Beasts of Beyond
AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - Printable Version

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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
The tsunami had damaged a lot of the Typhoon including its members. He had heard they had held some casualties as well as injuries which only began to pile up on him alongside the stress of leading especially in a crisis like the tidal wave that had come out of nowhere. It had surprised Pincher that they had been trapped in what they once believed would be safe but he had forgotten that Mother Nature was a savior and a killer to all kinds of life, including the ones that inhabited the rich tropics. The captain had been checking off what was to be done for this meeting since he was not entirely too pleased with their current situation, fictional eyebrows furrowed due to meticulous thinking that stormed inside his head. He gnawed softly on his pen as he stared at the large piles of scattered papers and sticky notes of plans and reminders before sighing and deciding he had memorized enough information to create the meeting that was a day late due to his stupidity. Damn, couldn't he even stick to the schedule that he had created himself? His upper lip curled in faint disgust as he stepped out of the treehouse and headed out towards the largest treehouse that could hold everyone in it without collapsing.

Since they were all living shoulder by shoulder temporarily, there did not need to be someone to blow on the conch to gain everyone's attention. Instead, Pincher called out "Everyone gather for a meeting at the largest treehouse! I've got important announcements." With that, the charcoal colored canine stepped into the open building and went to sit in the center with his cool stoic blue eyes flickering around when enough had gathered. Clearing his throat, he decided to begin. "Alright despite the tsunami, we have managed to drag in some new faces. Welcome Malana, Henry, Raziel, Planecrash, Mira, Reus, and Jacob. We also have people coming back from the dead also known as Roxanne and Lucifer, it's great to have you and the fresh meat join us." Pincher dipped his head towards the direction where the joiners were before reminding himself that there was also more information that he had to offer especially an important promotion.

"Now for promotions, the shit we are all here for huh?" He stated sarcastically with a sly toothy grin faintly tracing his jaws as the muscular doberman decided to give a little speech. "I have trust issues, I really do. Takes time for me to get close to people and not suspect that they'll stab me in the back. But for a long time now, someone had been here with me since day one and I believe they deserve to become the Quartermaster that will possibly one day take my place if I ever get tired of you lot. Argus, I would have great pleasure in you becoming my Quartermaster if you agree to take the position." He allowed this time for any congratulations to be given to the winged wolf before he rolled his cyan blue eyes and decided to head towards the bad news and then back to good news. Sadly he would have offered the promoted a drink but they had been left in the dome and he doubted the cups were still there. "Final warning to Wade about activity. Cronas gets a small warning as well. There will be no demotions but I need to see some fucking activity and work around here, I can't be doing it all by myself. Envoy positions have been cleared if anyone wishes to volunteer for a spot." He warned flatly, his left ear twitching for a brief moment as it was a habit he had when showing irritation.

"Now to shoutouts. Shoutout to Caesar, Rosemary, Roxanne, and Papercutter, you have all done well and I hope you continue your hard work. And let's speak about the elephant in the room or specifically the fish." He added as he wrinkled his pepper black nose before continuing "The tsunami had flooded the beach areas for quite some time now but it appears that the tides are finally beginning to recede enough for it not to be dangerous. We will head back tonight to see the damage and salvage whatever we may have lost. I also have decided to make some changes. I have decided to change the Doctor name and Nurse name to something else but you may all vote on which one you prefer. June choice awards are closing tonight and I'll be counting everything up to pronounce the winners for each category. Medical tryouts are still happening so if you are interested check it out. Caesar has made an event here for us and Snowbound and Snowbound has invited us to a festival so you are all free to go attend it if you wish. I am doing weekly tasks again and I don't mind but if not enough volunteers come in, I am going to make it a high position requirement. Is that understood? Other than that, meeting is dismissed unless anyone has any questions or comments." With that, Pincher finished and rose to a standing position and waited briefly in case of anything.

welcome to the krusty crew, [member=1215]Malana[/member] / [member=104]planecrash .[/member] / [member=1121]mira e,[/member] / [member=1249]Henry,[/member] / [member=1217]raziel[/member] / @reus roux / @jacob w.c.
glad to have you back returning members [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] / [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member]
[member=218]ARGUS[/member] is promoted to Quartermaster, congratulations!
[member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] recieves a warning & a small warning to [member=885]cronas[/member]
Shoutouts to [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] / [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] / [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] / [member=83]Papercutter[/member]
A thread will be made for the crew to return and salavage whatever they lost!
WEEKLY TASK SCHEDULE (if not enough volunteers, it will be made into an hp requirement)

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Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - ARGUS - 07-09-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus settled nearby pincher during the meeting. Instead of taking a seat like normal she laid down near where the captain was speaking- the strain on her wings from the tsunami- and more importantly her own lower back were all sore. Which made laying down much more appealing. She had mostly went out to help people recover their stuff- diving and resurfacing with loot and on occasion- a cremate. Now all that was left was well- the things that didn't float. By now anyone under water was probably dead and floated away- and it was what she spent the time before the meeting doing mostly. Sending off the bodies to sea in a quiet burial- marking names to mark down on a stone in the graveyard. A memorial stone where people could come pay their respects- though the last one had quickly sunk- pun intended.

Argus looked towards the newcomers- taking in the newer features and... paper bag? ..huh, that. Making small notes to greet them all after the meeting. Or maybe she should set up a meet and greet later- just- reacquaint with everyone. It... wasn't a bad idea. The small speech before promotions was new- and it wasn't surprising what he said. There wasn't much known about Pincher beside what some of the first settlers had spoken about. Even then- being out at seas it was not hard story to claim. Living out in the middle of sea with a whole bunch of people. Hell- Argus had a hard time trusting people, and she used to live in a desert.

The promotion was a surprise.

Mostly because Argus never wanted to be the quartermaster. She was content as an officer- really. There was so much with being the actual deputy of the clan. Not just the responsibility- or the implied trust Pincher expressed in offering the role- but the history. She blinked, mind blanking as she looked over to the captain with the same empty gaze. There was surprise somewhere- happiness. But... fear.

She got up from where she had laid down during the meeting, sitting up- taller. For the first time in a while her body language betrayed her- large wings tucked in slowly fluffed out in the mild discomfort. In the implications.

She nodded mutely. And seemed to ease a little bit better when Pincher moved on to the rest of the meeting.


Caesar had been wondering what Pincher was going to do about meetings, considering they were all standing next to each other, but lo and behold, the doberman was holding one. At the Captain's call, the demon quickly made his way over and took a seat, trying to hold himself back from snapping at some NPCs who stepped on his tail. By the time he turned his attention back to Pincher, he started talking about the Quartermaster position, and the demon puffed his chest out. But as soon as Pincher announced Argus as the one honored with the position, Caesar's stance fell and he practically glared at the she-wolf because he decided showing his anger publicly like this, and changed his expression back to its normal monotonous state.

Of course, Pincher quickly went on to warnings, though there were no demotions this time around, and the Envoy positions have been cleared. Caesar's right ear flicked as he heard his name, but he practically dismissed the shoutout. The rest of the meeting was blocked out if he was honest, though Caesar did hear the announcement regarding the tsunami and the Doctor and Nurse positions.

//Congrats to Argus/Whisker and everyone who got a shoutout!!

Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - purgatory - 07-09-2018

Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-10-2018

A meeting, huh? Planecrash found himself wandering on towards Pinch as he called out to the clan, his bag still on as he found himself a spot and payed close attention to what was being said and was quite surprised to hear his own name being called out rather quickly as to acknowledge his joining into this strange little clan that didn't seem to bad compared to the others he had already picked up information about from other crewmates that wandered about talking to their friends absentmindedly. Another familiar name was called out and he was quick to smile at the thought of Roxanne, his sole friend in this place as of now. His ears swiveled as he continued to listen, hearing of a promotion and the mention of the recent tsunami, of course, as well as a few other things that didn't seem to interest him in that moment. The Typhoon was quite interesting that's for sure and hopefully would continue to be despite what he would assume to be incredible damage done to the lower areas of the territory from rushing winds and water.

shshshshsh, ignore this shitty post

Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - Luciferr - 07-10-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

the dragon inclined his head to his own shout out, blinking slowly before his vision settled over on Argus as pincher gifted her the honor of quartermaster and the dragon's often serious visage twitched into something of a small smile - or at least the side that was able and the beast nodded his congratulations to his erstwhile daughter in law - though he caught the brief anger on the cipher's visage and filed that away for later, hm.

/yo congrats peeps!



Ugh, tsunamis ranked at the top of her least favorite weather phenomenon if only because of these terrible living conditions. She hated all of this talking and touching near her; she needed a quiet space to live and thrive, otherwise all this chaos started grinding her gears too much. Not to mention the random people talking to her like they deserved to talk to her just because she got stuck with the rest of these animals for the past hours.

... Alright, so Rosemary's introverted mind started breaking down in the midst of this crowded hell. 

Nodding to show she listened to Pincher, she honestly paid little attention to what he said; yes, she got a shoutout and would probably show to the doctor's tryout, but nothing else seemed quite that important to her. At least, not enough to distract her from the annoyance of being packed like sardines with everyone. And the random brushes against her, who the hell did these pirates think they were just barging into her space? Grumbling incoherently to herself, the witch's eyes showed the whites of her eyes as she blankly stared off in the distance as she endured this introverts' hell.

Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - bubblegum - 07-11-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl was quite slow to arrive to the meeting this time. which is usually not like her. but, it was hard to move. she had missed the meeting before this one due to her injuries and she was still recovering now. her electricity elementals had died down quite a bit, which was relieving. the only time they were a problem is when the air got really wet, like when it rained. it caused them to spark out similarly to how lightning strikes water. but, that wasn't a worry for her right now. instead, she could just focus on making herself move.

her legs struggled to pull her over and she looked around the cramped space, deciding to sit near rosemary. her eyes shifted to her papa as he began to speak, though it was kind of hard to listen. her head was hurting, along with everything else. but, she knew how important it was to stay on top of things. especially since she wasn't around so much due to her injuries. she paid careful attention to the new names, though. the rest of the news were a bit blurry but she attempted to listen hard anyway.

"good job, and congratulations!"

Re: AQUAMARINE DREAM — MEETING 7.9.18 - Verdigris - 07-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The tsunami had messed all of them up, he felt. Though no one in their crew had died, Malana had lost her mother, Rox had lost her wings, and several more had lost prized possessions. He had been lucky enough to have saved his mother's notebook, but the ruby was gone, and after a week, he doubted he was going to see it again.

  Paper had been expecting a meeting sooner or later that day, so when Pincher announced it verbally instead of blowing the conch (as there was no conch to blow), he was quick to make his way over. Sitting near Cronas, he listened in to Pincher's announcements, perking his good ear to make sure he caught everything.

  Argus would be the new Quartermaster- an unsurprising choice, given her continued dedication and loyalty. It had only been a few months ago that they had been promoted to Strikers together, but so much had happened in those few months. Yet here she was. "Congratulations, Argus," Paper chimed in, offering her a grin.

  At his own shout-out, he nodded, but said nothing. That was progress, to be certain, but he still had a long way to go. Salvaging the beaches might be his chance to recover the ruby, but even if he didn't, there had to be something else he could save; maybe whatever he found could be sold or traded off to someone in another clan. There would be weekly tasks and events, and then that was it. Maybe he would give the festival a try.

  /congrats to Wisker + everyone who got a shoutout!