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CURE FOR SUMMER | Open - Printable Version

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CURE FOR SUMMER | Open - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

While his compatriots were no doubt melting or in various stages of passing out in the heat, Anzarel was perfectly untouched - the great beast simply lying down half in sunlight half in shade under the nearby near crisp dry branches of a low hanging tree, the blistering heat of the day did little to deter him from moving having spent the night wide awake and wandering under the stars, the god Was simply idly dozing where he lay, one porcelain ear flicking lightly as the only sign of movement.

One might wonder how Anz stayed unbothered by such heat - and the truth was, the Order ascendant was simply a natural cooler, much like his nephew though less the cold of the void and more the deep cool of a slowly declining temperature gauge and much unlike his grand nephew, whom was more a living furnace - though able to withstand heat stroke with his own control of his inward temperature, something they all had truthfully.

But Anz was among those in his family that seemed to exude that natural cold touch, same as his sister - though perhaps that came from being born of the dark ocean above, who knew.

So here he lay quietly dozing and unaware as a sweating Observer wandered closer to his shaded area and carefully skirte him to try and get their own spot,

Or well they did until they noticed the unnatural cold and grew curious - curious enough to sidle slowly closer to the much larger beast and gently poke his side - surprised at the coldness, they cast a wary glance, but Anzarel was still lightly dozing, so they shrugged and shifted closer, the much much smaller cat carefully cuddling to the side of the beast and simply lying there basking in the cold.

Who knew the big guy was a natural cooler huh? The observer tittered quietly, only quieting when the beast shifted idly, one wing nearly over twice his length stretching outwards to lie against the sun parched grass.

The observer eyed him dubiously for a few seconds before shrugging, turning away and settling quietly - never look a gift horse in the mouth after all and it truly was too hot not to take the chance.

/tl,dr - it is hot af for many of us, so this thread is some cool vibes aka go dogpile Anz bc he's a natural cooler and a miracle in a v hot day, I BLAME U ARC.


Re: CURE FOR SUMMER | Open - Cosmic - 07-09-2018

It was so fucking hot. I needed to find some shade, or at the very least, a resting area. Heat was never good for me, as I had a very bad tendency to overheat and get heat exhaustion. Very bad juju. But I had been walking for a while, my paws nearly dragging along the ground when I spotted Anzarel, who seemed relatively unbothered by the weather. The hell was this?

I curiously approached, then stopped. I didn't feel much body heat coming from him. At least, not as much as other creatures like true mammals. Was... he a zombie? Fuck. I reached out to curiously poke him with a paw, prepared to jump back as quick as possible if he decided to strike.

If no retaliation came, I would tap the soft ground, a small, barely audible noise escaping my maw as I tried to figure out what the next move was going to be.

Without warning, I went with my first impulse: I tried to climb up on top of Anzarel, trying to keep cool. If successful, I would feel instant relief and say without thinking,


Re: CURE FOR SUMMER | Open - BASTILLEPAW - 07-09-2018

It was pretty fucking hot out, but Bastille wasn't too torn up about it. If things got particularly awful, he could hide in the cooler rooms of the Observatory, taking solace in the fact that electricity means AC. Or he could go down to the Starpool. Heat just meant that he sweat out more energy when he trained, which was fine by him, honestly. Nevertheless, he was intrigued to stand by and see an Observer poking at Anz. After watching for a bit, Bast noted the temperature dropping in his presence, and arched a brow.

Huh. Interesting.

He tossed a glance in Play's direction, before yawning and carrying on his way. This seemed like it could get touchy-feely real quick, and he wasn't about that.

Re: CURE FOR SUMMER | Open - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

put it down to insomnia, but Anzarel was tired enough not to feel it when player clambered up his back.

Considering the size difference whether he was more alert he probably also wouldn't have noticed - though when she did slump, one pink iris cracked open lightly and peered upwards catching the barest sight of a paw - and then his ears caught the word and he was lucky to still be so sleepy that he didn't immediatly start.

As it was, he simply files that away for later - sure enough he'd once had many under his figurative and not so figurative wings, he'd never had children no but he supposed he'd had many adoptive children if for lack of better term - and he had been an uncle to Ambriel's frankly large amount of children.

So he merely slid his eye closed again, content to continuing lazing in the half shade - ears twitching as Bastille - he'd recognise that aura - padded closer and then away likely busy considering his position and likely how many had issues to bring up.