Beasts of Beyond
plant life [...] joining - Printable Version

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plant life [...] joining - galexiux - 03-22-2018

  Bee was a peculiar creature. While the creatures of this world were beautiful, majestic creatures that sprouted wings and flew or summoned the very elements to their fingertips, she... was small. She had no powers. She simply had herself and adventure to have in front of her. An average, everyday cat. The ragamuffin's blue eyes stared up at the sky as she wandered onto the typhoon's territory. She grew up in the cities and had no idea what territories were. As far as she was concerned, she had simply walked into a new town.

  The girl cooed under her breath as she turned her gaze down. There were so many exotic plants and animals here. So many friends to be made. She giggled, pressing her body close to the grasses below her to become eye level with a butterfly. Hello there, friend. She chuckled, a bright smile on her muzzle. How great this place must be. If... anyone was here, anyways. She hoped they were not scary. She couldn't handle something like that right now.


Re: plant life [...] joining - Verdigris - 03-22-2018

  Was the Typhoon "scary"? On one hand, the jungle became an absolute hellscape at night, not helped by... whatever it was that they put in the drinks on initiation nights, and quite a few of the denizens were legitimately dangerous. On the other hand, cloudy-eyed Daphne was far too gentle for his own good, Pincher was either permanently drunk or a dunce (or both) despite the threat he posed, and many of the creatures were too light-hearted to really be considered scary. It was a mixed bag.

  As the jackal emerged from beneath the canopy, his mismatched eyes caught sight of a small feline a short ways away- one that he didn't know. Were all four of his legs working properly, he might have tried to jump in and scare her just to see her reaction, but with his injured back leg, he was more likely to stumble and fall flat on his face than anything else. Unless...

  "'Ey. What are you doing here?" he called, loudly enough to be heard, but not so much so that he risked aggravating his right ear. If it startled her, great; if not, that was fine too. If she somehow had fire elementals or some other crazy power that she could use to completely annihilate him, then at least he would die in a suitably dramatic way, and one that anyone could've died from at that.