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IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - Printable Version

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IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - guts - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//this is Super Late oof. basically he goes for a little swim at the pebble coast

Church was tired, to say the least. He had thought Washington had been a pain in the ass, but Carolina had turned out to be even worse, and a lot more intimidating somehow. Really, both of them were able to make him uneasy with their mere presence. Maybe it was because they were Freelancers, but either way, he didn't like nor trust them. He went along with what they said, though, if only because they were somewhat familiar with the way they behaved. Military behavior and all that. Whatever the reason, he just wasn't comfortable around them--or even the Ascendants members, for that matter.

He had never been the cautious type, and it was bothering him as he seemed to become more and more alert. This whole situation wasn't like the one in that boxed-in canyon--there were many outside forces at play here, so many unknown things. He had so many questions but no answers and it was driving him wild. So, despite whatever orders the Freelancers had given him, he set off on a walk to clear his head. He did it often back in Blood Gulch, whenever Caboose or Tucker became too much. It was one of few of his actually healthy coping habits.

However, as he went deeper into the territory, he came across an end to the plains and a sudden dip down towards the water. There were a few entrance points, and he slowly made his way down towards the shore, taking in the salty air. It was nice to feel like everything was normal, to be able to pretend that it was. Closing his eyes, for all he knew he could still be a human. He could still be back in the gulch with his stupid teammates and Tex. Tex.

The canine's eyes snapped open as he remembered her. His teeth grit against each other and he shook his head, as if he was trying to shake off her memory. Where there were once fondness and love, there was now just pain and hurt. He was a prideful man, but one too many times of having that pride hurt eventually made him grow distant. He had loved Tex, for all that mattered, but apparently she wasn't in the same boat. Or maybe she just had a rough time expressing it. Whatever it was, he could only look back at their times together with grief in his chest.

After a few moments, he found himself in the water, reteaching himself how to swim with four legs. It came to him fairly quickly, and soon enough he was paddling around, enjoying his time in the sea. He remembered when he was younger and would play in the creek all day and afternoon, until his mother yelled at him to come inside. Those were good days, but they had come and gone quickly.


Re: IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - Suiteheart - 07-09-2018

The sea was a place she traveled to often. Whether it be in the middle of the day to catch a rare glimpse of relaxation or at night, when the moon hung bright and soft, with Cooper to find comfort, she was drawn to the place. The waves lapping against the shore calmed her. It even soothed the warring souls inside of her. Each version of herself calmed down as she sat beside the water's edge and became wreathed in ocean spray and the tang of salt. Pebble Coast was, without a doubt, her favorite part of the Ascendants' territory.

Today, the white feline slowly made her way toward the spot. The day was warm and awful, but the cool waters of the sea offered relief, and Suiteheart would take it. With ease, her paws guided her towards the place she knew so well. As she took in the scene before her, she was a bit surprised to see Church paddling around in the water.

"Church," she called in greeting, stepping closer to the canine, wearing a grin. "You've got the right fucking idea today." The white feline slipped into the ocean, and she could feel each molecule of water gathering around her thanks to her elemental ability. She had half a mind to playfully splash the male with a wave, but she restrained herself. Instead, she spoke: "What's up, man?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - guts - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]His mind had been plagued with thoughts a lot recently, and this was a nice distraction for him. It was better than wallowing with his mind. Right now, he could just focus on the water as it lapped at his body, making small splashes as he kicked his legs. The quiet was interrupted, though, as someone else approached. He turned his head, not noticing the paw-steps until the person called out, but he quickly recognized them as Suiteheart. They hadn't interacted much, especially not after Carolina and Washington dragged him and Caboose away. Hell, he wasn't even completely sure if he and the others were welcome around there anymore.

"Oh, hey," he greets her, somewhat duller than usual. He watches her as she wades in towards him, a smile forming on his maw, which was visible since he had taken his helmet off finally. The blue accessory now laid on the shore waiting for him. "I'm just hanging out, enjoying the waters. What about you?" that was probably a stupid question, but whatever. He hadn't been expecting company.


Re: IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - arcy - 07-10-2018

Caboose liked the .. rocky place. With the water. People said it had a name but Caboose couldn't remember what it was. It kind of hurt his feet, his paws!!! but he liked it anyways. It was nice to swim in!! But it fogged up his helmet and it always fell off when he went underwater and he couldn't breathe underwater anymore and that was sad.
It's kind of coincidence that Caboose gets here at this time, anyways. He dpesn't really know what he's doing with his days anymore, not that he ever used to. He hadn't managed to fill in his schedule yet. He generally went along with whatever was happening, though!! Or whoever he was dragged with. Caboose wasn't really one for arguing with people, so he kind of just. Didn't.
Anyways!!! Today when Caboose goes out to the hurty place he finds Church. And the white kitty-person! He, of course, still doesn't know Suiteheart's name. He did like her though!! She was very nice. They were in the water!! Caboose hops a little, barely noticing the pain on his paws with the movement, taail wagging furiously.
"OH!!! ARE WE SWIMMING!!!" Caboose shouts, and wuthin another moment he has somehow launched his helmet into the distance somewhere, god knows where, and has full-body plopped into the water. He kind of stays submerged under the surface for a few seconds before he emerges to paddle toeards Church and the other kitty-kitty. He seems pretty deadset on approaching Church. Paddle as close as physically possible just because he could or something. He seems happy enough, at least. Like a true Retriever, Caboose's love of the water new no bounds. He was also .. very lucky he even knew how to swim like this, though it was more instinctive. Which is to say, he did not know how o swim as a human but it was easy enough for him to figure out like this.
//stillll mobile


Much like the garden, the water calmed Gordon down a lot. It was a safe spot to her, so of course this was a place she visited often. Although usually there weren't a whole lot of people here, and she was a bit alarmed at the commotion that was going on. Luckily, though, Suiteheart was here, and Gordon made her way over to the ocean, going as far as she could go with her short legs. Not being able to touch worried her, but she did like the water. She couldn't help but smile a bit upon seeing Caboose's excitement over the ocean, watching as the retriever splashed into the water.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - Suiteheart - 07-12-2018

The lackluster greeting was noted. A faux eyebrow twitched upward at that, and she then quickly furrowed them in concern. She wondered what was on his mind, what was troubling him. Given all that had transpired with Carolina and Washington, she should have been upset with the entire party, but she wasn't. Church and Caboose had simply tagged along, and neither of them put up the type of fight Car or Wash had. As far as she was concerned, the canines were a-okay in her book. "Oh, you know, just hanging out and enjoying the waves," she echoed, not hiding the notes of amusement in her tone. "But what's up for real, dude? You seem down." Maybe it wasn't her place, but she did consider him to be a friend. Besides that, he was her groupmate, and she needed to look out for him.

She opened her mouth to say more, but Caboose's happy call silenced her. A laugh tumbled out of her mouth as he pitched his helmet to what seemed to be the end of the earth. Within seconds, though, she was splashed by waves as the dog surfaced beside she and Church. It didn't stop her laughter. "Hey, Caboose," she greeted, sending a tiny wave his way via her elemental abilities.

Gordon arrived next, and Suite smiled a bit brighter. She loved the girl like family. The white feline waved to Gordon, motioning her to join them as she was a few feet away from the trio. "Hey, Gordy, c'mon!" She was completely oblivious to the fact that poor Gordon was worried about not being able to feel the ocean floor.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: IN PARKING LOTS -- O, OOC PROMPT - guts - 07-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church had honestly liked swimming ever since he was a kid, and it didn't just start when he found himself as a dog. He sometimes wondered why he didn't just go into competitive swimming instead of fighting in the war. That would have been a lot better than getting stuck in some stupid boxed in canyon surrounded by a bunch of mindless idiots. Either way, it didn't matter, as he had made his decisions. He could regret them, but he couldn't revert them.

As Suite asked what was up, he was slightly surprised, but his reply was quickly interrupted by a loud, recognizable voice. Great. Lifting his head, he watched Caboose bell-flop into the water, splashing him with water. The guy was easily excitable, that much was obvious, and apparently being a retriever had strengthened that. He was practically jumping around all the time. "Would you watch it, dumb-ass?" he says to the other canine with a frown, shaking off his head.

He would have asked her question finally, though her attention was no longer on him and was instead now on Gordon, who he probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise. He had seen her around, but her name was lost on him. Since she seemed uncertain, he wasn't going to push her, simply giving her a nod in greeting. She could come in if she wanted to.



As Suiteheart called out to her, Gordon looked over at her with pricked ears before her expression turned to one of worry almost immediately upon registering what the Admiral said. ”N-no, I think I’m good h-here.” She responded, shaking her head. Not being able to touch the bottom of the ocean was really terrifying to her, especially since she wasn’t a good swimmer. She could swim, she just wasn’t very good at it.

Of course, Gordon noticed Church giving her a nod of greeting and she raised one paw to wave at him. Last time they interacted, he kind of snapped at her for not knowing why he and Washington - and the other one... Carolina? - for wanting to go back to their former bodies as humans. But she didn’t feel no ill will towards Church, she supposed it was probably stressful living among animals and being in a body that you didn’t belong in.



Bastille had a strange relationship to water. He had grown up near water, he knew -- his mother's clan had always been so close to water, in one form or another, and his early months were spent there. He was accustomed to its roar and its lull. But there were the memories, too: the weightlessness of falling, the sluggish few seconds before he hit the water, the rush of the gorge as it spent him up immediately, dragged him down current, against rocks and beneath the surface and down, down, down until he couldn't breathe. As a kit, there'd been a glimmer of fear there. Not necessarily of dying, per se, but of having to open his thoughts to it, of being forced through the memories again and again, of feeling Echo become more salient with every replay. It was... frustrating, then.

Now, he had gotten used to water. He'd stood in the shallows for days and days when he was a few months old, and then again, a few months older than that -- heading out after he'd eaten and just standing there, letting the water lap over his paws, letting the memories rush up and then fade away until it no longer got to him. Today, he stopped besides Gordon, and he could taste river water in the back of his throat as he looked out at the others in silence for a moment. It didn't bother him, but it was there, an emotionless memory budding at the back of his thoughts.

"Hey," he greeted, to everyone, before adding to Gordon, "Sitting this one out? I think I might, too."