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Twilight Equinox // Solveig - Printable Version

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Twilight Equinox // Solveig - SOLVEIG - 07-11-2018

[div style="width:500px; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; color:white;"]SOLVEIG ANDROMEDA
Female | Bisexual, no preference.
1 year old physically | Ages 1 month on the 1st
Typhoon | No Titles | No Ranks
Created 10/24/2017
Pinterest Board

Selective Mute
Name pronounced Sol-vay
Graceful and beautiful
Violet eyes, often wearing a headscarf or headpiece to match
Penned by Quill

Blue Snowshoe Feline | Reference (sorta)|
A blue snowshoe feline, mostly white, with soft brown-gray tones along her eyes and across her head, and ever so faintly down her back. Her ears and her tail are a darker cocoa brown, and her eyes are a stunning shade of violet, accented by small lines of black paint around her eye to accentuate them. Often, she can be found wearing a violet or white head scarf, or some sort of floral headpiece to match. Her fur itself is soft and silky, always found to be clean and shining. She holds herself poised, her head high, eyes glittering, and always the softest trace of a smile on her face that makes her look inviting, captivating, even; a true beauty to behold.
No scars or deformities
Health 100% | No injuries

Loyal, Quiet, Clever, Beautiful.
Every aspect about her is carefully thought out and planned, from each paw-step to each tilt of her head. It's hard to call a personality 'beautiful', but she manages a sense of grace and dignity, a fluidity with each motion that's captivating, and hard to ignore; she quietly demands to be the center of attention, much without even trying. Of course, one might think it an elaborate ploy- and perhaps they would not be wrong. She is not 'naturally' beautiful and captivating- oh no, she's just very good at making herself appear so.
Above all, she's smart, and clever. Preferring to be a creature of observation, she does not often speak- often not feeling the need to- but instead watches, listens, trying to learn how people tick, and how she could use that to her advantage. She has a deep understanding forinformationf hers, of learning and gathering in formation, not quite as dimwitted she might appear on the outside.
Loyal. If she pledges herself to a being or to an Alliance, it would not be easy to find her breaking that bond. She has a tendency to address those in power by their proper titles, even bowing so much as the circumstance allows. Old fashioned, perhaps, in that manner, it is a notable feature.
A Pagan, of sorts, practicing witchcraft if only for the knowledge that it had brought her. Not a real sect of Paganism, for she does not uphold many of the Pagan or Wicca rules of no harm, but uses it as a way to ground herself and guide her actions.


First Generation
Siblings: N/A
1/2 of nothing
Crush no one
Guardian of  no one

May start fights, will end them.
Medium physically, hard mentally.
Has Telepathy, uses it as her main form of communication. Also has Mental Manipulation.
Attack in Bold #BCA7BC
Can powerplay peaceful or non-violent actions

Re: Twilight Equinox // Solveig - SOLVEIG - 07-11-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sodales ex in luctus molestie. Nam eu orci a diam finibus dictum eu sed lectus. Phasellus a nunc dui. Etiam ac tincidunt lorem. Sed in rutrum elit. Nulla dapibus eleifend consequat. "In interdum, diam id rhoncus feugiat, augue elit dignissim metus, et volutpat arcu est sed diam. Curabitur luctus massa ac purus faucibus, nec consequat nisi iaculis. Phasellus ut fringilla leo. Fusce semper arcu quam, ut consectetur elit tempor ac. Nullam eleifend nisi quis est varius, sit amet tristique neque mattis. Integer et tincidunt ligula, non ornare nisi. Donec id sollicitudin diam. Curabitur lacinia sodales metus, nec ullamcorper nisi interdum vel. Praesent faucibus tellus faucibus dictum euismod. Morbi convallis, felis a elementum convallis, elit turpis auctor mi, eu malesuada orci ligula vitae purus.

Morbi varius rhoncus nunc, sed bibendum nibh venenatis a. Suspendisse faucibus vulputate ipsum, scelerisque suscipit orci imperdiet quis. Donec id magna ac mauris dictum facilisis non id enim. Nulla facilisi. In sit amet dui orci. Duis scelerisque lobortis placerat. Mauris dictum diam ipsum, et mattis sapien blandit non. Nunc pharetra lacus nec elit egestas feugiat. Praesent sed enim sed magna porta auctor. Curabitur mollis euismod tellus et suscipit. Etiam placerat rutrum magna, sed rhoncus metus vehicula et. Proin id dolor leo. Donec nec lorem ut nibh tempor auctor sit amet laoreet erat. Praesent nec ex nec nunc luctus sollicitudin a sed est.

Suspendisse ante tellus, imperdiet sit amet ante id, tempor gravida metus. Nam in arcu egestas, finibus augue a, vulputate elit. Pellentesque quis sagittis turpis. Ut at mi neque. Maecenas ante mauris, rhoncus at mi sollicitudin, tempor mollis ligula. Sed leo tortor, volutpat at velit sed, facilisis dapibus enim. Mauris sodales purus non nunc consequat maximus. Phasellus finibus luctus bibendum. In id ullamcorper dui. Quisque accumsan rutrum diam, vitae luctus leo pharetra ac. Donec gravida diam nec turpis tincidunt, sed facilisis libero ornare. Praesent egestas, velit ac mattis pretium, massa mauris malesuada nisl, ut blandit quam dolor condimentum dui. Quisque tincidunt accumsan auctor.

Re: Twilight Equinox // Solveig - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018


[Image: aaaaaaaaaaaaa.png?width=428&height=376] by Tem

[Image: 217_by_genjisdad-dbtq58p.png] by Ness

[Image: 8c5406cb2407ee15fc53729791a0d03f-dbu73qv...height=376] by Harvest