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MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open - Printable Version

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MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open - tricky - 03-22-2018

[div style="width: 500px; max-height: 450px; overflow: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; padding-left: 25px; padding-right: 45px;"]welcome! here you can buy one of those lame mini pixels, aka the only art i can do digitally, for your characters! here are 60+ or so examples from previous requests ( pixel army ) to catch your fancy, and if you would like one for your precious babby, then drop a link to tags and a reference. these don't take very long unless y'all give me a super complex design, and like the title says, these are pretty tiny so they can go in a signature / whatever - usually the height is always 75px
i only do animals, aka everything except humans, and no nsfw requests ofc. it would be mighty helpful if when the slots are full, to hold your horses and just track instead of flooding me with requests Wink

- my pixel specialty, 1000 gems each
( 4fps, 6 frames - a bouncing sprite )
- ultimate pixel, 10000 gems each
( ~20fps, hella lot frames - a bouncing sprite with bonus animation if i can think of one )
- will add more in the future probably
once you transfer me the moola, then i will bestow upon you the pixel

slots ― 3/4 slots
- immortalhd
- hana
- bee

* art trades are always welcomed

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 4/4 slots open! - Cakie ! - 03-22-2018

mind making an Ultimate Pixel™ of Starrynight?

[Image: tumblr_p5ekawU8xf1vg5ujno1_540.png]

[Image: tumblr_p608vpNdJ71w0gb9mo1_500.gif]

and can you make it bigger than your average pixel so that the details are easier to put in there? i'll do 5500 or 6000 for the extra work

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 4/4 slots open! - Sorrel - 03-22-2018

*slams hands down* I would like one of these amazing pieces!
It'll be for a signature c:
Its for my anger boi Killua Here's his main reference, a completely white serval with no spots and long metal claws.
Looking to get that ultimate pixel my friend!
Tag link:

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 4/4 slots open! - MADI - 03-22-2018

hol up i’ll go grab his art dump in a hot second
here you are:
he’s a silver bengal with ice blue eyes and a scar on his shoulder! he also wears a french coin on a chain.
i think ultimate pixel! not sure what movements there are for that so idk what i actually want or what that means but I WANT ALL THE ART

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - tricky - 03-22-2018

added and I upped the cost of ultimate pixels totally not bc they take too long

sO it's gonna be 5,000 across the board for all y'all

dw cake I can fit details in I'm a magician

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - Sorrel - 03-22-2018

I'm fine with that! would you like payment now or later?

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - tricky - 03-22-2018

aaaaa now so I can just drop killua here when I finish him

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - Sorrel - 03-22-2018

There ya go buddy!!

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - Kicksie - 03-22-2018

Track until I can afford an ultimate pixel cx

Re: MARBLE SODA ― pixel shop & 1/4 slots open! - tricky - 03-22-2018

stop getting ultimate pixels I have to put effort into them