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Human Roleplay Switches - Printable Version

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Human Roleplay Switches - Orion - 07-10-2018

Hey BoBCats.

So, it's apparent that human roleplay is one of our slower roleplays. After talking with the staff team and the other leader, we both agreed on throwing up a poll to decide human roleplay's fate. This time around, I think adding more unneeded structure would be better and allowing more input from you guys. With this in mind, I'd like to choose two new human groups that are member created between the majority of us. If you would like to actively chat, please refer to the Blackfallen discord for world building.  (

As always, let's keep the discussion civil... So what kind of roleplay would you guys like to see and would there be any things you'd like to see in specific?

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - impy. - 07-10-2018

tracking, will either post again or edit in my post here when i'm done with it

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - lexasperated - 07-10-2018

tracking (also i barely ever leave talia's subaccount rip i'm sorry but it's lexi/leksa here)

can't vote on the poll above yet because personally i think we can keep some things and redo others, like what's already been established in the discord chat, and then go from there based on the results we had during the discord poll. we already have some foundation (i.e. location and a rough setting time-wise which is a very good thing).

also posting the poll results in discord:
w: european + areas (i.e. current loc of griff being in france + black near russia)
w: post apocalyptic (more votes than fantasy as per last poll results)

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Una. - 07-12-2018


Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Orion - 07-12-2018

I'm going to explain several concepts and going to give reasons as to why. If you'd like to change my mind, please do, but these are all from a moderation and fellow roleplayer perspective.

Current Human Roleplay
History: Basic post-apocalyptic world.
- Nuclearization of the world leading into changes in the environment and climate, which lead to mutations and powers. This also includes Yellow Stone and other problems.
- Removal of gunpowder as magic becomes more powerful.
- Meet up within Europe with the remaining population.
- Split into two different groups after disagreement. (Unknown/Unofficial groups within other areas).

Map: Modern map based within Asia and Europe.
[Image: whatw.png]
(Scaled down, as I made a whole map draft including some other few things, but this was the majority of what was suggested.)

Groups: Blackfall and Griffingate.

Why I think it didn't work:
- Back and forth drama between two clans. There was no middle man and that made it tiring.
- If you weren't a plot-device within the clan's plots, you often felt left out.
- Several leader changes for Blackfall that led to slow development.
- The history was confusing and too explanatory to be narrowed down.
- Lack of more *viable* explanation. There really was no middle option. (Contrary to previous)
- The timeline was rather off.
- World building was done, but it was often left unexplained.
- Griffingate and Blackfall were often undeveloped and w/o concept. They were meant to be polar opposites of the sort, but that never worked out as intended.
- Underlying themes like intended never really struck.
- The world itself was hard to navigate around. Sticking the world in the real world presented a challenge and limited us entirely, along with adding a bunch of unnecessary rules and precautions that were not needed. This is why the history, along with liquid time, was honestly a mess in my total opinion. Though it may seem small, it created many of problems.
- Though area size(traveling across several companies on foot) was a problem, it could be liquid timed. Even so, it felt unnatural.
- The conflict felt forced.
- Plot-driven doesn't necessarily get everyone involved, sadly.

Remodeling Human Roleplay

For the remodel, I'd like to take it on like how we did animal roleplay.... Here's how we did it.
- World building. Originally for animal roleplay, we decided on a mystical Pangea, but soon switched it to a customized island due to similar problems we are having. Liquid time, frustrations, etc. I feel like this is where we have to head instead of Europe/Asia.
- Pick out our groups. As of right now, we have [member=3]Cakie ![/member] and @puzzles / [member=1348]adomania[/member] . two groups, along with my own. We also have [member=143]MADI[/member] 's Blackfall. Griffingate too!While this is happening, characters will be allowed to make bonds and predetermined histories. This WILL include already existing humans within the roleplay as of right now, which can gladly take over their history.
- Make boards and begin roleplay. Instate first meetings and such.

Here's my idea:
-  We were having problems with the European map and making it customized, along with modifying current human history was a huge hurdle that was left uncleared for many roleplayers, hence, I'd like to say this: custom map. I know we discussed it within the Discord but I feel as if this will truly be our better option here. We have the flexibility to add on(unlike our current), make our own history, and an unlimited amount of resources at our hands to do whatever. We were limited before, but now we have something better.
- I will also explain that post apocalyptic was also a hurdle. I am still okay with this, but I feel as if leaning towards a transition from regular humans -> mystics would be better. A slower transition, rather than something fast like our current roleplay is. It leaves a lot of room for future add-ons too.
- Groups... three or four. Leaves for a good dynamic and chances to interact more.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Beatles. - 07-12-2018


Re: Human Roleplay Switches - jabberwocky - 07-12-2018

tracking! Is it still possible for members to submit their own concepts, [member=1]Orion[/member] ?

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - Orion - 07-12-2018

Of course there's still time!
For world-building concepts and ideas, go here.
For suggesting groups/unofficial current groups to be boarded, hit this topic up.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - impy. - 07-12-2018

I'm gonna try to respond to your post, Orion, without making this seem wildly unorganized lol.

- Back and forth drama between two clans. There was no middle man and that made it tiring.

This I can agree with- two groups makes it limiting. But rather than just throwing another two or three new groups up there, just make one- gauge interest in it and go from there. You don't want to stretch the already small human game even further than it already is.

- If you weren't a plot-device within the clan's plots, you often felt left out.

No comment since I only just joined the site/the human game.

- Several leader changes for Blackfall that led to slow development.

I'm not sure if the leader changes would have been the entire reason for slow development but it may have been a factor.

- The history was confusing and too explanatory to be narrowed down.

Making a whole new world history (ie: hundreds and thousands of years before the current time period) would be even more confusing. Using real world history both keeps it easy to google if someone has questions about something before our timeline and BoB's split from each other. Want to know how racism will affect your character depending on where the world stood at the time? An easy google search can help you answer that question.

- Lack of more *viable* explanation. There really was no middle option. (Contrary to previous)

Perhaps if the history wasn't squished all together within 20 years- 20 years after a nuclear meltdown and the world would still be mostly inhabitable and humans just barely struggling to survive, much less slaughtering each other.

- The timeline was rather off.

See above reply.

- World building was done, but it was often left unexplained.

Then the solution is to explain it, not get rid of it completely and scrap it for another. The problem for some people (and myself) is that there isn't enough explanation, there aren't enough questions answered. Or the questions were answered but weren't written down cohesively.

- Griffingate and Blackfall were often undeveloped and w/o concept. They were meant to be polar opposites of the sort, but that never worked out as intended.

This goes along with the previous- worldbuilding needs to be established before the groups themselves. Shape the groups to fit the world around them, not the other way around.

- Underlying themes like intended never really struck.

Checking for interest beforehand is a good tool, though I wasn't here when the game was made so I can't comment.

- The world itself was hard to navigate around. Sticking the world in the real world presented a challenge and limited us entirely, along with adding a bunch of unnecessary rules and precautions that were not needed. This is why the history, along with liquid time, was honestly a mess in my total opinion. Though it may seem small, it created many of problems.

Alright so, I think we may have misunderstood each other when I said 'no' to a custom map. You have the current map, yes, real world part of Europe zoomed in. The territories, biomes, countries- they can all be changed how we see fit. A blank map of the real world can become a custom map.

- Though area size(traveling across several companies on foot) was a problem, it could be liquid timed. Even so, it felt unnatural.

Depending on how developed everything is would depend on how long everything takes. On foot? Extremely forced liquid time. On horse? Not so much but a stretch. In some kind of vehicle? A little less so but aware that it's not the same as it would be now in 2018.

- The conflict felt forced.

Has to do with worldbuilding and fitting the groups into the world.

- Plot-driven doesn't necessarily get everyone involved, sadly.

This I can agree with.

-  We were having problems with the European map and making it customized, along with modifying current human history was a huge hurdle that was left uncleared for many roleplayers, hence, I'd like to say this: custom map. I know we discussed it within the Discord but I feel as if this will truly be our better option here. We have the flexibility to add on(unlike our current), make our own history, and an unlimited amount of resources at our hands to do whatever. We were limited before, but now we have something better.
- I will also explain that post apocalyptic was also a hurdle. I am still okay with this, but I feel as if leaning towards a transition from regular humans -> mystics would be better. A slower transition, rather than something fast like our current roleplay is. It leaves a lot of room for future add-ons too.
- Groups... three or four. Leaves for a good dynamic and chances to interact more.

First bullet and third explained above for me.
Second bullet: I'm not so keen on the idea of mystics just because it's not entirely my forte? I mean I literally play a human hellhound but that's not my point kdjfkgh. I like the mutants idea, I like that there's repression and political and social conflict but moving it all to mystics doesn't seem appealing to me honestly, even if it's a slow progression.

Re: Human Roleplay Switches - puzzles. - 07-12-2018

trackin, im chill w anything as long as i can rp my vamp boy :00