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theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Printable Version

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theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Alister Reaper - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:630px;background-color:black;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;"][div style="border-width:0px; padding:20px;text-align:justify; width:600px;background-color:#880015;"][img style="padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:11px; float:left;width:50%"][/img][font=verdana][color=white][glow=red,2,300]Crunch, crunch, crunch. Snow yielded under the weight of huge paws, sending soft sounds across the snow for any eager ears to pick up on. It stuck to ruddy fur and to thick black stripes, delicate flakes settling graciously on a creature not meant for this environment. Tawny fur and taught muscle, stalking through a land that suited bountiful fat and soft white coats, had never looked so natural. The great tiger took to the land in stride, whiskers brushing the ground as he chuffed in the hopes of finding someone new out here.

A smile appeared on Alister's face, as he shook his head free of snow. He scanned the horizon with his head high and his eyes wide. The idea that someone could sneak up to him, in such an environment, didn't dawn on him. He moved along, and he moved alone, leaving obvious tracks and not worrying about mowing himself a path for any possible contenders to his entrance. Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Alister knew that he was a stranger, but this land wasn't strange. The only strange part was the sun. He pawed at the ground for a moment, looking around himself again with nervous agitation. He wasn't sure if it was just his head messing with him, but he smelled something strange. Something that he knew had to be another person- or a whole host of other people. He lowered his head back to the ground, whiskers trailing in the snow, and chuffed out a warning; he was ready for anyone- or anything- to come near him.[/glow]

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - arcy - 07-10-2018

Izuku hadn't ever had the greatest track record with big cats. They made up a big majority of the people who'd attacked him, or who he'd hurt. Mostly 'cause Izuku was small. He wasn't ad small anymore, though, already having grown to become larger than a regular house cat. Still growing, too -- Maine coons were weird. His experiences tended to make him a touch more wary of big cats he didn't know, though.
Which was why this made Izuku so .. hesitant. The Maine Coon's ears twitch as he regards the tiger he'd followed, ears lying back just a touch. A warning sound. Izuku's heart pounds, but he takes a deep breath to steady himself. He's alone, but he just has to .. talk to them. It'll be fine. If not, well, his clanmates could dealcwith the aftermath.
"Hello!" Izuku calls as he steps out of hiding, a little in the distance. There's no point to beung quiet as he approaches. His green fur is practically a beacon, and if he doesn't immediately introduce himself as friendly .. Izuku's not sure. It was kinda scary. Still, Izuku tries not to seem too put off, grinning at the tiger. He tries to give off a friendly vibe, just to be clear. Was he being paranoid? Absolutely. But a lot of people who passed by were friendly. "Hi, yes, um, I'm Izuku. What're you doing on Snowbound territory?" Izuku's tattered ear twitches as he peers up at the much larger creature, and tries not to feel paranoid or scared. Besides, his clanmates tended to show up really soon after him. This is at least a comfort, and Izuku's tail swishes a little more cheerily at the thought.
//mobile :'^)
what was i worth

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Alister Reaper - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width:630px;background-color:black;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;"][div style="border-width:0px; padding:20px;text-align:justify; width:600px;background-color:#880015;"][img style="padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:11px; float:left;width:50%"][/img][font=verdana][color=white][glow=red,2,300]
Alister whirled around in an instant, watching the green cat wearily. He sat as Izuku began to talk. "I'm looking for a friend," he said, his words husky as if he was not used to his own voice. "I believe she made her way in this direction." He pawed at the snow, staring the small cat down.

He'd met a few people when he'd come to this place, but as far as the snowier areas of the world went, this was his first interaction. He wondered why someone who lived in this environment wouldn't take steps to hide themselves. The wind whipped at his pelt here and the snow sunk in between his toes, but at least he could amass snow on his fur in an effort to stay concealed.

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-10-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Just as Izuku predicted, Atbash was soon following him, her ears pricked as she tried to keep track of his green fur in the distance. Which wasn't very hard, but still. "Who're you looking for?" The Chief asked as she came up beside Izuku, her head tilted at Alister.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Alister Reaper - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:630px;background-color:black;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;"][div style="border-width:0px; padding:20px;text-align:justify; width:600px;background-color:#880015;"][img style="padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:11px; float:left;width:50%"][/img][font=verdana][color=white][glow=red,2,300]
Alister's tail swished wearily. "Well... since coming here, what she looks like remains a mystery to me." He made no effort to conceal his sizing up of the newcomer, puffing his chest out and chuffing softly. "Forgive my manners," he began in a show of protocol, "My name is Alister Reaper, admiral of her magesty's fleet, direct captain of the 1st Regal Summer. But, I've come to realize that such titles mean nothing here." He cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm so used to having to be... polite all the time." He pawed at the ground.

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - galexiux - 07-11-2018

  So this kid was looking for a friend. Cute. This place was full of two opposites, cute fuzzy wuzzy stories and dark cryptic tales. It was sorta endearing to see someone just searching for a friend. The poor kid looked nervous. Overly nervous. Sorta... familiar. She squinted her milky eyes from the distant tree she was resting in. Stripes... Red color... Tiny baby useless horns, God how many people was she going to meet with parallels to back home? How long until she breaks and calls them by their copy's name? She sighed, fluffing her feathers. She supposed she wouldn't get into too much trouble for eavesdropping.
  Cry flopped down onto her back, her wings hanging over the edge of the tree branch. It was more dangerous than sitting up right, but it felt familiar and comfortable. She'd be fine. She drifted on the edge of sleep for a few pregnant moments before she heard the tiger's name. She screeched out, shocked. She flailed, squawking as she fell the tell ten feet to the ground. She whined at the pain shooting up her spine for a few seconds before her voice broke into drunken giggles. The bird snorted, slowly standing back up. She reached a wing up to amplify her voice. Hey, Ass-ister! She called out tauntingly, Was a palace full of servants and soft fabrics not good enough for you?? How the hell did that stupid stuck up prick find his way here, anyways? She supposed it was the perfect place for him to end up, though. Though, it was probably a bit too bright for him. He always did complain about higher temperatures; clearly a creature made for the cold.
  To say the two were antiquated was a bit of an understatement. They had a fairly healthy relationship. If a healthy relationship entailed of constantly friendly (yet sometimes violent) teasing, of course. Alister had a copy of their book in his ship, so Cry and her family could visit any time. It was nice, though she didn't personally enjoy the feeling of zero gravity or the motion sickness.

  The bird hopped up to her feet, continuing to sway, giggling and snorting, for a few moments before opening her wings and traveling over to the others. She snorted, covering her beak. Atbash! Izuku! Meet Alister. The weirdest crygophile Ive ever met. She raised a brow, pointing towards the tiger behind her. Seriously, she started, smug, You can dunk him in a vat of liquid nitrogen and he'd complain its too hot.


Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Alister Reaper - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:630px;background-color:black;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;"][div style="border-width:0px; padding:20px;text-align:justify; width:600px;background-color:#880015;"][img style="padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:11px; float:left;width:50%"][/img][font=verdana][color=white][glow=red,2,300]
Alister shot up immediately at the sound of the familiar voice, head spinning for a moment before he locked eyes on the crow. "Kailey! Son of a bitch!" He smiled wide, sharp teeth in an unfamiliar mouth making for quite an awkward expression. He stood and chuffed happily as he paced around in a confused circle. He brought a large paw down on her gently- but perhaps still a bit too hard- as she came close. "I've been looking everywhere for you, I thought I'd never find you- You always fell asleep in the cold before, I figured the tundra was a long shot, but-" He took a deep breath to halt his own babbling. "I can't believe I found you. I actually found you!"

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was about to respond to Alister when Cry flew over, as if she was called over by the tiger himself. Ah, so that was who he was looking for! That makes sense. A lot of people seemed to be following Cry lately, but Atbash definitely wasn't going to complain. She may not know Cry's or Izuku's friends, but she was glad that they wanted to come join Snowbound because of them. "Don't apologize for being so polite." Atbash responded, looking back over at Alister with a soft smile. "There's no need. M'name's Atbash Cipher, the Hailcaller here."
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - Alister Reaper - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width:630px;background-color:black;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;"][div style="border-width:0px; padding:20px;text-align:justify; width:600px;background-color:#880015;"][img style="padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:11px; float:left;width:50%"][/img][font=verdana][color=white][glow=red,2,300]
He tapped his front paw on the ground twice and bowed his head. "It's a pleasure.  The formalities are just natural for me now." Alister grinned down at the small cat, and released Cry. "I appreciate the hospitality. I've been searching this place for quite a while. Finding a place to stay in a place you don't belong in isn't every easy, I suppose, hmm?"

Re: theres no place like home, [joining], theres no place like home - arcy - 07-12-2018

Looking for somebody? Izuku tilts his head. Looking for who? Still, the apparent non-aggression of the tiger allows Izuku to relax a little. And so did Atbash's arrival, especially. Though, Izuku still feels awfully wary. He can't help it, really. He probably doesn't even fully realize he's on edge, anyways. Alister Reaper was the tiger's name, with a bunch of titles Izuku didn't get at all. .. Didn't even know what his friend looked like. Izuku could understand that, related to it pretty well. Well, at least Alister knew that his friend was here. And that friend was -- apparently Cry, judging by the raven's reaction to the tiger. Izuku's ears prick as his gaze falls to the raven, and follows her as she gets back up to approach. Was this how people felt when he ran into his classmates? It wasn't quite as bothersome as he figured -- actually, seeing the two reunite lightens his spirit a little, grinning a little wider. He's glad Cry isn't alone, then, that somebody from her past was here, too. Alister seems really happy to see her, too. The Maine Coon's tail wags.
Now, he could ask why Alister called Cry Kailey, but that wasn't Izuku's business. He didn't really want to ruin this, anyways. "It isn't, but it payed off for me, at least," Izuku huffs at Alister, grinning. Wow, what a relatable bunch. Izuku, at least, had managed to fit in here, granted this was the second group Izuku had joined, not the first. But, well, that didn't really matter, huh? He'd been in a first group once, and he hadn't fit in as well as he did here. Izuku shakes his head. "A -- anyways, I'm Izuku, the Te -- Frosthealer. Here. N .. Nice to, um, meet you!!" Right. Right. Frosthealer, not Tenderfoot. Tenderfoot was, in fact, abolished. Absolutely terrifying. Still, Izuku continues to grin at the big cat, even if he does seem to have wilted just a touch. Unfortunate.
what was i worth