Beasts of Beyond
ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - Printable Version

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ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - adomania - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: calibri;"]They arrived like a dream, quiet and unexpected, a whisper of paws hitting ground and fur rustling foliage around them. The evening was silent, save for their presence, but even that went mostly unheard, the only living creatures around to hear them lacking the conscious intelligence of those they had remembered knowing to question their presence.

Nothing under their paws was familiar, the ground foreign to their ever-active memory. They had not touched anything here, had not ever visited it in a physical form like they had countless other places… the world was new, although the dimension still remained, and a soft, knowing smile lit up the canine’s features briefly.

Everything came to an end, as everything likewise came to new beginnings. The old version of this dimension was no different, although the past could never be erased or replaced that easily. Everyone still existed, at least those who had seen the last few moments of the old world.

They couldn’t say the same for all who they had known, however. Too many were lost for Lirim to claim that. The smile was quick to drop, replaced by an equally gentle frown, the scales around their neck briefly flaring to emit a low, golden glow.

“I am sorry… that you did not get to see this,” there wasn’t just one individual the sentiments were directed towards. There were many who they had hoped would return from the embrace of death, to view the world as it was now: renewed, rejuvenated… unscarred and unscathed, presenting each and every opportunity to start anew.

None of them had gotten the chance.

A soft sigh preceded the low hum of Lirim’s voice, a melodic tune that bordered on melancholy that turned the heads of nearby critters towards them as if enchanted. There was no use wallowing in the past, hoping for things that had such slight chances of coming to be. The world was new, as were they, no matter how old this body was and how many memories they carried with it.

The song continued, carrying through the terrain and echoing off of each surface — it was a call for those who wanted to hear it… an announcement that the void had returned to a physical form once more.

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - Warringkingdoms - 07-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin knew very little about what she had left behind before coming here.

  When she had woken up, lost and confused, she had estimated that she was roughly three years old. That was long enough that she had to have met someone, whether it was just another loner or an entire clan like this one. Furthermore, the basic herb knowledge that she had realized she had a few weeks after her arrival must have come from somewhere. Yet she could recall nothing, not even the slightest bit, of her past life.

  She wondered often about who she might have left behind. Did she have living parents? Siblings, adopted or otherwise? Aunts or uncles? Nephews or nieces? Perhaps even a lover, or children, or both? Did they miss her- was there anyone to miss her- or had life simply gone on as usual, minus a face in the crowd? Had her absence left as much of an impact on them as Starrynight’s death had on the Ascendants, or did they forget about her as soon as she vanished?

  It was better to focus on the here and now than on the there and then, especially with the chaos of the former, but she still thought about the latter frequently when she lay in bed at night. She had not been in bed this night, however, choosing instead to search for herbs. They were running low, and she knew she would likely need more supplies soon.

  It was as she sauntered through the fields that her ears picked up a soft, ethereal hum. Lifting her head, she peered in the direction of the voice, and saw what appeared to be the silhouette of a canine in the distance. Cautiously, she made her way over- she had no reason to believe that an attacker would make their presence known ahead of time, but there was something distinctly off about this individual.

  Stopping a few yards away, Rin examined the newcomer, brows furrowing. She could not identify their exact species- their muzzle matched that of a fox, but their size was more like that of a wolf. The canine glowed golden with magical power underneath their dark, scarred exterior. Who this was, she could not tell, but they were almost certainly supernatural in origin.

  Carefully stepping out into the open, Rin met the newcomer’s golden gaze with curious eyes of her own. ”Hello. What brings you here?” she asked softly, her ears flattening back. They were likely here for benign reasons- perhaps they even desired to join- but she felt the need to tread lightly nonetheless.

  /the myth, the legend
  /they are here, raise the roof

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

Gordon wasn't born in The Ascendants, rather The Typhoon, actually, but she wouldn't ever want to admit that. Her father lived there and she would much rather not have any ties to him, whatsoever. Even if she did say her last name occasionally, mostly because she felt obligated to. Gordon was out in the territory when she heard a sound of someone humming, and she waddled up beside Warringkingdoms, briefly looking at the stranger at the border before looking back down at her paws, waiting for Lirim to respond.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - adomania - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Soft tunes seemed to hang in the air even as Lirim finished, echoing around them in a way that was not quite natural. It was one thing to have noise bounce off of nearby obstacles... a completely different matter to have the song hang remain in one spot, as if it was loathe to fade into nonexistence. Still, eventually the soft, peculiar noise faded, leaving behind a silence that might have been even worse with it's sudden heaviness.

A beat passed, then two, and just as it seemed Lirim would not speak at all their jaws opened, voice deep and hushed, reverberating with a strange power despite it being hardly over a low murmur.

"Hello," there was a pause, memories flooding their system as the age-old reflex bubbled up in their throat, an automatic response of 'Lirim Break, joining' echoing through their head for a good few seconds before finally fading away into nonexistence, only a ringing left behind in their ears. "I am mostly just passing by, actually. I am a wanderer, looking for a place to stay for as long as that place would have me."

They weren't here to join, those days had been abandoned long ago. Loyalties were frivolous, and knowing their nature and their past... it would be a miracle if they stayed here long enough to warrant recognition. Their gaze slid briefly to Gordon, something like recognition flickering in their eyes, but they voiced nothing of their thoughts, keeping them firmly to themselves. What had happened in the old world had not translated perfectly into this one. This was something new and untouched, and they were keen on keeping it that way.

Perhaps they knew the old Gordon, the Gordon of their memories, but this was not the same one. This was the version that was their reality now, and nothing of her past was as it had been before. So their gaze, although lingering on her briefly, eventually fell back to Warringkingdoms, expectant but patient as they awaited her response.

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - Roy Mustang - 07-11-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
There were so many things that Roy Mustang left behind when he woke up at the Ascendants border. At the time, Roy thought it all would have been temporary- he thought he'd figure out some way to go home to Amestris. It only took some weeks to past for him to realize the truth, the horrible reality he got himself and Riza into. The moment he stepped on that circle, when Riza reached out for him, their fates were sealed. His goal to become Fuhrer went down the drain, he failed his unit and most likely has left Amestris to destruction. If Roy could go back in time, if he could prevent all of this from happening, he'd do it. But unfortunately, he can't reverse what Truth did to them. Truth will forever watch them from the gate, grinning as he watches them live out it's punishment.

Roy was the next one to pad in, shortly arriving after Gordon. Roy heard Lirim's soft tunes, it was what grabbed Roy's attention. He wasn't sure why someone would be singing at the border, it's not something Roy usually catches on while patrolling the territory. The bobcat's gaze landed onto Lirim, eyes narrowing slightly when he got a look of the male. It was hard to determine what exact species Lirim was. He seemed like a hybrid, but the Flame Alchemist couldn't be certain for sure. Ears drawing back to his skull, Roy spoke up, shortly after Lirim finished speaking up. "You can stay here, as long you tell us your name first," He said with a frown, eyes blinking slowly. Roy wasn't that friendly to strangers, compared to most of his groupmates. He doesn't welcome them with open arms, he doesn't welcome them to the clan or eagerly ask them to join. He doesn't trust strangers easily, even if they become groupmates. Roy's trust must be worked for, they have to earn it.

"Roy Mustang, by the way."

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - adomania - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]There still were times that Lirim wondered if it'd have been better to turn back time, to return to a moment that was... better. Simpler. They had left behind so much in the old dimension, memories that were proven obsolete here. Nothing that they had known was the same as it was here, half of the individuals that had shaped them or even more simply... ceasing to exist.

They wondered if the old world was any better than this one, wondered if what they were doing was even worth it, or if simply returning to what they had known would be better. Only time would tell, and if they had to... they had every opportunity to return to where they had been before, to continue living there despite the pains of the past always sitting on their shoulders to haunt them.

Roy's appearance dragged Lirim's attention towards him, their gaze sharpening but not hardening as they analyzed the bobcat. He seemed suspicious, or if not that then at least wary, something that brought an idle smile to their lips. That had been common back in the old world, for back there it was common knowledge that the void existed and lived among them, taking on their shape and form. They weren't ever positively seen, always gazed down at with apprehensive eyes. Here, although no one knew of their true form yet, it seemed to be the same way, for one reason or another.

There was just no mistaking an aura of something of their kind.

"Of course. Lirim," they broke off before they could add 'Break' to that name, avoiding it despite it still being associated with them. For now, the Break family did not exist here, did not have any special power or leverage or history. There would be a time when it would come back, when it would have meaning once more, but that was not today. "It is my pleasure, and I want to thank you for allowing me to stay."

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - Margaery - 07-12-2018

As Margaery approached the tiny group, she could only thank Selene above for granting her some respite from her current turmoil. She was able to extend a smile in Lirim's direction, one that actually met her eyes, for possibly the first time in a long while, and with that came almost unfamiliar enthusiasm; zest for life. She had been so detached, so unbothered, as of late... it felt good to be behaving as usual - even if she could not quite comprehend why she was miraculously cured of her melancholy, of her troubles. Perhaps it was because she had finally remembered that she was an immortal, just as Suiteheart was now. So long as a stake would never find itself nestled in her wife's heart, they'd be free to live together as they pleased...

And, without the horrible influence of her father.

She had a lot to be happy about. Children, a group of individuals that she cared deeply for, Suiteheart, but even as she stood here smiling genuinely at this newcomer, she could not escape the crushing feeling of something deeper. Something darker. It was unlike Genevieve completely- devoid of any light and threatening to strangle her if she misstepped even slightly. For the time being - and while it posed no immediate death - she opted to ignore it. Margaery did after all have a job to do.

[b]"Margaery Mikaelson," She introduced smoothly, words once more laced with honeyed charm, "Welcome to the Ascendants." The Cosmic General paused briefly, contemplating her next move before deciding to dip her head. "Can I show you around, love?"

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-12-2018

Indeed, Gordon was a different Gordon than Lirim had met before. She had no memory of her 'former' self; in fact, that 'former' self technically didn't exist. She was her own person, with her own memories. "Uh, w-welcome!" Gordon squeaked out after Lirim introduced themselves, her gaze slowly going back to look at him. "Um. My-my name's Gordon, I'm a Starstruck Guardian here."
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Washington wasn't used to all the strange things that were happening in places like these. If he was human there was probably an explanation for everything that was indeed going on at this point. Washington refused to believe the certain things that have been said to him, as he wouldn't believe anything until he had received an example. There were several different things that could be explained by equipment or even alien races, but half of the stuff that they ended up talking about here were means of fiction from what Washington was actually used to. They talked about vampires, which almost seemed to be a laughable statement in that in the first place. There was no such thing as vampires, but there were animals that could survive on the blood of others. He was pretty sure that he had met an alien plant that could do something like that when he was in the military on an alien planet. It wasn't exactly hard for him to realize what it was capable of doing when one of the other soldiers ended up having it latch onto his arm and they had to cut it off before it could do substantial damage in the future.

He wasn't sure what the enemy alien race ate when they were fighting against them, but he was pretty sure that they enjoyed blood to a certain degree. At least the higher tiered aliens that were smarter and almost as smart and capable as humans were. Then there were topics of immortality that made no sense to Washington. With the way that it was talked it seemed like everyone here was immortal which made no sense to the likes of him. Everyone was capable of dying and no one came back to life. There was no such thing as ghosts because if there were he would have seen all the soldiers that had died while leading their platoons a long time ago. He knew Anakin was something, but he refused to believe that the other was actually a ghost just because of the factor that this place has been said to have magic. Which the term in itself made him not want to believe what they were talking about, and he knew his comrade was having a hard time understanding what these creatures were capable of in the first place.

Either way, their talk of death and how they talked about it so casually disgusted him. Did they not care? Did they not think about those that had those that were actually capable of dying and weren't forced to live forever? He had to watch his friends die in the simulations that the thing that was implanted into his head had been forced to go through. The group that he considered to be a family until they were forced apart from one another because of the different sides that they wanted to believe on and what they believed morally as well. Washington didn't want to talk about the aspect of death because there was a large chance that the explosion that brought him here in the first place had indeed killed his former teammates. No one deserved that kind of death, and it was all because of one man. He knew that he felt betrayed by every other Freelancer that he came across, but that didn't mean he wanted them killed if they could all back to the way things were.

What he would just give to go back to being human so that he wouldn't have to deal with the constant insanity in this place. Talking about what this place was capable of in the first place was certainly a mental overload for the broken minded. He couldn't grasp the concept that he was still an animal and refused to do so. He didn't want to stay an animal forever so he had made it a mission of his not to think that he was going to fit into this outpost and those that lived in it. There was no reason for him to, and it was one another reason why Washington constantly wore the armor that was on his body. The armor had been what he wore when he was a human, and when he was teleported to this world somehow, it had attached itself to his current body without any issue from the looks of it. Washington constantly wore his armor one and refused to take it off unless he was cleaning something. It hid what he actually looked like from those that he encountered, and it also held a barrier between those that he was talking to because no one was able to see the way that he looked underneath the helmet that he wore.

The visor basically a one-way mirror from the inside so that he could see out but no one could see in. Helpful because he didn't plan on making friends while he was here. His current task was only to get back to being human and checking to see which those that lived in this outpost could be potential friends or threats that needed to be handled. He was technically marked a criminal where he was from, but that was because he had believed in the wrong people. He would always remain a soldier, and him relaxing wasn't something that he was known to be doing in the first place. During the afternoon, Washington commonly went out on his daily patrols that he went on by himself and not with anyone else. There was no reason for him to go on patrols with others, especially if he found something that pertained to where he was coming from. Washington didn't care who he came across as long as he came across some sort of clue that could point in the right direction for where he should go next.

The armored smilodon kept to himself and there were those around that barely knew anything about him. But most nowadays knew that he was a former human. It was his job to make a roster for Carolina to look over so that she didn't get confused on who she was talking to. It would have made his life a lot easier if he could just use his suit or had anything remotely digital. The group had computers, but it wasn't exactly easy to use when everyone wanted to use it, and even then it didn't exactly offer him any sort of information that he was going to end up needing. Considering that Washington constantly wore a helmet on his face, it meant that he wasn't capable of catching up scents that he did encounter. Instead, the extinct wildcat needed to rely on his sense of hearing to listen to what was going on. While he was doing his patrol along the border he heard voices in front of him, most of which were familiar to his ears. He might as well see whoever they were interacting with was someone that he recognized.

The armored male wasn't hard to hear coming as he made his way over, stopping to the left of the group and keeping his distance from everyone even if he did know them and that they considered him a member of this outpost still. The creature was definitely interesting, but hybridization wasn't something that was new where he came from. He had met alien wildlife that looked like the strange male that was on the border and went by the name Lirim. It certainly didn't sound like a regular name, but it also didn't sound human at the same time. The Freelancer looked over the other and he knew at a moments glance that this wouldn't be someone that was from the same place that he was from. Great. When was he going to get a break and actually find something useful? His helmet didn't give away any emotion that the smilodon had to offer, and he wasn't exactly the nice type. He had no reason to suspicious of the other male as long as he didn't get in the way of his work, and he wouldn't care if the other decided to kill those that were in this outpost either. He wasn't the Ascendant's babysitter after all. They should be capable of defending themselves. "Agent Washington." The Freelancer would introduce himself calmly and say nothing else. The other seemed to comply with what was being said to him. But that didn't really mean anything when anyone could fake who they really were. Which was something that Washington did every single day. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ - joining - adomania - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]They were of similar respite, then. Something about change, about the freedom that both of them had gained even if in different senses and terms... it brought the dreary to life, hope sparking some part of them that yearned for peace and happiness. Lirim had found it, at least in some way, even if everything was also overbearingly familiar and painful in it's difference.

It was still new, and they were free. Lirim Break was finally living up to their name, it seemed.

"Thank you," the sheer enthusiasm of her smile brought an equally genuine one up onto their maw, one that met their eyes as well. It had been so long since they had smiled... truly and genuinely smiled at someone and meant it without a constant tiring ache rendering it obsolete. It felt good... better than they could have ever hoped for, and that fact made them choose to do something they'd never done before.

"I would love to be shown around, if it wouldn't be too much trouble?" They didn't know this territory like they had the ones in the old world, had only just stepped into it for the first time of their life. Whereas the constant offers for tours had been useless back in the day, they couldn't push down an opportunity to explore and not get lost in the process.

Their gaze turned back to Gordon the moment she spoke up, smile still present and head tilting slightly to the side. They assumed that the title was some semblance of a high position, for otherwise they doubted that it would be important to mention, and although they weren't particularly curious about it (never seeking higher positions for themselves despite often gaining them for some unexplained reason) they decided to ask anyways, if only to continue a conversation and bring her into it. They were curious who the new Gordon was... no, who this Gordon was. Actually, that was a bad way to put it as well. Who Gordon was, as simply as that - it was time to erase the past, archive it and move on to realize that everything here was different.

"Starstruck Guardian? May I inquire what that title is and what it ensues?"

The next one to arrive was a strange site, for certain, armored to the tooth and without a good window for Lirim to determine just who he was and what his plans were. The anonymity was lost on them, however, not of particular concern when they, much like Washington, found it hard to actually care enough about those they did not know. This was not one of the creatures who had also been in the old world, unless he had been there after their death. In any case he was not someone that warranted some sort of greater reaction, not yet at least. Still, their politeness didn't fade, nor did they embrace the usual coldness that tended to envelop them when faced with those they did not know.

Perhaps Washington faked who he was, maybe even faked his sincerity, but Lirim had no intentions of being anything but authentic.

"Greetings," a moment of silence passed, Lirim's face contorting thoughtfully until they seemed happy with whatever question it was that had rose up to their tongue and they voiced it. "Do you prefer to be referred to with or without the 'Agent' in front of your name?"