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[ I'M DANGEROUS | LUCKY LUCIANO ] - Printable Version

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[ I'M DANGEROUS | LUCKY LUCIANO ] - Beatles. - 07-09-2018

[glow=black,2,300]LUCKY LUCIANO[/glow]
tags — updated 7/9

name. charlie luciano
goes by "lucky"
biological gender. male
creation date. july 24th, 2017
age. adult
clan. the luciano family

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. vincent piazza
voiceclaim. vincent piazza + speaking italian
☆ enjoys playing poker + card games
☆ all opinions and actions are ic. this character consumes alcohol and smokes cigarettes. this character also may mention drugs, sexual innuendos, profanity, and also partakes in murder and gory acts.

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
beauceron. — birth body 100% health
lucky is a hulking beauceron dog with dark brown colored eyes. he is an average-sized dog, weighing in at 95 pounds and standing at 2 feet and 4 inches. he has cropped, pointed ears. his pelt is short and smooth, and has a black and tan-mixed pelt. he is tall and handsome in a dark sense, and his muscles are prominent and defined. his canines are sharp and his jaws are especially strong, so be sure to avoid getting caught up in them. he often wears a gray fedora atop his head.
injures. none

istp && slytherin && choleric && chaotic neutral.
positive traits alluring, assertive, dauntless, opportunistic
— lucky is a a sharp young adult, both in looks and in wit. he tends to use his charm to his advantage, captivating one in a conversation whenever he pleases
— he is not afraid to flaunt his power and confidently enforce his rules.
— lucky is determined, and is almost fearless in his endeavors. once he has a goal set in his mind, he'll be willing to do whatever it takes to reach it
— lucky will jump at any opportunity that will benefit him. he is not daft, and therefore he knows when to take a chance
negative traits decadent, egotistical, irascible, nefarious, sly, volatile
— lucky likes to surround himself with his prized possessions, such as accessories, shiny rings, jewels, and whatnot. it reminds him of his social status, not only in his group but in the new world. he's made a hobby out of collecting such riches ever since he left home
— he is incredibly arrogant, and this leads to him having an inflated ego. he's pretty confident in himself, which can sometimes be blinding of his judgement
— lucky is definitely prone to getting angered, especially when he's frustrated or doesn't get what he wants
— he is known for being a criminal and engaging in activities such as theft and murder, and he doesn't hide it
— lucky likes to get what he wants, and will lie or even go to extreme lengths to make sure of it
— he is very volatile. one second, you'll be having a conversation with him, but when things go south? he'll turn on you like a wolf

parents. npc x npc
— italian
— born and raised in new york city
siblings. unknown brother
sexuality. heterosexual(?)
relationship status. single
— ½ of ship
friends. tba
enemies. tba

physically && mentally. medium-hard && hard
starts fights when provoked && will kill
self defense. not formally trained, "street fighting style"
fights with tooth and claw, will use weapons if accessible
can powerplay nonviolent/peaceful actions, reaction may vary
ask for injury | no capture / kill / maim
mention [member=1292]LUCKY LUCIANO[/member]  or [member=106]BEATLES[/member]  when attacking
attacks in underline
powers. none