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boy howdy - Printable Version

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boy howdy - pi_shed - 07-11-2018

[ ぐ で た ま ]

SO hello, i'm another feralfront member who has revently decided to branch out and chill on other forums for a while, tho im still active over there!! my ff username is coconut oil (not all that different lol) and i play Yanyu, Edwige, and Mamba, though the latter two are new and p much undeveloped characters Tongue

i think a huge part of why i decided to give this a shot was bc the coding is so much less convoluted i love feralfront but,,, the coding is very messy

anyways! yea! gonna b churning out a character to stick in one of the allegiances, just wanted to introduce myself i guess :> if anybody has recommendations for groups that are nice to chill in, or just wanna help me out, lemme know! thanks!

Re: boy howdy - pallid-i - 07-11-2018

hey there and welcome coconut!! i'm pallid-i but you can call me matt <3
as for groups, i would recommend snowbound or the typhoon! both places are very welcoming
though if you want to join a super active clan, i'd then recommend the ascendants c:::

Re: boy howdy - Cheeters - 07-12-2018

welcome to bob, coconut!! i'm really glad that you decided to join us and it would be awesome to get to know you! ahhh for groups, i would recommend the typhoon since it's a really fun group to be in with the diversity of characters there but the other groups are good too! i'm cheeters and i play pincher (captain in the typhoon) so if you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to pm me or dm me in discord!! <33

Re: boy howdy - rakue - 07-12-2018

welcome to bob!! i love your posting template by the way, its very simple but still rly pretty omg
also dittoing the typhoon lmaO, im not very active in it icly but the ooc community is awesome and super easy to get into

Re: boy howdy - pi_shed - 07-12-2018

[ ぐ で た ま ]

really appreciate the warm welcome yall! i think i'll check out the typhoon then, since it'd be interesting for the type of character i'm developing rn; essentially, she's a bard/poet training to be a swordswoman of sorts, and failing miserably 80% of the time :00

(thanks btw susitna <3)

Re: boy howdy - nefarius - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]welcome to beasts of beyond, coco (can i call you that?? love your username, btw)! i agree, bob's site layout is very nice, and you can thank orion - the admin - for being able to snag it at all. he works pretty hard to find those aesthetic layouts to appease all of us members :^)

as for myself, i'm carkus but people call me cark/nef! i've been here since the site was a little baby, and it's so nice to see the member base grow! i see your avatar is brigitte from overwatch; i'm a support/tank main and i play her quite often in comp, so it's nice to see another ow fan hanging about <3

Re: boy howdy - pi_shed - 07-12-2018

[ ぐ で た ま ]

thanks! and ahh yea ofc u can call me coco!! :>

maaan i don't even main brigitte, i just love her character haha,, i main lucio and pharah and i am the bane of every mercy's existence as both lol,,

Re: boy howdy - rakue - 07-12-2018

wheeze i heard ow

i also main lucio!! lucio, mercy, and torbjorn (oops) are my Children i play them possibly Too Much - i also like 2 play dva but im teRRIBLE at her
(also cough i love the league kinDa obviously valiant are my BABIES)

also that character idea??? absolutely precious

Re: boy howdy - Orion - 07-16-2018

i saw overwatch, so as always, i immediately ran to this thread.
howdy! welcome to the site <3
i'll be here if you need any help