Beasts of Beyond
look at the sky tonight .*✦ joining - Printable Version

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look at the sky tonight .*✦ joining - GRIMNYTE - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Everything around her felt bottomless. Empty and jelly-like all at the same time, she floated in the great blue midst of it, feeling the stringy fur bunched around her shoulders fall free of the burrs and knots that held them tightly together. Around her, the water was beginning to bleed a darker color, and if she squinted enough in the water she could make out dark particles. Am I dying? she thought, swaying about. Maker, please. she'd never believed in the big git before, but she would be damned if it all didn't exist and she was just being stubborn. She demanded to see her family and friends again, even if by then all their hearts had stopped and her own beliefs were stolen from her.

This feeling of relief did not last long.

Marian began to feel a tug on her side, the waves tossing her around growing stronger and stronger before the current pushed her up onto the shore of a beach. The pressure lost its way with her, and she was gasping out for air, scrambling senselessly on the fringes of an unfamiliar land. A flash of childish fear wormed its way into her sunken stomach as she coughed up water, struggling to manage propping herself up on two legs, never mind four. But each time she made an attempt to right herself, she would fall back down again. "Damn it all," she cursed. "Damn the maker, and damn the rest. I just want to relax, would that be so wrong?" her bones were weary and so was her grief-stricken mind, all stretched beyond what she could have ever imagined.

The skinny wolf, drenched fur clinging to her malnourished, hungry looking body, flashes of ginger fur peeking out from underneath the horrible attempt at dying herself black, finally gave up after a few more attempts and pressed her cheek against the ground, breathing heavily.

Re: look at the sky tonight .*✦ joining - Suiteheart - 07-09-2018

A strange voice was mingling with the gentle push and pull of the waves, and Suiteheart couldn't help but be drawn forward. The voice sounded pain and exhausted beyond belief. Whomever it was seemed as though they were in need of assistance, and without waiting for another second to pass, the white feline picked her way towards the newcomer.

"Fuck," she said, scrambling forward to the ginger and black wolf. Baby blue eyes scanned the other over for injures. Nothing was visible, but from her appearance, Suite wouldn't be surprised if the other was incredibly waterlogged. Concern wrapped around her features. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked as a gentle tone dug into her voice.

Using her water elemental powers, she waved a paw over Marian. If the other didn't move, Suite would extract all the water from her pelt, hopefully drying the other out. If successful, she would push the water back into sea. "We gotta get you checked out by a medic, kiddo. What's your name?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: look at the sky tonight .*✦ joining - Warringkingdoms - 07-09-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Luckily, this time Rin actually happened to be nearby when someone needed help.

  Hurrying over to the shore where the other two were, she internally ran through a checklist of what to look for. She couldn’t smell any blood, but even from this distance she could see that the stranger was soaked in seawater. Furthermore, as she watched the wolf struggle and fail to get up, she noted that she would probably have to check for broken or sprained limbs.

  With a sigh, Rin came over to the wolf and examined her thoroughly. Her malnutrition was plain to see, but there were no other immediately visible wounds. Looking up at Suiteheart as she attempted to dry off the wolf’s fur, Rin said softly, ”Once you’re done with that, could you bring some food?”

  Turning back to the stranger, she added, ”Try to rest. We’ll need to monitor you for a few days in case of complications.”

  /any injuries besides malnutrition and near-drowning?

Re: look at the sky tonight .*✦ joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-09-2018

Bastille approached them at an even pace, noting that if Suiteheart and Rin were already there, this joiner was probably going to be alright if he walked the rest of the way for a few additional seconds. His gaze flickered over her sopping pelt, and for a moment he had a blur of images in his head: Berry, as they dragged her broken body out of the gorge, her fur dark and plastered to her body with the river water; the dark flashes of matted fur as Dawn disappeared under the surface; countless drenched strangers they yanked out of the gorge, determining that they must have fell trying to get to their territory. He shook himself, swallowing, and focused on the present.

"I've got you," he commented lowly, conjuring two rabbits at his paw from the Observatory. His stare slid over the stranger once more, and he drawled, "Damn, boo. You really did a number on yourself." The Tribe's lingo slipped easy off his tongue, and it seemed to more often these days.