Beasts of Beyond
hello! - Printable Version

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hello! - emil - 07-10-2018

hiya! im emil...i followed some friends over here from ff :"3
idk if anyone will know me from my recent username, makyun, but i went as shockwave & deltablues for a while over on ff!! i think my most..infamous character is bubonicplague lol// if u could even call him that.....idk if hes actually that well known ghjdfsk

anyway! im excited to get started here! its good to meet u all ♥

Re: hello! - snappy. - 07-10-2018

ahh welcome to BoB! i just recently joined and im glad to see some of my sanguiner fam on here :,))

Re: hello! - Cheeters - 07-10-2018

hi emil, welcome to BoB!! it's a pleasure having you here and oh i remember bubonicplague! i personally liked him a lot even though i wasn't ever able to interact with him or you. my name is cheeters and it's wonderful seeing you've joined us. i'm cheeters but go by cheets, if you ever wanna plot (i got a typhoon boi only rn ripp) or chat, feel free to pm me! (^;

Re: hello! - lexasperated - 07-10-2018

the family's slowly starting to come together again it makes me happy :' ^)

(i just got on this site and already i refuse to leave talia's subaccount whaddup)

Re: hello! - emil - 07-10-2018

hell yeah hi guys!!!! i remember u cheeters!!! i cant remember who u played but i always loved ur writing :"D i just made character last night, theyre in the ascendants!!

FAMILYS ALL HEREEE omg ,, ill probably bring bubs over here just so he can be with everyone u have em all in the human rp? :0

Re: hello! - lexasperated - 07-10-2018

oooOOH yeyeye bring over bubs omg talia's gonna lov
(this talia here is actually a younger!talia and it's gonna be gr8)
yeah! a lot of us plan on being in human rp, some have already made their intros while the others (like me) are still working on bios and tags and stuff rip

Re: hello! - emil - 07-10-2018

ill probably get working on him later today!!!! :"3

Re: hello! - Orion - 07-10-2018

welcome to the site y'all!

Re: hello! - ace - 07-11-2018


Re: hello! - vvintersoldier - 07-11-2018

Hi there Emil, welcome to BoB!! I'm not sure if we've met before, I'm Sky! I'm a moderator here and I rp over in Ascendants! Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just wanna talk!