shifts on her horse as it comes spilling back at the forefront of her mind, hand rising to rub furiously at her temple. Memories of the Crown, of training, of looking up at him in uniform and telling herself that one day - one day - she would be just like him, because he was her biggest hero, he was...

Memories of her crying, held back as he's exiled for things she doesn't quite understand, calling out to his receding back as he disappears into the darkness. She's diving deep into her memories, memories of furious research and inquiries, receiving discipline when she asks too many questions; she can't even count the number of times she's been strapped to the pole and lashed for insubordination - she wanted, she needed to know what happened to him and where he went -

"Cain," comes his name, whispered under her breath but with such unraveling revelation that it could've been shouted. Everything fades away for the moment - the questions, the seething, the curiosity - everything fades as Talia slides down onto her feet shakily, her horse huffing and taking a single step back. She's stepping forward, slowly at first then faster, because it's beginning to click, the familiarity of his face, the depth in his eyes, it's coming faster and faster and she can't help but run straight towards him - towards her brother, who she never thought she'd see again.

Re: I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND | joiners - ANIMA B. - 07-16-2018

❝ NO MORE DRAGONS LEFT TO SLAY ❞ Ah, she isn't needed here. Cain manifesting from shadows is something that still catches her off-guard from time to time, and from time to time, she means all of the time. Powers unsettle her, but there's also something not natural about her link with Seven so she doesn't care all that much. There's definitely a feeling of "this might as well happen".

Still, she excuses herself quickly with a quick welcome. She doesn't want to intrude on what is obviously a family reunion or something. It also happens to leave a bitter taste in her mouth, something selfish and gnawing that she's managed to bury most of the time. Not at times like this though, so she leaves the group be. No point in sticking around feeling bad for herself.