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WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - Printable Version

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WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - emil - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]/ very tired post....hopefully ill make better ones tomorrow ahgjkdfh

days and days of traveling left massive white paws aching. oh, how the creature's body hurt, wince and moan escaping them with each limping step. they didn't even have much reason for moving so far; their home had been perfectly fine, rich in food and vast in territory, but they yearned for a change. they yearned for the company of others, yearned for a home shared with others. two years alone, from the day their mother weaned them to the present. it was hard, in a way. they'd learned to adapt and learned how to take care of themselves. but for some time now, they had been longing to hear a voice other than their own, longing for comforting touches, longing for family. they could only hope such things would be found here.

foreignersgod trudged slowly through the territory, eventually stopping upon reaching the plains. they stood in the shade of the trees; for some time, they wondered if this was a good idea. what if this place was inhabited by aggressive creatures? what if there was no one even here? the latter was unlikely, as they had detected several markers on their trek through the trees, but the anxiety still ebbed at them. they didn't want to be alone anymore.

the tiger took a deep breath. everything would be alright. first impressions are important. they took a moment to compose themselves before stepping out of the darkness, immediately being bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. ocean eyes peered out across the stretching plains, taking in the massive piece of land. it was... beautiful. even if there was no one residing here anymore, they wouldn't mind taking the place. ivory paws planted themselves determinedly in the grass, whip-like tail curling in anticipation.

"is anyone there?"

Re: WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - ★ HAZEL - 07-10-2018

[align=center]hazel elise caelum . nine months . the ascendants . golden girl . tags

Walking out to the border had become less exhausting in the past day or so; she really should have thanked Titaniumstars for the nap. Instead, Hazel was giddy over the fact that she could shove Ti further out of her head than before, almost near a place where she could enjoy peace and quite somewhat totally. Of course, her luck probably wouldn’t last, and with every high there was a low creeping around the corner. Hazel would undoubtedly crash at some point, and she wasn’t looking forward to the day it came.

However, upon reaching the far southern border, the cocoa feline hardly blinked at the sight of the massive ivory tiger. She’d seen far stranger things crash into their borders. As she neared, Hazel noticed the weary state of the feline; the setting sun may have cast a golden glow on the tiger’s pelt, making it fiery and vibrant, but the stranger’s aura was weak with exhaustion. Hazel’s heart went out to the poor soul, knowing it must’ve been a harsh journey.

Ave, stranger.” Hazel greeted, dipping her head. “I’m Hazel. Can I get your name and what you’re doing here?” She always despised how people gruffly demanded a newcomer’s name and business; though she understood the guarded hostility with threatening-looking strangers, everyone else deserved a fair chance.
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

There had been a lot that had happened before the week had even decided to end. Washington wasn't sure if he liked being that constantly busy with something or whether or not he actually hated it. It was annoying to have to deal with everyone trying to kill his teammate. Which probably wouldn't work but he had seen several creatures here do strange things since he had been here in the first place. Something that Washington wasn't used to seeing, but his daily life before he had been turned into this thing had been flying through space and shooting a rifle of sorts. And fighting aliens during the first several years of his life, which wasn't exactly what he would ever call a highlight that was for sure. Washington had been through a lot, but that didn't mean he was anything special. There were former humans that lived here before he had even arrived. It had certainly been jarring for someone who had been a soldier his entire life only to suddenly be dropped onto a planet that was the homeworld for Humans.

It was strange that it had taken him so long to realize that they were indeed on Earth, but what made it even worse was that he knew what year it was. He was hundreds of years in the past with his teammates, and they were trying to find out what they were going to do next. Washington needed to figure out a method soon before he dwelled into insanity. Compared to those that had been changed, Washington didn't plan on being an animal forever. It simply didn't suit him and he wanted to have his hands back. Either way, he had been settling in here as much as a former soldier could settle in a place that wasn't even remotely violent or didn't even any orders that were going back and forth. It was a struggle like everything was, but his overall health was approving. At least what he could consider being improving.

The former human had managed to get a little bit more sleep without messing up the regimen that he had for himself. Which was an improvement, and he had been hallucinating a lot less the past couple of days. It was better than nothing and he would work with what he could be given. Everything went to shit though when his former teammate popped onto the banks of the outpost that this was called. He hadn't known it had been her, and he didn't expect another Freelancer's to have made their way to this place after the explosion. He just thought that he had gotten lucky and wasn't killed in the explosion and had simply been transported. Washington had approached the female like he would anyone else, only for him to realize that it was the team leader of Alpha Squad. Carolina. Who had been the best of the best of the program till Agent Texas had to come along and put everything on its head. Washington hadn't been sure how to react, because he wasn't sure if he could beat her even in his current body. He had the size advantage on her, but once she realized that it was him, she wasted no time in attacking him.

Sparking anger in literally everyone around but he tried to say that it was all misunderstanding while she was threatening to break his arm. The leopard had managed to knock down someone his size with basic ease. Annoying yes, but he should have expected that much. If he had known that it was another Freelancer from the beginning he would have attacked her as well no questions asked. They couldn't trust anyone after the crash of their ship and after everyone split off from one another. Washington couldn't even trust the civilians that were living in this place either. Once Carolina had arrived, everything went to shit as everyone was at each other's throats. He was forced to play the neutral party, but even then it didn't help much. The only one that really had any problem with them was Bastille. Which was an issue because the guy was the leader, but he was pretty sure that once he explained a couple of things to Roy that even the former human would understand what they were going through and be on their side.

So right now, Washington's idea was to get everyone on his side except for Bastille, that way it would be a majority rule when it came to making decisions about him, Carolina, Caboose, and Church. It wasn't exactly hard to do since everyone but Bastille and Roy seemed to be trusting. Manipulation was something that he had learned through the memories that were given to him by the failed AI that was implanted into his brain. Washington had a facade that was working well for right now, but he didn't know what he was going to do once he showed what he really was. A Freelancer with no purpose than to get out. It was during this time that Washington usually went on his daily patrols. He had a regimen that he followed as long as Carolina would allow him to do this schedule. It was something that he didn't really have to think about while doing it, and it allowed him almost peace of mind. Even if it meant that it was a lot of exercises that didn't have a lot of payout in the end. Washington didn't mind exercising, as it was a stress leaver as well, the same happened when he started to clean his armor as he could just stop thinking and do something. The armored smilodon walked along the border of the place to see who he was able to encounter.

There may be those like him that made an appearance, but at the same time, he may come across those that were used to this world. The lion-sized animal was certainly considered to be intimidating despite only wearing half of the armor that he came with. Washington was able to hear voices slightly ahead of him and thought that he might as well check it out to see if it was someone that he was familiar with. Washington approached from the side of the domestic cat and the tiger. Both of which that he knew nothing about, but a tiger was certainly a species of animal that he knew even if he was a soldier for most of his life. It was a type of cat, and along with that they were used as an insignia for some Military programs. Washington didn't say anything as he stood off to the side, regarding the tiger with his golden eyes that were hidden behind the helmet that he wore on his face. Washington didn't seem all that bothered that the tiger was around, as a regular looking tiger wasn't all that strange. That was at least what he had gotten used to so far. The Freelancer still didn't know everyone in the outpost though, and he was certain that he had never met the one domestic feline that was here. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - rhosmari - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The ginger colored leopard had been keeping to herself for the most part. That was the best thing to do and she didn't see a reason to befriend any of the buffoons that lived here. The less to know her business the better that things were for herself and for them. After all knowing more about them than them knowing about her was the better course of action here and she would stick with that plan until there was something else that arose. So she had been staying away and making sure to not interact with them much. This was her means to survival and she had no other choice in the matter. Those that got close anyway were bound to get picked off once by one and she hadn't come here to make friends with any of them. The only ones that mattered to her were Washington and the Simulation troopers. Especially Church. She knew what he was and he wouldn't be able to hid it from her for too long. Her paws stopped upon smelling nearby animals and the former human still hadn't really adjusted to actively being able to pick out different smells and know that they were not all one creature.

It was a strange thing being an animal but the Freelancer had adapted well enough and if they thought she wouldn't be able to take them on in a fight they would be dead wrong about that. She was fierce in both human and even as a leopard considering she had taken down Washington and he was much much bigger than herself. She prided herself in her own training regimen, day in and day out she would work herself to the bone. There was no such thing as being under prepared and if Agent Texas showed her bitch face around here she would definitely get taken out by herself. After what she had cause and the things that had happened, poor Maine. She had her targets. High yellow green eyes narrowed as she made her way toward the group of animals, rather confused on what was even going on. Of course Wash was here and that other one was here as well but there was as strange she didn't know sitting upon the ground. Her eyes narrowed but she was more confused at the fact that everyone was silent. Did she miss something? Rolling her eyes a bit the woman would flick her tail in annoyance before speaking up. "Seems like you guys just typically sit around do nothing. Fitting I guess..." Outpost or not they didn't ring military to her and so she hadn't given them such a title.

Re: WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - Margaery - 07-10-2018

This would mark Margaery's first appearance since returning home and for whatever reason, she was nervous. She had escaped her father late last night, stealing into her and Suiteheart's shared room and collapsing into a heap of tears the moment the door shut behind her. Margaery had made the unwise decision of seeking Niklaus out, originally unafraid of whatever fate he had in store for her following his attempt on Suite's life. She wanted to kill him, taking away from him everything that he so dearly loved and cared about, but even her best efforts were fruitless. He was selfish and awful and thought only of himself and his desires. She could not physically do anything to him without suffering more herself. So she had tried to reason with him instead, talking and crying and hoping that he would finally understand how much he destroyed her by taking away the things that she valued- by taking away Suiteheart.

She hadn't told him that she had fed Suite her blood though, hoping and praying to Selene above that she would be saved.  That would be another death sentence for her beloved wife and Margaery could never think to do that to her, not even after he so assuredly pointed out that perhaps they'd be rid of her for good. He had insisted that she return to his manor with him too, spinning tales of how her mother missed and forgave her for everything that had happened and so desperately wanted her little girl - her little Maarit - back. But she had ignored him, spinning on a heel and returning to the Ascendants before he could make any move to stop her.

And now she was here, gazing silently at the ivory hued tiger with an expression akin to indifference. She was usually so excited to be meeting and interacting with newcomers but despite her best efforts, she couldn't generate any of her normal spark. She was tired, emotionally drained, and in need of alcohol. Immediately. [b]"Margaery," She finally murmured, breaking her silence only to introduce herself to them. She figured that they would be joining- why else would they show up on their border if they weren't?

Re: WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - emil - 07-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]ah, so there were animals living here. they didn't seem hostile, which was a good thing for the tiger. despite their size and obvious bulk, they hated fighting, much preferring to solve problems with words and not claws. lovely blue eyes settled on hazel as she approached, opening their mouth to reply to her query, though stopping upon seeing others padding toward them. this was... well, this was the largest amount of friendly creatures they had seen in one place. it was almost fascinating to them, how such different species could live together in harmony. they already loved it here.

margaery was the second to introduce herself. the tiger drew their eyes to the much smaller cat, offering a sweet smile. "that's a lovely name." they cooed to her, before returning their attention to hazel and her initial question. "my name is foreignersgod, though that is a mouthful... you can call me rei, if you'd like." rei chuckled sheepishly. "ah... right. i'd like to join you, if it's alright." the ivory beast smiled again, trying to appear as friendly as they could. they'd never done this before; group customs were an enigma to the large cat, unbeknownst to any trials or other such requirements to be able to join. they could only hope it was as easy as it seemed. foreignersgod shifted their weight from paw to paw, anxiously awaiting a reply, ocean eyes drawing over each member of the group standing before them.

Re: WATCH THE STARS — JOINING - Margaery - 07-11-2018

Her suspicions confirmed, Margaery attempted to extend a smile in the direction of the tiger. Her uncharacteristic indifference was doing nobody any favors and, unlike Genevieve, the Cosmic General had no interest in not appearing friendly in the face of this newcomer. She was so bogged down with her personal life that she found it difficult to ignite that welcoming spark in her eyes though, hoping that Rei either didn't notice or chose not to let it bother them. [b]"Welcome," She finally offered after an extended silence, a chocolate-hued head nodding contemplatively, "And thank you." In her pessimistic state, she certainly hadn't been expecting a compliment, that was for sure.

"Would you like a tour, Rei?" Inquired the chocolate point lightly, figuring that she might as well continue to behave hospitable and hope that her natural inclination to be a warm-spirited and welcoming person would return on its own accord. "Also," She began, finally finally that light entering her eyes, "I like your name as well." Foreignersgod... it certainly was interesting - unique too. Margaery wondered if she was staring a potential friend.


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Hostile was a relative term when it came to Washington's experience of what could be considered hostile. He had gotten used to thinking that everyone that he met was hostile until proven otherwise. And now with his increased paranoia, he doubted that even if they didn't show themselves to be hostile they were always hiding something. Washington had no reason to think that anyone was just nice for a reason. There had to be a catch for something that they wanted and Washington wasn't one to really find that out. Hence why he refused to have others get close to him in any shape or form. He liked having his helmet because there was always that barrier he would never have to worry about breaking. It was comfortable for Washington to not associate anything with those that he came into contact with. He remembered several instances of his life where he didn't think that someone was actually hostile. They had just been hiding their true intention, leaving several either injured or dead in their wake.

Something that Washington didn't want a repeat again and constantly had his guard up, even with someone like Carolina. The Freelancer still didn't have a complete reason to trust her, although her presence was at least somewhat good to be around. There had been several moments during the early portion of his military career that he got used to seeing aliens that they were killing quickly surrender. It wasn't like they had a place to put the aliens when they surrendered, and so that created some problems that they needed to communicate with their fellow soldiers. It had been in that moment when Washington was talking to his commanding officer off to the side that two soldiers had their heads sliced off as the alien hid a sword behind his back. They hadn't instructed the alien to drop his weapons, as they didn't think that they were capable of listening to what they were saying. They couldn't speak English after all, as they spoke their own language when communicating with one another.

As soon as the alien killed two of their soldiers, Washington and the rest of the platoon were quick to kill off the enemy. That didn't make them feel any better as their friend's bodies bled out from underneath them and there was nothing they could do but take their dog tags and give them to their next line of kin. It was from there that they quickly learned their lesson, but the situations became even more difficult when he joined Project Freelancer, that program has been the longest time that he had spent in a military career compared to the time he spent in the UNSC. Because instead of dealing with the aliens which were easier to kill because they were trying to kill them to extinction, dealing with humans was something new for the rookie Freelancer. Washington had to debate whether or not he was going to spare someone that was basically begging for their life. It was during this time that Washington didn't know that he was on the wrong side of the fight and that he was basically the bad guy in the situation.

He had hesitated once when he first joined the program and that had been the last time he had hesitated to kill someone. Washington had cornered someone that was cowering during a raid to get the objective. Carolina and Maine having moved on already. The Freelancer listened to the words of the soldier. He had a family of course. He didn't want to die and he didn't have any weapons on him. Washington had lowered his weapon and had been about to let the other go when he looked away again when he felt pain radiate through his shoulder as a bullet went through his body. The bullet was shot close enough to him that it had shattered a hole through his shoulder blade. It hurt, but he was used to getting shot, and Washington was quick to shoot the enemy right through the head. When his team asked him what happened, the Freelancer didn't want to talk about. Any mercy that he had from that point of being a rookie gone completely as he wouldn't hesitate to actually kill those that he came across. There were plenty of animals that were capable of being hostile given the chance to do so, Washington was the same as well.

The only reason he was calm around others was that he wanted to get some form of their trust so that they wouldn't think he was constantly up to no good. Which was working so far so good albeit it was taking a little bit more time to get used to. He still didn't like talking to those that he did come across because he always felt like he was wasting his time anyway. Agent Washington was still trying to figure out if there was any Freelancer technology that was around that they could use but had yet to find a single scrap. At the same time, he was on the lookout to find Carolina's armor since she didn't have any like he did. When he had first approached the tiger, Washington thought that his presence would make the other already nervous than they already were. He was fairly intimidating, and his gaze had looked over toward Carolina where she was sitting. It seemed like she was taking a break for a little bit, and Washington himself wasn't going to stay around here very long because he had to rest of his patrolling to do. He had a schedule to upkeep after all. He didn't say anything about her comment, knowing that was basically what they did all day. There weren't any threats for them to worry about from what he could gather.

Other than the places that were considered Warbound but he hadn't heard anything about them. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as others approached and waited for the tiger to speak. Washington was around the same size as the tiger, being technically a saber-toothed tiger, but he was still a little bit shorter. The Freelancer listened to the tigers named and relaxed a little bit. Since Carolina had arrived without her armor there was a chance that it was another one like them and they could never be too careful. The other certainly had an interesting name and a name that wasn't exactly human. Foreignersgod. There was probably some sort of symbolism with said name. Washington flicked his shortened tail before he began speaking himself. "I'm Agent Washington." The Freelancer would introduce himself curtly and in militaristic tone. That wasn't his real name of course, but he hadn't said his real name in years and had chosen to adorn the new name that was given to him years ago. Washington didn't bother to introduce Carolina, the leopard more than capable of speaking her own name without any likes of his help. The armored smilodon would wait for a couple of seconds to see if the other had anything interesting to add if they didn't then he would walk off to finish his patrolling. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: