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crawls on over - Printable Version

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crawls on over - jabberwocky - 07-10-2018

hey boyzzzzz

just wanted to make a quick intro!! Some of you may be familiar with me from ff a year or two ago, but if not hey all!! My name is Jabberwocky (AKA Hayden) and I'm finally joining this site because all my friends are here lol. I was also Jabberwocky (or Shili right at the end) on Feral Front, & basically my only notable character was Finnishwars in BloodClan/WindClan/The Exiles/The Rift/Too many places to list.

I'm really excited to hopefully see some familiar faces and get back into roleplaying! I'll mainly be cruising around human rp just because that's where my muse is, but I may dabble into animal rp again as well !

Re: crawls on over - april . - 07-10-2018

*gasps* JABBER!! holy shit man it's been forever!! its so nice to see you again C: gosh im having flashbacks to when i was a babby roleplayer w/ sovietunion OOF
THAT ASIDE THOUGH- welcome to bob! hopefully you remember me, if not, that's ok! i'm april, your local chaotic good admin! i'm mostly a stalker of the animal roleplay, with my two babies in the ascendants and the typhoon, but if you have any questions about the roleplaying game or the site in general, my PM box is always open ^^

Re: crawls on over - Cheeters - 07-10-2018

oHMYGOSH JABBER!! it's so great to see you again!!1! i am so happy that you decided to join us and i really hope you like the site! my name is cheeters but you can just call me cheets and i currently actively play pincher in the typhoon so if you ever want to, feel free to pm me to plot or chat! c:

Re: crawls on over - axiom - 07-10-2018

HEY JAB longtime no see!! Good to see you on Bob, hope you like it here.

Are you going to bring fin back or make a new character?

Re: crawls on over - Orion - 07-10-2018

Heyy!! I remember Finnishwars. Dude, he was amazing. I played Archipelagoisland at the time.
Anyways, name's Orion/Star and I'm here if you need anything, dude.

Re: crawls on over - jabberwocky - 07-11-2018

[member=22]april .[/member] HELLO OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU YOU ANGEL!!! i loved sovietunion so much
it's so good to see a familiar face and also know that if i do venture into animal rp someone i know will be there lol

[member=64]Cheeters[/member] Yoooo it's awesome to see you too!! I'm really hoping I can get into the site, it's been so long since I rped so hopefully i haven't forgotten too much lol

[member=207]axiom[/member] I do plan to bring finn back!! for at least the beginning they're going to be in the human rp, most likely blackfall because it fits their char best lol. They have changed a bit since I last had them on ff since I was developing them on my own, but they're still pretty similar!

[member=1]Orion[/member] yess I remember archipelago! it's good to see another older member from ff here & I will make sure to pm you if I have any questions

Re: crawls on over - vvintersoldier - 07-11-2018

Omg hi there jabber!! I don't believe we spoke much around the time you were on ff, in case you don't remember me, I'm Sky! It's so nice to have you here, I really hope you enjoy the site!! If you have any questions, wanna talk, or want to plot feel free to shoot me a message! c:

Re: crawls on over - Orion - 07-11-2018

lovely! i'm glad to hear that, dude.

Re: crawls on over - demeter - 07-11-2018

heyy!!! i remember finnishwars, but like, from afar because we were never really in the same clan lmao. welcome tho!!! a lot of people have moved from ff here over the last 24 hours so you'll probably spot a lot of people u recognize. <3