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EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Printable Version

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EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Suiteheart - 07-09-2018

Cold exhaustion.

That was what she first experienced. As death took hold of her form, the harsh sunlight of summer could not warm her. She had been freezing. She just wanted to close her eyes and sleep. She wanted to sleep the hurt away. It was easy, wasn't it? Despite the pleading voices around her, it was easy. Maybe it was selfish, but Suiteheart had been so... tired. She hated it, but she accepted it. Everyone would forgive her, right? They had to, didn't they? She knew she would never get the chance to truly apologize for it.

Every individual that shared her soul told her it would be one hundred years before they could even dream of walking the earth again. That hurt Suiteheart even in death... even in death.

She didn't want to think about her loved ones growing older without her. She didn't want to think about missing milestones for her children. She didn't want to think about no longer seeing the moon with Cooper. She didn't want to think about not being able to teach Hazel to play the ukulele or to heal. She didn't want to think about not going back and forth with Roy in laughter. She didn't want to think about no longer singing with Warringkingdoms. She didn't want to think about all the new friends she had made - the ones that had joined just weeks and days ago. She didn't want to think about leaving without apologizing to Bastille or leaving him to deal with everything on his own. And God, she didn't want to think about leaving Margaery for the next 100 years to suffer alone.

Suite knew she'd think about it all. As her soul remained in limbo for the next century, that would be all she would think about. She would be the cause of so much pain. That killed her soul more than it was already destroying itself.

Yes, she could feel her soul ripping apart. The force of ten different beings sharing a single soul was too great. Each of them was fighting for room, for information, for control. And now, as their soul slowly, slowly, slowly began to develop another, everything was falling apart quicker. It was agony. Suite might have thought she would escape pain in death, but she was wrong. The pain of her soul tearing itself apart was excruciating.

And then, the suffering stopped.

A feeling of cool warmth - like sitting in early morning sunlight or watching the moon - wrapped around her. A great silver light enveloped her, and all she could feel was a strange, ancient peace. Out of nothing, a ghostly black panther materialized. She dipped her head and called herself Selene. She explained that she had taken Suiteheart's soul out of limbo, but only because of Margaery. Noting the confusion Suite exhibited, Selene explained Margaery's blood had transformed her into a vampire.

"Wh-... what?"

"Maarit has sired you, Suiteheart Folie. As you lay dying, she transformed you into a creature of the night. This is your chance to return to those you love, but it is at a price,"
Selene rumbled. "You will experience bloodlust like your wife often does and like your children do. You will be expected to act on them; I am only going to save your soul once, Suiteheart. When you return home, you must feed. If you do not, I cannot keep you alive."

"This is all - Selene, this is too much... I -"
She hesitated. She was, truthfully, not worried about the vampire part; she had enough experience with Margaery to know she would be okay. However, returning to the world of living meant she would be reborn again... While Selene may have sped up the processes of rebirth, surely she could not take away the curse. Suite was doomed to live a different life, without memories of her past (until something or someone came along and unlocked everything).

Selene smiled. "Do not be worried about being reborn into someone else. Maarit siring you, my acceptance of you - it broke the cursed cycle. I will also repair your soul, Suiteheart. You will all be whole again. Consider it a parting gift along with your immortality."

"Send me home, Selene."

The decision was easy: if she could return to her family and friends again as herself, she would do it in a heartbeat. The prospect of being a vampire would take some getting used to, but she refused to leave her loved ones. She needed them. They needed her. She would learn to deal with her vampirism if it meant she got to see those she cared for one last time.

"Very well, Suiteheart. Send my best to Maarit."


Two days after her death, Suiteheart returned. One hundred years had not passed. The territory around her looked the exact same. She remembered everything. Selene had kept her promise. Suiteheart would keep hers too.

The Ecliptic Admiral pushed herself up off the ground, a paw rising to touch her throat. She could still feel the phantom claws of Nik slicing through her, but she was not longer scared of it, of him. He was a far off memory now. However, Selene had left her with an ever-present reminder of her death: this new body carried the necklace-like scar.

Shakily, she rose from her spot, headed towards a nearby stream to catch a glimpse at her reflection. Everything was the same. She still had fur of ivory and baby blue eyes. She was still short too, and she laughed at that in spite of herself. The only things she was missing were her earrings, her actual necklaces, and her bracelet from Hazel. Those would be easy to get back, she thought, as she turned on heel and ran for the Observatory.

"I'm home," she called weakly, voice rough from disuse in this new form, "I'm home."

As she picked her way towards the large building, she searched the bond she shared with Margaery. Her heartbeat quickened as she felt nothing on her wife's end, but she remained calm. Perhaps Margaery had shut it off like Suite had when Margy had succumbed to death... Yeah, that had to be it, didn't it? Trying her best to ignore all the horrific doubts in her mind, she didn't stop running until she burst through the doors of the Observatory.

"I'm home."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-10-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Death wasn't a hard concept to understand. At least for the likes of the soldier one got over the aspect of death. Well, some did, while others were traumatized about the horrors that they saw during their time in the war that they were stationed in. There wasn't really much one could o to help a soldier that didn't want their mind repaired, and there were some instances in the future where there were still suicides as soldiers tried to get away from the horrible things that they were doing. It was a little bit easier around that time just because of the fact that they weren't attacking other humans this time during the beginning of the Great War. They were no longer fighting amongst each other as they had been, and instead, they were focused on the primary threat that could easily wipe them out if given them the chance. What they were killing were just aliens. They didn't have the knowledge to know if this new species was capable of having family bonds with one another or even if they cared about their teammates. They seemed to be willing to kill one another at a moments notice if they refused an order.

Something a human wouldn't really think of doing. Washington didn't have nightmares of the aliens that he had ended up killing. But there were times when he thought, what made them different compared to them? They were all fighting because the aliens had started the war by trying to destroy Earth. But what would happen if they won the war? Would they still be fighting each other? Washington had been drenched in the blood of his teammates and his own. Explosions would easily rip a human apart without giving them the option to feel any sort of pain. It was horrible, and the first time he happened he was pretty sure he vomited right then and there at the horror. But one could become desensitized to this kind of stuff. There was no reason to really be concerned with the aspect of death. The soldiers that did survive the war didn't think about what would end up happening to them in the future. Instead, they would think about the next mission and what they could do to survive and ensure the survival of the human race. Washington never had to get over the death of a friend before.

He never really had friends while he was in the UNSC after all. He wasn't there to make friends either as he was there to attempt to save his family from the extinction that the aliens were pressing to their throats. There were of course bonds that formed between him and some comrades, but he immediately cut those bonds once he realized that he could potentially see them die. Cutting said ties would mean that he would never have to deal with the pain of loss. The only one that he had ever lost in his life, was his father. Washington having been too young to even realize what had been happening and once he was old enough, it barely made a difference on what he thought about he world. Of course, he felt a little bit of grief here and there, but those feelings didn't stay long when he realized that he was going to go into the same military that his father had been in. Just because Washington had cut off the friendly bonds that he had with others didn't mean he didn't care about them. He knew the capabilities of his squad and what they excelled at and what they had to work on. They were HIS responsibility.

They all had families that they wanted to return to or the loved ones that they wanted to hold again once they got out of the military. And they trusted his leadership to help them get there, and they would willingly follow his orders. He can't save everyone though, and he remembered the faces of those that he used to go on missions with. To finally see what it was like to watch them die in front of him. It was a horrid feeling, but those memories weren't the type of memories that had haunted him. It was the memories of what happened to his former teammates in Project Freelancer. The only two he knew that was killed during his time in Project Freelancer was Georgia. The Freelancer having died during an accident with a jetpack, which Washington didn't know the entire story and everyone refused to tell him every time he asked. Next was Agent Utah. The other male having died while using equipment in the field, equipment that couldn't be run without permission and was extremely taxing without the help of the likes of an AI to even run said equipment. It was horrible to find out, but he had never really been close to any of them.

He trained with Georgia at least twice in firing practice, but from there he didn't personally know the guy. He had to admit that the guy was an asshole to those that were lower than him so maybe he deserved to die. However, thinking back to his most recent teammates, he wasn't sure how to feel about anymore. Did some of them already know what the Director was doing? Had they willingly betrayed all of them to probably save their own skin? He didn't know. Did he want to see any of them die? Before having Episolon inside of his head, he would have said he really cared about everyone there. Hell, he had stayed next to Agent Maine's side when he had gotten shot in the throat and went into surgery. He didn't know if his friend was going to survive, and he was left with that doubt as other Freelancers came to see how he was doing. Washington cared about them. He didn't want to see any of them die. They stuck their necks out for each other while at the same time caring for their own pride if it came to it. Now, Washington didn't care if any of them died. He couldn't trust any of them because he didn't know which were on his side and which were against him.

He knew that if he told Carolina that he was planning on going back to Project Freelancer, she would kill him on the spot. She knew the truth now and there was no hiding it. Even if he tried. He had no choice but to go back in order to get his freedom back. That truth would probably end up pitting the two against each other. For the first time, and Washington was pretty sure he would die if he didn't come up with a method. Anyway, Washington wasn't all that unfamiliar with death, but the last thing he had expected was for someone to die while he was here. Yes, he had was watching a cat die, but she was more than just a cat that lived in this place. She tried everything in her power to understand those that she came across. That much was clear. Washington had wondered if he had been the cause of it. If a Freelancer knew that they were here and were 'bonding' with the civilians, it could have been a warning sign. Having been made by either Wyoming, Texas, or even South. Considering that Carolina had said that Agent Maine had stolen her AI's before arriving here, it only told him that Maine would also become a threat too.

They should be more than capable of taking on the likes of a domestic cat in battle. As soon as Suiteheart died, Washington wasn't sure what to think. So he didn't. He shut off the remorse he usually had and simply returned to his work. He gave his condolences for their loss, but he didn't know Suiteheart well enough to think that he would be welcomed at the likes of her burial or whatever they were going to do with her corpse. Washington then went on patrol after that moment to see if he could find any traces of Freelancer activity. He didn't, and it was a dead end. Being a soldier meant that he wasn't trained to help those that were emotionally broken. He wouldn't even know where to start, so he thought it would be best to let everyone alone to grieve. Not much had happened in the past two days. His mental and physical health had gotten a lot better as everything was starting to calm down a little bit. He even got promoted. Not like he cared. The armored smilodon had only returned to the Observatory to get something to eat before going on his daily patrols again. It was in the afternoon after all and that's when he planned on going out. The lights in his suit were always on as he was walking, thoughts going through his head on what he was going to do once he was done with patrolling. It was then that he saw someone walking through the entrance of the Observatory. Where he was walking to get out of. Washington at first didn't realize who it was and kept walking, until the familiar figure actually clicked in his head.

Wait. What?! Washington stopped himself in his tracks, his golden eyes widening behind his visor as he was standing at least 10ft away. He had to be hallucinating. Which he knew he struggled with. But this? Everyone else around in the Observatory had turned their head and obviously was seeing the white domestic cat in the front of the base. This couldn't be real. And yet he was still an animal at least. Washington seemed dumbfounded and confused for several moments before he was finally the first one to approach Suiteheart. Probably not the first person she wanted to be approached by but he wanted answers. A frown was hidden behind his helmet as he stopped at a respectable distance from the domestic cat. "H-How...." Was how Washington spoke in the beginning before shaking his head trying to get his act today. "I watched you die? There's no way you can be alive." There was doubt in Washington's voice when he spoke. He didn't believe what he was seeing, and he certainly wasn't going to physically touch her to see whether or not his paw went through her. Anakin was some kind of being, Washington still refusing to believe that the guy was a ghost, and was fairly translucent. Washington still didn't really understand the aspect of vampires and what they were capable of, having not received any sort of examples to prove that what they were saying was completely true. Agent Washington would feel a whole lot better if someone just told him that he was hallucinating. That would make more sense than... whatever this was. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Margaery - 07-12-2018

He had come for her the morning after it happened, smug and cocky and oh so sure that his beloved daughter wished to return home with him. She had saved him the trouble of coming to find her- already ready on the border as he strolled so carelessly, so nonchalantly onto her territory. They had just stared at each other for a brief moment, both so vastly different and yet, the same, and then, Margaery had laughed. Gods, she hated him. But she would give him these fleeting moments, this little ounce of hope. If he wished to believe that his daughter had finally wanted to come with him after years of manipulation and deceit, then he could.

He'd never know the truth though.

And so, Margaery had humored him for an entire day, discussing idle topics and pretending to wince and fall apart every time he gloated about Suiteheart. Admittedly, a part of her was hurt. Once again, he had succeeded in taking away something that offered her happiness. The only difference this time was that Margaery had managed to best him. Suiteheart had died with her blood in her system. Selene would take her soul, repair it, and then return it to her as part of their bargain. She'd be reunited with her wife - at a cost - and Nik would never, could never, know. As reassuring and comforting as that knowledge was, she still couldn't erase the crushing emptiness that had all but enveloped her. Without Suiteheart, detecting anything that even resembled emotion proved to be a struggle. She liked to believe that she was coping the best she could, but even that she was uncertain of.

It wasn't until he had began weaving intricate tales of their lives moving forward that she had abruptly halted in her footsteps, glaring at him with narrowed copper eyes. She wanted to dig her claws into his neck just as he had done to Suiteheart. She wanted to watch him crumple to the ground and lay there surrounded by his own blood. She wanted to see the end of Nikalus Mikaelson permanently. But it was not easy killing somebody who could not die and even though they were the same, he still far surpassed her in strength. Even engaging in combat would be a bad idea. So she had merely resorted to turning on a heel and walking away instead, ignoring the protests and threats sounding behind her. Maybe she was crying. Maybe she wasn't. She couldn't remember much of that day, just that she hated him.

And Margaery Emilia Mikaelson - Maarit Mikaelson - would never stop hating him.

She didn't know how long Suiteheart would take to transition or if her efforts would work at all and that lack of understanding... it frightened her. She did not rest. She did not feed. And she certainly did not tend to her responsibilities or her roses. All that mattered was her wife's return and she'd be damned if she didn't dedicate every hour to pacing the borders to be the first to greet her.

Margaery hadn't been expecting the scar though and gods above... it felt like her heart itself was being ripped out of her chest. She simply watched Suiteheart for a moment, faintly intrigued by their lack of bond but more so unable to tear her gaze away from the wound that adorned her wife's neck. She swallowed harshly, blinking away fast approaching tears, and then she let Suite in.

"It's your fault you know? Suite wouldn't have that pretty little scar if you hadn't ever fallen in love with her, sugar," Genevieve taunted from the recesses of her mind. But the words fell upon deaf ears. Margaery was far too concerned with the rush of emotion. Everything was heightened - even more so than it was before - and she was acutely aware at a hunger akin to her own. [b]"Suite..." She choked out, not meeting her wife's eyes. She couldn't... not with that scar so blatantly on display.

Her fault. Her fault. Her fault.

This was all her fault.

"You know, love." She could hear her father's voice too, all knowing and arrogant. [color=black][i]"You have the tendency to cause destruction everywhere you go. You certainly are your father's daughter." But she didn't want to be. She didn't want to be chaos's heir or murderer's successor. She wanted to simply be Margaery, free to live out a happy life with the one she loved most.

"I'm sorry..." She breathed, "I didn't give you a choice."

She had pushed the vampirism upon Suiteheart as if it were nothing and now, her wife was doomed to live an eternal life just like she was. Just like their children were. If she wasn't so distressed by [i]everything
, perhaps she'd be able to see the silver lining to this entire situation: she'd never have to lost somebody she cared about again.

"I keep deciding your fate for you. I keep steering you down this path, making your decisions, ruining your life. Suiteheart," She paused, a shaky breath inhaled, "I'm..."

Margaery had told herself that she wouldn't cry and yet, here she was, large tears rolling down her cheeks. All she could see was that scar and it taunted her, teased her. Look what you've done, Margaery Mikaelson.

You've destroyed your beautiful wife forever.

You may have fooled everyone into thinking that you're some innocent flower, but perhaps we're finally getting to see those thorns you hide under that pretty facade.


© [color=#9ca4af]MADI

Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Warringkingdoms - 07-12-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had spent those two days in her room, only exiting to get water or to make sure nobody else was dead.

  Had Radeken been there, she would almost certainly have yelled at Rin to get back on her feet, to stop mourning over those she couldn’t have saved no matter what she did. Knowing that she had been powerless, though, that Suiteheart’s wounds had been too deep to bandage up, did not help in the slightest. Understanding that she was not in control was, if anything, more taxing on Rin’s mind than the alternative. This was her home; to think that fate could snatch it all away from her in an instant, and she could do nothing about it, was horrifying.

  All she could think about was how death seemed to enjoy toying with her. It had released Roy, Luna, Bastille, and Margaery; it had taken Starry, and now Suiteheart. The reaper understood how terrifying it was to not know whether she could or could not save her friends and family, and they relished in it.

  Rin felt, at this point, like no more than a puppet, dancing on the strings of the cosmic forces that governed this world. Who would be next, she wondered to herself as she scrawled mindless notes in the pages of her book. Or would death decide to throw her a bone, as if she were a starving mongrel, and give in to... whatever it was Margaery had done while on the scene?

  Her trance was broken by the crash of the observatory doors, and what sounded distinctly like Suiteheart’s voice crying out.

  ”Son of a goat,” she muttered under her breath, tossing the book aside and shoving open the door. Rushing out to the observatory entrance, she skidded to a stop a few feet away from Suiteheart- who looked almost exactly the same, barring her neck.

  The necklace-esque scar brought with it phantom memories of the blood staining her paws, Suite’s fur, the grass, everywhere.

  Inhaling sharply, Rin averted her gaze and lowered her head, so that her eyes weren’t visible. Margaery was already speaking, so Suite’s attention would be off of her for long enough that she could regain her composure. Gritting her teeth, she lifted a paw and swiped it across her face, and took a deep breath.

  Now was the time to be glad that Suite was home again, not to get caught up in self-loathing or fatalism.

  Looking back up at Margaery, Rin wordlessly removed her scarf and handed it to her. This was a moment for Marg and Suite to speak alone; she could welcome the latter back once they were done.

  /ish ending

Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Roy Mustang - 07-13-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
For the majority of Roy Mustang's life, he always believed death was permanent. He knew bringing someone back to life through alchemy was practically like playing god. There hasn't been one successful human transmutation recorded, it just wasn't possible to bring someone back to life there. The Elric brothers were a living example for Roy, he knew from just watching the two grow and continue to look for a way to get their original bodies back, that it wasn't worth looking into. Human transmutation has horrible, horrible consequences, even if you get caught in it. Roy's own life here was an example of that, Truth found it necessary to make this his life after he got caught in the activated array. But going back to the subject of death, Roy thought death would be permanent here too. But it didn't take that long for his mind to be proven wrong. Hughes came back. Margaery came back to life, and now Suiteheart.

Even after months, the male was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that people can come back to life. He understood that it's possible here, but the thing he didn't understand was how. How do people do it? Back at home, it just wasn't possible- once you were beyond the gate, there was no going back. Truth made sure to punish any alchemist who dared to commit the taboo to teach them just that. It has to be something different in this world, who knows if Roy will ever come to learn it.

Roy was in his room when Suiteheart burst into the observatory. He was laying on his bed, resting his head on his front paws, when his ears pricked up at the noise. Not a moment later, Roy's head quickly perked up, looking out of his door as he listened to the sound. As he listened closely, he began to recognize the crying, rough voice. It belonged to Suiteheart. Without another thought running through his mind, the male quickly jumped off of his bed, and made his way through the observatory. He padded as quickly as his three legs would take him, eventually being lead to Suiteheart, Washington, Margaery, and Rin.

Blue eyes landing on Suiteheart, the first thing he noticed about her was the necklace-like scar across her neck. He paused for a moment as he got a look at it, ears drawing back to his skull. Roy was thinking back to that night, and how useless he felt in it. He wasn't able to do anything when Suiteheart was bleeding to death. He would have gotten in the way of Rin, he could have made it even worse. All he was able to do was watch. He didn't say a word, gaze locking on the Ecliptic Admiral.

Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - guts - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Unlike Roy and possible others like them, Church didn't have to die to come here. Well, he had technically died before, but now he was in a physical body again--which was a big relief. Or maybe he was still dead, he just didn't know it yet. Either way, he didn't die, at least not recently. He should have, really, but by some miracle he didn't. Instead he was blown all the way to Earth, or whatever similar planet this was. To be honest, even though Washington said it was, he doubted it. Last time he checked, animals on Earth didn't talk. Plus it didn't have animals that were supposed to be extinct.

He was a soldier, too, just like Washington. But they were still different, so much different. He personally had never really seen death happen, not like he had. He had watched his girlfriend kill the men that he was stationed with, sure, but he never had to watch people he was actually close to die. He was still naive, in a sense. That much was clear with his belief that he was actually a soldier. He didn't know it yet, but he was far from such. The Freelancers, the ones he hated so much, were more of ones than he or any of his teammates were.

That all aside, he had never seen someone come back from the dead, either. He had heard that Suite had died, and he was a bit saddened by the news. He liked her, and even if he didn't know her, he still would have felt bad. She was a person, after all. Anyone dying was cause to be sad. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he hated those Freelancer assholes, the robotic way they did things. It was like they weren't even human with how they thought and felt.

"Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm gonna have to side with Wash on this one," he said as he padded up, cocking his head to the side. Perhaps she was a ghost. He remembered when he died, he had become a ghost. He still had to personally thank Caboose for that incident.


Re: EAU DE RÉSISTANCE ; open, return - Suiteheart - 07-13-2018

[this is long af and i proofread none of it so rip??]

Washington's voice was the first that reached her. She whirled to face him, a bright smile upon her lips. However, his question caused her face to contort in question. She knew the topic of life and death was an odd one. She also was aware of the fact that reincarnation, returning from the dead - all of that was... a hard topic to grasp. Hell, she still had trouble with it from time to time, and she had lived nine other lives. She knew she would never make Washington understand. It was just something he would have to come to on his own.

"I remember you being there," Suiteheart admitted, a soft smile surfacing on her features. "I... I made a deal, dude. It's a long story." She remembered Selene. Suite could feel the archaic being wreathing around her, like moonlight. It felt wrong to tell him about everything, but she wanted him to know. Was it supposed to be a secret? She wasn't sure. Selene never said, did she?

She opened her mouth to say more, but some searing emotion struck her. It was Margaery. Suiteheart could feel her wife again, and somehow, the bond they shared felt so much more intense in that moment than ever before. Was it perhaps because of her new lifestyle? She had so many questions, but she would save them for later. For now, she was concerned with her wife and her onslaught of tears.

A frown twisted to life on her maw. "Margy..." she breathed, feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness and self-hatred via the bond. The white feline stepped forward, hoping to pull her wife slowly into a hug. "Don't be sad, please. I'm not sad." She pushed happiness through the bond, hoping to alleviate her wife's emotions. "You didn't ruin my life either, okay? You saved it." She presented her wife with that goofy grin of hers. It softened as she looked at her wife with tears forming in her eyes. 'If you hadn't done what you did, my soul would've shattered. We never would've found each other again. I couldn't have that.'

"Rinny!" Suiteheart called as she spotted one of her closest friends. She blinked back tears as the bicolored feline came forward. "Thank you for working so hard to save me," she said, voice filled to the brim with emotion. She could still see Rin's frantic expression as she worked to staunch the bleeding. "Did you get all the blood out of your scarf?" she asked, voice half comical, half serious. She moved forward then, aiming to hug Warringkingdoms.

She noted the look on Rin's face, and it honestly broke her heart. It was almost like Rin was blaming herself for Suite's death, and that hurt. The medic always tried so hard... There was nothing that could have been done for Suite. She had been a hopeless case. She hated having put Warringkingdoms through that. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over what happened, Rinny. You did all you could, I promise. Thank you."

She jerked her head from the tuxedo fae as Roy approached. "Roy! It's good to see you again!" she called, moving to see another one of her best friends. She wore a large smile as she scurried forward in hopes of also pulling him into a hug. She remembered seeing Roy as she slipped from this reality. She remembered him, remembered them all. She hated how upset he had looked.

Suiteheart pulled back to look at the Flame Alchemist, and she noticed that he, like the rest of those gathered, was staring at her scar. She suddenly felt extremely self-conscious, but she wouldn't show it. She knew the injury would be with her for the rest of her days (in this form at least), and she knew most everyone was going to hate it - it was an ever-present reminder of how she had almost been stolen from her loved ones. It was a reminder of how close they all were to being ripped away from one another. "I'm okay now, buddy."

Unlike Church, Suite had witnessed people dying and coming back multiple times. Her friends, her children, her wife: they had all died and returned to her at one point. It was always terrifying though. She was always worried that one day, they wouldn't come back. Everything in this world was limited, wasn't it? It had to be - even her immortality (considering she had to feed to keep it).

"It's a wild story, Church," she said, shaking her head and grinning. "I wish I could explain it, but I don't even know everything. I think a lot of it is luck." She managed a chuckle. She tilted her head to the left, almost mimicking Church's movements, but not truly meaning to. "Like I said earlier, I made a bargain."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI