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CALL MY NAME BABY && abaddon's tags - Printable Version

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CALL MY NAME BABY && abaddon's tags - YUUKI. - 07-09-2018


male ♦ sin of sloth ♦ clan unknown
[div style="background-color:#F0D53B;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] GENERAL

name, nicknames; aba, abby.
gender; genderless ; he/him pronouns
sexuality; demihomosexual demihomoromantic
age; 16 months
date of birth; unknown
allegience; unknown
rank; none
how they age up; undiscussed


parents; unknown
siblings; none
current/ex partners; none
children; none
friends; open for plotting
enemies; open for plotting


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A slim, pretty white lion with a thick mane and golden eyes. Flecks of gold can be seen throughout his mane and fur. The fur around his eyes are gold, and he has golden triangles under his eyes. He has a shattered golden halo over his head, and white wings.

accesories; none
— mutations; none


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Insecure and constantly questioning himself and others, he is very self-conscious and tends to grow paranoid when in public. He cannot stay still most of the time, preferring physical touch to calm himself down. He is the Sloth Sin of the Seven Deadly Sins. He prefers to slouch around in blankets or bed down during his free time instead of actually getting up and doing things with his life.

— disorders; paranoia, anxiety.
— powers; breaking the fourth wall