Beasts of Beyond
it's ya boi, - Printable Version

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it's ya boi, - cortexx - 07-09-2018

fool, i lied to you, i'm probably not actually your boy
hello, i'm cortexx, i'm bad at introductions and i'm a deserter from feralfront because i just got bored of that place
kinda sucked, you know?
the only truly significant character i ever played was abathur in the exiles, so if you haven't heard of a giant spider you've probably never met or heard of me, but hi anyways
just came here because i missed roleplaying and this seemed like a pretty good pick, from how it was advertised to me, soooo

Re: it's ya boi, - vvintersoldier - 07-09-2018

Hey there Cortexx, welcome to BoB!! I kind of remember Abathur, I don't think I had any characters that interacted with him but he was always pretty neat to me!! ;o; I'm Sky by the way, a moderator here, if you have any questions feel free to ask me!!

Re: it's ya boi, - galexiux - 07-09-2018

hamleett is more popular thaan you scrb

cortexx cortexx cortexx cortexx cortexx

Re: it's ya boi, - cortexx - 07-09-2018

thanks, i think i vaguely remember seeing you around (maybe?? i don't remember anything past yesterday so) - i'll be sure to ask if i need anything, yeah!!

listen, gale, i didn't come here to be told things i already knew,,

Re: it's ya boi, - Cheeters - 07-10-2018

hey cortexx, welcome to BoB! and it's wonderful that you decided to join us and oooo i remember abathur! i was only there briefly with a small character of mine but was around the time abathur arrived and i really loved how you played the big spooder. my name is cheeters but feel free to call me cheets, if you ever wanna plot or talk, shoot me a pm! <3

Re: it's ya boi, - Orion - 07-10-2018

dude! abathur! i remember him. what a flashback, man.
welcome to the site. name's orion/star and i'm here if you need anything <3

Re: it's ya boi, - tricky - 07-10-2018

you and abathur were so cool, i hope we get to rp together in the future!!!

Re: it's ya boi, - cortexx - 07-10-2018

yes hello all of you!! glad to meet you all again! love to see you guys around and i hope we do get the opportunity to roleplay together again~~

Re: it's ya boi, - Orion - 07-11-2018

hell yeah!! welcome <333