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just be like that ☀ face painting - Printable Version

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just be like that ☀ face painting - arcy - 07-08-2018

So maybe Izuku's idea for the festival wasn't .. the easiest or the best. He wasn't exactly in any place to be hosting it with the colors and his paws. Luckily though, Izuku still had one uninjured paw, and if he was careful in his balancing he wouldn't have to put weight on his injured leg. So! He was fine. And face painting was fun. Besides, if people didn't want their face painted or just anything else, he had a little corner dedicated to other arts and crafts. Mostly just drawing, but also some other things, Izuku hadn't really been able to scrounge up a ton.
"If, um, if anybody wants their face painted, over here!" Izuku normally would not care about how skewed this entire mini-event is but, well, this was for all of the clans. Or, well, their allies and neutrals. God, he was doomed. But still, he squeezes his eyes shut and fumbles around with his little table of supplies. Maybe he could paint his own face while he waited. Good practice. Maybe yellow. Not any specific thing he was gonna paint, just .. something. Hm.
//mostly retro to sickness hh
what was i worth

Re: better in the worst way ☀ face painting - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-08-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Even though Izuku technically shouldn't be doing this, Atbash couldn't help but feel relieved and happy that he was doing an event for the Dancing Lights festival. He seemed to be going out of his comfort zone a bit, and she was proud of him, though he was practically forced to leave his comfort zone, hadn't he? "Hey, Izuku!" Atbash greeted as she came over, her body practically exploding with happiness and excitement. "Thanks for setting this up! Do you think you can do a little butterfly on my cheek?" Something little, so he didn't have to move around too much. Hopefully.
bio | female | chief [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: better in the worst way ☀ face painting - galexiux - 07-08-2018

  Cry swooped beside Atbash, landing in the frozen dirt. The raven whined, her face scrunching up. Face paint? She echoed, looking up at Izuku with desperation, Seriously? She was not one for physical contact. Even back home, she complained when anyone besides her family touched her. Which was the absolute worst when you were this cute tiny creature with fluffy hair and big eyes that worked at a cafe. Everyone wanted to pet her; it was the WORST. The bird sighed. Fine. Sacrifice for your friends.

  She inhaled, taking a few steps towards the green cat. Sacrifice for your friends. She opened her eyes. I'm not sure how it'll work on feathers, but go nuts, i guess. There. She was an open canvas. Touch away..... eugh...


Re: just be like that ☀ face painting - TSUYU. - 07-09-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Midoriya had been pretty good at drawing from what she saw of his journals that he had showed his classmates, so she wasn't worried about the drawings coming out terrible. What she was worried about though, was the fact that she'd probably wash it all away.

Making her way over to her previous classmate, Tsuyu's tongue stuck out of her mouth a little as she tilted her head, watching the group talk amongst themselves. Charcoal eyes seemed blank for a moment, before she spoke up in a happy voice. "I'll watch, I'm afraid I'll lick the paint away." She croaked, obviously joking but her sense of humor was very bland and dry.