Beasts of Beyond
plunge into chaos / joining - Printable Version

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plunge into chaos / joining - Chromeo - 07-09-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Boyyy, does this place look fucked up. Whatever this place is of course. Chromeo has actually never been to an island, but he's definitely seen the ocean before and has fond memories of his dude bro owner taking him there quite often, even after his legs got smashed into smithreens. So he's gotten a little sentimental on old times and wanted to go check this place out just to reminisce on the shore, but who can do that when it looks like nature threw a rockstar hotel party? His sharp blue gaze flickers around, looking back to the land strip he crossed over this evening then back to the ugly mess on the beach. Crumpled leaves, murky water, litter, sharp shells, and sticks- so many sticks. He's tempted but the last thing he needs is to get bogged down in some soggy sand. Meo doubts that it would be easy to get Ghost to help him out when they're still on a rocky level of vague understanding and really, what was he doing being so sappy anyway? His owner? Dude's old news now. Chromeo's liberated, and his new crew is way more bomb ass with Ghost around. Speaking of Ghost so much, where did he wander off to?

The mutt eases back from the sand's edge, wheels on his dog style wheelchair squeaking lightly with their multicolor chrome rims glinting in the fading sun. They're too bright, obnoxious, and he loves that. The dog moves back a bit more then, trying to turn around, and is jostled when he runs over a broken log. He keeps going, mean mugging the wood for daring to muck his rig, before he manages to complete his semicircle and can walk forward again. "Ghost...?" Ew. He's not a scared little puppy, try again. "Hey Ghost!" He's sure the big man knows his name by now but any excuse to be loud is a good enough one for him. Pulling his head back, Chromeo let's forth a howl that sounds pretty damn cool if he does say so himself. So he's howling and not really thinking about the fact that he could be attracting attention with his noise or even that he could be in someone else's territory. That's because he expects groups of animals to live with humans or divided species like on Animal Planet, not a grab bag of them living in this weather ravaged dump. He has to stop shortly however to cough a little and take a deep breath. Humid but fresh air is so strange for lungs more used to the stink of weed and sticky sweet energy drinks pushed around by a humidifier.

Re: plunge into chaos / joining - rhosmari - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Thick paws moved forward as a heavy head lifted up into the air. Ears twitched and pulled forward to listen to the sounds that were around him in this strange and new terrain. It was something he was used to nor did he care for how hot and oppressive the air seemed to be but he wouldn't abandon the Alpha as they were a joint until the large male didn't need him anymore. If there came a time for that he would possibly either take him into the pack or take him as a threat and kill him but for now they were reliant on each other. Or so the intelligent canine thought. His large paws moved forward slowly as he lowered his head to the ground, huffing sounds leaking from slightly parted jaws as he took in the scents of the surrounding area. The white figured pulled in the scent of the one he was tracking and staying close to as he was never too faraway even with the traveling that the other did he was usually somewhere nearby. His brilliant red gaze shifted over the thick trees and foliage before his head suddenly jerked up, ears pulled forward sharply. The sound of a howl had caught his attention.

His tail raised then as he lifted his head up, curving his muzzle slightly as he parted his jaws and allowed his own howl to leave his throat and rise up into the air. The sound would carry for miles as he slowly stopped howling and waited in silence to see if there would be a return howl but as silence stretched on forever the large beast decide to go forth and find the male from the location that the first howl came from. Thick muscles rippled underneath a thick white pelt as the canine pushed his way through thick foliage that attempted to block his path. He moved with a showing of dominance, with tail held erect and back straight with head held up just slightly as any Alpha should. Tilting his head a bit the beast would allowed his nostrils to twitch as he pulled in the scents of the area before lowing his head to sniff at the ground. Familiar tang of metal entering his nose as he shoved past the barrier of trees before him. A low growl emitted from the canine's throat as he spotted Chromeo before he paused and lifted his head, titling to the side just slightly as he lowed his form to his haunches.

tags | vocalizations | body language:

Re: plunge into chaos / joining - PINCHER - 07-10-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
The tsunami had been irksome and irritating for Pincher especially because he despised when his property or his crewmates' property became destroyed because Mother Nature decided to fuck around and direct her wrath upon the crew for some unknown reason. He had read a few pages in a book about natural disasters and how there are possible ways that a tsunami could surge with the intention to doom anyone in it's path. Pincher had not expected it to happen but he understood that he should have at least been prepared or held emergency plans to avoid the damage that had been created. Guilt nipped at the back of his mind as he contemplated on the past mistakes he had made, his mind sinking deeper and deeper to almost a sense of insecurity that he found it difficult to describe especially since he had never really been taught how to speak about one's emotions except romance. He held a silver tongue, one designed to lace every word with charm and charisma that would attempt to win over whoever listened to the demigod.

A small grunt of disgust rolled out of his jaws as he pushed past a large clump of seaweed and kelp, the salty greenery piled up almost to his shoulder as the canine was used to the strong scent of the sea but it was more prominent due to the flood that had decided to stick around until finally decreasing these past few days. "Fucking gross..." came a low rumbling curse from the male as the sleek onyx colored male decided was preparing to go hunt down a decent meal when a loud howl caused his pointed slim ears to suddenly swivel towards the direction that the call had been made, half-lidded glacier blue eyes widening for a split second with shock. Who the fuck was making that call? His fictional brow furrowed and he began to trot out of the shoreside and into the lush vegetation that the jungle offered.

It was easy for him to get around since he knew the island like the back of his paw but the tsunami had caused a lot of wreckage and he would hop over fallen palm trees and twisted vines. As he stepped into the clearing where the howl had come from, Pincher stiffened when he caught sight of two other canines that were complete strangers to him. His ears slowly drew back and his broad shoulders tensed as he wondered who the hell they were. Invaders? Lost beings? "Oi, you better have a good reason onto why you are in Typhoon territory." Pincher bluntly stated, his low voice holding a tone of serious warning as he tipped his head ever so slightly to the side, glowing blue tattoos pulsing with energy at the sudden alert of creatures that were not in his crew.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: plunge into chaos / joining - rhosmari - 07-10-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]His head tilted the other way as he studied Chromeo because he was curious as to why the other had howled. Was it for him or was it just to call forth a rally? The large male didn't know but he didn't have time to dwell on that before something pierced his nostrils. It was a scent that was not familiar to him and thus he immediately took it as a threat. When the bushes seemed to rattle and shake with noise the beast shifted his head toward it, taking a defensive stance near Chromeo with tail raised and ears pulled to the side. His bright red gaze locked onto the offender and his muzzle curled in an aggressive growl that pulled from deep in his throat. Both a clear warning and a savage sound for the other to back off. His tail was raised sharply and but his head was lowered as he watched the other canine. Something so small didn't seem like they would be a challenge to his title but he wasn't going to take any chances either, not when he also had Chromeo to deal with. Instead he suddenly lunged forward, testing and snapping his jaws to try and force the other to take the necessary steps back.

He was trying to prove his dominance in the situation while also keeping Chromeo at his back so that the other couldn't get to him. The other dog had become a value to him, a food bringer, and a wound healer and thus had earned his trust somewhat and his protection. So he wouldn't let this male get anywhere near him. His gaze stayed on Pincher, gaze narrowing ever so slightly as another growl rippled from his thick form, claws digging in and a sense of excitement leaking from what could possibly happen. His jaws parted, lips curling slightly to reveal thick teeth that were coated in saliva as well as his jaws. It dripped from his mouth and onto the ground as he snapped his jaws once more a throaty sound leaving his muzzle.

tags | vocalizations | body language:

Re: plunge into chaos / joining - Chromeo - 07-10-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Whew. That return howl is something else. Chromeo shivers some and wonders, since he sounds close, just how he managed to lose that bright bag of muscle at all. Ghost then trotting over to his location is enough to make him tense up some even though he's the one that called, only because he's still not used to it. It's not easy to chill with something so large constatly barreling toward you, especially considering the circumstances of their first meeting. Chromeo is quick to recover however and tilts his head up with his bobbed tail lightly wagging. "Hey man..." Seeing Ghost look confused as to why he called him, he opens his mouth to speak (mostly out of habit and even though Ghost doesn't understand, maybe he likes the babbling), but he pauses when another voice breaks in. Jesus Christ, he almost jumps out of his straps. Who the hell is this dude? Typhoon territory? Like gangs? Is he a gangster?

"Well that's an unfortunate name," he snorts lightly, looking pretty smug because what's this dude gonna do with fur and fury over here watering the ground with his saliva? Chromeo doesn't know a lot about this outside world, granted, but he's positive from lots of tv that big things eat small stuff. He means, look at whales and those sea roach looking things they eat. Case closed. Duh. Yet he can't help but be intrigued by those tats because tats are pretty cool. His owner had tats but they didn't glow . What is up with that? "Uh, cuz we wanna be," he says like a bratty teen; like it's the dumbest question in the world. "Who are you waltzing up like you own the place? And if you do, needs some work, dude." Chromeo laughs. Okay, this dude may look cool but Chromeo is cooler and he needs to establish that right away. But then again, his mom would be real mad about him being so rude too... but like, fuck this dood for real. He's gotta lead a good example for Ghost. But then again, again,.. he doesn't actually want Ghost to hurt anyone and he's not so sure he can stop him if he decides to. Erhm...

"Soooo anyway, yeah, shoo and I'll spare you." He waves his paw toward the other domestic canine, trying to make a tough guy face but he ain't so good at it and just looks constipated. But who cares. Ghost looks badass and Ghost is his crew so that makes him the shit too, right?


Re: plunge into chaos / joining - bubblegum - 07-10-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie was out collecting again. her main mission now was to grab any number of things that she thought was interesting. with the mess that the territory was in, it wasn't really hard to find treasures. she didn't have to dig around so much, anyway. hopefully she wasn't stealing anything of importance. but, if they were so important, somebody would have noticed and stopped her by now. it was no secret that her basket was filled with many things she'd found around the island. she was going to use them to make gifts for all of her friends. she wanted to grab as much as she could to get as many ideas as she could. her friends deserved the best, after all!

she was currently digging around some rocks, looking at any shiny, golden coin. it was covered in mud, so she was cleaning it off. she quite liked golden things. perhaps she felt obligated to because of her name and complexion. the golden girl was truly living up to her name. she set it down in her half-way filled basket, smiling softly. if you were to look at her injured, shaking figure, it was no secret she was feeling quite exhausted. she had been feeling exhausted the past week. her burnt body needed more rest. but, that certainly wasn't going to stop her. she couldn't sleep. she couldn't let herself do that.

goldenluxury was just about to start looking around some more, when she had heard an unfamiliar voice calling out. she was trying her hardest to keep up on all the new crewmates but, it was hard. her injuries were starting to get the best of her again. probably from all the moving around. she figured it must probably be someone trespassing. maybe it'd be a joiner! she liked to make new friends. she picked up her basket, putting it around her neck, and began to struggle towards the sound. she stumbled quite a few times on the way there.

her attention shifted as she got closer and noticed her papa. her expression sort of lit up at the sight of him. she wanted to show him the coin, she bet he'd like it. but, she was reminded why she approached as she noticed the strangers' reactions. she quickened her pace, stumbling as she got next to him. her stance grew a bit defensive at the threatening responses, her green eyes narrowing.

"you're trespassing." she said flatly at first, her usual friendly aura dissolving. it wasn't hard to get on her bad side if anyone so much as looked at her family the wrong way. "he very much owns the place. he's the captain of our crew," goldie explained, voice filling with authority. she huffed silently. "and, hey, if you really think the place needs so much work, why'd ya bother coming here?"