Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]death was something that no longer fazed him. it didn't hurt quite as much, didn't leave him as afraid or lost as it had the first time, or second. it was simply something that happened. he knew, deep down, that he would be back. eventually he would get tired of drifting through space. eventually he would long to be with others again, whether or not he knew them. he didn't want to be alone forever. he didn't want to ache anymore, and oh, how he ached. forever torn between wishing he was dead and wishing he could feel his lover's kiss once more. in truth, he had nothing to live for. no purpose in life, nothing he needed to accomplish, and yet he was cursed to always come back.

no rest for the wicked, right?

darkness enveloped the creature forged of hellfire once more, sight consumed by the empty blackness. at times he wished he wasn't blind; wished that one day he would be blessed with sight upon entering a new body, but it such a thing could not be granted to a creature as wretched as he. so he pushed ever on, wandering aimlessly through this new, unknown world, unsure of what to do with himself. seek a new home—oh, how he hated that word—was the first thing to come to mind. so he pressed on, trudging through thick underbrush, head low and swaying with each step.

hours passed, perhaps days. time meant nothing to a timeless being; he couldn't tell how long it had been, didn't know if it had been minutes or eons since he had died. that didn't matter anymore, did it? even if it hadn't been long, there wasn't a chance in the world that he would see any of his friends again. it hurt to know he was so far from lirim again; at least in the old world, he could visit his husband's grave, be as close with him again as he likely would ever again. but here... there was no grave. no garden of flowers, carefully tended and loved. in part, that had been what kept him sane. but the demon didn't know how long he would last here.

the ageless beast lifted his head upon breaching scent markers. at least he wasn't alone in this world. sightless eyes blinked slowly. in truth, he didn't know if he wanted to be here. didn't know if he wanted to be anywhere. a part of him simply wanted to lay down and die again, but he knew he would just come back. a soft sigh slipped past the dire wolf's lips as he padded a few more steps into the territory, finally halting where a bit of sun peered through the canopy and illuminated his ebony fur. "bubonicplague," the creature rumbled out, voice monotonous. might as well answer the question before it was asked. "here to join."

Re: WORDS I DON'T BELIEVE IN — JOINING - Suiteheart - 07-12-2018

Death was cold and harsh and unforgiving. Suiteheart, by technical definition, had died eleven times. Her past lives - the individuals entangled in her soul - had perished at the hand of her wife's father. It was fitting that the last time she died, (before she was given immortality in the form of vampirism) she was also killed by Niklaus. Selene, who had restored her soul and given her ever lasting life via her wife's request, also left her with a terrible reminder of her final death: a wicked scar running across her throat like a necklace. Though death could not touch her now, she was still rattled by it. Immortality was an afterthought; she would always be cautious.

The dull pang of hunger rested in her stomach. She hadn't fed today, and it was worse than Margaery could have ever described. Feeling it through the bond was bad enough, but actually experiencing it was world's worse. That being said, it was no surprise the white feline was hunting. It hadn't taken her long to stumble upon the direwolf - and admittedly, she was displeased it wouldn't be her next meal.

Drawing forth at its call, the Ecliptic Admiral donned a lopsided grin. "Suiteheart Folie-Mikaelson," she greeted. "But you can call me Suite. Nice to meet you, Bubonicplague, and welcome to the Ascendants." The had had an influx of members the last few days, which was more than amazing. She was thankful. "Need a tour?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]pointed ears twitched to attention at the sound of pawsteps nearing him, empty white eyes drawing to the space where the stranger had stopped. "pleasure." the creature forged of darkness murmured. "thank you. a tour will not be needed, i'd prefer to explore on my own." bubonicplague wearily raised his head, claws absentmindedly curling into the soil. he hesitated; for a few moments, he didn't move, unsure of why. it was almost nervewracking. to be in a world where no one knew him, but at this point, it should have been something he was used to. so many lives, so many different worlds. being alone was nothing new to him, and yet.

the dire wolf clenched his jaw and padded forward a few steps, stopping just past suiteheart. "thanks." he uttered again, softer this time, before continuing.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]love was never something that had been a concern for him. never something he'd been particularly interested in, nothing he'd ever wanted to indulge in or experience. hundreds of thousands, millions of years of existence had taught him that love... was not something that happened often. humans and their petty differences claimed it was real, and yet, more often than not, their self-proclaimed 'love' ended in hatred for each other. they slaughtered millions of their own kind and then turned and declared their love from another from the rooftops. under the guise of love they beat each other senseless; under the guise of love they cheated and killed. love didn't exist, not in the demon's mind.

love was bullshit.

in his first, longest life, bubonicplague forged contracts with humans, and in turn, they sold their souls to him. it was a boring, painfully repetitive life. a life that never changed. perhaps the requests would be different, but in the end, they always ran; and he always caught them. he was bored. a life so dull, a life with meaning yet so meaningless... he was getting tired of it. one day, though, a particular experience changed him. for better or for worse, he could never be sure.

a young man approaching, asking him to take his life. asked him to kill him; cut his throat ear to ear, plunge his spear into his chest, anything to rid him of his life on this world. the only condition was to hold his hand as his life ebbed away. 'i don't want to die alone,' the boy had said. it was his duty to accept, and yet as blood stained the ground and cold fingers entwined with his, part of him wished he didn't have to. for once in his eons of life, it pained him to see the human boy die. perhaps that was what threw him into a new life; experiencing mortality, thus gaining it... in a sense. he could live among others, communicate, form bonds. he could have it all. he could live, but as always, could not die. not really. he would always come back.

life was still meaningless. he didn't know what to do himself, even being ordered around in this new place. emotions, bonds, friendships didn't come easily. the closest he had ever really been to someone was to rick. his 'brother'. they weren't, not really. but bubonicplague nonetheless had felt a closeness to the man that he had never felt before. at a point, he thought it was love; not a romantic sense of the word, but it was a strong enough feeling that perhaps it was the only way to describe the way he felt for the male.

and then... lirim came. a being as old as himself; a being that knew. they had similar experiences, the same dull outlook of the world. they bonded. they became friends. eventually a certain warmth filled bubonicplague's chest every time they were together, every time he so much as thought of them. he couldn't explain it well. he didn't know how. though he had seen such things among humans, he had never experienced it firsthand. it was exhilerating and terrifying at the same time. perhaps love was something that could be achieved. perhaps he could do it; perhaps he could learn.

he tried his best, did the absolute most he could to love lirim. he made mistakes of course. for the first time, he was afraid. he didn't know how it would go, how it would end, if it ever did end. all he knew was that he wanted to spend eternity with them, wanted to be enveloped by their love. happiness was all he felt around them, happiness was all he felt when they married and had children.

all good things came to an end though, didn't they?

lirim died. wiped off the face of the planet, withered like a flower. it hurt. it hurt so goddamn much, more than any torture he had endured, more than any previous death. depression consumed him and drowned him like a flood. his love, his life, the one thing giving him purpose, buried six feet under the ground. encircled by a grove of forget-me-nots. their love had been a tragedy, from start to beginning; together, but not quite. it seemed some greater force wanted them apart. it would make sense; a demon borne of hellfire falling in love with the void... falling in love. it was blasphemy.

it had been a few years since their death, but it still ached. at least he had been able to visit their grave; been able to tend to the flowers and be close to lirim again. here, though. this was a new world. a new place. a place without lirim, no grave, no flowers he tended to so lovingly. at the beginning, bubonicplague had wanted to cry at the revelation. but crying wouldn't solve anything. he simply had to go forward.

the last possibility in his mind was to see lirim here. the chances were slim, oh so fucking slim. he didn't think about it; never got his hopes up, and so when the familiar pang hit him upon sensing this new being, lirim was pushed from his mind. he didn't want to hurt anymore. the best thing he could do was not hope, not believe. not every familiar stranger was going to be them. and so, the dire wolf kept quiet. he listened to their words, caught the shake in their voice and wondered what could be causing it. perhaps he was simply a scary sight. bubonicplague brushed it off with ease, sightless eyes drawing over the smaller beast for a few moments.

"thank you." he murmured, gaze lingering for a few moments, before finally turning and lumbering off.

/ i dont know where i was going with this LOL i hope it makes Some sense