Beasts of Beyond
THIS WILL NEVER END - intro - Printable Version

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THIS WILL NEVER END - intro - NABULIONE S.C. - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Exactly fifteen years ago on this date, Nabulione - no, Cav, he has friends here that tend to toss his mouthful of a name aside - was shipped away from home to seek better things. He remembers this date because occasionally maman will write him, tell him to send her little French trinkets to remind of her of her little soldier, tell him to come home one day with a fortune, with a reason to take his eldest brother's wasted squirreled-away inheritance. Sometimes she will send him raging paragraphs demanding why he let her be rid of him, so early, so young and afraid, so far away from the family. Sometimes he casts these letters into the fire. Other times, he holds her handwriting close and weeps.

Today, fifteen years after the day he boarded a ship for a school that would cast him aside for better men, he drinks. From a flask tucked in the breast pocket of his greatcoat, rather than visiting the local pub, but he drinks no less. It is a grim celebration of losses and gains, and when he settles upon a bench to await the spreading warmth to reach his fingertips he thinks his one-man party to be fitting. He was born in a foreign land to a family that was rich among the poor, but still mere peasants among the mainlanders - eight siblings, a priest-bound firstborn and a gambler of a father later, his mother set her sights on the second born and prayed he'd make her proud. With what little they could scrape together she paid his tuition and sent him off with little else to look forward to.

And thus here Nabulione Cavarelli seated himself, metal flask dangling from his fingertips, career faltering at his middling age. He'd done well for himself, he thought, considering the splintered Blackfall members invading their homestead, the mutants and strangers. At least he'd avoided entangling himself with that bunch for the time being. A hum leaves his lips, something only half-contented; there was a chance, perhaps, that sitting idly in public would warrant the attention of some of their current Blackfall occupants, but he didn't see a reason to pick a fight when there was little but recent politics to squabble over. They had not pillaged he city, did little damage but arrive at the gates and stage a small-scale attack, so his feelings towards the whole fiasco were edging on neutral at best.

Re: THIS WILL NEVER END - intro - Character Graveyard. - 07-09-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Seven years ago, Abella had been sitting by her mother's side, awaiting the birth of her baby sister, Alexandria- as her father had gone on a trip for his work. She had cared for Alex since her birth, educating her, feeding her, raising her- since their parents had grown incapable of doing that. Then- the war started with Blackfall. A fire had been caused by one of the mutants and the whole house had burnt to the ground, killing Abella's parents and sister while they slept. Abella had spent months rebuilding that house with her boyfriend, Leon. Afterward- he'd been captured and killed by the enemy. He was buried behind the house, next to her sister's grave.

The short-haired woman had been walking the streets of Griffingate, keeping her head down so she wouldn't draw any attention of the Blackfallen towards her. She despised those mutants. They just need to get the hell out of Griffingate and stick to their own business, instead of bothering the monarchy and forcing the problems to be fixed. In her personal opinion, Abella blamed Frederick slightly for letting the lower classes go without food, clothes, or any help- though she would rather die before she said she agreed with Cain and his fellow Blackfallen.

She had caught notice of Nabulione sitting on a step, drinking away, so she had decided to go up to a nearby wall and she leaned against it, though she kept silent.

Re: THIS WILL NEVER END - intro - Character Graveyard. - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Abella would blink as she watched Sola approach, noticing the other woman mainly focusing on the man who sat a few feet away. How curious. It appeared the two strangers had some sort of chemistry between them, or perhaps their relationship was rather, complicated. "Hello." She said back to Sola, before she had seen the motion the other made with her hand, inviting her over.

The short-haired female would stand up straight and walk over to the other two, slowly taking a seat next to the brunette- allowing herself to relax, though her resting-bitch-face had remained on her facial features.