Beasts of Beyond
Hey everyone. - Printable Version

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Hey everyone. - astre - 07-11-2018

I just wanted to create this thread because I've been a bit down in the dumps lately, some stuff's been going on in real life. But, that's not the full reason.

The biggest reason I made this thread was to let you all know that you are loved.

No matter what happens in life, no matter the decisions you make or any path you decide to follow, you are loved. It may not even be from someone you know, there could be someone around the world praying for you. Even if you're not religious, just know that there is someone out there that does care about you, thinks about you, even if they don't know who you are.

You're an important part of this world. Everyone is, but you -- the one reading this -- are special in your own right. And hey, maybe you haven't noticed that, but that's okay. Not everyone knows how special they are, but even if they don't know, many other people do.

You're loved. You're valid, you're special. Even at your very worst, when your life seems like it's lowest point, just know that everything will be okay, and that you'll pull through. You're strong. And you're loved. No matter who you are.

I hope you all have an amazing night. <3

Re: Hey everyone. - Orion - 07-14-2018

<333 everyone needs to see this!!

Re: Hey everyone. - Cheeters - 07-14-2018

awww nova, you're so sweet!! i just want to thank you so much for that message and i hope someone that is having a bad day will be able to read it to know how great they are. i know you're going through a bit of a rough patch but i hope you know i think you're one of the most funniest and kindest people i've met!! you deserve all the love in the world and that i will always admire you for your perseverance and ability to push on with positivity!!! <33333