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FLESH AND BONE | MEETING 7.8 - Printable Version

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Bastille yawned as he took his usual place for meetings, having evidently stalled a bit during the day and eventually decided that he was late enough that he might as well just make it a night meeting. What could he say? Puking through the morning had taken the energy out of him and could be a bit distracting, one might say. But he eventually got his shit together, ran over what he needed to announce, and now here he was: ready for the meeting. Whatever.

"Meeting time," he called idly, not bothering to project too much. No need, really. They usually started to gather around once he took his place, which was good enough for him. He gave it another few moments before he carried on: "We gained Zjarr, Anz, Max, Cass, and Riza this week, so welcome. Also, introducing Simon's new name, Diya. And Carolina, I suppose, if you ever decide that you're going to be a part of us." He gave a slight roll of his eyes, because he was frankly losing patience with her, but it was his job to be welcoming and shit, he supposed. Even if she didn't deserver it. No one could ever claim he wasn't being the bigger person here, damnit. "Anyway... Anyone who needs a new pendant or beads can head to the July ceremonies. I'll be hosting weekly tasks this week, so look out for those too.

"Two promotions this week -- Caboose to Guardian."
A pause. "Washington, if you think you can actually listen to a damn thing I say, I'd like you to step up to Guardian, too. Shout out to Church." He cared on dismissively, evidently not horribly concerned with whether or not the soldier got his head out of his ass. (He was tired, okay?) "I'm knocking Rad down from Halo and simply giving her a Capricorn title. Sorry, boo. Rin is on soft warning." He considered for a moment and then added, "Suiteheart can give any other titles that I missed, but I think that's it this week."

A yawn, as he added, "Snowbound invited us to a festival, and we should be hosting a training session with them on the 11th. Not really sure where Becky is on the Tangle one, so I'll go ahead and check in on that. Otherwise, meeting dismissed."

Re: FLESH AND BONE | MEETING 7.8 - arcy - 07-09-2018

Caboose, as it happened, knew very, very little about clan life. This was pretty obvious to everybody around him, really. Partly because Caboose had never known a single thing in his entire life, and also because not once had Caboose asked questions or tried to figure out what was going on in any way at all. Despite all attempts, he wasn't any good at being subtle, so his confusion was always pretty apparent.
Anyways, it's pure luck that brings Caboose by the meeting place. He hasn't figured out the schedule for this stuff, of course, and doesn't entirely get the point. Once he mentally adds it to his schedule, though, he'll be very, very thorough about showing up on time. Now is not then, though.
When Caboose registers Bastille's shout, the canine lifts his head. It is, of course, delayed, but that's all you can really ask of him. It's not as professional or leader-like as the Suiteheart's the week before had been, though, so it takes Caboose a lot longer to register it as something important at all. In fact, he takes a few steps forward to leave for some reason before he eventually thinks better of it. Which is how Caboose finds himself flopped down to listen, tail wagging and as attentive as he could manage to be. This is to say, not very, and Caboose didn't really quite understand what was being talked about, either. A long, long list of names that Caboose doesn't know, and probably can't fully register as names. Caboose vaguely tilts his head, but continues to listen despite how muddled his head gets the more words he hears. Meetings, as it would seem, just wouldn't be Caboose's thing, solely because of how much was said. He would probably be able to appreciate the organization of it all in later days, if he ever managed to understand what was being talked about. Unlikely, but hopeful.
Caboose, after some few moments, has faded out of attention, but jolts back upon hearing his name, blinking in puzzlement. Guard ... ian. Promoted? It was about him? Promoted? He was important now???? What was he guarding, though!! Caboose's puzzlement is clear, even though the Retriever's tail is already wagging pretty hard. Washingtub and Church!!! are mentioned too, but that's less important. Things that are also not very important to Caboose are whatever this leader-cat-person is talking about now, because he definitely doesn't get that either. Knocking down? Snowboon?????  The helmeted canine tilts his head further, but doesn't speak up. Doesn't even really say anything. It's not terribly frequent that Caboose speaks up, anyways, just 'cause people would get maaddd if he said stuff for no reasoonn, even though he did anywaayss a lot of the timee. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Caboose, despite the dismissal, merely sits up and lets out a very, very soft woof of some sort and that's kind of. All. Meetings confused him a lot, but that was okay!!! He got confused by a lotta things.

Re: FLESH AND BONE | MEETING 7.8 - Luciferr - 07-09-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Anz simply lingered near the back of the meeting - at his size it was easy to see from anywhere and he'd rather not obscure anyone's view - the God merely inclining his head as his name was shouted out amidst those newly joined.

A festival might be interesting though - or at least what kind they had here, festivals back home had often been grand things when the entire empire was all in on it, considering they had so few days where they could celebrate and not simply fight an endless war.

Anzarel tipped his head and mu died a "congratulations" to those mentioned in titles and promotions as courtesy.


Re: FLESH AND BONE | MEETING 7.8 - Zjarr - 07-09-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The cyborg wolf would still dare to show his face amidst a sea of hatred, no matter how much those enraged glares bore into him like bullets. Regardless of the recent tension, he was still going to be a citizen here, a member of the Ascendants. And as such he felt that he was expected to understand who's who and any events that had occurred or would be occurring in the future. This was why the demon could be seen lumbering over, his unnaturally heterochromatic hues fixated on the Astral Seraph, Bastilleprisoner, as he spoke. He did not feel at home, sitting in the midst of the Grand Circle and surrounded by those who despised him but had never met him before. He'd have to make it feel like home, because this would be his home. Maybe they'll need a blacksmith anyway.

Well, there was nothing that particularly stood out to the male, frankly. Promotions, demotions, warnings, some events that were planned out, all that jazz that Zjarr was already used to after being a regular in Clan life for so many years. "Noted 'n' congratulations," the canine murmured softly, his ear twitching as his muscles began to tense just a little. Part of him wanted to get the hell out of here and retreat before he was confronted by some sort of vicious mob, but another part of him considered the thought to be ridiculous and paranoid. Well, not entirely. Alas, he finally settled on scooting off before any sort of disorderly troubles were incited, rising to his full height and dipping his head very briefly before turning off and slowly making his way back to his somewhat empty quarters. Didn't seem like this meeting had any reason to prolong itself anyway.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: FLESH AND BONE | MEETING 7.8 - Warringkingdoms - 07-09-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/ic opinions ahead

  She had missed the last two meetings, which she suspected wasn’t going to look very good to Bast. Not that she could blame him- if anyone needed to be around more than the Seraph, it was the Cleric. The Cleric was supposed to be on top of everything to best keep everyone safe, after all.

  Arriving at the scene, Rin took a seat beside Caboose. As Bastille introduced the new individuals and mentioned the new promotees, she nodded. ”Welcome to the Ascendants, and congratulations,” she offered, adjusting her scarf. They had quite a few new faces, it seemed.

  At Bastille referring to Radeken as “boo,” Rin couldn’t help but shake her head. It was probably for the best that they didn’t have a drug dealer in charge of official medical business anymore. ”Noted, I’ll step it up,” she added in regards to her own warning.

  Then there was the festival and the Tanglewood mock raid, and that was all. With a shrug, she stayed put, in case anyone else happened to mention something.


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[div style="text-align: justify; width: 53%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Bex wandered up to the meeting place, and seated herself down towards the back. Meeting were uh, interesting... kinda boring, actually. Were these things mandatory? Did she have to be here? Perhaps. It was probably a good idea to attend the meetings anyways, as Bex didn't want to miss anything important and end up confused. She knew that just a few minutes of boredom was worth it so that she could be in the know. As for this meeting in particular, well, it was mostly just promotions, shoutouts, and such. At least the festival thing with snowbound sounded like fun to the outgoing collie. "Noted, and congratulations to those promoted," she woofed, managing a smile as she silently decided that she'd check out the festival and see what that was all about.


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He didn't really call these meetings. Instead he called them debriefings. A term that he was actually used to. Meetings were something different in his mind as they usually consisted of the higher ranked officers and only them and nothing else. Washington knew that his wasn't the case here, so debriefing was the next best thing to call whatever the hell this was. Washington was never late to the likes of a debriefing, as he was working on gathering as much information as he could for Carolina. This way she wouldn't have interacted with as many as she usually would and there would probably be less violence because of it. Washington was trying to be the neutral party but it was hard to do when basically no one was believing him. The Freelancer sat himself down not really next to anyone. Although he was somewhat close to Caboose considering that was the only really familiar face that was around. He wouldn't expect Carolina to be around here as it would just cause more drama that would give him more of a headache. As usual most of the announcements that were made didn't really make sense to him. It probably made sense to everyone else in the outpost but not him. Caboose was promoted. Wait. Caboose? Out of everyone else they promoted Caboose? He honestly didn't see why the likes of Caboose was promoted when the other got confused so much, but he wasn't about to start an argument like that. And then he was promoted. That was certainly a surprise with recent events. But the recent events had certainly taken its toll. He didn't respect Bastille as much as he used to, and since he was more likely to refuse orders it meant that he wasn't going to treat Bastille the same either. Which the other probably would like or dislike it didn't matter to the Freelancer. "Oh. Okay." Washington would state, not saying thanks to what Bastille said, but no one should consider that surprising as Caboose also didn't say thank you for his promotion, so there was no reason for him to either. He got promoted though. That was a good thing for both him and Carolina if they wanted to get anything out of this outpost. Did he know what that rank meant? Of course not. The meeting was dismissed and Washington got up onto his paws, turning to look toward Caboose with a raised eyebrow toward the canine. "Caboose the meeting is uhh- dismissed. You don't have to stay here." Washington would say calmly, still trying to figure out exactly how the hell to talk to the other male with him understanding. If Caboose wanted to follow him out of the meeting that was fine with him, but if he wanted to stay that was also fine. He needed to go and find Carolina so he could debrief her on the debriefing. Now that just sounded odd. Hopefully they would get over all of this and they could stop playing telephone. The armored smilodon left the area as soon as it was said that the meeting was dismissed as it just meant that there was nothing else to be said.


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