Beasts of Beyond
MEET AND GREET? MORE LIKE BORE: RAGNAROK || open, clanwide icebreaker - Printable Version

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MEET AND GREET? MORE LIKE BORE: RAGNAROK || open, clanwide icebreaker - Leigh - 03-22-2018

Everything was slowly coming together at last. In the beginning, Leigh had been stressed out beyond belief, thinking he would be unsuitable for the task of leading his own clan. But as the days went by, he realized that he wasn't alone in this. He had a group of friends that were working just as hard as him to help this place thrive, and he found himself very grateful towards them. Leigh had taken a break from meeting planning and remodeling the caves and spent the entire morning decorating the main chamber. His horn shined with a pretty pinkish/blue light, occasionally letting out a loud cracking sound as he conjured up a few tables and ceramic mugs of all shapes and sizes. It wore him out, so he made sure to take frequent breaks in between using his magic. Soon enough however, he had everything ready; the chamber with lit up with a soft glow from hanging paper lanterns, three wooden tables were set up in a rough "U" shape, lined with cloth. Set on top of them were pots of hot water- having been pre-heated over a small fire-, a few small containers of chocolate powder, and bowls of tiny marshmallows. Everyone liked hot chocolate, he was sure. It was a well deserved treat indeed. He had had a few curious npc's hanging around; they kept bugging the unicorn about his intentions, but he wouldn't budge a bit. But now that everything was done, he was ready. "Alright alright- listen up! I wanted to welcome and thank everyone that had taken an interest in our little ragtag group. You've all been working hard and I figured a hot chocolate break was in order. Also, I have a little game we can play, so once everyone has a cup, chill out with me and form a circle." he instructed allowed once he had acquired the attention of the rest of them. The unicorn had gotten his own warm mug and was seated nearby. He would continue once a good number decided to participate.


Re: MEET AND GREET? MORE LIKE BORE: RAGNAROK || open, clanwide icebreaker - jacob w.c. - 03-22-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob was happy to say that he'd been settling well into this new place. The fresh air and snow was a welcome change from the noisy, dirty city. Of course, there were some things he missed about his old home but he was glad to be here, where he didn't feel like he constantly had to look over his shoulder. Where the air and snow was clear and fresh and clean. Things could be different here. He was sure of it. He was pulled from his dark train of thought when he heard a familiar voice calling for hot coco and some kind of game. Jacob was a big fan of both those things and a wide smile spread across the wolf dog's face as he began to limp towards the leader. "Thank you for the coco n' I'll be sure ta' play. What'd ya' 'ave in mind?" the boy stated with a wide smile as he grabbed a mug of the steaming drink. He was ecstatic to see it was brimmed with marshmallows and probably contained enough sugar to keep him awake for weeks. He took his first sip and licked his lips, settling down where he assumed the circle would soon form.


Re: MEET AND GREET? MORE LIKE BORE: RAGNAROK || open, clanwide icebreaker - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-22-2018


The assassin was technically new to this group specifically. It really did remind him of one of the clans that he used to reside in. The albino serval had spent a lot of his life in that group, being entirely confused because that had been the first clan that he had ever been in. He had regarded the group as being incredibly weak, and he still thought that being the same for the way that certain clans acted. They all acted the same for the fact most of them didn't believe in killing to have a victory or seriously injuring someone to leave them alone. They were too SOFT. Something the young assassin had to honestly get used to, having not grown up around anyone that was capable of showing him any sort of kindness, as he was practically created to be that of a weapon by his parents. He was going to carry on the family legacy that his family wanted so bad to keep going, even if he had four other siblings that would be perfectly fine for the job. Brainwashed. Tortured. Mentally and physically traumatized. They had pulled out all the stops to try and make sure that Killua would remain on their side for as long as possible. But being as young as he was, he was curious and wanted to see what the outside world was like. He wanted to know what it would be like to do something else. Killing grew quick to bore him instead of making him feel more alive. Going to his first clan he didn't expect much as his brother had told them that they were practically barbaric. He was right in that regard because they had a terrible system, a system that caused them a lot more trouble instead of giving them security for their daily lives. All of them were weaker than the likes of him, and that was certainly saying something considering the fact that he was barely apprentice age at the time. He didn't make any sort of friends in that clan, but he did learn some hard lessons and realized that he didn't want to go down the path that his family had situated for him. It sounded boring, and he wanted to live the way that the young animals of the clans were able to live. That would be having fun. He needed that, because constantly being on alert and never trusting one put a lot of stress on ones body, and he never found any time to really relax. Then he went to his next batch of clans and it was an entirely different story. He had almost started to establish himself, having those that actually deeply cared about him and his safety. He learned life lessons from one of their leaders, after the other ended up getting involved with him. He missed Circusclown more than he cared to admit. He wanted to ask the other for advice on what he should do next. He would never get the chance though, the other having committed suicide quite quickly. After having being mutilated by his brother in the second group of clans he was considering his home, he knew that he was going to have no choice but to move. His brother knew his position and his whereabouts, so if he stayed it would just mean that he would be given another lesson he didn't want or need. So he ran, and this was the place that he actually ended up in. The young male wasn't quite sure to think of this place. The one creature he had met so far was certainly nice, but there was suspicion behind that kindness. Going back to the habit of not trusting anyone for a while. He was still healing, and he didn't want to reveal himself to the group just yet. It would be like putting a target on his back. That's the last thing anyone needed. One quick way to get Killua's attention though was the factor that he loved sweets. He would do anything from them, and anyone that would try and take away his candy was due to lose a limb. Killua had managed to find himself a den at the furthest reaches of the cave. This way he wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to bug him when he isn't in a good mood. The albino serval certainly did stick out like a sore thumb, but for once he was actually resting. The scars that littered his tall frame were still healing and the last thing he needed was them to open up again. He nearly died from those injuries that his brother gave him. The wildcat immediately perked up though at the mention of hot chocolate. Nothing else caught his attention of course. The assassin got up onto his paws, walking completely silent thanks to the use of his air elementals muffling the sound entirely. He also didn't hold a scent to his body, again thanks to the air elementals. "Now you guys certainly know how to give a proper treatment." Killua said with his signature smirk spreading across his face. He was looking at the unicorn that was standing in the middle. Not really a surprise. But the guy certainly did look a little bit interesting. It had been a while since he had seen a herbivore in the first place. On kick from a horse would definitely do most carnivores in. Killua decided to take it upon himself as he made his way over and made himself a cup of hot chocolate. Usually, chocolate was disastrous to most animals, and could make them really sick in large doses. Considering all the chemical testing that he went through, the albino serval was completely fine to really eat any sort of food that was given to him. Settling off into his own little corner, he took as sip of the warm liquid and hummed in content. He did his best not to make it so that the tips of his metal claws knicked the cup. "I'll pass on the game though." He didn't want others to get to know him that well after all. They could deal with just learning his name for now. He had to admit, he felt like he was going to enjoy this place, which probably wouldn't last long thanks to his current record.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: MEET AND GREET? MORE LIKE BORE: RAGNAROK || open, clanwide icebreaker - JERSEYBOY - 03-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]After living in this place for a few days, Jerseyboy also felt that some sort of fun activity was in order. And by fun activity, he meant spin-the-bottle or truth or dare or some sort of party game that could escalate really fast. Jerseyboy was itching for some action in a sea of, in his opinion, pansies.

The tuxedo tom glanced around, not sure if he was digging the crowd just yet. These guys either looked as dull as ever or like they wouldn't hurt a fly. Not really his type of people, but hey, if Jacob was here then he would stick around. "Mm, fine." He huffed as he slid up by the husky, giving a glance around. "But if it's any a' that Ring-Around-the-Rosie bullcrap then don't even bother." For some reason, Ring-Around-a-Rosie didn't seem too far out of the question.