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BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - Printable Version

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BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - ANIMA B. - 07-10-2018

Blackfall is somewhere that she doesn't want to be. But, she needs some new equipment, several of her arrows are missing fletches or arrowheads, she could do with a new string for her bow before it snaps and leaves her without something to hunt with and some new clothes wouldn't go amiss. It isn't as if she's come unprepared for the reality that they'd likely want her to work for it either, bringing along a pack of well-kept and skinned furs in a messenger bag hanging from her shoulder.

Anima herself cuts an imposing figure as she approaches the town. From a distance, all that one would be able to make out is the wolf pelt hood that she wears, drawn her over face. The eyes have been replaced with glass ones, and the fangs stay intact and frame her face. Her clothes are sutiably drab and comfortable, khakis and combat boots and plain dark t-shirts, with a loose oversized bomber jacket that reaches just above her knees. It's clearly too big for the woman, but it also lovingly kept and adorned with several patches from military barding on the right shoulder to a large eastern dragon printed on the back.

In her other hand, she carries an unstrung recurve bow. It is also lovingly made and carbon fibre with little damage from wear and tear. Annie looks every part the hunter that she is, and that is something that she's proud of. The image is one carefully maintained, hardened like a diamond and trying to look intimidating. It works, making the 5"5 woman seem much taller than she is, like a carefully planned illusion.

She looks for a patrol, guards, someone that she can talk to so she doesn't just trespass on territory. She's wary of that in particular, one armed hunter is no match for a group, no matter how skilled she is. And after all - she comes in peace. No harm will come to Blackfall from her, and should they not have what she wants? She'll begin the trek to find somewhere that does. That trek is a long and ardours one though so Annie hopes that it won't be necessary. The things that she needs shouldn't be too hard to acquire in a settlement such as this.

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - purgatory - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]As far as appearances go, Jeong seemed to be average. Nothing about him stood out. This could be both a positive and negative thing, depending on where you stand. He himself was more in the center as he doesn't particularly care if others notice him or not. He' much rather go up to others and strike up a conversation as oppose to others approaching him. Reason being, sometimes he isn't in the mood for social interaction. He has a short fuse and will take out his frustrations on others who want to have a chat when he's upset. Anima, on the other hand, appeared to be a one man army. It was hard to not notice her. The wolf draped over her head and shoulders concealed the woman's face and provided an air of mystery around her. She was intimidating, Jeong wasn't going to lie to himself. But that didn't mean he didn't think she was super cool. He liked her style. He couldn't wield a bow and arrow for the life of him and very much preferred small bladed weapons. Though Anima was right in choosing a bow as her weapon. It really brought the whole look together. Blinking, he tilted his head curiously before slipping his hands in his jacket pockets and with a smile, jogging towards her. "Oh, bro, sick wolf pelt." He commented in approval, lifting his hand from his pocket to give her a thumbs up. "Anyways, somethin' I can help ya with?" He continued, returning his hand back to his pocket as he awaited an answer.

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - ANIMA B. - 07-12-2018

She watches him carefully, checking for any signs to aggression. Thankfully, there are none and she can relax from her coiled posture into something a lot more open. As a sign of friendliness, she drops her hood. Without it, she looks a less intimidating, long dark hair framing her face with a sideswept fringe and relatively young looking features. There's claw scars on the right side of her face, but they've healed well to faint scars. He seems to like her hood, something that gets a genuine small smile off her.

It's good to know people can appreciate good craftsmanship when they see it.

"Name's Anima - I'm a huntress and I was wondering whether I'd be able to trade some supplies?" To illustrate the point, she delves into the messenger bag at her side and pulls out one of the furs, a doe pelt in relatively good shape. "If not, I can work in exchange for the supplies I need."

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - purgatory - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]Jeong watched curiously as she removed the wolf skin from her face, revealing young features. Did she take down the wolf herself or did she have help? Was the wolf already dead when she crafted it? Or was it given to her as a gift? Either way, it was quite the accessory. For such a young individual to be sporting such a frightening appearance... She's definitely cool. Well, he hopes so. Appearances weren't everything after all. Her personality, how she behaves, her values and so on were also contributing factors when deeming a person's value. As she spoke, Jeong was convinced she was at least decent. "Anima the Huntress." He echoed, feeling his friendly smile grow into an excited grin. What? He couldn't help it how he responded to things he thought was cool.  No, no... He should calm down. "It's nice to meet'cha. I'm Jeong." He introduced himself with a slight tip of his cranium. "And uh, I dunno about tradin' supplies and workin' and stuff but how 'bout a proposition?" He asked, taking a note of exchanging her services for supplies. "How about, you, Huntress, join us, Blackfall? We'll do our best to provide the supplies you need, a roof over your head, some food and water and protection in numbers in exchange for your skills in combat and hunting." He raised a brow quizzically, though his excited grin was still present. "So how 'bout it, Huntress? Wanna join?"

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - ANIMA B. - 07-13-2018

"Just Anima or Annie will do. Bit of a mouthful." She replies, still smiling as he introduces himself. She gives a quick nod, making sure to try and remember the name but... She's not the best at remembering names. Everyone blends into one when you don't spend much time in one place after all. It's rude to forget a name though, she knows that much.

The mention of a proposition, she crosses her arms and tilts her head. As he mentions joining them, her expression darkens just a little, eyebrows raised. She's not... She hasn't been in a group for years. The thought of having to integrate into one - especially considering what happened to the last one... She manages to keep her expression as even as possible. There are merits she supposes to staying with them and she has to stay for a while to fix her equipment anyways.

"I'm sorry, I'm not really used to staying groups, so the offer comes as..." A shock? An insult? She allows herself to trail off whilst she mentally searches for a decent word to describe her feelings towards the situation. When she can't find one, she sighs and shrugs. "I presume that things would be expected of me? I've had some run ins with, shall we say - less than friendly groups. I don't want to be joining a set of bandits." They don't look like bandits, but there's every chance that's because their raiding party is currently indisposed somewhere else.

"There's also the matter of my partner - a hawk, Seven. I presume he would also be protected and looked after?" She has to inquire about the bird too, even if he's gone for a fly and hunt of his own. The two are mostly inseparable, and to tear one apart from the other is... Unthinkable to Anima. Perhaps not to Seven, but definitely to her.

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - purgatory - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]His excited grin remained on his face even as her's darkened slightly. He was still going to call her Huntress but for now, he'll settle with Annie. Moving onward, he couldn't help but notice that cloud that hung over her as she responded to his offer. He was a bit confused and was going to ask what was bothering her, but it seems as though she had beaten him to that already. Jeong knew how hard it can be to adapt to a new environment so he didn't take her negative response to heart. Instead, he waved his hand nonchalantly as she continued, asking if things would be expected of her and not wanting to be apart of a bandit group. "Well, yeah. Of course we're going to expect things from ya. You're going to expect things from us too, right? Like providing the things you need 'nd stuff like that. But, that's only if you chose to join us. If not, no hard feelings." Forcing her to join them he felt would have the opposite outcome. You can't force anyone to do anything after all. "Oh, and nah. We're not a bandit group either. Rough around the edges? Yeah. Strategically adept? Yep. But not bandits so you can rest easy there." He continued, his excited grin now dialing back to his previously friendly smile.

At the mention of her hawk, Jeong gasped before swiftly cutting himself off by covering his mouth. He was an open book, wasn't he? So far, Anima has cease to bring out his inner child. The wolf pelt, her being a huntress and now she's telling him she has an avian companion. Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms over his chest in attempt to play it cool. "Y-yeah, Seven's one of us. If someone wants to pick a fight with him or you, they'll have to go through us first." He replied, Peanut's form taking shape in his mind. The plump Pomeranian was a handful, but she's a sweetheart. She was Leo's dog, though the three have been together for so long being without her didn't feel right. It would be hypocritical of him to accept Peanut but deny Seven.

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - CAIN - 07-15-2018

CAIN PENDRAGON — Cain could probably aim for less dramatic entrances from time to time, but that would simply be a waste of his time. It was faster to dreamwalk, and there was no point in hiding his identity from those who found themselves in their city. Some knew of the Dreamwalker, and some simply got glimpse of his abilities; either way, it was polite to give foreigners a warning. Cain wasn't one to hide. As such, when he joined them it was abruptly: shadows frothed and pulled, and he stepped out of them gracefully, mid-step. He kept walking towards them, closely the few feet, as the shadows faded.

"You are always welcome to trade on the Black Market," he greeted, casually, picking up only on the ends of their discussion, "But Jeong is right. You and Seven will be safe with us, if you choose to stay here." His analytic sea-green stare washed over her, the bird, everything, before he offered an easy grin. Friendly. "I'm Cain, by the way. Nice to meet you, huntress."

Re: BLOOD & WINE | open && joiner - ANIMA B. - 07-16-2018

❝ NO MORE DRAGONS LEFT TO SLAY ❞ She actually giggles at Jeong when he cuts himself off. He's like a child and she loves it. It's been so long since she's had someone react so positively to her that she feels genuinely good about it, a smile that keeps growing as she giggles. Eventually she shakes her head, making a short, sharp whistle.

"He'll come and say hi if you want him to. He's nice and obedient when there's food at stake." She comments idly, looking up towards the sky briefly to check if he's circling. Of course, he is, so she feels free to resume the conversation.

She barely gets out a word before she stops, watching Cain manifest out of darkness with the same kind of wonder that Jeong is showing towards her. It's something that she's never seen before - something that must be incredibly useful to have for someone like her. After all, the ability to teleport is one that she could use to great advantage, and she would be a fool to regard it as anything otherwise.

"That's a rather impressive trick." She doesn't sound wary, more curious as she tilts her head towards the side. "Also, I'll stay for a few days and then see how I feel. I presume I'm free to leave if the lifestyle doesn't suit?"