Beasts of Beyond
hello my soft boys - Printable Version

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hello my soft boys - ceilidh - 07-11-2018

i have made it!!
from ff, some of you might recognize me as blea/bleacheds, i was on there for like ... six years?

but now im here and im ready be a real rowdy boy

Re: hello my soft boys - Beatles. - 07-11-2018

*winks @ u*
welcome to the refuge, dude

Re: hello my soft boys - demeter - 07-11-2018

HEY BABE! this site seems good like publix

Re: hello my soft boys - Beatles. - 07-11-2018

It’s just like publix
It’s so good

Re: hello my soft boys - ceilidh - 07-11-2018

wow thanks guys!! ur both SO good
like publix i hear it’s so good

Re: hello my soft boys - demeter - 07-11-2018

wow yeah. speaking of, have you heard that uh. that publix is good? so good.

Re: hello my soft boys - vvintersoldier - 07-11-2018

Hello Cellidh!! Welcome to BoB!! My name is Sky, I'm a moderator here. Your old name kind of sounds familiar to me I feel?? :0 Feel free to message me if you have any questions and stuff!

Re: hello my soft boys - Orion - 07-11-2018

gasps @ your avatar
welcome to the site!!

Re: hello my soft boys - Cheeters - 07-12-2018

aaaa henlooo blea/ceil, it's great that you decided to join us && welcome to bob!! i hope you like it here and my name is cheeters/cheets so if you ever wanna chat or plot, feel free to dm in discord or just shoot me a pm here !!!1!

Re: hello my soft boys - ace - 07-12-2018

hello blea!!!! welcome 2 the site!!!!!! every time i see u i get war flashbacks of sunclan.. anyway!!!!

here 2 market a new group my friends n i have made, its a lil supernatural town by the beach, super cool, we have a vamp gang, u can find the guide here!!! feel free 2 join us at any time!!