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AH - Printable Version

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AH - Project K/MichaelM - 07-10-2018

Yo!  It's Michael from FF and UC and EB and that's about it! I'm here to chill witchall!
I'm also bringing an older OC, project, here too

Re: AH - galexiux - 07-10-2018

Hi michael! I'm afraid i dont know who project is but new members is always cool! Hopefully we see eachother around. c:

Re: AH - Orion - 07-10-2018

ahhh welcome to the site! name's orion and it's a pleasure to meet you, dude. <3
if you need any help, let me know.

Re: AH - cobblepot - 07-11-2018

HEY im p sure we know each other but anyway im cob !! welcome to bob ! i hope to see u around man

Re: AH - rakue - 07-11-2018

welcome to bob!! i dont believe we've ever met, i went by rakue on ff if that sounds familiar? regardless, im glad u decided to join us here <3 like orion said if you have any questions or smth, dont be afraid to shoot me a pm or hit me up on discord!!

Re: AH - Cheeters - 07-11-2018

hello michael, welcome to bob!!! its wonderful that you decided to join us, i think i remember your oc but i have an awful memory lmao. but i honestly hope you like it here and if you ever want to plot/chat, feel free to pm me! <3

Re: AH - Imortapose - 07-11-2018

Oh my god, Project!!! I'm literally screaming right now. I'm Immy, the one who played Caera! I led The Cartel when Project was in it. I'm so excited to see you here!!! How are you doing?

Where are you planning on dropping Project? I actually decided to bring Caera back on BoB and I;m gonna place her in Tanglewood. Tanglewood and The Typhoon are probably the most similar to The Cartel, tbh.

dnkj I'm so excited to see you again, tbh. I enjoyed RPing with you so much. ;w;

Re: AH - Project K/MichaelM - 07-11-2018

So many messages so little attention span
Thank y'all for the hospitality

CAERA! WOW! IT'S BEEN A MINUTE! Yeah, Imma drop Project either at San Creado or wherever is most like the Cartel

Michael though, idk

Re: AH - vvintersoldier - 07-11-2018

Hi Micheal, welcome to BoB! I don't believe we've met before, I'm Sky! I'm not sure if I heard of your OC before, but I'm excited to see what you'll do with them here!! If you have any questions feel free to message me!

Re: AH - Project K/MichaelM - 07-12-2018

Will do!