Beasts of Beyond
DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE // AMUNET - Printable Version

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DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE // AMUNET - vvintersoldier - 03-21-2018

It has felt like he has been sitting here for hours and hours on end. He could hear bugs buzzing in the background, birds chirping, clanmates murmuring words as they passed by. He focused greatly on their pawsteps, trying to pick out any that he would call familiar. But he didn't pick up Amunet's among the pawsteps, much to his dismay. He knew how she didn't like it when he ventured by himself. He was truly putting himself at a risk every time, but she can't just expect him to sit like a sitting duck. It makes him feel useless, and he does not want to be useless. He wants to get used to this damn territory, do something, be something- but he can't do any of that if he waits here for any longer. Who knows how long Amunet is away right now, maybe Vladimir could explore for a bit and return to his spot before Amunet notices anything. That seemed like a perfect plan, and the Russian quickly decided that is what he'll do.

The tom pricked his ears for one last time to attempt to pick up on her voice or paw steps, but he got nothing. So, she wasn't nearby. Without a second thought, the cougar got up onto his paws and began to pad slowly away from Amunet's tree and to the camp entrance- which he memorized right now. As he padded along, he didn't come to realize his one mistake. He forgot to check scents- if he used his nose, he would have known Amunet was nearby, and he could have gone directly to her. Instead of, you know, padding off to venture into a territory where crocodiles can make Vladimir a little snack.

[ [member=72]AMUNET G.[/member] ]


She had felt awful the first time that she had hit Vladimir and could understand his frustration of staying in a single place, she was certain that she'd apologize yet she found him again and again somewhere that he shouldn't be. Didn't the idiot see that she was worried about him? Worried that a mutated crocodile would simply come out of the blue and devour any animal it pleased by drowning it before tearing it limb by limb. Apparently not and it frustrated the jaguaress to quite the extent since she basically stuck her neck out for him, she was aware that he could be independent and walk himself without her following him like some mother but, she couldn't help it. There was still so much to learn about the swamp and even Amunet wasn't able to figure out much of the territory just when she thought that she had finally gotten it would she get lost every once in a while. It was absolutely frustrating and she'd often rant to her python, Moses, about how horrid it was to be living in a swamp with radioactivity. Absolutely horrid, she detested it with quite a passion and shook her head with a soft huff though her whiskers twitched as she paused catching a familiar scent that lingered with her own. It couldn't be Hestia despite the cub being quite feisty and fiery, it was usually Amunet who would lay down the "law" so her nose wrinkled with frustration knowing who it was. She cursed in Egyptian as she kicked a quill covered toad to the side hearing it let out a soft screech before it was completely silenced as it fell into the swamp waters, the jaguaress carefully made her way forward using her eyesight to spot Vladimir. She would make sure she was downwind so her scent didn't go towards him until she had completely approached him, she had to stifle a growl as her claws clicked silently against smooth rocks. She supposed that this was how her former lover felt whenever their son wouldn't listen to his demands, it was frustrating and well, she was very, very pissed off. Her tail lashed to the sides like a swift whip and then she would take a few more silent steps forward until she went into a trot that eventually turned into a full-on dash, she leapt forward swiftly aiming to grab Vladimir by the shoulders using her claws just enough to take a grip and if successful she would tug roughly to unbalance him, if it had worked she'd pin him to the ground with a paw resting on his head. She let out a hiss with her curved ears pressed against her head "What were you thinking? Don't you know of the dangers here, crocodile kibble? Do you not care if you give me a heart attack every time you wander off?" Her tone was angry yet it softened a bit almost as if she was hurt "Or do you simply not care?" With that said, she aimed to apply pressure onto his cheek with her dainty paw. She just wanted to growl in frustration but she decided against it, she snorted as she decided to sit on him not caring if she was crushing him. She took a deep breath, she had really been hoping that Vlad had been different but she supposed that wasn't the case. She thought bitterly as she bit her tongue to refrain from speaking.

'They're all the same.'


Re: DON'T LOOK HIM IN THE EYE // AMUNET - vvintersoldier - 03-25-2018

Amunet did a nice job of staying downwind and hiding her scent from Vladimir. Vladimir didn't even come across it as he carefully made his way through Tanglewood's camp, a mistake on his part. He was focusing more on his surroundings by sound, rather than scent. He was listening for any paw step, any kind of noise that indicated someone was nearby. He didn't notice the jaguar behind him, until his ears suddenly pricked up at the sound of claws silently clicking against rocks. It has been expressed already, the mountain lion had heightened senses, due to his loss of sight. It wasn't like to an extreme, but he was able to pick up the growl and the clicking of claws. But there is one problem- he picked those up a little too late. It didn't give him time to react, like he could defend himself anyway. He was still processing it in his mind when paw steps turned into a dash, and suddenly claws were at his shoulders, gripping onto him and then tugging. The tugging caused the blind panther to stumble on his paws, giving Amunet what she wanted- to pin him to the ground.

Vladimir wasn't that hard to pin, considering Vladimir's lack of training. When he was young, he never really trained himself to fight to a huge extent. He learned how to hunt and learned the basic ways of fighting- he assumed he would learn more fighting as he got older. What he didn't know was that would all change through one mistake. That mistake cost him his sight, and future battle skills he wished to have. And now, he's defenseless, pinned to the ground with Amunet's paw on his face. And he couldn't help it but feel livid. Vladimir was well aware that Amunet did not like it when he ventured out by himself. He couldn't blame her, he really was taking a risk anytime he walks out there by himself. He's not angry about that, no not at all. Instead, he's livid with the way Amunet is handling his disobedience- she didn't have to pin him to the ground to get his attention. He was still upset about her smacking him, suddenly ambushing him was ten times worse than that- he would have preferred her to just smack him again! Not this, not getting the feeling that he is in danger and at risk of getting harmed. He could hear the anger in her voice, he must have pushed her past the line- as this would be his fourth time going into the territory by himself. Wait, maybe it would be his fifth time? Honestly he's not that sure, he's kind of lost count. He listened to what she had to say, as she applied pressure to his cheek with her dainty claw, his lip slightly curling to reveal his pearly, white teeth. "I didn't vant to sit in kamp all day, I hadn't seen you at all today! Arrrrghh ! I'm vell avarrre of dangerrrs, zat I haven't rrran acrrross, but I vant to learrrn and memorrrize zis terrritorrry, it not as easy forrr me as it forrr you! Arrrrghh ! And I do karrre- I did not mean to give you hearrrt attack, Amunet." He began to respond with an angered tone, before he felt a sudden amount of weight on his back. It felt like Amuet was sitting on him! When he tried to get up, he couldn't budge, it felt like she was crushing him.

"Get off of me, Amunet! Arrrrghh !" He snapped, as he tried to move in some kind of way to get her off, ears flattened to his skull.


She turned her nose up with a frown still evident on her maw as her nose wrinkled a bit as she tried suppressing her anger towards Vladimir listening to him start getting angry at her. He had every right to be angry and want to go by himself to learn the territory on his own but the thought of him basically putting himself in danger was what made her worry the most, she had seen him in the worst of conditions and didn't want to end up seeing him half eaten or mauled by a mutated crocodile. She didn't think the part of her that actually cared could handle it, she drew a soft breath flicking her curved ears back seeing him peel his lips back to show off pearly whites at her which only seemed to make her angrier. She let out a soft growl "I know you don't want to be cooped up all day in camp but, do realize that I don't want to see danger coming in your way, Vladimir." There was a pause before she continued with a light shake of her cranium "I've already seen you in what seemed to be your worst conditions and I was surprised I was able to help you survive since I'm not a barb. . . I hate seeing you hurt. . . I hate seeing people hurt unless they deserved it. You didn't you, dimwit." Her once large pupils narrowed into dangerous slits as she continued to sit on top of him with a simple twitch of her whiskers unsure of what to say next as he protested that he did understand and in response, she'd harshly say "Do you really, Vladimir Murdock? Do you really understand?" She proceeded to get off of him giving an angry lash of her spotted tail unable to stop glaring at him and well, she didn't know why she was so trusting or why she let others get close to her even if it wasn't all that close to begin with. She hated the slightest feeling of vulnerability even if others probably didn't detect it at first glimpse they caught of her, the jaguar would set down on a smooth rock realizing that she had gotten mud on her paws but also on the cougar that was standing in front of her. She stifled a laugh but in it's place it was replaced by a snort, she inwardly winced since she was certain that no one that knew Amunet would she ever make that kind of noise.

She cleared her throat as she lifted up her forepaws to start shaking them in order to shake off most of the mud, her gaze still settled on Vlad watching him closely. "Besides, we don't really have outer clan alliances as of now. It's foolish to roam off by yourself, Murdock." She said returning her voice to a scolding tone and would curl her tail around her dainty, caked with mud paws as she added with another shake of her head "Do I need Moses to restrain you? I'm sure he wouldn't mind hugging the living daylights out of you." Her snake did anything she desired which was quite handy since no one would want to mess with a large python, the mention of the reptile made her miss him and she was certain that he was home curled up in a ball. She could be home reading away at some of her novels but, she had to go after Vladimir because she just so happened to be concerned for him "That and well, have you made any friendships in Tanglewood yet or any interactions at all? I know several have seen you but what if you go missing? What then? What if you never come back after going missing?" She sounded like a worried mother and well, she wasn't necessarily Vlad's mother.