Beasts of Beyond

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[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He really didn't want to this. The last thing he wanted to see right now was some damn medic that was going to tell him everything that he already needed to know. What would have made it worse was someone telling him that he was going to need to take some kind of therapy. Which he probably would have needed but wasn't willing to take when there was so much work to be doing. He was glad that Carolina didn't decide to come with him, as he isn't sure how he was going to act being around another medic. The last time he had decided to be messed with medics, was when he got a computer put into his head. It was something that he thought was going to be fine because no other Freelancer had to deal with that problem. Only he had to. Washington had the wrong idea though when the computer program tried to kill itself while it was still inside of his head. He would have ripped it out himself if the medics hadn't sedated him before he could damage the AI. And it was because of that damn AI that he was the way that he was right now. He had lost a significant amount of his memories because of the thing, and not only that he had new memories that were no longer his own. But his mind thought they were so he was reacting to said memories like he would his own. Which just didn't make all that much sense to him, and he had hid this issue since he had arrived in this outpost, and planned on continuing to hide it.

The only reason he was here was because Bast had told him to be, and he was only going to appease the guy to hopefully get him off of Carolina's and Washington's back. The Freelancer didn't know how long he had been standing out in front of the curtains that he was instructed to go to. He had never been here before, and the former human wasn't about to believe the healing methods that they used actually worked. His plan was to get in and then get out without any issues. The armored smilodon made his way through the curtains, carefully, since he wasn't exactly sure where he was. The soldier made sure that there were no threats in rooms he was about to enter, and he stood just past the curtains. His body language showed that he was tense, and he was certainly physically exhausted. What he would give to take a small nap and go from there. Washington blinked his golden eyes behind the helmet that hid all of his facial features. Who was he even meeting? No one told him. "Uhh hello? My name is Agent Washington. I was told to come here to get 'checked out'". There was obviously bitterness to the way that Washington felt. He was glad that he couldn't smell the way that this place smelled as he saw all the supplies on the shelves. He was getting anxious. He didn't want to be here. He closed his eyes and focused his thoughts on something else. Focused on the tasks that he was going to have to do soon. Plan out his strategy on how he was going to get them done. Either way, the lion-sized animal stood there, not saying anything else. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: