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these wings on your back aren't a dream - Printable Version

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these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 07-10-2018

a general storage, feel free to track if you want?? don't know why you would want to but yknow.

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - ANIMA B. - 07-10-2018


Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - ANIMA B. - 07-10-2018

storms don't weep for the drowned — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ornare condimentum sapien, eget porta sapien pellentesque vulputate. Pellentesque pretium quam lorem, sed dapibus lacus molestie lobortis. Vivamus ac venenatis ipsum. Aliquam vel volutpat turpis, quis gravida dui. Cras congue imperdiet erat auctor molestie. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Duis hendrerit, orci quis bibendum tincidunt, eros velit vestibulum turpis, eu venenatis felis diam sed purus. Sed sodales pulvinar ante.

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - ANIMA B. - 07-10-2018

[Image: dark_folk___deco_divider_by_thecandycoating-da9wot6.png]
A young woman of 25 years, Annie knows little of the world before it collapsed. To her, stories of countries and civilisation are far-fetched and relics of the past. After all, she's seen nature reclaim them. They are relics of an ancient past to the huntress, but one that she was alive in. But instead of fond memories of the world before, Anima longs only for the wilderness that she's known for most of her life. That being said, the wilds are not forgiving and Annie has aligned herself with Blackfall for now, the royal hating group managing to provide a good spot for trading and socialising that she enjoys.

Anima herself looks every part the hunter that she is. Her usual clothing is comfortable and practical. Khakis, leggings, combat boots and t-shirts, usually in drab colours that will blend in well as she waits for prey. The exception is the clothing that she wears whilst she is wandering. A stark white wolf pelt fashioned into a hood, with glass eyes and fangs that frame her face. It sticks out in anything but winter, but serves to make her look intimidating to others. The bomber jacket that she likes to wear is brown, but decorated with multitudes of various patches and a bright eastern dragon printed on the back, with clouds wrapped around it and holding it's pearl.

Take off the hood and posturing, Anima becomes small. Her features are sharp, green eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. She has relatively long hair, usually kept back in a plait. When she wears her hood, she likes to let it down and frame her face to further obscure her face. Her skin is tan and she has freckles on cheeks. Her build is one of a huntress, stocky and strong. She is not traditionally beautiful in any respect, but is muscular but still toned. However, she only stands around 5"5, making her relatively small in the grand scheme of things - something that she uses to advantage.

As with any hunter, Annie is defined by her talent with a bow. A sharpshooter with incredible aim, Annie is proud of her abilities and rightly so. Without them, how would she of survived the wilds? She is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat, something which has proved good against the kind of people who take the end of the world as per say as an excuse to turn into monsters. That being said, it's not unheard that Anima has a fiery temper, something that has lead to more than a few fights that were "unprovoked".

One might expect Anima to be a quiet, reserved

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - ANIMA B. - 07-12-2018

[glow=#000,2,300]hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on
regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all[/glow]
———— @cyan & blackfall & info

[glow=#000,2,300]& the lights they glow like i just lost the world war
and the scene slips away to the evenness i fake[/glow]
———— @cyan & blackfall & info

[glow=#000,2,300]eyes & words are so icy, oh but she burns like rum on a fire[/glow]
———— @cyan & info & pinterest

[glow=#000,2,300]don't get me wrong, i would never turn back time or play god[/glow]
————[glow=#000,2,300]but is there a way to earn back that endless sky?[/glow]
———— @cyan & blackfall & info

[glow=#000,2,300]but the loneliness never left me — i always took it with me
but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company[/glow]
———— @cyan & blackfall & info

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - ANIMA B. - 07-14-2018

lyric dump for potential signatures ;
ready! steady! go! - amalee ( cover )
no choir - florence & the machine

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - cyantist - 07-15-2018

track on main

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 07-15-2018

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 07-15-2018

Re: STORMS DON'T WEEP FOR THE DROWNED | storage - cyantist - 07-15-2018

[glow=#000,2,300]blood cold as ice & a heart made of stone[/glow]
———— @cyan & typhoon & info