Beasts of Beyond
oof hello - Printable Version

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oof hello - elliot - 07-08-2018

hi everyone i'm elliot!  i came from ff where i went by faux/indigo/etc and i played a lot of characters that aren't very well known but my longest-held ones were jericho, autopilot, magni, uhhh i can't remember any more but.  yeah i've been rping for like seven years so i'm not new to the concept i'm just new to the site but i'm excited to be here!

Re: oof hello - axiom - 07-08-2018

heyyy welcome to bob !!

i remember magni, he led sunclan for a bit, right? i played domeric right around that time, i think? ha my memory is pretty shit tho

Re: oof hello - rakue - 07-08-2018

welcome to bob elliot!! i went by rakue over on ff, i played characters like sam from wc when u had autopaw and hana in blizz (im not sure if you were in blizz during that time though??) im so glad youve decided to join us omg
if you have any questions or want to plot or something just hmu man

Re: oof hello - april . - 07-09-2018

hey elliot, welcome to bob! magni sounds VERY familiar but i dont think i joined sunclan for the first time until like maybe last year, so i don't think i was around when he was leader. either way, it's nice to have you here and if you have any questions, my PM box is always open! : D

Re: oof hello - Cheeters - 07-10-2018

hEY ELLIOT!!! i'm sure you don't remember me lmao but i was in sunclan with darius and i believe he was related to magni(uncle??) and i really liked magni as well as jericho! it's wonderful that you decided to join us and i hope you enjoy it here! if you ever wanna plot (i got only my pirate loser pinch oof) or just talk, feel free to pm me! (^:

Re: oof hello - Orion - 07-10-2018

welcome to the site, elliot. as the others said, i'm here if you need anything  <3

Re: oof hello - elliot - 07-12-2018

me: hi im joining! can't wait to be active here :)
me, for exactly four days:

anyways thank you all for the warm welcome!! domeric definitely sounds familiar and i LOVED sam and darius omg... i'm really excited to rp here once i figure out what i'm doing lmao :'^)

Re: oof hello - ace - 07-13-2018

ahhh hello!!!! it's arty from ff, i had dodger!! i totally rmb magni and jericho , welcome 2 the site!!!! if ur ever inch rested in human rp, my friends n i have a new group, u can find the guide here!!! i hope u have a good time on tittysite!!!

Re: oof hello - Orion - 07-16-2018

just let me know if you need any help! new environments are pretty scary lmao