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BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - Printable Version

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BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - ROXANNE R. - 07-10-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She didn't like the fact that she had came back to find Greed hurt after her own return from the tsunami, how he had simply brushed it off bothered her even more yet she would have stayed with Kalayavan if she hadn't been so worried to see where he was or doing. Their relationship was still tense and as much as she would have loved to hate Greed yet she wasn't able to push herself to doing such a thing. She still felt that stupid flutter in her chest at even the slightest mention of him or even seeing him in the corner of her eye, she wanted these feelings to go away yet they only grew worse and she hated it. She swallowed at the thought of visiting Greed yet she decided not to get this way and possibly apologize even if she hadn't done anything wrong, her whiskers twitching a bit nervously as she passed the medics that were making sure the panther wouldn't go out. "Yes, I'll bring him back. I'm going to take him out for some fresh air," She said rather quickly though her voice didn't reveal her true emotions; worried, sad, and still head over heels over this man. She would walk over with a lash of her fluffy tail staring at the panther that was currently resting, she leaned against the entrance with a faint smirk on her maw "Hey there," There was a pause only to add in a lame attempt to be funny "You c-come here often?" She cleared her throat with a light shake of her head saying with a faint frown tugging at her lips "You never told me what happened but I can only assume what your idiocy made you do. . . Anyways, I'm not here to berate you. . . C'mon, we're going for a walk."

She didn't seem to wait for an answer as she started making her way out into the open, it was dark out but it was close to morning yet she didn't pay any heed to that. She let her pink claws dig into the sand under her paws, it was a bit cold though she didn't mind it all that much as she took a deep breath and sat down staring up at the stars that lit up the night sky. 'I hope you know what you're doing, Roxie.' She thought to herself as she started to doodle a few things into the sand with a single pink claw though the drawings made a small frown appear on her maw, she clawed them out until her clawmarks were only visible. If Greed approached her, she would turn to him with her ears twitching and swiveling back to rest on her cranium "Took you long enough."
"character's speech."

Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - guts - 07-11-2018

He definitely wasn't ready to face Roxie, either. Not only because he didn't like how awkward their encounters were, but because he hated how he felt whenever she was around. He didn't like catching feelings, hell, he never thought he would again. But here he was, a love-sick fool for someone who probably hated his guts. If only he had read the letter, but maybe that would have just made things worse. Either way, he didn't want to face his feelings. He didn't want to get hurt yet again.

The way he convinced himself to ignore it was to tell himself that she deserved someone better. He had already done a shitty thing to her, and hopefully it had deterred her from sticking around him. She had bitten him, after all. Beings like him were made for one thing, and that one thing was destruction. They brought no happiness, only death wherever they went. He had thought he was at peace with all he did--so why was it so different now?

Staring at the wall, Greed huffs, closing his eyes briefly before the door opens and light floods in. He turns to look over his shoulder, assuming it was just one of the annoying medical people keeping him from leaving. But then he sees her face and he quickly shifts so he's sitting up. Normally he would have offered his usual smirk, but it wasn't present on his face for a change. Instead it was blank, his eyes widening slightly at her comment.

He doesn't say anything, only follows her out with no complaints, lagging behind as he carries his broken leg. Finally he makes it outside and makes his way over to her side, only lowering his head a bit at her words. Then a somewhat forced grin appears on his face. "Sorry, it's kind of hard to get around when you're crippled, yknow?"

With that, he takes a seat beside her, noticing the claw-marks for a split second before turning his eyes towards the ocean, not commenting on them. The air was somewhat somber between them, but he tried to ignore it. He was just curious to hear what she had to say to him. Probably was just gonna go on about how she hated him or something to that extent.


Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - ROXANNE R. - 07-11-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Talk about how she hated him? She fucking wished but she knew that she could probably mumble out a single "I hate you" before she felt shitty about saying it. She didn't like feeling this way especially since it had been a long time since she had felt that way, once he sat down next to her keeping quiet she assumed he was waiting to hear something from her. She took a deep breath still looking at the night sky "Did you meet any cute guys at the tavern while it was still up? I'd like to meet em," Her expression looked deadass serious as she said this but eventually a forced smile appeared on her maw "I'm k-kidding." Was she? She certainly was since,just bringing up the question of Greed meeting and possibly sleeping with other people hurt her. 'Get over it, R-Roxie. . . It's not like you're dating. . .' God, she wished she could kill the tension between the two of them yet she didn't necessarily know how to accomplish that kind of thing. Sure, she should have expected Greed to be one of those flirts who tried getting into people's pants yet despite it. . . That hadn't been what made her so infatuated with him. The night that they had spent together in the log before going to her home and eating ice cream to watch movies, the two of them laughing and having a good time. That's the Greed she had fallen in love with and she wasn't too keen on hearing from Greed that that Greed didn't exist or else she would lose her shit, even if that was the case. . . She knew he would be lying so his reputation wasn't ruined. If he even had one.

She could barely hear what he even said as she said there though her head nodded slowly as she mumbled out "Yeah, I know. . ." Though what she was talking about wasn't her own leg or the loss of her wings, no, it was something more sappy though not intended in that way. She let out a sigh as her paws shuffled in the sand as she finally asked with a shake of her head "When I disappeared did a tiny chest ever make it to shore? . . . Just asking, it kinda had something I don't want anyone's grubby paws on especially with what was written on it. . ." Her mismatched gaze would briefly glance over in the direction of Greed with a small pained smile on her maw though she quickly peeled her gaze away from him "That's aside the point. . . I wanna apologize for biting you. . ." She fell quiet only to add a bit more hesitantly "And by making things awkward between us by. . . Loving you. . ." She could already hear Pincher saying "seriously Roxxie" and she also questioned herself, really there was probably guys that were interested in her and liked her. Like Planecrash but even when she was around the other guy, her mind always seemed to linger on Greed. She was hooked like a bee on nectar. She bit her bottom lip drawing only the smallest bit of blood continuing with a shake of her head "I know, I know. The last thing you want is some girl you had a short fling with falling in love with you. . . I wanna hate you. . . I really do but that would make me a sour sport and I wouldn't be able to bring myself to hate you."

Was this some form of shitty confession? She figured it was. She could already feel her eyes stinging a bit and her heart racing inside of her chest, she wished she could stop it; stop feeling this way and make things easier for the both of them. 'R-really Roxxie? F-fuckin gonna cry? Are you fuckin serious?' She thought angrily towards herself wishing she had Kal here so she could hug him for comfort yet she knew that would make the situation worse especially since Kalayavan didn't necessarily like Greed at all and probably wanted to maul the other into itty bitty chunks of meat. She curled her tail around her forepaws only to bring it to her face to hide her current expression, she almost wanted to scream into the fluff of her tail but decided against it as she mumbled out more quietly "R-really. . . I'm trying not to feel that way about you. . . But it's h-hard on me. . ." It hurt carrying these unrequited feelings knowing that they would probably never be returned, she closed her eyes imagining the both mornings that she had woken up to; Greed sleeping next to her and Greed being gone after a night of "fun". She remembered that second morning, waking up dazed and with a headache. She had seen Greed outside and her heart had done a fucking somersault in her chest yet it broke the moment she saw the panther flirting with other people acting as if he hadn't just slept with some poor, now heartbroken sap. She could feel her back and head starting to throb a bit ever since the loss of her wings and gaining horns, she had been having these nasty headaches and back pains. She eventually said with a hiccup escaping her.

"But you don't gotta worry about it anymore. . . I'll l-leave you alone and won't b-bother you anymore. . ."
"character's speech."

Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - guts - 07-11-2018

He thought about the time they spent together a lot. When his mind wasn't occupied by drinks and other women, it was recalling memories of that night, that time when he had been both fortunate and unfortunate enough to get caught in the rain. They had met before that, a brief encounter, but definitely an encounter he would remember. She had just been like the others, a random lady that he had mentally marked down on his list. But then she suddenly wasn't and he was afraid. Things had been so simply, so clean-cut--woo them and leave them the next morning, and above all, leave no time for feelings. Maybe that's where he had made a mistake.

Either way, he still thought of it a lot, when they were just friends that were watching a movie and laughing together. It was the first time he had truly felt like himself, like he was having fun. He had told himself that he would be happy once he had everything the world had to offer, when he was finally truly immortal. But after that it all changed. Really, he probably had to thank her. In a way, she had given sight to a blind man, who was foolish enough to try and ignore what was wrong in his life. He wasn't sure what to do now, but it was better than simply going on like everything was okay.

Greed inhales sharply as she speaks, cursing the pang of hurt in his chest. It was only fair she met someone else. Maybe they should have gone separate ways. But, of course, that greedy side to him wanted to keep her. He knew he was no good, and yet he still wanted to cling onto her, like she was some sort of life-line, one that could make him a good man. But that was unlikely.

"A chest?" he asks, feigning ignorance. He was a good liar. "Yeah, there wasn't much in there, though," he knew what Roxie was talking about, and he wasn't about to tell her that he had taken the letter. Otherwise he probably would have gotten an earful. He listens as she continues, figurative eyebrows lifting at her apology. Of all people, she was apologizing? It was almost comical, and he nearly let a smile slip. "Hey, dust in the wind. Besides, I don't think you're the one that should be apologizing,"

But he doesn't elaborate because she's already speaking again, though he probably wouldn't have either way. His pride was too much, even if he should have said sorry instead. But he doesn't have to think on it long before his neck nearly cracks as he whips his head to look at her. His eyes are wide and he waits, unsure if this was some cruel joke. He was anticipating her to start laughing in his face, but when she didn't, he could feel his throat grow dry.

He swallows, opening his mouth but unable to form the right words, not wanting to say something that would mess it all up. It feels like his heart snaps in two as Roxie goes on, a pit forming in his stomach. What was he gonna say now? He wasn't even comfortable with his own feelings. "It's fine! I mean, I.. was the one being an ass, really. I-I don't mind, yknow, that you love me and all that shit," real smooth. His voice is slightly strained as he struggles to comfort her. "You're a really... cool girl, Roxie. I'm not sure how a relationship would work, but we can at least be... friends?" so he wasn't saying yes, nor was he saying no. At least not outright. Still, the last thing he wanted was for her to start avoiding him.


Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - ROXANNE R. - 07-11-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Hearing him tell her that there wasn't much in the chest, Roxanne would shake her head momentarily with face still stuffed in her tail fluff "Y-yeah, I just wanna burn the damned thing." Her ears pressed against her cranium not uttering another word as she sat there quietly feeling her tail starting to soak up some of the tears that was escaping her. She had her mouth closed or at least she tried to anyways, she felt shitty for having feelings for Greed and basically ruining the friendship that was slowly budding between the both of them. "D-damn right. Where the fuck is my apology?" She finally said stumbling on her words though a sad giggle left her maw though because she had done that the hiccups started escaping her mouth more easily "F-fuck." She swallowed a bit bringing her paw over to wipe away some of the tears with her face still hiding, she was ashamed that she was being like this just over a fucking apology that dhe didn't even need to give. She was stupid and sensitive, too many feelings that she shouldn't have. She was sure that her childhood would've knocked them right outta her yet but that hadn't been the case, she only felt more and that was her problem. She cared too much. When she shouldn't be caring, stupid, stupid, stupid.

What he said next about not minding that she loved him made a sudden flare of anger course through her body though she would attempt to lightly punch his flank "Don't flatter yourself." Once she felt comfortable enough she would reveal her face letting out a soft huff, her hiccups having settled down a bit and heard that the two of them could still be friends. She was satisfied with that, she just needed to get rid of her damn feelings was the bigger issue. "A relationship? With you? Oh hell, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. . ." Was it a joke? Possibly yet she could imagine how stressed she would be having to know whether or not, Greed would be loyal in a relationship. She didn't doubt him, at least, not that much. She would twitch her whiskers for a moment before adding quickly "B-but yeah, being friends sounds good. . ." She decided not to say anything else to make the moment even more awkward than it already was. Was that a yes or no? Hell, if she knew and well, she didn't think she would be stuck on the single party for too long since she had a few guys that already had their eyes locked on her. And well, Rox sucked at making any moves towards a relationship so, it was all up to Greed especially if he wanted to keep her for himself like his name implied or hinted anyways.

There was some bags under her eyes implying that she hadn't slept in the few past nights and her eyes dropped slightly watching as the sun was slowly making its descent to the sky and just when she thought it couldn't get anymore awkward. She would listen to the sounds of the ocean feeling her headache stop hurting so much for a moment, she would let her body flop onto the sand with her chin resting on her chest with her mismatched gaze still concentrated on the sunrise too tired to even get up. She found a tiny smile on her maw as she mumbled letting out a yawn "I'd say let's get ice cream but my tiny ass house was fucking destroyed by the tsunami. . ." She was so tired but she didn't stay on the ground for too long as she stumbled up onto her legs only to say with a shake of her head "You never did tell me why your leg got fucked up. Care to share?" A frown etched onto her face as concerned appeared in her heterochromatic gaze waiting for a moment only to say with a twitch of her whiskers "Was it cause of your shades?" Yeah, she noticed that they were gone but in all truth, she liked seeing Greed like this. It made eye contact and getting lost in his gaze easier even if she'd never admit it. She would walk towards the ocean watching as some of the water would rise to shore almost lapping at her paws, she stepped away rather quickly with her pelt immediately fluffing up.

Nearly dying in a tsunami was never something fun but at least, she gotta say she survived and could tell this story to her future children if she ever had any, of course, she would sit a ways from the ocean watching the sunrise once more. They were friends, weren't they? Yeah then they could talk about people they've met! "Did ya meet any people during our little separation? I met a nice guy," She said quite innocently with a nonchalant shrug, she mainly wanted to start a conversation between them and maybe, maybe get a reaction out of Greed. She watched him from the corner of her eye.
"character's speech."

Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - guts - 07-12-2018

Her reaction to the missing letter surprised him slightly, a knot of unease twisting in his stomach. The letter probably only said what he now already knew, but damn if he wasn't curious now. Still, he stayed quiet about it, as anyone would do. Right? None would want their ass kicked for stealing something possibly important to them. Either way, he planned on ripping it up and never bringing it up again, if only to ease Roxie's mind. Hopefully she'd come to believe it had simply gotten washed away.

An apology was definitely in order, and Greed was about to supply a shitty excuse for one when she laughed, the male able to hear the emptiness behind it. It felt like it echoed in his own chest, that empty feeling taking root in his ribcage. He hated feelings. Turning away, he wasn't able to look at her sad expression any longer, his claws digging into the sand. "Yeah, sorry for all that. If I had known, well," he gives a half-hearted shrug. "I wouldn't have done that to you. Either way, it was a shitty thing to do, so yeah. Sorry,"

He definitely wasn't good at this, and it was probably obvious in how he paused during his words. With that out of the way, he huffed, shoulders sagging from where they were once straight. The atmosphere had changed somewhat, though, and he didn't feel nearly as burdened as before. "What? I'm a ladies man. I can't help they crawl all over me, babe," he says with a grin, her punch barely moving him. This was good so far. "But I'll be here for you if you need it. That's what a friend is for, right?"

Friends. Why did that word hurt so much? Maybe it was because of his own crush--or maybe it was from something else, something in the past. Something he couldn't remember yet. Pushing down that ache, he replaced the twisted smile back to a toothy smirk, though it quickly disappeared as she spoke again. Damn, her house had been quite nice, too. "Well, if you're so pressed to know--I went back. When we reached the ship, I realized you weren't there, so I went looking. Pincher would have probably had a fit, and I didn't want us to have to face the ol' captain's wrath," was he lying through his teeth? Mostly. Just that last part, as his decision had nothing to do with her brother. It was all for her.

His purple eyes flicker over to her quickly, though his head stays still. A guy? He was tempted to ask who, but he didn't want to seem too obvious. Still, he couldn't truly conceal his irritation, jaw clenching as he grit his teeth. "Nah, I didn't meet anybody," he says simply in response, not wanting to hear any more of her fiasco while he was away. He'd probably end up pummeling the guy if he ever found him, and that wouldn't be good for anyone.


Re: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST — private, greed - ROXANNE R. - 07-12-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Hearing the apology, she could feel her face warming up quite a bit not actually thinking he would actually apologize but it was her mind mixing both Greed's together, she felt more at ease. She found a sweet smile on her maw for a moment shaking her head turning her head away from him "You didn't have to apologize, dumbo." A giggle escaped her maw though hearing what he said about women crawling all over him made her heart ache yet she made a gagging motion though the 'band's bit caught her off guard. Did friends call each other babe? She didn't think so yet she would shrug "You say it like they're a bunch of bloodsucking fleas," She fluttered her eyes playfully at him with her own cocky smirk "Sugar," She would give a roll of her eyes afterwards glancing to the side ignoring how much it hurt and made her jealous about even the tiniest or any other bitch's paw even remotely touching Greed. She shouldn't let it bother her especially since it was Greed who said they should just be friends so, she agreed despite knowing she would still have to deal with the panther sleeping with anyone he laid his eyes on, well, except Caesar. No one in their damn mind would fuck Lemonhead. Alright, she could only think of those tavern sluts but that's about it. Besides, who ever wanted to gossip about fucking a lemon? For sure not her, she would be fucking ashamed of herself if she ever, ever slept with Caesar. Just thinking about it made her want to fucking gag but instead she'd comment quite smoothly "I'm surrounded by men on a daily basis, I guess, they have a thing for shorties like moi." A giggle slithered out of her mouth and well, she wasn't lying at all. They must have assumed something had been going on between her and Greed but once things were made clear, well, she became an open target though it was easy to repel them especially with Kalayavan sticking close to her side ever since the incident "Right," She pitched in nodding slowly.

Friends. It didn't feel right and the word now felt foreign on her tongue, she couldn't quite understand as a soft sigh would escape her slightly parted jaws and her ears pricked forward listening to the reason why Greed had gotten hurt. She picked up the truth in his words and well, if she had been any more dense then the lie would have flown over her head yet it hadn't instead, it hit her right in the heart. She almost wanted to wipe that sickly, sweet smile off of her face but she couldn't bring herself to do it. A genuine smile from Roxanne, it had been so long, all her past smiles were forced just so people didn't think she was some ass. "You're so bad at lying," Was what she first said with a non-existent eyebrow raised at Greed, her smile so wide that faint dipples were visible on her face yet she would simply wave her paw as she finally said "But sure, use my brother as cover. I wouldn't want the girls who crawl all over you thinking you care for lil ol' me." Her attention turned to the sunrise once again, she felt warmer on the inside. Almost complete. Her mismatched gaze would glance down at her forepaws as she shuffled them only to shrug a bit "Unlike you, I wouldn't mind trying to go through a tsunami to find you and actually admit it." She wouldn't press on the matter further though it only seemed her feelings got worse and worse by the second, she was sure she would fucking have a heart attack if Greed even made a single motion towards her.

She observed how his jaw clenched with irritation and how his teeth would grit, it amused her really yet she didn't show any of it as she leaned against his leg making sure not to apply too much pressure but enough for their fur to briefly brush against each other "Good," Was this a thing friends did? She didn't think so thus she would remove herself from Greed a bit flustered and angry at herself for showing any type of affection at all towards Greed "S-sorry," She'd be a liar if she ever said that she didn't like Greed or the feeling of his fur, or his eyed, or just generally anything about him. Well, except when he was being a fake ass jerk then yeah, she would definitely pass. Greed clearly didn't like the mention of another guy meeting with Roxie but Rox couldn't do anything about it, like Slys said someone was bound to sweep her off her feet and she would get married. Friends. It was obvious Greed cared but they were both unsure of their feelings. Everything felt so wrong yet at the same time, it felt right.
"character's speech."