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AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - Printable Version

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AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - harper - 07-09-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]harper
✭ — out beyond the blue there's a place for people too
A small sniff left the little girl as she pushed her glasses further up her nose, wide purple eyes scanning over the surrounding area. Was... this Cherry Springs? Harper had been told by another traveler along the road that, if she walked for long enough, she would reach a pretty place called Cherry Springs State Park, placed somewhere named Pennsylvania. She didn't know where Pennsylvania was, but apparently, it had some nice places to look at constellations. This place didn't look too different from the drawings and photographs she'd collected along her way, so maybe she'd made it? Wiping a running nose, the white feline glanced down at the pictures she held in her paw, holding up one of them to compare to the unfamiliar terrain. There was a strong scent of other people here, which she figured was good, since this place was supposed to, like, be a big deal, right? She couldn't help the slight feeling of dread that she may be in the wrong place. Shuffling a few maps, a little huff escaped her lips as she tried to keep a strong facade for herself. She was a woman. She could handle this. Besides, even if the child had taken a wrong turn somewhere, she wasn't so sure she'd be able to go back now.

Harper had left her family at the age of four months - one month ago, - to explore the world, meet new people, and find the best places in nature to kick back and look at the night sky. Of course, her parents hadn't approved of that, or understood. They never really had; not the stargazing, or the memories that didn't quite fit in with her life, or her preference to watch rather than to participate. So, when they wouldn't let her leave just by asking, she had left home in the night, leaving behind a little note that, one day, she'd come back and share with them all her stories. Now that she was here, though, maybe she wouldn't - maybe she'd find a place that actually accepted her for everything she was, and she wouldn't have to go back.

Harper forced herself forward, stopping only when the scent of the group that she would soon learn to be the Ascendants became strongest. She knew how territorial some groups could be, and a little girl like her, however strong she may be emotionally, had no chance against an angry gang or tribe. People must live here, then, right? Unless it was recently abandoned. Despite her mild nerves, the light-furred girl would raise her chin and call, "Hello? Can somebody help me?"


Re: AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - Simon F.M. - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The snowy white kitten wasn't really allowed to leave the observatory yet but, she was skilled at sneaking out unnoticed. The sound of another's calls caught her attention ans she pricked her ears. Part of her wanted to hide, fearing an angry stranger or someone who may not accept her. But, when she realized that the sound seemed to come from someone close to her own age, she slowly moved closer, crouched in a poorly done stalk. "He-hello? I'm Diya, may-maybe I can help you?" she offered, standing fully. She wondered if Big Brother Bastille would be proud of her for talking to people instead of hiding in her own shadow.

Re: AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - Luciferr - 07-09-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

honestly, who left children alone in this world?

Now Anzarel might not have any children but he had a whole herd of nieces and nephews - and great nieces and nephews given Lucifer's penchant to adopt whole groups like his mother before him - so one might say he had some experience with children and much like all grimm's had the same instinctual urge to punch any who'd do them harm into the outer stratosphere.

It's why when he'd spotted what may be a child sneaking off from above - and then meeting another child at the border - the new ascendant (and that was still an irony, one a species, one a clan) had tucked his wings and moved to land quietly before approaching the two with concern.

That one was Diya no? And from what he'd heard not supposed to be out, well someone's watchmen we're going to get an earful perhaps, but Anzarel ignored that for now simply shifting to nod to the little one before shifting attanetion to the newcomer - no parents? - "what help do you need child?" the low tenored voice asked concerned.


Re: AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - Roy Mustang - 07-09-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
The amount of children ending up at their border, alone might he add, has been quite a few lately. First there was Aaliyah(who was technically past the border, but still), Clementine, and now Harper. Roy couldn't help it but wonder how all three managed to go out on their own, whether it was intentional or not. One ended up getting by Roy himself(Aaliyah), the other was lost, and Harper has proven to be different than the two before her. First off, it wasn't like she lost her way, or was left here by a parent or guardian. She traveled by herself here, unknowingly to Roy, by studying the constellations in the night sky. She probably knew the risks and dangers she'd might endure while traveling by herself, and despite all of it, still went through with it.

The melanistic bobcat was the next one to pad in, arriving shortly after Anzarel. He glanced at the larger adult for a moment, before tearing his gaze away from him and onto Harper. His blue gaze almost instantly locked with her, raising an invisible eyebrow as he got a look of her appearance. She certainly appeared to be young, but not as young as the Snowbounder or Aaliyah. "What do you need?" He questioned as his ears drew back to his skull, eyes blinking.

Re: AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-09-2018

Setting out in the world with a stubborn nature and will to get away from home was something that Bastille could relate to. He'd left his mother's clan nearly as soon as he was able to, sick of feeling like everyone looked at him like he was a ghost of the lost, beloved girl. They doted on him and pretended to care, but they hugged him because she was Frenchie's son. He was nothing to them, particularly when his souls reared their nasty heads and his attitude took a sharp turn for the worse in those early months of life. It was quite liberating to finally walk away from everyone he didn't care about and the suffocating presence of a Clan. Maybe he would always be like Echo, in that way -- a wanderer at heart, never quite belonging to anywhere or anyone. He'd spent 7 months of his life alone, until he finally found himself on Starry's border.

But he had stayed, and he was still deciding if it was for better or worse, honestly. His take on it seemed to vary by the day. Perhaps this girl would be more certain of her decision to join them, he considered idly as he came to a stop beside Roy, gaze flickering over the young girl slowly. She was small, clearly not yet ready for training, but she had a fierce energy -- a will about her. She didn't want to stay home, he thought, and found himself smiling at her crookedly. Kindred souls. "Pretty sure everyone's already asked you enough what you need, so hi, I'm Bast."

Re: AIRPLANE MODE | open, joining - harper - 07-15-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]harper
✭ — out beyond the blue there's a place for people too
//me ? putting this off for a whole ass week ?? nahh

The sound of approaching pawsteps made Harper tense ever so slightly, though the first person to arrive was another little girl, one who looked around her age and even had the same fur as her. She was pretty, and probably harmless, Harper decided, after observing her for a moment. Allowing her muscles to relax, the lavender-eyed femme felt the traces of a smile dancing across her lips, her tail waving absent-mindedly behind her. "Hi," the child greeted quickly, licking her nose. "I'm Harper. I was, uh, wondering where I am?" If this wasn't her destination, what would she do? Should she just stay anyway? She didn't know how far she might be from Pennsylvania. Following after the girl - Diya, she called herself - was another person who she assumed was of this group, though he was much, much bigger and much, much more intimidating. It was fine, though. She'd seen worse, scarier, she reminded herself.

The white molly's ears flicked back slightly as he came over, essentially repeating the other child's question with no introduction. Harper opened her mouth to answer the question once more, but was interrupted by another arrival, a bobcat of sorts, who, once again was asking the exact same question as the other two. Harper couldn't help the slightly irritated twitch of her lip as Roy spoke, but she said nothing about it, repeating, "I was wondering where I was. I'm looking for a place called Cherry Springs- it's supposed to, uh, be a good place for, like stargazing and stuff?" If this wasn't the park she was looking for, maybe they had at least heard of it and they could direct her there. Following Roy was a grey tom, who gave a kind smile she couldn't help but return. He was older than her, but certainly still a boy- there seemed to be a lot more kids here than there was back home. "It's nice to meet you, Bast," Harper returned softly, bumping golden spectacles further up her nose. "My name's Harper."
