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AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Printable Version

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AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Roy Mustang - 07-07-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
[ AU: y/c turns into a human while still in Ascendants!! ;o;
Roy's outfit reference: click ]

When Roy opened his eyes, as the sun light shined into his room, he felt different. The room felt smaller than what he's used to, as if he grew overnight. For so long, Roy was used to be confined to a body of a bobcat. Roy would have wondered if he was a tiger again, but even as a tiger, the room felt large. Plus, he felt cold on the top of his bed, as if he didn't have fur covering his body. And then, it all clicked in his head, the puzzle pieces coming together in his brain. While this feeling is different than what he's been used to for three months, that didn't mean he didn't recognize it. Human, he has to be human. Laying in bed, Roy lifted his shaking hand, bringing it in view to his face. As his hand came into view, his gaze locked on his gloved hand, his heart beginning to beat in his chest. I'm human. He thought to himself, as he forced his body to sit up, That must have been some horrible dream... But when Roy stood up onto his feet, he wasn't expecting himself to stumble at his balance. As he stumbled, he quickly leaned onto the wall, realizing how shaky his legs were.

Wait, if this was all one big dream, then why does it feel like I haven't walked in months? He thought to himself as his eyes began to scan the room, eyes freezing on Maes's urn and his bedside stand that had his pendant resting on it. No. He thought to himself as his eyes widened with surprise, looking over his shoulder to see Aaliyah's small bed unoccupied. "It was all real! I'm still in the Ascendants!" He muttered with shock, eyes full of expression that screamed denial. He was human again. He was no longer a bobcat, but he isn't home. "There's still no way to go home..." He muttered as he realized the situation he was in, looking out his doorway. While he might be human again, it's still impossible for him to go home. Amestris will continue to live on, unaware that the Flame Alchemist is alive and well, but stuck.

Roy didn't get to think much more on the top as he began to hear others crying out in the observatory, pulling his thoughts away for a moment. Well, it seems like the tables have turned. He can hear some cries from groupmates yelling things about being human, crying for help. They're finally going through his shows, and this time, he's in theirs. They don't know how to function as a human, and he does. They probably need his help. Roy closed his eyes and shoved his disappointed emotions to the side, as he began to walk forward. Roy was wearing a blue military uniform, stylized for the early 1900s, while wearing a black overcoat. He had jet black hair, pale skin, and dark colored eyes. At first, his few steps were rigid, but quickly they became normal as he made his way to the center of the observatory, unable to recognize his groupmates new appearances. "Alright! Who's who?" He commanded with a loud voice, raising his right hand into the air and snapping his fingers. Quickly after, his ignition gloves caused a spark, a controlled flame heading straight into the air above him with a crack. Not long after, the flames died off as he lowered his arm to his side, hoping he grabbed everyone’s attention.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Pele N. F. I. - 07-07-2018

[Image: solar_system_by_king_lulu_deer-db47d80.gif]
[Face/hair ref: X(just with her heterochromia)][outfit ref: X]

When Pele woke up, her bed felt too small, the sheet felt too tight and margy's necklace was three rings into choking her. When she went to get up however, she was taller, and then she was falling. The floor hurt like hell, but yet everything felt..smooth. She 'walked'(crawled really) over to her mirror, and the sight before her nearly made her hurl out of disgust.

She was a human, those monsters that hunted them. The ones that were probably nothing like the ones that wrote the books. What was worse, her horns and her wings had vanished. You could see dark frecklings where her markings had once been, flecked over her nose and cheeks, dusting her arms and what little leg showed.

Screaming was the first thing she heard, but she was too scared, mortified, to even try, getting her door open with these odd hands and crawling outside her door. Its not like she knew how to walk on two legs, much less in the odd things on her feet.
© [color=white]MADI

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Luciferr - 07-08-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

/pre much avatar, pale white, black hair with a white streak tho, short and his eyes stay the same - an this is a rough outfit ref: x (though the cape would fade from white to galaxy patterned black in my mind, with the centre pendant a white/gold dragon with pink eyes)

It was strange - at least in this verse - to go to bed as one thing and then wake up entirely different, but to Anzarel this was rather surprising mostly because he'd thought he'd lost this particular form. Staring at his vaguely claw tipped hands, eyebrows rising in surprise, he raised one of them to feel his hair - ah no such luck, no horns - and coupled with no feeling of extra weight at his back, he guessed - no wings either.

so no, maybe he hadn't regained this form - so much as now resembled it sans all the extra that pointed to his more otherworldly nature, human in truth perhaps.

he got up - briefly noting, he was still certainly taller than the average human though not pushing nine feet, more a solid 6.5, so some things seemed universal no matter his form, he'd always be something of a giant, he snorted - at least he wouldn't have trouble with high cupboards.

glancing around he found what he was searching for - a mirror,

which confirmed quite a bit, he wore his old uniform, lightly armoured in places but more a formal wear for when he wasn't actually out in the field, tearing through vanguardians - not that it had stopped him from doing so before, the golden claws were designed to cause trauma rather than just look mildly threatening and ornate.

he ran a ragged clawed glove through black hair - a singular large streak of white cutting through it - styling it to look less like the bed head it had been - before the screams caused him to start and whirl around, cape swishing behind him - and idly he wondered if his outfit might raise questions - the emblem clearly held a dragons head that held vague similarities to his eyes and markings, he pushed the thoughts away, they weren't important right now.

of course striding in that direction brought him across Roy whom he merely nodded to "Anzarel" he said - hurriedly confirming his identity before he moved away to check up on all the rooms for surely with the horror seemingly abounding, there were many in shock.

stopping before a door he knocked and got no response, with worry, he entered and stopped finding her on the floor, he did not know this one - still he moved swiftly crouching beside her and trying to get her to snap out of it.

"My lady, are you quite alright?" his tone was as soothing as could be managed with his deep baritone but concern glimmered in his mismatched eyes, said eyes perhaps the best guess to who he was given the unique nature "I do not know you sadly and you likely know not I, being new here will do that I imagine, I am Anzarel - and this phenomena seems to have happened to all of us, take comfort my lady, you aren't alone in this strange happenstance at least" he tried to reassure her considering she seemed to be struck quiet with horror perhaps.

he paused to let that sink in before attempting to gently catch her arms "Now I imagine walking will be strange, I will help you if you wish?"

/lmao he talks so old timey.


Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Margaery - 07-08-2018

When Margaery sat up that morning, the first thing she became acutely aware of was the long, chestnut colored hair that spilled over her shoulders. A shaking hand would rise to touch it hesitantly, fingers running through it before they found a leg, an arm, a face. What was going on? She certainly had retired to bed as a feline, curling up next to Suiteheart before sleep claimed her. Oh! Suiteheart! What had happened to her wif- One quick glance told her everything she needed to know and, frightened now, she gently touched Suite's arm.[b] "Darling, I don't mean to wake you, but something has happened," She said softly, a frown traversing her pale complexion. Margaery wasn't opposed to the idea of being a human, but she definitely did consider it new. Unfamiliar. Even uncomfortable.

She could hear her clanmates too, crying and shouting words of confusion. It appeared as if everyone had fallen victim to this latest development and Margaery, in spite of her sleeping wife and her desire to be there when she woke up, couldn't help but make her way to Roy and the other's. She wore some flowing, blue dress that fit her body as if it were made for it, golden roses adorning the skirt part of it. Margaery certainly saw the article of clothing as beautiful but didn't hardly have enough time to truly appreciate it when she head Roy's inquiry. "Margaery, it's Margaery," She half-greeted half introduced, raising a hand to brush some hair out of her face.

"This is your domain, is it not? Explain to us everything we need to know about being human," Margaery continued softly, her voice trailing off. She had just now remembered her vampirism and with such, came an increased awareness of the blood flowing through everyone who surrounded her. Her beastly urges felt heightened and for a moment, all she wished to do was sink her fangs into the throats of her friends. She could feel her face contorting too, the veins under her eyes darker now, protruding crudely against her skin. Reign yourself in, Margaery, you can do it, She assured herself. The taller woman refused to give into her urges and luckily, her bloodlust began to fade. "Thank god."

Unless this was some sort of twisted dream they were all sharing, nobody would benefit from a lapse in Margaery's control. She just hoped they discovered a solution to this soon... she didn't think she could hold herself back as well as she did as a feline.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - axiom - 07-08-2018

When she woke, it wasn't to the walls of the observatory like the rest of them. The raptor pack chose to live in a large hollowed out tree within the forest, putting a bit of distance between them and the strangely powered animals of the mammal pack. Her body caked in dirt, Delta's brown eyes opened as she woke up - naturally, prepared to hunt already. But something seemed amiss; her body usually wasn't this warm so early in the day; usually she needed to raise her body temperature after a cool night in the shade before she properly felt the hunger start to rise.

Lifting herself off the ground, she swayed and caught herself by bracing a shoulder against the bark. Her body felt light; her dark eyes narrowed as she shook her head. Bristling as she felt hair against her skin, the feral creature sharply inhaled as she looked down at her hands. Fleshy, pale fingers greeted her, with dirt caked beneath her fingernails. Eyes widening, she tilted her head to the right in confusion as she continued to scan down her body; inexplicably, she seemed to be in the form of a damned human. It made no sense; then again, it also made no sense how human weapons worked or how some animals could wield flames. Perhaps this happened as a result of that?

Awkwardly shifting on her feet, she found it difficult to balance in this waif form; though she could see her eyesight remained roughly on the same level as before, her lack of excessive muscle and thick scales made for quite an annoying time. She could barely manage to balance without the assistance of her tail as a counterweight; not to mention, the tender skin on the soles of her feet produced sensations of pain whenever she stepped on anything mildly sharp.

Where were her sisters? Where was anything familiar? Her senses felt muted, as though the air turned into muddy water. Her sense of smell, usually keen enough to detect carrion or her sisters within a few kilometers distance, barely picked up anything besides the morning dew and the dirt of her den. Her hearing, too, felt as though someone stuffed wads of worms in her ears - every chirp of the birds sounded two dimensional compared to the heightened sense she held before.

"GRAHHHH!" she shrieked, trying to call out to her sisters. But her throat completely failed to make the sounds she used for their old communication. Instead, her scream sounded low and guttural at first, but gave way to a higher-pitched shriek as her vocal cords couldn't produce such a deep sound for long.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - BASTILLEPAW - 07-08-2018

The sounds of shouting and the steady rise of alarm in the air is what woke him up, and with a groan, the Seraph rolled sideways out of bed. Except that he fell significantly less gracefully, additional weight making the decent clunky, and he let out a startled noise when he found himself sitting on the ground staring down at human fingers. A beat as he blinked down at them, thoughts processing a bit sluggishly, before he lifted his head and stared into the mirror across the room. The only thing he recognized were his pale blue eyed, but the rest? Definitely not. ”What the fuck?” he asked aloud, though his voice was low and there was no increase in his pulse. This was all very confusing and weird, but Bast was extraordinarily calm about it. He knew Grimm had weird stories of transformations. He was a shapeshifter, after all. His powers were very likely on the fritz, and with a sigh, he pushed himself to his feet.

As he headed out into the Circle, however, he quickly got the impression that he had either relapsed without knowing it and was high as fuck, or this had happened to everyone. He didn’t pass a single animal, only confused and panicked people bearing familiar auras. Great. Groaning, he pushed a hand through his new found mop of curls and stopped to ask an Observer what the fuck was going on. She just gave him a weird look and a shake of her head, distressed with this situation, and Bast let her go before regarding the hallway. Huh. Why did everyone else seem to wake up in full clothes? Were they not asleep when it happened? He glanced down and shook his head in annoyance, shoving over the door to the Basement and resolutely making his way towards the cluster of very familiar auras. He was busy trying to conjure a fucking shirt as he went, forced to think back to memories and glance at others to get an idea of what he needed before he finally had one in his hands, successful.

”This is fucked,” he greeted ruefully, not needing people to announce themselves. He knew their auras. He fumbled with untangling the shirt in his hands and dragged it over his head, annoyed that the movements weren’t quite as graceful as his normally were. Changing species would do that to you, he supposed. His curls stuck up messily from forcing the shirt on, and he shook it out as he added, ”I don’t think everyone here is a shifter, nor would it make sense for everyone to have changed at once. Somethings messed.”

With human hearing, the screaming didn’t reach him from outside. There was a tinge of distress that zinged through the air though, and he sensed it vaguely, his head going up as he glanced towards the wall with a slight scowl. Confused members out in the bunker? Perhaps.

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Cosmic - 07-08-2018

I was already sick of being an animal, and it hadn't even been a month yet. I tossed and turned all night until at least 5 AM or something before I fell asleep, only to be abruptly awoken with a scream. Several, to be exact.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands.



I looked down, and a grin lit up my entire face. I ran out of my room, smiling so hard my face would have surely fell off if it weren't for the laws of this world. I was so happy to be myself again, even though I still had The Marker on my shoulder to identify me, as well as the various scars I had earned over the years of my existence.

"Guys! Guys! I'm human again! Oh my god!"

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Suiteheart - 07-08-2018

The gentle touch of her wife scarcely stirred Suiteheart from her slumber. She simply brushed her Margy's hand away in favor of a few more minutes of sleeping. Her movements felt odd, heavier. In her half-awake mind, she wondered if she had shifted into a polar bear in the middle of the night, but this felt different. Much different. Margaery's words reached her, and Suite sat up, catching the distress in Margaery's tone. When her eyes finally adjusted the dim light around her (which was... so strange because her eyes usually didn't take long at all to become used to the varying levels of light she lived in), they widened in confusion. Margaery was... human.

Suite was human too.

"What the fuck?" she asked, hands moving to touch her own face. She found no fur. Instead, soft and silky skin greeted her. Blonde hair adorned her head. Her hands immediately flew to her neck where her silver locket and pendant rested, each seeming more like a choker than a true necklace. An incredibly puzzled look crossed her features as Margaery slipped from their room, into the hallways.

Suiteheart could faintly hear yelling, but she couldn't make out the words. Her hearing was terrible in this form! What the fuck? She had spent months upon months in the company of humans while she lived in the city. She had watched them move about their daily lives. From all the shit they did, she figured they would have been a little bit better than it actually was. Admittedly, she was a little let down. "This is somehow worse than being a polar bear," the now blonde woman laughed in spite of herself, standing.

Clad in black jeans and a simple gray shirt, she made her way towards the commotion. The boots she was wearing at her feet seemed clunky, and they thundered heavily against the floor of the Observatory. When she finally arrived to the gathered group, she was shocked to see everyone was human. She stopped beside Margaery, slipping her hand into the other woman's - she had seen this countless times in the city, and besides that, it somehow felt right.

"It's Suite. And can someone please tell me this isn't gonna be permanent?" the Admiral queried, furrowing her eyebrows. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all our former humans, but this is... Wow. Is this how you guys felt when you woke up as animals?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - Lokisaurus - 07-08-2018

Re: AGAIN // HUMAN AU - arcy - 07-08-2018

It was a strange thing, for Caboose to have adjusted so quickly to his new form. Unlike his teammates, see, the canine hadn't really minded the transformation. And Caboose was adaptable if nothing else, see, and had taken to the whole thing like a duck to water. So he was a dog, what did it matter? He could do most of the same things as he always did, and the only thing Caboose truly missed was having hands. They were useful. It was really hard to draw when he couldn't hold crayons. So, see, with all of the nice star people and Church being there, Caboose had no real inclination to try and figure out a solution. Hadn't really had any expectations to, either, since he was just going with the flow.
Which is why Caboose finds it just a little strange when he wakes up, and stuff is .. wrong. He doesn't get whats wrong though, cause he's just walking and it feels different. But .. it only occurs to him, later, when he finds himself with the other members of the Ascendants. With his helmet still on his head, tan and wearing a pretty simple, maybe kind of childish graphic tee and jeans, Caboose looks absolutely puzzled as to who all of these people were. Where'd they come from? Why were they here? And then they were talking about being human. The realization comes very, very slowly, and through a cycle of very wrong ideas. He'd think one thing but then something would be contradicted. Pretending? A game? At no point does he get it right, despite the fact people were saying it aloud. But .. then Caboose looks at his hands. And he blinks. His scarred hands. He rarely saw them even when he was human 'cause he always had his armor on but what were those little strange appendages? Fingers? Fingers .. Hands. Oh!! Oh!!! He doesn't quite get that he's fully human again, honestly. Instead, Caboose just throws up his hands and shrieks. "I have hands again!!" How exciting!!!! Caboose is grinning pretty widely as he waves his hands around carelessly. He doesn't appear to care for much more than his hands, honestly. "I am so excited!! I can color and pick things up and and and!!" .. Caboose doesn't bother re-introducing himself to the lot of everyone in the common room, just 'cause if doesn't occur to him and he's probably not fully there, anyways. Caboose is, at least, very recognizable with his helmet and voice and complete and utter lack of volume control. In any case .. It would appear realizing his situation to any extent kind of confused him from running on auto-pilot. Cause, in the next moment, Caboose takes a few steps forward and proceeds to slip on basically nothing at all. And then he's hurtling towards the ground and he's on the ground and it takes a very long few moments for Caboose to realize he's there and in pain. "Ow," He says. Then proceeds to just lay there and make no attempt to get up. It wouldn't appear Caboose was .. the best person to ask about being human, then. He probably barely knew how to be one even when he was one supposedly forever.