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SHE'S A LADYKILLER | joining - Printable Version

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SHE'S A LADYKILLER | joining - MADI - 03-22-2018

ROSEPAW DARLING ✧ tanglewood — rookie — tags
[div style="background-color: #f9dbe0; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
God, this was disgusting. At some point Rosie had encountered marshlands, and they seemed to be never ending. The dainty little wolf wrinkled up her nose as she stepped in a particularly moist patch, and after shuffling sideways a bit found some less squishy ground. With a small huff, she shook off her paws and glared into the distance, as if the force of her annoyance could make the ground less... nasty. Seriously, what the hell? Did anyone actually live out here? It was a, filthy, and b, filthy. Anyone willing to deal with this bullshit was likely to look homeless 24/7, which was something Rosie was not interested in. Her doll face was her number one advantage in life, aside from her killer sass, and she did not need a bunch of mud ruining her looks.

"This is nasty, Pandora. Seriously," she huffed under her breath as her little hummingbird spirit came fluttering into view. The tiny ghost was often just over the wolf's shoulder, and at the moment she was tittering away and flapping her wings dangerously close to the marshy grounds. It drew Rosie's attention to the fact that the fragile chrysanthemums that grew in her pawsteps were being drowned in the damn mud. "Ugh. How does anyone live like this?"

Rosie gave another huff, shook off another glob of mud, and stomped her way onwards. It had to end somewhere, and in an effort to escalate the process of escaping this hell, she started yelling, "Hello? Does anyone live in this mess? Come guide me out of this damn mud!"

Ah, yes. Always one to make an entrance, this little princess.

Re: SHE'S A LADYKILLER | joining - beck. - 03-22-2018

    Grime and mire was all he had ever known, and even in death, he wasn't allowed to chance to experience an existence of luxury and peace. But pristine surfaces, freshly-pressed clothes, and well-groomed looks were all terribly... unnatural. Evidence that danger had swept through and was attempting to cover its tracks. Besides, it was easy to hide among clumped reeds and muddied shores compared to unforgiving and cold steel counter-tops and slippery quartz tiles. The poltergeist had raised himself as an urchin and died as one, and his deeply-rooted familiarity with the daily filth from rotting forests and murky bogs was not going to be cleaned away by a whining brat who happened to own a prettier face than his own.

    Growing bored of stalking after the trespasser and determining her lack of ties to any other group, Beck breathlessly huffed in slight annoyance, shouldering through a brier thicket and pouncing directly in her path. Blurred vision quickly tracing the wolf's smudged and frail outline, the mangy feline parted his maw to reveal jagged rows of teeth in what was unrecognizably a smile. Any poor attempt at a welcome was marred by both the scar stealing away his entire left cheek, his malignant scowl, and a sharp rasp hissing through his clenched teeth. Lacking any implied comfort to an otherwise concerned phrase, the boy wheezily drawled, "Take it easy, wouldja? 'S just mud." A hoarse scoff followed by a lazy flick of a paw slick with silt, scattering beads of mud at Rosepaw's feet. Her wisp of a hummingbird was next to ensnare his attention, earning a ripple of thought briefly disturbing his apparition. Another spirit, huh? Lantern-like eyes glowering up at the she-wolf, Beck gained a wicked glint to his freckled features, sharkish teeth beginning to mangle and chew the truth as he continued, "See, I can't 'guide' ya outta nowhere -- 'less you're one of those lame joiners here for Tanglewood. Otherwise, I'll have to leave ya for the gators." He hadn't actually caught a glimpse of said reptile, but he knew they lurked, and it was hopefully enough of a shove to lure Rosepaw into the swelling population so he could keep a close watch on her personal ghost.

Re: SHE'S A LADYKILLER | joining - MADI - 03-22-2018

ROSEPAW DARLING ✧ tanglewood — rookie — tags
[div style="background-color: #f9dbe0; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
At the rustle of someone approaching, Rosie let out a sigh of relief. Finally, signs of life. She loved Pandora, she really did, but damn, could a girl go crazy without someone to actually talk to. It wasn't like Pandora was very talkative, after all; the tiny little spirit pretty much only communicated through movement and titters. The dainty wolf looked up and eyed up the stranger slowly, the hint of a coy smile emerging as she immediately dropped into flirtation. That was her default, really: she had a wicked tongue, but that was only in anger or annoyance. Normally, the princess was ready to hit on anyone with a pulse.

With... well, interestingly, this guy was lacking one. Was that enough to slow Rosie down? Not really. His injuries were a bit morbid, but hey -- one could consider his vibes as "rugged". "Well, hello there," she drawled in delight, but any flirty intentions seemed to vanish the second this monster flicked mud at her. "Ew," she shrieked, lurching back a step and leveling a glare at him. "Were you raised in a barn? My fur is white. Do you know how hard it is to look this good all the time?"

Rosie huffed, and shook the mud off her paws in his direction. Pandora fluttered frantically behind her, tittering in the direction of this foreign ghost, but Rosie simply shook her head in disdain. "I know, Pandora. Rude." At the mention of lame joiners, Rosie tilted her chin up and gave him a narrow look. "Look, I don't know what Tanglewood is, but you better not be calling me lame. Your little gator threat doesn't scary me, either, snaggle-tooth. I'm a fucking gift, and I'm not going to stick around and be called lame, got it? Now get out of my way so I can get out of this damned mud and find some decent strangers to talk to. Or, you can tell me who you and why the hell I should join this "Tanglewood" if everyone there is so lame." There was the haughty diva that she was when insulted; Rosie was the shit, and she damn well knew it. No one could ever claim the dainty thing had self-esteem issues.

Re: SHE'S A LADYKILLER | joining - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] The small leopard known as Phobeus had been relaxing in a nice tree when somebody just had to ruin it. His eyes would blink open and he'd yawn loudly, giving up on leaving the tree normally and simply rolled out of it, landing loudly and heavily beside the complaining canine. "I was sleepin' sweetheart, thanks for wakin' me." He'd say to the wolf, obviously not quite serious in his manner. "I agree with ya that the muck isn't great but we're workin' on getting everythin' else cleaned up and don't quite have time t' deal with it..besides, it's pretty good if ya wanna to keep out enemies."

Phobeus would pick himself off the ground and dust himself off, shooting a grin towards Beck. "We do certainly have gators though, miss. 'ah nearly got bit by the critters while looking for good trees, it was terribly dreadful, though I am mighty certain I'd probably be gone to the void if there'd been any more of em." He wasn't really sure where he was going with this..oh yeah. "Ya don't need to join Tanglewood if you don't want to, ya just can't enter the territory so we'd hafta kick you out of leave ya to wander..can't be havin' anybody not in the clan or not needin' help in our home,
A vaguely hurt expression came upon his face when he realised that the girl, and Beck, called the tanglewood-ers lame.
"Ah ain't no cripple, thank ya very much. Ah 'ad a few times where it nearly 'appened but as ya can see, ah've got all my four feets with me.[/td]