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fault of your own ∞ joining - Printable Version

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fault of your own ∞ joining - arcy - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — Sun did not like water. This much is clear, the grumbles clear in their head as they walk onwards. Discomfort roils in their chest as they wade through ankle-deep water, tail lashing. They could have just flown here, yes? But Sun shakes his head. No. No, they were missing one of their wings. Lopsided. faster. Beam points out, bitter amd resentful but still soft. After all of thus time, despite everything Sun had done to her, she still cared for them.
Sunbeam was never intended to be on their own. Sun and Beam had grown up in a group of their own, once, different as can be but still so lively. Things had changed once they fused, became the towering pale beast they were. They were regarded as godly, as they expected to be. They were strong, now. But then Sun hadn't allowed them to unfuse, had locked then like this, and they left.  Beam lets out a soft growl at the reminder. you left, she reminds, and Sun is quiet. They'd done a lot of things. They'd hurt Beam. Didn't mean to, they'd just wanted to be powerful, and they were. Thr strongest in their little group, but their strength was questionable in the big wide world. Their ability to cooaperate could be better, and showed itself in the form of Sunbeam's stumbling about in the midst of combat. Beam was presistent, refusing to let Sun get his way. She wanted revenge. Not cruelly, she still loved Sun, of course, with all her heart, but they were hardly a good person these days. Normally, fusions such as Sunbeam would fall apart at this point, but they simply couldn't. Even if they wanted to, and they both truly did, these days, they couldn't. And it was Sun's fault.
"Hello?" Sunbeam looks flat and closed off as they step onto damp stand, eyes flat as the two who made them up refused to settle.  With cooaperation lost, they would be tossed between emotions so quickly that they simply couldn't. Lots of things were wrong with Sunbeam, really. There was reasons fusions such as themselves fell apart once they grew unstable, for the safety of those involved. But Sunbeam -- well, Sunbeam was falling apart at the seams, but they couldn't. Weren't allowed to break apart. This was not Sun's fault, not anymore. This was just .. how things were, now. "We are Sunbeam, looking to join. Please, tell us if you are here," Gradually, both parts of them finally begin to pay attention. Sunbeam blinks their many eyes a few times as alertness returns to them, and they straighten themselves out. They'd like to make a good impression if they are to stay here. Sunbeam does not need friends -- what is the point? They are merely too beings forcefully stuck together, they needed nobody but themselves. But. but. Another person to look down upon them was not what they needed. They got that enough from (bbeam sun sunsun beam). .. they would not lie, though, it would be nice to make a friend. Even if their insides were roiling and tumbling with all those extra organs and people only half-heartedly fused, at least one person to look at them with fondness. .. Sunbeam's many ears (four, just four, Sun) flatten. They should not get their hopes up. They are not right. They are a tall, tall creature, scary and intimidating. They are scarred and strange, they do not speak right. (your fault your fault). They deserve a friend(no), they are sure (no, you do not), but they will not get one, that they are even more sure of. So, with a soft sigh, the towering spotted feline seats themselves and waits, looking either forlorn, upset, or annoyed. It's strangely unclear, but with their four eyes and ears, there were many ways for Sunbeam to express themselves. It was surprisingly not a jarring expression, though their extra legs and eyes and ears may be.
//man idk what typhoon territory is up to rn dont mind me. also mobile haaa

Re: fault of your own ∞ joining - Luciferr - 07-10-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

if this one thought they may be turned away for appearance alone,mother thye did not know the typhoon - or had not met lucifer and seen the garish glowing red scar that marred his face, that marked him for his lineage and the scorn it would bring from those who knew.

The son of the void devil was not popular amongst his once home's average citizens - no, to him the Typhoon's lack of knowledge of that and their acceptance was something refreshing.

Still, the dragon came forwards from the shadows of the waterlogged and somewhat still wrecked territory - the tsunami had not been kind - and regarded the stranger with old eyes, red stayed staring while the white blinked slowly, before he spoke.

"you are welcome here - the others will be along soon enough no doubt" he looked back behind him briefly, before the dark dragon's regard turned back "Lucifer Grimm, my apologies but our territory has seen better days currently, with the recent tsunami" short way of explaining why the territory looked rather like it had challenged the heavens and suffered for it, hm.



Re: fault of your own ∞ joining - purgatory - 07-11-2018

Re: fault of your own ∞ joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-11-2018

Oh, great, another person who seemed to speak weirdly. Caesar rolled his eyes as he followed after Cronas, learning that it was best to just shut up and not make a comment on how one spoke, because clearly nobody learned anything. "Yeah, welcome to The Typhoon." Caesar grunted, his right ear flicking. "Name's Officer Caesar Cipher."

Re: fault of your own ∞ joining - arcy - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — In all honestly, Sunbeam wasn't worried about their appearance. Their appearance was .. okay. Sure, people looked at them strangely sometimes, but that was the average reaction, sans a few more extreme ones. I mean .. it was mostly burns and extra things. Like the paws. So many paws. Strange, but okay.
Two of Sunbeam's ears twitch as the look up at the dragon that approaches them. Very large, but friendly. Might be stronger than them. That was a shame. (good.) However, they didn't seem two opposed to them, and so they allow their tail to swish as they look up at the other with .. a contrasting expression, once again. A mix of friendliness and annoyance, but there was a soft smile on their maw all the same.
"We thank you," Sunbeam dips their head. Lucifer -- what a name. They ruffle their feathers as they lift their head back up. Destroyed territory. That wasn't even on their mind. "We have seen worse, no worries" That was a .. kind of strange sentence, as Sun so kindly points out. Beam shoves back. Sunbeam, for a few moments, looks somewhat out of it, before blinking to alertness once more a few moments later. Right. The territory was of no mind to them, and all that. They've seen worse. They've caused worse.
Another one, younger, approaches a minute later. How little. Sunbeam allows them a soft smile as well, appearing altogether unconcerned about the younger's long minute of observing. Well, aside from the twitch of concern. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. They were wrong. These concerns are further amplified by the yellow one who shows up, judging in some way. And, really, Caeser would be right about nobody learning, least of all Sunbeam. They might eventually figure out how to speak more casually, eventually, but now was not then. Also, it's not like Sunbeam were exactly the same person, not by their terms. Saying 'I' would simply be insulting. "We thank you," Sunbeam chirps, grinning lightly. They appear to have relaxed just a little as Cronas speaks, and were generally only a little concerned by whatever judgements Caeser had. They were .. welcomed. How shocking. But .. they had a place to stay now, and wasn't that nice?
also haa i gotta shift sun's speaking color to something darker but im Not gonna do that rn im Lazy

Re: fault of your own ∞ joining - PINCHER - 07-14-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
If there was one thing that the Typhoon was known for, it was the oddities that it had. Not just the various landmarks that scarred the vast tropical island with history etched into their environment but the inhaibitants that lived within it also stuck out like sore thumbs despite living in a rather large group. Pincher didn't exactly stick out personally or well...he did not used to. The male had been a regular doberman pinscher figure which only scars to litter his figure and a simple black armband. Then as time went by, his body began to shift to a more unusual figure especially after his death. His eyes had remained somewhat the same with the shade of blue eyes yet they were bloodshot in what had once been the white of his eyes. New scars now marked his body right above the base of his stubbed tail and the most prominent thing being his glowing tattoos that marked his hindlegs. It was rather odd to view himself in the reflection of the still pond he was staring down at, raising a coffee brown paw to pull down his right eyelid to inspect his crimson and blue eye. A soft sigh escaped his jaws as the the male leaned back onto his back haunches before rising, preparing to go back to the camp when distant voices caught his attention especially because they seemed to be coming from the area where the entrance of the island was.

Perplexed on who could it be this time that his crewmates have decided to encounter, the immortal captain headed through the slightly destroyed vegetation, his paws sinking softly into the moist ground before stepping out to feel the familiar sensation of the sand. It appeared that Lucifer, Caesar, and Cronas had beat him to meeting a stranger and as the stoic male slipped to the side of the others, his patient cool gaze connected with the multiple eyes of the odd creature. Huh. They reminded him of his half-sister, Rosemary yet he simply gave a light nod of salutations before stating "Welcome to the Typhoon, Sunbeam. My name is Pincher Roux, if anyone around here decides to cause trouble with you, feel free to tell me or just show them who they're messing with." Was he serious? Yes and no. He had warned his crewmates to keep things civil but there had already been plenty of times when aggressions became physical and someone usually ended up with a blood nose or black eye. It was how things were in the Typhoon and Pincher was rather fond of it being that way.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]